svereties · 2 years
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relationship mood board for @dark-eyed-elegance ;;(college au)
“You’ve murdered people. Are you conscious of that? Are you aware?”
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svereties · 2 years
let the ancients speak (but only if they’re sexy)
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svereties · 3 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤind. ✹ 18+ ✹ semi-sel. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤoriginal character ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤfrom ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✹ THE VAMPIRE CHRONICLES ✹ 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤʷʳᶦᵗᵗᵉⁿ ᵇʸ ᵖᵉʳˢᶦᶜᵃ .
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svereties · 3 years
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mitski, washing machine heart (2018) / louis bourgeois, mirror for red room (1993)
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svereties · 3 years
This blog is accepting development anons!
Bug my character about their past! Ask them about the things you wonder about! Give them scenarios to get their brain going! Today is all about bringing out the growth hiding within my character.
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svereties · 3 years
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Marilyn Burns in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Tobe Hooper, 1974)
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svereties · 3 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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svereties · 3 years
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I know most people love the witch king moment but for me the scenes that live in my mind rent free are when Eowyn’s drowning in her bitterness over the suffocating experience of being a woman [redraw] 
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svereties · 3 years
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Vanessa Axente — born in 1995 — Hungary
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svereties · 4 years
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Remembering Veronica Lake on her birthday (November 14, 1922 – July 7, 1973). She had a short but intense period of stardom (1941-46) before her career foundered on her alcoholism and difficult personality issues in the late 1940′s.
“Do you know, if I could go out on the street, go to places and not be pawed and pushed, not cornered by frenzied autograph hunters; if I could go about just once like an ordinary girl and be treated like one, why – well, it would be heaven.”
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svereties · 4 years
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Sina Queyras, from MxT
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svereties · 4 years
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Venus in Furs (Jesús Franco, 1969)
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svereties · 4 years
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Tangier Days Vanessa Axente by Vincent van de Wijngaard
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svereties · 4 years
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Backstage at Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda s/s 2013 for Vogue Russia, April 2013
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svereties · 4 years
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Jeanette Winterson
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svereties · 4 years
the chronicles of prydain taken from the 1964 - 1968 lloyd alexander book series.
i can understand coming out of the rain, but i don’t see deliberately going into it.
true, you have seen these things. but there are equal parts of love and joy. 
we appreciate your sentiments, but with that leg of yours, you’re hardly up to slashing or gashing or anything at all.
it’s lucky you went unconscious. you missed the worst of it.
if you want to be something with a name attached to it, i can’t think of anything closer to hand.
chew these. they will ease your pain.
let me look at you. you have grown since last we met.
hurry along. it’s starting to snow.
i hate crying; it makes my nose feel like a melted icicle.
it’s a gorgeous day – taking everything into consideration.
roots and rain water have been my meat and drink.
is it broken? 
don’t pout that way, my child, you’ll give yourself a blister.
you had better sleep. i’ll finish the watch for you.
fetch medicines, the healing herbs from my saddlebags –
drink. your strength will return in a moment.
i don’t think you know much about fighting if you let yourself get knocked about and cut up so badly.
a fever is working in you. 
dig, friends! dig for your lives! 
count the deed, not the thought.
i’m sorry about your poor tender head, and that a friend should be wounded for my sake.
we are companions and protect one another against dangers. 
besides, your friendship is gift enough for me.
memory lives longer than what it remembers.
someone cooks tasty crunchings and munchings!
you’ll be all right, i promise you. good as new in a little while. 
once you have courage to look upon evil, seeing it for what it is and naming it by its true name, it is powerless against you, and you can destroy it.
it is a thing of evil, and has brought nothing but evil.
you should be ashamed of yourself. it’s like looking the other way when someone’s about to walk into a hole. 
what’s happened to you? you look like half of yourself. 
follow the way, my friend.
move away! get off the stone!
no merry meeting, and no long one.
we don’t even know where we are, let alone why. it’s worse than rolling downhill in the dark.
idiot! numbskull!
you’re splitting hairs. lost is lost.
do you have the eyes of an owl, to find a trail at nightfall?
that’s very nice, but i can’t imagine why knowledge, truth, and love should be so much of a secret.
you’ve saved my life. another moment and i’d have been beaten into a pudding.
if i fret over tomorrow, i’ll have little joy today.
do? what else but start anew? 
i was hoping you’d wake up soon. you can’t imagine how boring it is to sit and watch somebody sleep. it’s like counting stones in a wall.  
well, that’s the price for being open-hearted and generous. so be it.
i’m in no mood to do battle. i’m going to sleep.
what use am i? to myself, to anyone? 
this, too, is a treasure.
it was a sad tune. but the odd thing about it is, you don’t mind the sadness. it’s like feeling better after you’ve had a good cry.
now, that’s a blade worth bearing. 
what clashings and smashings!
no beast, no bird will roam or fly with the joy of a free heart.
keep a bold heart. your courage will be tested enough.
but i won’t wear it a moment longer. it’s rubbed a blister and it makes my head ache.
i don’t know what you’re complaining about. i’ve never been so comfortable in all my life.
it’s nothing, nothing at all. a few little comforts to ease the journey.
rest now. later, we shall speak of happier things.
that is the silliest thing i’ve heard this morning.
and you’d better stay perfectly still for a while.
as the wind blows, so do we follow it. 
it’s my long experience that people can be very odd about their belongings.
but mind you, if life is a loom, the pattern you weave is not so easily unraveled.
that’s the worst of having your dream broken into. you can never find it again.
every living thing deserves our respect, be it humble or proud, ugly or beautiful.  
your wounds are still fresh. you cannot make such a journey.
i’ve never met a person who could talk about such dreadful things and smile at the same time. it’s like ants walking up and down your back. 
and you, a little worse for wear. ___ has mentioned how you came by those bruises.
you’re mistaken if you think i’m going to go marching through the woods in the middle of the night.
do you want to leave? go, by all means. the sooner the better!
i dreamed we were all caught in a terrible storm. it wasn’t pleasant at all. or am i still dreaming?
after the way you jumped on me, you deserve to have your head smacked. 
i’m leaving that uncomfortable crown behind.
will you heal your hurt? then follow me.
you are the oaken staff i lean on. more than that. you are the whole sturdy tree, and a true warrior.
it’s silly to worry because you can’t do something you simply can’t do. that’s worse than trying to make yourself taller by standing on your head.
my shame is as deep as my sorrow.
it would do you good. you look as jumpy as a frog with fleas!
a lucky wind it was that brought you to us.
you pale grub! you lightless lightning bug!
it still gives me bad dreams, even when i’m not asleep.
give me a moment to catch my breath, for i lost it somewhere along the way. 
my quest has brought only grief to all of you. 
you look like a fish that’s climbed into a bird’s nest by mistake.
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svereties · 4 years
“As Miss Branigan once said, ‘If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody calling?’. Relatively potent food-for-thought one should always hold close to heart, I think! Especially obnoxiously loud blondes.”
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