“Yes we do.”
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“Can I just have some lemonade?”
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Pumpernickel gives a thumbs up.
No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
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“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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His brows furrowed for a moment. He was going to speak again before Pumpernickel pops in.
“Dinner is finished. Uh soda, juice, milk, or water?”
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“Pops… who drinks milk with dinner?”
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
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“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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“Oh- that’s-“
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“Wait they try to what??? Are you ok???”
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
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“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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“Uh he’s a retired show runner. Magic being but he still owns a theater so we get paid for allowing people to perform there. Dad on the other hand is a current pop star. So he gets a bunch of cash.”
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“A-A castle? Huh-“
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
Tumblr media
“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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“Oh Pops’s dad. Grandpa Gabriel. He’s really nice.”
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
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“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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“Wait you what-“
He’s uh- taking a poor shot at trying to move away from his alt. That’s… not reassuring.
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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“Ah no I get that. Frankly I kinda am the same.”
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
Tumblr media
“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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“….. what the f-“
He’s losing it. A TGG that’s ran by an Alt him. Wonderful. He should’ve stayed at home in his insulated room. Whitty knew best.
“I’m just… not even gonna question it.”
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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“Ah. Hopefully. It’s not good parenting for a child to wander on their own. How old are you anyway?”
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
Tumblr media
“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
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Lila? Ram??? Wasn’t there a Ram skull kid?? Like Tabi or something? Eh. He didn’t know.
“Murder buddy? Cool Tgg???”
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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“Pffft. Anyway. What brings you here? Pops is more welcoming to strangers n Dad’s not home… Gramps should be here before 10-“
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No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
Tumblr media
“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
Tumblr media
19 notes · View notes
No problem! By the way,mr.pumpernickel,when will dinner be ready?
He peeks out the kitchen.
“15 minutes.”
Tumblr media
“Ah. Yeah pops tends to get food ready rather quickly. Pros of being magic.”
Tumblr media
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“I don’t know her first name but uh. Purple hair, roughly 5’7. Has very pale skin, often hair is in a ponytail…”
He pauses for a moment.
“She’s.. relentless really.”
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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Hey you might even forgotten to respond, It's ok if you lost interest tho I do that sometimes too ^^'
Yeah I get a tendency to drop threads :’) ‘m really sorry a-
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What if- he doesn’t want to ease into it? Whitty always told himhe could be better. Sunday did as well… he could be better… right? But being free w a s better. Her gone would be better.
“I guess I could give it a shot…” just Ms.Kroff. Just her.
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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These two are some spectrum. Sparks’s monitor produces a look of.. well unsureness. Killing unintentionally was not fun. Maybe… maybe intentional kills would be better… starting with Kroff they supposed.
“Mm. I guess. I dunno. Then again unintentionally doing it isn’t really fun-“
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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But. He didn’t want to hurt others because they just would… hurt him 10 times worse.
Their monitor blanks out with processing the idea… his Whitty always told him to be the person spark wanted to be. Was.. killing really what he wanted? Maybe just to get rid of h e r. But.
“… I mean. I guess.”
( @swappin-saturday-nights )
Sparks looks around, his monitor glowing softly as he exits the alleyway. Ok. Ok this is good. He’s a good bit away from TGG and-
Whitty walked out, Hex in his hand.
“Ah, isn’t it a wonderful day out, darling?” Hex said, leaning to Whitty.
“Hehe, yes it... Is...?” He looked at the robot in front of them. “Uh- hi?”
“You look cool.”
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