Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon! ind. stardust dragon of yu-gi-oh! 5D's.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
real talk: i’m going to be moving stardust over to my multi. this blog will be kept up in case stardust’s muse ever gets loud enough again but right now, the muse isn’t at the point where he warrants his own blog. i still love stardust dearly, but his voice just isn’t loud enough and i keep neglecting him over here.
stardust dragon can now be found @fondword!
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‘ and i could say the same about you and black rose. ’ her expression was as stoic as always but there was a slight hint of a smirk. it was amusing to watch stardust attempt to bring her emotions to light when it was feeling the same way towards the brightest flower in the garden ; perhaps this was stardust’s way of self projecting, she’ll never know, but she will use this opportunity to turn the subject away from her and onto itself instead of dwelling on her own self - doubt. ‘ you are clearly in love with her and you don’t do a very good job at hiding it. it’s clear that the feeling is mutual and yet here you stand, lecturing me about how i feel when you should be out there chasing the girl of your dreams ! ’
A universal heart stuttered, shook, ceased! Stardust had thought itself to be careful with its affections, secretive enough that only it knew the truth of love and the rose it bore it unto. Panic seized the calmest beast, hidden beneath a blank mien; could Black Rose Dragon know if Blue-Eyes knew from a single look? Surely not, lest she would have spoken up, chastised or pushed the stars away for sighing so fondly over a thorned and blackened garden.
Startled though the dragon was, eyes wide and bright with the flash of shock, such emotion was pushed away in favour of the truth’s pickaxe. How long had Blue been a solitary soul, torn and fragmented? Stardust would not see her trammel up into her own anguish, avoid the love Blackfeather was so prepared to give, all for the sake of the text upon her cards.
Lightning could be an engine of destruction, but none said aught of the stars, who could burn planets and extinguish universes at a moment’s notice. If Blue was the devil, let Stardust be the Grigori, for both were swords in the wrong duelist’s hands.
“Black Rose and I are--” Complicated. Endlessly pitted against one another while Yusei yearns to make Aki see and Aki pushes all away. “--friends. She is wilful enough that any who chase her would be turned away, beaten and bruised. I would not chase her so terribly where her companionship in these wars suffices.” A look of the older brother came upon the dragon, that fond knowledge of one who could see into a sibling’s heart and name her woes a light in the universe’s eyes as it stepped forward, took Blue-Eyes’ hands in it’s own. “I know you are deflecting, Blue. What is it you’re so afraid of?”
#aoimoku#take flight! ( in character. )#( au. ) they are like that astral way.#[ you are both as sacrificing as each other stop it let yourselves be happy ]#[ this hurts the dragon ]
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“You didn’t say what it was...but I’ve found that answer! The soul of a duelist who believes in all of their cards! It’s that very soul that called Stardust back to me. No matter what card or monster was destroyed or released, they all had their meaning! They were all leading up to this moment! Take a good look, Jack! This is the way Stardust should be!”
independent and private Stardust Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s as understood by Keira
#ygo rp#yugioh rp#yugioh 5ds rp#fantasy rp#anime rp#clustering wishes will become a new shining star! ( promotion. )
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there’s the slight raise of a brow , inquirey ‘pon the change of tone . he’d been too quick to jump to conclusions , taken offence when there was none —- something he seems to make a habit out of . he raises a single gloved hand , fingertips rub gently against the skin on the back of his neck , and a breath escapes dried lips .
’ someone’s gotta do it , and i can’t stand sitting on the sidelines – ’ he’s not sure if he would term it BRAVERY though . no , that would require him to fear the consequences , and no storm worries about when they will fade , nor about the damage they leave in their path . THEY JUST PUSH FORWARD . ‘ i’m just doing my part . ‘
Quick as Crow had been to judge, it was equally the fault of Stardust for not clarifying. Too easily was it forgotten that not all were Yusei, so slow to rouse to anger and so knowledgeable in the dragon’s ways. Crow was fire where Yusei was water, swift and ever burning with a passion seen in so few beyond the heat of a good duel. Crow was the sword of the Satellite where Yusei was the shield; each working to defend and develop the lives of those gripped by misfortune, but only one taking mark after mark to generate some quality of life for those under his wings.
Had he a dragon of his own, Stardust was sure they would have been proud.
“You do your part above and beyond what one individual would think to do.” The dragon spoke kindly. The stars looked fondly upon a summer storm, for what else would cleanse the earth and bring change where sticking mud and steel had rooted in their prejudiced ways? “You speak too humbly of yourself, just as Yusei does. Perhaps you both should take some pride from Jack and Red Demon’s, before both their heads encompass these worlds with their egos.” And how the dragon did laugh at the thought.
#corvns#take flight! ( in character. )#( v. ) what links are ours with orbs that are so resolutely far.#[ stardust please stop making dad jokes that's the crimson dragon's job ]
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@sutadasto started following you!
“What…what was that light?” The hand signer whispers to herself; slowly lowering the hand she used to cover her eyes when a giant white flash of light appeared. She had been summoned to the realm of Duel Spirits by her own dragon, and was told she was going to meet someone very important. Ruka however wasn’t imagining meeting this monster right after she just arrived, and in the middle of a flower field no less; hence why the blinding light coming from the guest’s arrival startled her.
She then slowly looked up after her sight was normal again; her hazel eyes gazing upon a familiar, beautiful looking dragon who was floating above her. “You…You are Yusei’s dragon! You’re Stardust Dragon! Are you the one Ancient Fairy Dragon said I should meet? Is there something wrong? Is Yusei in trouble?!”
Old though Stardust Dragon was, brought into being with the first breath of the star’s light, it was not deaf to the words of others. Each spirit had their wisdom to share, their experience to bring to light; what place was it of any to deny another the right to a voice, to one to listen? Spirits great and small came to the star-king with all manner of grievances, from the small and minute to great tasks needing time and herculean effort, and the beast heard all. When Ancient Fairy Dragon had come to it in a spirit’s light, bruised and weary with rusted chains upon her person, Stardust had come all too readily to her aid. Though it had attempted to preserve her still, the tug of Victim Sanctuary tugging along fibrous tissue and star-lit bone, the dragon queen had shook her head and set it forth upon a quest; the care of Ruka, youngest and most timid of the Signers.
Bolting forth in a beam of light, all stardust and universal shine, the dragon had found the young Signer readily, her scent a strange and trackable one in a world of creatures known to the ancient one. She seemed so small, so in need of protection screamed that parental side to the beast, that voice born when Blue-Eyes had needed care and it had been the only one to provide. With her guardian dragon gone, she would require all the aid and care all could give, and Stardust was beyond willing to provide.
Bringing itself low with rhythmic beats of great white wings, Stardust hummed a gentle croon, a low and kindly sound where golems would roar and the undead gnash their rotting teeth. The wind whistled about its form, as playful as a newborn Acorno to it but no doubt a vicious blade to the flesh of the girl. Great limbs folded low as the dragon craned it’s neck, the softer edge of its snout nudged in fondest greeting to the little warrior. “Worry not, little one. Yusei is safe and well--” As well as he could be without his guardian too, but Jack and Red Demon’s were cruel and fickle beings. Soon Stardust would reunite with it’s master true, and none would come between them again.
“It is you I am here for, Ruka.” The Professor had been a cruel and unusual foe, hypnotising a young girl into a world of subverted terror and despair. Stardust had railed desperately against the bounds of the usurper’s deck, fighting to defend only a child from the claws of adult fury, but Red Demon’s had forced it to it’s card, grappling and brawling with the star-king until the duel was done.
The bruises still lingered beneath too-white scales, the mark of claws yet evident on the edge of it’s snout.
Consolation crumpled at Stardust’s scales, gold eyes lit with care and sorrow; it’s head drew close to Ruka once more, body poised in the way of a parent defending their cubs about the fledgling babe. “You suffered greatly at that monster’s hands. I came to see if you were alright.”
Speaking With The Sparkling Dragon
#ancientfairyguardian#take flight! ( in character. )#( v. ) not from the stars do i my judgement pluck.#[ sets this during the fortune cup bc i never get to use this verse ]#[ sorry for the delay! ]
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The first thought that pops into her head is that this has to be the weirdest thing to date she has come face to face with. The second is: Why me? Sure, Anzu has seen a lot and been through more than any normal teenage girl should probably ever have to deal with, but this is getting a little ridiculous. Just when she thinks she might have a day that doesn’t involve magick or card games—- this happens.
Yuugi deals with this sort of thing all the time, she’s sure. He holds the Millennium Puzzle and shares headpsace with the Pharaoh, so she’s ( sort of ) gotten used to all the shenanigans they get pulled into because of it. But that’s just it. She isn’t Yuugi. Anzu is just… Anzu; neither a duellist nor in possession of an ancient magical item. Normal girls her age should be spending their weekend at the mall. Or the movies. Not… not having a conversation with a Duel Monster… spirit… thing.
❝—–I don’t… I don’t understand…❞
@sutadasto | ♡
Mayhaps Stardust Dragon had erred in judgement. Those who travelled with the soul of the Pharaoh, and he who had pieced the king together once more, had been said to be fantastical beings; humans beyond any life ever encountered. Blue had spoken fondly of her master -- not without hurt, not without damage: Stardust’s soul still seethed at the thought of his sister torn, a part of her soul eradicated for the sense of boyhood pride -- and those Stardust had known seemed to like their wielders well enough.
Mayhaps it had been curiosity to draw it near. Mayhaps there still lived a semblance of the hatchling in the great star-beast; a child with soft teeth and a voice like light who found wonder in all. Mayhaps it had been happenstance, some chance orchestrated by Quetzalcoatl, that two lights should cross, and Stardust would ever serve the crimson deity and their peculiar whims.
“You needn’t be afraid.” The dragon spoke kindly, hovering in the air with only the slightest beat of great white wings. There seemed a smile laid into the spirit’s voice, though none upon it’s mien. “Rest assured I am quite tame. I am not here for your soul or any other such paraphernalia the villains of this world seek for control.” A chuff of well-meaning laughter rattled down Stardust’s hooked nose, chiming like the peals of stars. “I find I would have very little to do with a human soul. Nay, I do not come for malice, but for care. My sibling has spoken much of you and the humans who follow the Pharaoh. I thought only to see how this world has changed since I was here last, and ascertain all is well.” Something akin to a frown worked across the white beast’s scales, rippling questions into golden eyes and concerns into the eternal shed of stardust from bright wide wings. “I can assume another form, if this one intimidates you?”
#apricotheart#take flight! ( in character. )#( v. ) all things that subsist and be have their commissions from divinity.#[ this is atrociously late and i have no excuse: i am sorry ]
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.: Reblog if: You are a Yu-Gi-Oh Ask or RP Blog
We are compiling a Masterlist in hopes to helping you find new and potential partners in the fandom! This includes any YGO Series, Spinoffs, OC.FC, Multimuse, etc.
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sliiiides in sutadasto if that's okay?
meme. Send me a url and I’ll answer the following;;
@sutadasto !!
Opinion on;
Character in general : Stardust Dragon literally feeds my fav color aesthetic needs ( its white ). This monster card is absolutely GORGEOUS and got such awesome effects to boot !! In Bonds Beyond Time, I loved how Yusei knew how Stardust felt in that it would rather be destroyed than to be used by another. Then, Atem united both dragon and owner back together !! Just – look at the art design that went into this bamf. DAYUM !!How they play them : This is the stardust dragon – this portrayal is canon in my heart. They have never led me astray and certainly bring ALL onto the table. Their writing is on a whole other level, and it’s fitting for a dragon as mysterious and powerful as this one. I look forward to seeing more from this blog because they made me fall in love. I was so happy seeing them write with a yusei, too !!The Mun : This mun is really cool !! I don’t know them well, but when they are on and replying, I feel like they put so much care and devotion into their writing and it’s stunning. To me, I think that makes them friendly and I’ll always stay by those kinds of cool kids !!
Do I:
RP with them : Yes !! I plan on replying to our thing bc it’s Good Shit. Want to RP with them : HECK YEAH !! Is Yusei too busy ?? Come hang out with Atem and let him admire your card and power B)
What is my;
Overall Opinion : I feel like we’re on the same wavelength of slowness, and that means – quality over quantity !! Seriously, though, THEIR STARDUST DRAGON IS A MUST FOLLOW !! This is a blog dedicated to a single, badass monster card and you will swoon with every reply this gorgeous blog makes. A gr8 card transformed into a gr8 blog.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
#this is how stardust dragon is supposed to be! ( save. )#[ weeps at your feet you're too kind to me and shiny dragon dad ]#[ thank you so much for all these kinds words! ]
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& in this endless night / in despair / he can see the dawn
#to bear a weight that cannot be borne. ( faceclaim. )#[ parallels between the signer dragons and godhood/royalty is my absolute Jam ]
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if you don’t think stardust would have a scene exactly like this if it ever had to sacrifice itself, you need to think again
#standby phase. ( out. )#bright star would i as steadfast as thou art. ( headcanon. )#[ that's it it's going in the tag ]#[ when will this scene not emotionally devastate me inside ]#[ @ the other dragons @ yusei @ aki @ rua and ruka @ crow even @ jack ]#[ thought friends is a bit of a stretch for jack; stardust still gets grumpy about the 2 year imprisonment deal ]
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when there’s an active yusei on the scene and stardust praises the crimson dragon for this blog
#ghettoburned#standby phase. ( out. )#[ happy stardust noises tbh!!!! ]#[ fantastic writing and headcanons too a+++ !!! ]
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on this, my 1st year anniversary of stardust, i gift you all with a tag drop legitimately though, thank you for sticking around through my unexpected hiatuses. lets hope for another year!
#in deepest silence of night the stars smile and whisper among themselves: 'vain is this seeking! unbroken perfection is over all!' (aes. )#to bear a weight that cannot be borne. ( faceclaim. )#as if with keenness for our fate. ( signer dragons. )#gather the stars if you wish it so. ( wishlist. )#bend low again; night of summer stars. ( life stream dragon. )#and longing for thy bright and vital fire. ( the crimson dragon. )#to us of who would life obtain. ( ancient fairy dragon. )#dreaming on a dream. ( power tool dragon. )#their remembrancer in heaven; of thrilling vows thou art. ( rua and ruka. )#become the wings that soar from resolved hope. ( blackfeather dragon. )#thought followed thought; star followed star. ( blue eyes white dragon. )#smile! smile on our loves; and when thou drawest the blue curtains; scatter thy silver dew. ( bluedustshipping. )
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As people will no doubt be aware of by now, i’ve been dealing with an emotionally abusive living situation involving my parent for over a year now. as of a few hours ago, that parent has completely cut me off financially and familially. while i’m relieved at the weight off my shoulders this estrangement brings, i’m now in even more of a precarious financial situation.
i’m a student at university, and while i do receive student finance, it does not even cover my rent (thanks George Osbourne). Currently I need to make an extra £30 a month to cover the deficit, and while my rent for next year’s home will be cheaper, I will still need to make around the same over the summer and on. With this estrangement, I also have two new expenses: my phone bill and my medication bill. The two together currently stand at around £50 a month, though I am hoping to get this reduced with edits to the contract. I am currently financially dependent on my father and grandmother, but with this estrangement I don’t know if my grandmother will continue supporting me. If she does not, I will be living on less than £15 a week. My father lives in another country and has his own house to maintain and my sister to keep – he cannot financially sustain me by himself. I’ve been applying for jobs, but everywhere wants experience with nowhere wanting to give it, so I am reopening commissions to help me afford food and my medication.
I will do icons in bulk packages of 50, up to any number you desire. I can take my own screencaps where needed, but there will be an additional charge as necessary. The prices stand at:
50 icons - £5
100 icons - £10
150 icons - £15
200 icons - £20 and so on
Contact me here ( fondword ) or through skype ( just-anotherstolenrelic ) for commission information or requests. If, for a reason beyond me, you are kind-hearted enough to want to donate directly to me, my Paypal is [email protected] .
Thank you all so much. Keira.
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Stardust was fully prepared to die for the Crimson Dragon’s cause during both Nazca Wars. Although it’s ‘deaths’ caused by Victim Sanctuary are temporary, it was prepared to lay down it’s life entirely in vanquishing the wicked gods and Red Nova, willing to go to a true death if it meant life would be preserved.
When it said good luck and farewell to the other dragons before each battle, it did so in a way that would be final and comforting if it died at their enemy’s hands.
#bright star would i as steadfast as thou art. ( headcanon. )#[ if you don't think stardust would have had a 'walk tall my friends' moment with the other dragons you are mistaken ]#[ considering stardust's effect is literally built on sacrificing itself for others i should not be surprised with its self sacrificing ]#[ AND YET ]#[ this is why older noctis is a perfect stardust fc hands down ]
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Rather than posting individual starter calls, I’ve elected to compress them all into one permanent call people can like and unlike at their pleasure. Each like will basically qualify as a new starter within reason, even if you’ve already liked it before. So long as you don’t spam liking and unliking constantly, you’ll get a starter from this call at one point or another.
All verses are open to this call, and ims are open in case you have a particular request or plot idea you’d like to play with!
#standby phase. ( out. )#speed world set on! ( starter call. )#[ i won't be on to finish drafts until later tonight but i figured i might as well throw this out now ]#[ i want to explore stardust more ayyy ]
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To begin perfect happiness at the respective ages of 26 and 18 is to do pretty well.
#a shooting star beyond the daystar; keeping at the horizon. ( blackdustshipping. )#[ give me a black rose dragon or give me death ]
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“You think me blind, imouto?” Both ancient spirits; she the older card and it the older soul, yet there seemed a playful edge to the dragon’s words. Wise and knowing were but mantles Stardust had learned to inherit, to bear alongside Red Demon’s and his brute strength and Ancient Fairy Dragon’s kindly soul. Blue had known it before all, still young of eye and short of wing, a fledgling dragon spat out from the maw of creation. They were family beyond family. Blood beyond blood.
And still she thought to dupe one known to be wise.
A kindly smile flicked up at the edge of Stardust’s lips, warm and shot through with brotherly affection. “I see your eye on them, and theirs on you. It would take a spirit as bullheaded as Red Demon’s not to see the beating of your heart.”
#aoimoku#take flight! ( in character. )#( au. ) they are like that astral way.#[ when ur baby sister has a crush and u know it ]
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