survivalsupplyzone · 4 years
Beekeeping for Beginners and What You Need to Get Started.
Beekeeping or beekeeping is a scientific concern as a subject of study. The behavior is necessary for honey bees (Apis mellifera) to get bee products, and to pollinate agronomic crops.
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Following a biological peculiarity for the care of the position. Honey bees are different from other changes in engineering and human exploitation.   
Due to the way of life, it is one of the most famous social insects, because it evolves according to the natural care norms characterizing them.   
Keeping Bees For Beginners - Maintenance of Bee Families
It gets created in families formed after a large number of care individuals through the the way an organization can maintain the nest's unity.   
But, the most important characteristic of bees is the ability to accumulate a supply of food over the family's consumption needs.   
The care of bee families imposes measures and technologies that are inscribed on new coordinates.   
Important determined by the need to ensure the human condition of the conditions on which not long ago they provided nature for the development of bee families.   
Development of bee families   
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Thus, as the natural harvesting resources become reduced, as a result of the clearing of forests and meadows. For the development of the land needed for agriculture and so the decrease of bee production. 
It became more and more necessary that the human intervention care more for the bees and the realization of healthy families.   
To survive the new harvesting conditions and to get an increase in bee productions.   https://blog.survivalsupplyzone.com/homesteading/get-started-in-beekeeping/
Location of the bee families   
The location of the bee families on beehive glasses located near some massifs with honey plants.   With abundant nectar secretion, which can form the beginning of spring, we can ensure to a great extent the obtention of honey crops and maintaining a favorable biological balance.  
The Bee life.   
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At present, through unique technologies, the beekeeper can prepare the bee families for harnessing the spring crops. Keeping them inactive state during the summer, raising young bees.   And ensuring the supply of quality food in the autumn season for a good organization of wintering bees.   
All these are particularly, essential stages in the care of families to meet the conditions necessary for the preparation of the bees to make the best use of the honey resources from the spontaneous and cultivated flora.   
Different systems of hives   
Also, the shelter and maintenance of bee families in different systems of hives with adjustable volume.   
This allows development during the year of active biological units with enough spaces for storing.   
The accumulated nectar collections are an essential factor for obtaining the necessary large honey production for the bees and beekeepers.  
Maintenance of bee families   
The differentiated maintenance of the bee families according to the conditions offered by the bio-beekeeping areas of our country also has a particular importance in the beekeeping economy.   
Each type of harvest have a specific method for the maintenance of the bees that differ from hives located in different area compared to the colonies situated in the hilly or mountain area.  
Honey plants   
To increase bee production in areas where the development of bee families does not correlate with the flowering of honey plants.   
This ensures the achievement of the main nectar crops in the area, an essential role in correcting this situation made by all the bee maintenance procedures meant to ensure the development of families.  
 According to the evolution of honey, resources to capitalize on the best conditions of nectar harvesting in the area.   
The knowledge of the evolution over the millennia and the correct application in the production of the technologies of breeding and maintenance of the bee families represents, in our times, one of the main factors that can ensure their development to valorize the collections and the realization of bee products according to the existing honey resources.   And the productive potential of native bees.   
Since ancient times, bees have played an essential role in the evolution of life on earth.  
From the distant geological ages, the appearance of bees - within complex and complicated evolutionary processes - meant the acquisition of that role that they play today, by pollinating agents of the plants that covered the regional and continental ecosystems.   
The vast spread that bees currently know denotes an increased ability to adapt these insects to the most varied conditions of relief, climate and vegetation between bees and plants have created an indissoluble connection that the French scientist GASTON BONNIER has systematized thus: "Bees need flowers to live, and flowers need bees to bear fruit."   
This statement causes the bee, in the tradition as in modern history, to have sharpness among the useful insects.  
Presents of these honey collectors   
A retrospective look at the history of mankind shows that man has pointed to bee since ancient times when he was a honey beekeeper and was not growing bees near his shelter.   
Presents of these honey collectors are still encountered today in less evolved human societies, for example, in areas of Asia or Africa.   It is worth noting that in the history of animal husbandry, bees are one of the first living beings that man has approached to get the expensive products, honey, and wax.   
That is why it is not at all wrong to say that the history of mankind is interwoven with the history of beekeeping. Enough historical, archaeological, linguistic, ethnographic and folkloric data attest to such introspection over the millennia to the present day.  
 Even though, compared to other species, the bee - due to its biological peculiarities - has a powerful conservative meaning that human intervention in life and its activity can only happen according to the instincts of the species - consolidated - yet we can notice the interest and concern of man to know and exploit this insect bug.   
Usually, in the domestic animals, the three main elements defining the "total artificialization" for productive purposes of the growth of these species are shelter, food, and propagation.     
Artificial feeding of honey bees   
About the food, the bee manifests a staunch conservatism, prefacing the nectar and pollen of the flowers as carbohydrate food, as a protein food.   Thus, directed artificial feeding includes only very few preparations based on industrial sugar as such or inverted.  
 As for artificial protein nutrition, the use of pollen substitutes has not been widespread, although it has been proven that soybean meal, inactivated yeast, and skimmed milk powder can offset the pollen deficiency in nature.   
About the multiplication of bees, this is done by natural means artificialization occurring only in the case of artificial germination and artificial sowing (so controlled) of the nuns, and although it is a well-developed method, it is not used in extensive practice having more importance in scientific research work.   
Summarizing the role and importance of bees in the economy and people's lives, we must specify that beekeeping is, first, an essential branch of agriculture that has an interest both and for the direct products obtained from their growth, as well as.   
As a result of the pollination of the entomophilous plants, after which the food reserves for the existence of bees, birds, and mammals, as well as of the seeds with a vital role in the perpetuation and survival of the plants, are realized.  
Bee and the bee family    
The bee is an insect, invertebrate animal characterized by the body of three main parts - head, chest, and abdomen, in turn, composed of several segments covered with a secure - chitinous shell, with the presence of six articulated legs and membranous wings.  
Order Hymenoptera Characteristics   
The bee is part of one of the most advanced groups of insects - the Order Hymenoptera (it has two pairs of membranous wings), the family Apidae, the genus Apis, the mellifera species we care for in our country.   
In this order the social life and the organization of the individuals in the family appear, equal by functionality with an organism, which entails the division of labor, the joint care of the descendants, the gathering and the collective processing of the food, the concentration of the reproductive power of the organism in a single one females - mask and some males - transients and the common regulation of the heat of the social body.   
The consequence of this social life    
The appearance of the large population of individuals with maintenance functions - the workers, the accumulation of food reserves, everything with remarkable adaptations and developments in the morphology of the digestive, respiratory, muscular, nervous, reproductive, excretory, exceptional performances of the organs sense, of the enzymatic and hormonal system, all which result in spectacular behavioral aspects.   
Given these refinements, the honey bee family is considered in the zoology as a "superorganism" - in which the functions of nutrition, respiration, defense, and reproduction have both individual and social levels.   
The emergence of two castes in the female sex (the maid and the worker) is the expression of the high division of labor attained by the species in fulfilling the social functions.   Keep in mind: it is not the only novel, the evolving novelty, but the worker - this is, in its perfection - a pleasant diversion from the reproductive development, healthy, of the female.   
To understand the behavior and life of the bee in the hive, to learn the possibilities of caring and exploiting the bees, by the natural way of their life, it is necessary to know the composition of their body and their development.   Since the worker is the majority individual in the family and has been best studied, most descriptions are made on it.   
Whenever the squirrel and the transient have particularities of morphology and behavior, they will be mentioned.   
Bee behavior before swarming   
When the pace of bridges and eclipses exceeds the mortality rate of workers, the population increases until the stage is reached, either due to social factors or the confinement of space in the hive, the family divides.  
Usually, the division occurs towards the end of spring, at a time of enough of food.   From a biological point of view, it is explainable - the daughter's family, the brook, is about to settle, to build new honeycombs, to accumulate food, and to grow new generations of bees - everything before the coming of the cold weather or the periods of lack of harvest.   
A brook is a group of worker bees accompanied by a farm, and the division reflects the ability of the mother family to produce farm bees and bees for their own brook.   
This implies a temporary stagnation of the development and accumulation of food reserves, as well as the reduction of other activities in the primary family.   When the logs are built, the population's harvesting activity decreases: the bees get "lazy" - the harvesters hardly find bees from the house to deliver the supplies they bring from the field - it takes minutes until they find bees to accept the nectar.   
Often the situation coincides with limited storage space, so with an agglomeration; it is a regulatory mechanism or a social interaction of great importance - by delaying the acceptance of food, the house bees demobilize the harvest.   
With the definite decrease in the inflow of food into the hive, the pups stop feeding the apricot - this eggless and less loses weight. Still, the collectors do not give up the flight activity that gets another orientation - looking for shelter.   The scouts change their behavior - their dancing on honeycombs is no longer associated with food relations but indicates the position of possible support for fixing the brook.   
Honey bee dance of detachment   
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honey bee dance language
The roaring as a phenomenon that can be noticed by humans begins with particular movements and humming   
The dance of detachment of the workers; dance is contagious to the workers contacted by a dancer, so that at one point a large part of the population of the family in unison, leaves the hive as a shepherd, along with the old girl - after the first young girls go.   
Until a first landing place, not the definitive one, the brook seems to be somewhat "guided" by researches - the only moment in the bees' life when such a phenomenon occurs.   
Contrary to appearances, the swarm is a well-organized bee mass. They are in it bees of all ages, even though they are younger than in the mother's family.   Inside, hanging bee chains, released from each other, leave enough room for each other's circulation. On the surface, the older bees form a dense shell, about three bees thick, with an opening towards the inside more open.   
Honey Bee Waggle Dance   
The Waggle Dance is a term used in beekeeping and ethology for a particular figure-eight dance of the honey bee.   By performing this dance, successful foragers can share information about the direction and distance to patches of flowers yielding nectar and pollen, to water sources, or to new nest-site locations with other members of the colony.   Enhanced Bees Algorithms - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate.   
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Enhanced Bees Algorithms - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Distance-and-direction-by-waggling-dance-Waggling-straight-up-on-the-vertical-comb_fig2_330667255 [accessed 29 Oct, 2019]
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Distance-and-direction-by-waggling-dance-Waggling-straight-up-on-the-vertical-comb_fig2_330667255 From this form, the scouts continue to search for possible shelters in the area.   They describe on the surface of the river dances like those of detachment and some identical to those which, in other conditions, state sources of harvest.   Those who find better places dance more and longer. 
The long duration is an essential characteristic of the dance.  
Unlike beekeepers, these bees do not have to to stop bringing in food samples from time to time. But, from time to time, they also return to that place, which is marked by the emanation of the Nasonov gland, which attracts the bees.   Along with some known components of communication in flu, some important ones remain undeciphered.   
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The sequence of events already mentioned is known to us: it reduces the production of inhibitory pheromone in the mandible's glands, thus releasing workers to build boutiques. The detachment dances appear, which have the meaning of "let's go" (Michener).   
When the brood leaves the mother hive and, again, when it leaves the place where it hung in waiting for the definitive location to be chosen.   The unknown (or, some of them): what determines the reduction of the secretion level of the mask substance?   What triggers the cessation of feeding by the workers? The greatest that can be predicted about these aspects is based on the action of the pheromones, which have an essential role in the communication of dew.   
The nest inhibits the building of logs   
They intervene in the assembly and stabilization of the cluster around the matrix - the matrix depending, its cohesion.   
Trans-9 keto 2-decanoic acid, the substance of the jelly, which in the nest inhibits the building of logs.   In red - it attracts the workers, but without retaining them. The tens-9 hydroxy 2-decanoic acid, which in the nest completes the action of the first.  
Inhibiting the building of the logs and the ovarian development in the workers. It is the one that induces the fixation of the brook and the formation of the cool groove (in the mixture. 
The two pheromones are responsible for the cohesion of the stream).   Yet, its stabilization is finally determined by a third substance, unidentified, but which can comes from matte chapels. 
As in other behaviors of the bee family, pheromones are not all (though essential) even in roach. 
The proof - not the mat, the source of pheromones, is the one who chooses the place of installation and then the one of the nest.   Under experimental conditions, the attraction and fixation of the cluster succeed with a mixture of the two phage pheromones + the synthetic Nasonov ionomer; but, the dance of detachment is still needed!   
The phenomenon is called neuralgia   
The tendency to blush, accompanied by the presence of sexed individuals, is a hereditary character.   But some families do not pray; they are maintained by the pure periodic natural growth and replacement of the match (the phenomenon is called neuralgia).   
The beekeeper who does not wish to multiply the rodent bees must favor and increase such families (artificial will). But, the beekeeper who catches and keeps all the natural fruits ensures the perpetuation of the tendency of gnawing in his hive.   But, beware, the first king, primary king, may be followed by the separation from the mother's family of another, secondary, and of the other, tertiary, sometimes going until the family is disbanded.    
 After a few days, usually at the age of 2-6 days, as it makes a mating flight - I call so-called "transient gathering" places, about 6-15 m high from the ground.   In these agglomerations of tractors, the emanations of the sex-attracting sublime attract the males, of whom with a few companions, they mate and very often repeat the flight of search.   
When she returns to the hive, she still carries the "mating sign" - the anterior part of the genitalia, the masses that the bees extract.   After a few days, the queen begins to lay eggs. (Both the mating sign and more, the beginning of the bridge are used by the breeders of the match as indications of the mating and. Of the approaching the greatest time for harvesting the events destined for sale by sale or introduction in other families.   
In some breeders, it is used as a clue. the capacity of a uniform and compact surface of seedlings of workers).  
Artificial insemination of honeybees
The role and evolution of his life as a young organism is a clear expression of the cohesion of the honey bee population.   
regulated by the action of specific mechanisms and substances. It is certain that only by following a natural swarm and its behavior, by catching it and installing it in a hive. The beekeeper can hope that the secret of the natural bee breeding and he will be able to master the technique of artificial breeding.
More on beekeeping for beginners guide
Buying bees for beginners
Get started in beekeeping
beekeeping: https://entomology.ces.ncsu.edu/apiculture/beekeeping-notes/http://www.biologydiscussion.com/invertebrate-zoology/honeybee/notes-on-honey-bee-with-diagram/33571
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