Aimless Wanderings
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fangirl, dreamer, reader
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sweetumms33 · 7 years ago
I love this!!!!💜💜
(This video seems to take over all Tumblr. Btw the Oscar goes to @voordeel-ts, the owner of this art 😍.)
|• Cr: @voordeel from Youtube •|
You should check the link right here ⬇⬇
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sweetumms33 · 7 years ago
This made me happy. Its nice to know that even in the worst of times, people still choose to make the right choices. 
Tumblr media
Chiune Sugihara. This man saved 6000 Jews. He was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania. When the Nazis began rounding up Jews, Sugihara risked his life to start issuing unlawful travel visas to Jews. He hand-wrote them 18 hrs a day. The day his consulate closed and he had to evacuate, witnesses claim he was STILL writing visas and throwing from the train as he pulled away. He saved 6000 lives. The world didn’t know what he’d done until Israel honored him in 1985, the year before he died.
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sweetumms33 · 7 years ago
A dip in the pool
I have no idea how tumblr works, and have been lurking for a bit. I was a hardcore LJ user, and posted fairly regularly (about a decade ago). Nonetheless, I’ve dived back into fandom in a real way in the last few months, mainly for a few specific ships. I started reading Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis, discovered Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes, and Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers. Which led me to the best of all best things, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes. To be fair, as a heterosexual female, I’ve never really read a lot of homosexual couples. But then, I realized that my ship and of all ships, that I always, always go back to, is Remus Lupin/Sirius Black. I love nothing like I love a rewrite to make everything a little bit better, #wolfstar style. I’m currently working on my own version of that.
But the MCU world is full of awesome, and fixing the glaring holes that the movies leave. I realize that some people feel like Darcy Lewis is sort of a Mary Sue, but most of the fics I read allow for a normal person’s viewpoint in all the madness. Plus her snarky silliness is quite lovable in the Thor movies. 
The best of the things I’ve found lately:
Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis
The Only John Wayne Left in this Town
Sad, sweet and a wonderful coming of age story. It’s less about the relationship and more about Clint finding himself, in the ridiculous life he’s created. The music in the story is great and the podfic is even better!
Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis
Here I am, and I stand -Inkbert
Heartbreaking, gorgeous and everything I want in a story. Angst with a happy ending. During my original dive into this fandom, I skipped this story, because of the lower word count and need to avoid the angst. Poor decision. I’ve read this, and its sequel probably a dozen times, and fall a little more in love with every read. There’s something so powerful in the writing and emotions. My favorite by far, and the rest of this author’s work is well worth the investment.
Queen of Wonderland - Queenspuppet
Great world-building, and expands on what the Avengers would be working with, post-Civil War, but in a totally unique direction. Great characterization, growth and so much hot lovin’ for this couple!
Home Alone: Lost in New York -Lara
Random, hilarious and so on-point. One of my favorite one-shots with a great kick of Christmas spirit.
If you were my love - LeTessitrice
I discovered “soul-mark” fits through #wintershock, and this has to be my favorite of the genre. It takes the notion of soul marks and plays with it in such an interesting way. Highly recommended. Definitely try this author’s other stories, all well written. (I especially love the hot/angsty/happy ending Never Have I ever!)
Pulling Me Under- Anogete
Funny, with witty repartee and some smokin’ hot scenes. I love all of Anogete’s stuff, but this in particular hits the recovered Barnes asshole that I know he could grow to be. All around fun! Plus the author seems like a lovely person, and was great about organizing updates (and damn organized, I’m that on top of anything, much less fandom)!
Steve Rogers/Darcy Lewis
The Reports of My Love Life have been Greatly Exaggerated- by Amerna
I loved the use of paparazzi, the logical movement forward of the story, and the real growth of both characters. Steve is an asshole, which is my favorite kind of Steve. Darcy is the fabulous sarcastic woman that fandom has made her to be, and a joy here. 
Bygone- Inkbert
The epic, lyrical, gorgeousness of this story cannot be undersold. I read this almost obsessively for a 24 hour period forsaking all else, and bawled my eyes out. I am literally in awe of inkbert for this insane gem of a story, and basically made it my head cannon. 
Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Ain’t No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down)- spitandvinegar
Hard to read, because its so painfully real. There’s heroin, PTSD, adorable foster children, epic levels of horribleness, and falling so hard in love with both Bucky and Steve that you literally get up and dance at the idea of their happy ending. I hate that MCU just decided to let Bucky work through his massive psychiatric issues privately while Steve helps clean up Tony’s idiocy, and we are left with a fairly well-adjusted man buying plums. Seriously though, all the warnings, this is not for the faint-hearted, or uncomfortable with the explicit. The payoff is more than worth it.
The Not-Christmas Not-Truce of 1944- dropdeaddream
This came from Tumblr and made its way to AO3, but it is a goddamn gem and needs cross posted everywhere. I laughed so hard I cried. I also need this made, in all of its glory. Because this, more than anything else, is definitely definitely head cannon. 
4 Minute Window- speranza
I loved all of her West Wing works, and when discovering this fandom was delighted to see her name. This fic is so angsty but so damn good. There’s something so redeeming in everything happens. Plus, the podfic’s are made good!
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sweetumms33 · 7 years ago
While I don’t mind that Snape had a redemption arc, I’m annoyed that the kids he abused are so happy to treat him like a hero!
if jk rowling wanted me to like snape she should’ve given him a better redemption arc than “i wanted to bang your mom”
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