Daughter is my current soundtrack. Everything from them is just so amazing. Their music is so atmospheric and fitting for the crap in my life right now. I’m so glad they have songs out and I hope it becomes available in physical format soon.
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I hate how much I struggle on days like today.
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If we lived forever, maybe we’d have time to understand things. But as it is, I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes, and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is. This journal was supposed to be for you, but now I hope you never see it. I just want to meet you and tell you all these stories myself, but I guess if you’re reading this now, things didn’t work out that way.
This is where your story begins.
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This game is one I want to see get more notice. It’s beautiful. Would you ever play it @therealjacksepticeye?
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The Town of Light made me uncomfortable. It was not an easy game. But the experience was definitely one I won’t forget. Be careful of triggers because this is full of them.
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Spider Loaf and Sam sleeping! From: @therealjacksepticeye instagram
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The Town of Light is still an experience I cannot forget. I hope to see more YouTubers play it, especially @therealjacksepticeye
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I did this very basic Sam Septiceye art. Not great or anything but it was fun and great to clear my head from negativity.
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You know what I would love a game to have? POC, LGBT leads and non-hetero relationships without hetero options. I would like those to be the main couples inside of side couples or optional couples.
I would like them in action and fantasy games. I would love a couple like that in a game like Resident Evil. It doesn’t have to be the main theme, but have it be part of the game.
I hope if TLOU2 gives us a new love interest for Ellie, that she will be developed and play an actual role in the game in some way. She doesn’t need another Riley, but if we have another WOC, that would be amazing!
I think this is one of the reasons I loved Night in the Woods. They had some diverse characters who felt like they could be real, even though they were talking animals. They had different personalities. They were recognizable. I loved Greggory and Angus. They were relationship goals. They were adorable. And they had actual screen time. Both together and apart. It was so nice to learn about their relationship and know from the beginning that they were a couple. It wasn’t just added at the very end, when the game was over.
And then we have Mae. A bi female lead! She dated a guy, but made it clear she liked guys and girls.
I’m rabmling now, but these are just some thoughts I wanted to get out.
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@therealjacksepticeye I want to add another recommedation for you to play The Town of Light. You always make it easier for me to experience these games, becasue sometimes I just can’t play them and I know you get something out of playing them. This is a little different and a little longer than some of the games that deal with this issues you have played in the past. It has triggers and can be distrubing at times. But the art style is wonderful and my friends and I admire how they handled the topic of mental illness and the assylum. It showed the parts people like to overlook and the story had some twists and turns that kept us engaged.
I totally understand if you decide the game is not for you, but just want to help get it on your radar.
Also, I really admire you and I always find you help brighten my darker days, so thank you for being you and for sharing yourself with us. There are days I don’t even watch your videos, but I put them on and listen so I can focus on something positive and happy.
You really are amazing.
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I watched Jacksepticeye play Night in the Woods recently and think that will be the next game I buy, maybe. I enjoyed watching him play and would love the chance to go through the game myself. Maybe I’ll just rewatch him play. Or both. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
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Playing Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider this week. Love those games. They’re so fun to play and I’m actually pretty okay at them because I’ve played them a lot. 
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I hope one day I feel comfortable talking to my friends about my HS. I’m sure I would have some support, but I can’t bring myself to do it yet.
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This game was triggering, but yes, it’s worth a play. I had to take my time but I got through it.
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@therealjacksepticeye would love to see you play this game on the channel. Seems like the type of game you would play. ❤
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Some days are okay. I mean, my HS isn’t bad every single day. But there are days where I don’t have a flare and I still feel down and struggle to cope. Today is one of those days and it sucks. I mean, I want to pretend I’m fine and most people would never know I struggle. But I do.
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