supportforoscar · 13 days
A Word Of Support
Dear Oscar, I have been watching the recent documentary on Netflix about your life, and wanted to take a moment to express my sympathy. I am so sorry for what you have suffered, and for all the suffering tangental to your own. It is … Well, it is almost miraculous when a piece of writing or a program can allow you to see the world in a fresh way. I never believed you to be guilty—to be honest, I…
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supportforoscar · 15 days
Stand-Up Guy
Hey brother. You probably will never see this message. I watched the Netflix show but I always followed your accomplishments years ago. You have always seemed like a stand-up guy and I’m sorry about everything you’ve been through. I don’t normally or ever write messages to celebrities but I felt compelled. Rebuild. Architecture school and you will build or create something they can never tear…
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supportforoscar · 1 month
Hi Oscar, so glad you’re out now and hope you‘re healing and doing well. Sure would like your autograph on a pic to frame. Hoping to see you again in the future running. Let people like me know how you are! Pamela
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supportforoscar · 1 month
Stay Strong
You still remain a respected and inspirational athlete in our house. Stay strong stay well. Donald
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supportforoscar · 2 months
Some Thoughts About Life
Hello from Colorado, Oscar~ Hope this message finds you well.  Just wanted to share some thoughts about life: the most beautifully complicated yet chaotically simplistic adventure that every human experiences, yet no two are the same. Take this exchange, for example. I know of you, but you know nothing about me. However, it seems we both understand the power of fear. I’ll tell you that my most…
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supportforoscar · 2 months
Oscar, ek het altyd in jou geglo!!! Ek bid dat jou toekoms baie gesëend sal wees. Stay focused HE does have the best GPS. Lovies. Kobie Kearney(Canada)
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supportforoscar · 3 months
Find Peace
Dude, I remember you from back in the day of early track and field. I ran in high schoolAnd early college for the 1600m race. I do remember hearing the headlines initially and thinking you were a piece of **** honestly. My husband made me watch your documentary on Netflix and I now feel so stupid for accusing you. I truly think you’re a good dude and truly respect what you’ve gone through. I’m…
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supportforoscar · 3 months
Hi Oscar
Hi Oscar, So glad you’re out now and hope you’re healing and doing well. Sure would like your autograph on a pic to frame. Hoping to see you again in the future running. Let people like me know how you are! Pamela
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supportforoscar · 3 months
I Believe You
I’m sure millions of people reach out and my email will be do different then the others. I felt I had to reach out tho. I usually don’t write or contact people (I’m not on X or any social media except Facebook for family contact). So when I write you I truly hope that you take my words seriously.I just wanted to tell you I believe you. I have watched you thru the years during the Olympics and…
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supportforoscar · 3 months
A Quick Note Of Support
Hi Oscar, Like millions of other viewers, I saw the Netflix documentary and wanted to send you a quick note of support. I am truly sorry that this injustice has been done to you. I know you will live with this unfortunate incident for the rest of your life but I hope and pray you can find some happiness at times in this crazy world. A couple of things came to my mind and I’m sure others have…
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supportforoscar · 3 months
Positive Thoughts
Good Evening Oscar, I hope this message finds you in a healthy headspace as possible. Not sure if you even get these messages. However I have been watching your Olympic journey and your current unfortunate journey.I want you to know that I feel complete empathy for you and also beleive in your innocence. Please keep your head up. I hope you can forgive yourself for being human under pressure…
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supportforoscar · 3 months
Happiness And Peace
After viewing the docuseries on your life and trials, I must say that you have gained a fan. I am so sorry for the sorrow you have suffered, but you have prevailed and you should not look back, only look forward. One horrible moment does not define your life. Clearly, you have served your time. I pray you find happiness and peace! much love Anna
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supportforoscar · 3 months
Oscar, I just finished watching your documentary on Netflix. I remember seeing you at the Olympics and being so impressed and happy for you!! I hope you have accepted Christ as your Savior. We are all in need of forgiveness and God has the power and desire to forgive you. I am praying for you . I know you will be able to live a life that will bring glory to God. I suffer from anxiety that causes…
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supportforoscar · 5 months
Dear Oscar
There they are, the first photos of you in freedom. Invers happy to see you In apparently) good health and with a smile on your face 🙂 Always keep your head high! Best regards and a big hug Mira
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supportforoscar · 8 months
Home Is Where The Heart Is
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supportforoscar · 8 months
Peace Be With You
Wishing you a life of peace and security and joy. May the Lord grant you people who care and who can help you build a peaceful life. God bless you with an honourable and respectful life. Peace be with you, Oscar Loretta
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supportforoscar · 9 months
All The Best
Dear Oscar, I’m very pleased to hear you have now been released on parole! Now you can finally start rebuilding your life and dreaming big again.  Don’t let the past define you and ignore any negativity. You can still do great things if you believe in yourself. I wish you all the best for this year and beyond. Best wishes, Sara. x
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