Supernatural Writings
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 17 days ago
I know I've been silent for a while, but is anyone still interested in a Through the Fire sequel? 👀
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 9 months ago
I know it's been over a month since I last updated Keeping Secrets, but I haven't gone anywhere! I have the next couple chapters ready to go, but I noticed the last two chapters I posted didn't seem to do very well, so I've decided to put my time into finishing some things for Through the Fire, and then maybe I will come back to Keeping Secrets after.
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
Keeping Secrets - Part 7
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 3,883
A/N: I'm trying to tag everybody who has asked to be tagged in this series, but I don't think that they are working. This is Part 7 of Keeping Secrets. Please let me know what you think!
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"Why do I have to go to Uncle Sammy's tonight?" Abby asks as she spreads out across your bed.
"Honey, I have plans for tonight and he is going to keep you because you'll be bored if you go with me."
"But can't I stay with Daddy?" she asks you with wide, pleading eyes. You take a deep breath. You don't want to lie to her, but you and Dean decided that you didn't want to say anything to her right now about whatever is going on between the both of you.
"Honey, I know that Daddy would love to keep you tonight but Sam has just met you and he wants to spend some time getting to know his niece."
"He can go over to Daddy's and can get to know me there," she sasses.
You laugh as you glance over your shoulder at her. "Abby, if you honestly don't want to go to Sam's tonight, then I am not going to make you go. But I think that you'll love it."
Abby stares at you a while before she sighs a bit and nods her little head at you. "Fine," she frowns. "But what if I start missing you or Daddy?"
"Then you will do the same thing that you always do when you're with one of us and you get to missing the other," you tell her softly. "You'll call and if there's absolutely no way to calm you down then one of us will pick you up." Abby gets up and runs over to you before wrapping both of her little arms tightly around your legs.
"You promise, Mommy?" You smile at yourself in the mirror before you reach a hand down to gently run your fingers through her hair.
"I promise, baby."
Someone knocks at the front door and Abby gasps. "Mommy, I gotta pack still."
"That's okay, honey," you say and you smile softly at her. "Go finish that and I will talk to Sam to keep him company, alright?"
"Okay," Abby says before she runs out of your room and across the hall to hers. You take a deep breath before walking out into the hallway and into the living room.
"Abby's finishing packing but I told her that..." Your words die on your tongue when you open up the dront door to see Dean standing there. "Why are you here?"
Dean chuckles. "Well, sweetheart, I thought that I was here to pick you up for a..."
"Shhh," you hiss as you glance over your shoulder to see if Abby is walking down the hwally.
"What?" Dean chuckles.
"Don't say that. I dont want Abby to hear and start asking questions," you tell him. "Dean, you've gotta drive around a while or something. Sam isn't here."
"I know," Dean smiles. "I called him to tell him that we'd just drop Abby off since we're gonna be out anyways."
"But what are we going to tell her?" you ask him.
"Let me worry about that," Dean grins as Abby runs in to the living room. Her little eyes widen when she sees Dean and a wide smile spreads across her face.
"Daddy!" Abby screams as she thows her heavy bag down and takes off running towards Dean.
"Hey, princess," Dean grins widely as he picks her up and presses a kiss to her head. "Have you been good for your momma?" Abby glances over at you and you nod your head as you smile softly at her.
"Mommy, you said that Daddy was busy tonight."
"I know, baby," you tell her softly, not exactly knowing what else to say to her.
"Where's Uncle Sammy?" Abby asks.
"Sweetheart," Dean says as he gives her a soft squeeze. "I'm going to drive you to Sammy's instead of him getting you here."
"Okay," Abby smiles. "Bye, Momma."
"She's gonna ride with us," Dean chuckles and Abby frowns a bit.
"Mommy, you told me that you were busy too."
"Oh, she is, sweetheart," Dean tells her as he gives you a reassuring smile. "You know how Mommy's car is broken down and I have been trying to fix it?" Abby nods a bit at Dean and he smiles softly at her. "Well, I haven't been able to figure the thing out so I am taking Momma to where she needs to go."
"Oh," Abby says, seemingly satisified with that answer.
"Alright, baby, is that your bag there?" Dean asks her. Abby nods and Dean leans over to pick it up with his free hand.
"Dean, let me get something," you tell him.
"I'm alright, sweetheart," Dean says and he gives you a small smile. "I've gotta learn how to pack all of this stuff around when she's with me."
"She is able to walk you know," you laugh.
"Oh, I know," Dean smiles as you both walk out of your house. "But I want to carry her."
"Okay," you laugh as you lock up before following Dean over to Baby.
"Daddy, why can't I just go with you or Mommy?" Abby asks Dean as he straps her into her carseat.
Dean chuckles. "Sweetheart, I promise you that you're going to love spending time with Sammy."
Abby scrunches her face up at Dean. "I don't know."
"Hey, there's absolutely no need to be nervous," Dean tells her softly. "Trust me. You won't even be there one hour before you decide that you won't want Mom and Dad to pick you up."
"I guess," she sighs. Dean chuckles as he leans in to press a kiss to her head before he takes his seat beside of you. He glances over at you and you give him a soft smile.
"Let's get this kid to Sam's house before she starts begging," Dean chuckles as he smiles softly at you.
"Please," you say and you laugh softly at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your hands sweat as you sit and stare at Dean as he walks Abby to Sam's front door. You don't know why you're so nervous. You've dated Dean before. But you two have a daughter together now and you know that even though a lot of things are still the same, the biggest part of them are different and it isn't just about what you and him want anymore.
"Alright," Dean chuckles as he opens up the door to takes his seat once more. "She got all excited once she finally got in the door."
"I bet," you say and you let out a nervous laugh. Dean turns to face you and you give him a small smile.
"Okay, can I be honest with you about something?" Dean asks you softly.
"Please," you say and you nod your head a bit at him.
Dean takes a deep breath. "I don't know about you or what you're feeling but I am nervous."
You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding. "Me too, Dean," you giggle.
He gives you a thankful smile and he nods his head a bit at you. "So we'll figure this out together then?"
"Yeah," you smile softly. "We will figure this out together."
"Good," Dean chuckles as he begins to drive away.
"So, where are we going?" you ask him. "Or is it a surprise?"
"Well, if you must know, we are going somewhere but I'm not going to tell you," Dean says as he grins widely over at you.
"Smooth," you laugh.
"Well, I remember how much you love surprises and secrets," Dean chuckles.
"You're mean," you laugh. In a few minutes Dean pulls up at a drive through and he laughs at the expression on your face.
"What? Not fancy enough?"
"No," you smile. "I just... We're not even going to go inside to eat?" you ask him.
"Ah, I have an even better idea but if you want to go in..."
"No, no," you tell him. "You've apparently got this all planned out yourself. Go on."
"I will," Dean smiles as he pulls up to order. Your mouth drops open when Dean starts naming off what sounds like everything on the menu. When he turns to glance over at you, he chuckles at the amused expression on your face. "What?" he asks you.
"Uh, nothing," you laugh. "It's just... I was wondering if you were going to leave anything for all the other people to eat?"
"It isn't that much."
"Dean, it was pretty much one of everything that they have," you laugh.
"Yeah, but that means that we have options now."o
"Or you could've just asked me what I want."
"I could've," Dean shrugs. "But where on earth is all the fun in that?"
You roll your eyes at Dean and he laughs as he reaches across the seat to take your hand in his.
"We are going to be so sick tomorrow."
"Don't tell me that you're too good for nuked leftovers."
"No," you laugh. "But you've gotta admit that most restaruant food isn't too good the next day. Unless it's pizza."
"Okay, you've got me there," Dean chuckles as he gives your hand a small squeexe.
"Where are we going to eat at anyways?" you ask him. "By the lake?"
"Nope," Dean grins as he stares ahead at the car in front of him.
"The parking lot?"
"Tell me," you laugh as you reach over to tickle his side.
"Don't make me run into the building over here," Dean chuckles as he tries to push your hand away. "Okay, I'll tell you."
"Then where?"
He smirks. "We're going to eat in the car."
"Yeah, but where at in the car and don't you are say in the front seat."
"Darn," he chuckles. "She read my mind."
"Dork," you laugh.
You pick at each other as you slowly make your way up to get your food. If you'd been by yourself then it would have seemed like a lifetime before you were pulling out of the parking lot. And yet for some reason, things don't seem so monotonous when Dean is around.
"Okay, you have got to tell me where you're taking me to or I'm calling the police," you giggle.
"And you've gotta be patient or this date is going to be in some random parking lot," Dean laughs. "I will pull over somewhere random and make you sit and eat in here."
"You wouldn't."
Dean chuckles. "Wanna bet?"
"No," you laugh.
After a while you gasp and you sit up straighter in your seat. "No way, Dean," you gasp out as your eyes widen.
"Wow, I didn't know that somebody could get so excited about a drive in," Dean chuckles.
"Hey, it has been years sice I've seen a movie that wasn't animated," you laugh. "Gosh, finally I get to see a movie that doesn't have a singing snowman in it." A confused expression crosses Dean's face causing you to laugh a bit at him. "Frozen," you say and you gasp when he still acts as thought you've completely lost your mind. "You mean that Abby has stayed over at your house for more than one night and still hasn't made you endure four hours of her dancing around the living room singing Let it Go?"
"Um, no?" Dean chuckles. "And I'm kind of glad that she's spared me."
"Oh my gosh, she must like you more or something because she drives me absolutely crazy with that movie," you laugh. "And when I thought that she couldn't get more obsessed, Disney makes another one."
"Ah, Disney," Dean chuckles as he reaches over to take one of the greasy bags from you.
"Well, now if I get upset with you all I've gotta do is tell Abby that she should ask Daddy to watch it with her."
Dean scowls at you. "Remind me not to stay on your good side."
You giggle and you nod your head a bit. After a while, the movie starts but neither of you two pay much attention to it. You're too interested in talking to each other. You're too interested in the fact that this feels exactly like it used to.
"So, there's something that I've been wanting to ask you but I didn't know if it would upset you or not," Dean tells you softly after you both have eaten and you've curled up into his side.
"What's that?" you ask him and you turn your head a bit so that you can see his face.
Dean takes a deep breath. "What was Abby like as a baby?"
You swallow hard thinking about how he doesn't know because of you. It is your fault that Dean doesn't know his baby girl. And yet you can't help but to smile widely thinking about what you're going to say to him.
"Abby was an extremely relaxed and chilled baby," you laugh.
"You're lying," Dean chuckles as he rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
"No, I'm not," you tell him truthfully and laugh at his scoff. "I'm serious, Dean," you giggle. "She hardly ever cried. She was the most patient little thing ever. When she needed feed she'd whimper a bit to get my attention, but then she'd just lay there and stare up at me while I got situated. I guess that she never had to be too patient since I breast feed her but she did have to be a few times when we were out like at the store. I wasn't comfortable feeding her in public like that and even if I was, I wouldn't have been able to juggle her while shopping for groceries. She never fussed too much about it though."
"You're telling me that that kid used to be patient?" Dean asks you before letting out a loud laugh. "Nah, I'm just kidding, sweetheart," he tells you. "She's like that even now and it's all thanks to you."
"I guess so," you breathe out as you stare out of the window.
"Hey," Dean whispers when he sees a few tears run down your cheeks. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You swallow hard. "I'm thinking about all of the things that you've missed with her and it's all because of me."
"Dean, you didn't even get to see Abby be born," you tell him through the tears that are freely running down your cheeks. "You didn't get to hear her first word or see it when she took her first steps."
"You weren't there for Abby's first day of school or when she had the colic or an ear infection," you ramble. "You weren't there to kiss her scrapes and bruises when she fell down and it's all my fault."
"Hey, listen to me," Dean tells you soflty as he gently grips onto the tops of your arms and he turns you around so that he can look into your eyes. "(Y/N), sweetheart, yeah I missed out on a lot of things, but Abby is still little," he whispers softly to you trying to calm you down a bit. "Abby is still going to have a lot of firsts that I'm going too be there to see now and that's also because of you."
"I should've called you, Dean."
He gives you a sad smile and takes a deep breath. "Something tells me that you tried more than once." You nod and your breathing breaks off into uncontrolled sobs. "Okay. Alright," Dean whispers as he pulls you in tightly to his chest. "Alright. It's alright now, sweetheart."
"We could've been a family."
Dean pulls away a bit so that he can press his forehead firmly against yours. His eyes meet yours and he gives you a reassuring smile. "We still can be," he whispers softly to you as he gently rubs his thumb over your cheek. "We still can be, (Y/N). If that's what you want."
"No," you tell him softly. "It has to be what we want, and that includes Abby too."
"That's why we're doing this isn't it?' Dean asks you softly. "Me and you are sitting here at the drive in eating greasy food because we want to see if we still want this?"
"Yeah," you nod and you takes a deep breath, trying to get your breathing under control at least a little bit.
"Tell you what," he whispers. "We can tell Abby about us and what we're doing and what we want, and we take it from there depending on her reaction to it."
"Alright," you breathe out. "Deal."
"Good," he whispers before he presses a soft kiss to your head. "Now, do you want to enjoy this movie or do you want to keep thinking of things to get yourself all upset about?"
You laugh a bit as you bring a hand up to gently wipe the tears out of our eyes. "Enjoy the movie," you tell him as you sniff a bit.
"Good choice," he smiles softly at you as he leans in to press a soft kiss to your head. "I don't want you to worry about that, alright? I'm getting to know her now and I'm also getting to know you once more. I am so thankful for that opportunity, sweetheart."
You sniff and you nod your head a bit. "Me too." Dean tightens his hold on you and you snuggle down into his embrace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"(Y/N)?" Dean whispers as he softly nudges your sleeping body. "(Y/N), sweetheart."
"Hm?" you hum and you open your eyes a bit to see green eyes staring at you.
"Movie's over, sweetheart," Dean whispers softly to you as he gently pushes some hair out of your face. "What do you want to do now?"
"It doesn't matter," you yawn as you stretch and move over to your side of the seat. "I'm sorry that I fell asleep on you."
"Don't apologize," he smiles softly at you. "Movie wasn't too good anyways."
"Why didn't you wake me up and we could have left earlier?" you ask him.
He smirks a bit at you as he reaches out to gently tuck some of your hair behind you ear. "Because I kind of liked the feeling of you sleeping in my arms.
"Yeah?" you ask him softly.
"Yeah," he smiles as he leans in to press his lips firmly to yours. "Why don't we leave here and get you in bed, alright?"
"Okay," you swallow hard before Dean starts up the car and begins to pull out of the parking spot.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Dean says softly as he reaches across the seat to take your hand in his.
"Yeah?" you ask and you turn your head a bit look over at him.
"I'm thinking about taking Abby to my parent's next weekend, and I was wondering if you'd want to tag along?"
You swallow hard. "Dean, I'd love to, but I don't think that your parents care too much about me."
"According to my parents, John and Mary think that I ruined your life."
"I honestly don't care what they think," Dean says as he looks over at you. "You did not ruin my life at all, sweetheart. If anything, you've made it so much better than before. And getting pregnant wasn't just your fault, you know."
"I know," you breathe out. "Still, they might not be too happy with me."
"Well, they can just get over it because I want them to meet their granddaughter and I would like for my girlfriend to be there, if you want to be there that is."
"Oh, so you're putting a label on us now?" you ask him.
Dean swallows hard. "Uh, y-yeah," he stutters. "Was that not okay or is that look on your face and the tone in your voice your way of messing with me?" You smile widely and Dean lets out a breath as he lets his body relax a bit. "You're only messing with me. Good. Because, honestly, I love the thought of being able to call you my girlfriend once more."
"I like that thought too," you say and you giggle a bit at him. "But we do still need to have that conversation with Abby."
"Oh, I know that, sweetheart," he tells you softly. "But something tells me that that little girl is going to be so happy for us."
"Oh, beyond happy," you laugh. "She asks me almost everyday why Daddy doesn't live with us."
He takes a deep breath. "She told me the other night that she was sad because when she's with me she wants you to be there, and when she's with you then she wants me to be there."
"I've made us all miss out on being an actual family," you frown.
"Stop that," Dean tells you softly as he gives your hand a soft squeeze. "Sweetheart, you don't know that. We still have a shot at being a family, remember?"
"You know what I mean," you sigh as you turn your head a bit to look over at him. "You should have been there from the beginning."
"(Y/N), please don't get yourself upset over this like you've already done," Dean tells you softly. "We're supposed to be on a date, and it isn't supposed to be stressful or sad."
"Dates are supposed to be stressful, you know," you giggle.
"Nuh-uh," Dean chuckles as he gives your hand yet another soft squeeze. "Ain't nothing stressful about spending some time with my girl. Never has been and never will be."
"Aw, he's sweet," you giggle.
"I can be when I want to be," Dean chuckles as he pulls into your driveway, slowly letting go of your hand. You turn your head to look at your house and take a deep breath. "You know," he says softly. "I don't have to drive off right now if you want me to go in, or I could take you to my apartment. Or we could just drive around for a little while."
A small smile spreads across your face as your eyes stare into Dean's. "I was going to ask if you wanted to go in for a while, but I didn't know if we were at that stage in our relationship yet or if..." Your words get stuck in your throat as Dean leans across the seat and presses his lips firmly to yours.
"Sweetheart," he breathes out as he slowly pulls away from you. "There's nothing wrong with keeping each other company for a while."
"I know," you breathe out. "I was afraid that you'd think that maybe I was wanting something... more if I invited you inside my house."
"Hey," Dean says as he reaches over to take your hand in his. "Let's both agree that we don't need to take our relationship to that stage until we talk to Abby, okay?"
"Okay," you breathe out. "Good. I didn't know what you were thinking on the matter and I was confused I guess."
"(Y/N)," he says softly. "If you ever want to know what I think about something, all you've gotta do is just ask me."
"Okay," you nod and a small smile spreads across your face. "Dean?"
"Would you like to go inside with me?"
Dean chuckles and he nods his head a bit at you. "I'd love to, sweetheart."
Keeping Secrets Tags: @vicmc624 @thefemalestorywriter @that-one-gay-girl
Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @imaginationisgrowth @deanwanddamons @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @cookiechipdough @campingmonkey @flamencodiva @thatmotleygirl @akshi8278 @torn-and-frayed @screechingartisancashbailiff @carry-on-wayward-girl
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
Keeping Secrets - Part 7
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 3,883
A/N: I'm trying to tag everybody who has asked to be tagged in this series, but I don't think that they are working. This is Part 7 of Keeping Secrets. Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
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"Why do I have to go to Uncle Sammy's tonight?" Abby asks as she spreads out across your bed.
"Honey, I have plans for tonight and he is going to keep you because you'll be bored if you go with me."
"But can't I stay with Daddy?" she asks you with wide, pleading eyes. You take a deep breath. You don't want to lie to her, but you and Dean decided that you didn't want to say anything to her right now about whatever is going on between the both of you.
"Honey, I know that Daddy would love to keep you tonight but Sam has just met you and he wants to spend some time getting to know his niece."
"He can go over to Daddy's and can get to know me there," she sasses.
You laugh as you glance over your shoulder at her. "Abby, if you honestly don't want to go to Sam's tonight, then I am not going to make you go. But I think that you'll love it."
Abby stares at you a while before she sighs a bit and nods her little head at you. "Fine," she frowns. "But what if I start missing you or Daddy?"
"Then you will do the same thing that you always do when you're with one of us and you get to missing the other," you tell her softly. "You'll call and if there's absolutely no way to calm you down then one of us will pick you up." Abby gets up and runs over to you before wrapping both of her little arms tightly around your legs.
"You promise, Mommy?" You smile at yourself in the mirror before you reach a hand down to gently run your fingers through her hair.
"I promise, baby."
Someone knocks at the front door and Abby gasps. "Mommy, I gotta pack still."
"That's okay, honey," you say and you smile softly at her. "Go finish that and I will talk to Sam to keep him company, alright?"
"Okay," Abby says before she runs out of your room and across the hall to hers. You take a deep breath before walking out into the hallway and into the living room.
"Abby's finishing packing but I told her that..." Your words die on your tongue when you open up the dront door to see Dean standing there. "Why are you here?"
Dean chuckles. "Well, sweetheart, I thought that I was here to pick you up for a..."
"Shhh," you hiss as you glance over your shoulder to see if Abby is walking down the hwally.
"What?" Dean chuckles.
"Don't say that. I dont want Abby to hear and start asking questions," you tell him. "Dean, you've gotta drive around a while or something. Sam isn't here."
"I know," Dean smiles. "I called him to tell him that we'd just drop Abby off since we're gonna be out anyways."
"But what are we going to tell her?" you ask him.
"Let me worry about that," Dean grins as Abby runs in to the living room. Her little eyes widen when she sees Dean and a wide smile spreads across her face.
"Daddy!" Abby screams as she thows her heavy bag down and takes off running towards Dean.
"Hey, princess," Dean grins widely as he picks her up and presses a kiss to her head. "Have you been good for your momma?" Abby glances over at you and you nod your head as you smile softly at her.
"Mommy, you said that Daddy was busy tonight."
"I know, baby," you tell her softly, not exactly knowing what else to say to her.
"Where's Uncle Sammy?" Abby asks.
"Sweetheart," Dean says as he gives her a soft squeeze. "I'm going to drive you to Sammy's instead of him getting you here."
"Okay," Abby smiles. "Bye, Momma."
"She's gonna ride with us," Dean chuckles and Abby frowns a bit.
"Mommy, you told me that you were busy too."
"Oh, she is, sweetheart," Dean tells her as he gives you a reassuring smile. "You know how Mommy's car is broken down and I have been trying to fix it?" Abby nods a bit at Dean and he smiles softly at her. "Well, I haven't been able to figure the thing out so I am taking Momma to where she needs to go."
"Oh," Abby says, seemingly satisified with that answer.
"Alright, baby, is that your bag there?" Dean asks her. Abby nods and Dean leans over to pick it up with his free hand.
"Dean, let me get something," you tell him.
"I'm alright, sweetheart," Dean says and he gives you a small smile. "I've gotta learn how to pack all of this stuff around when she's with me."
"She is able to walk you know," you laugh.
"Oh, I know," Dean smiles as you both walk out of your house. "But I want to carry her."
"Okay," you laugh as you lock up before following Dean over to Baby.
"Daddy, why can't I just go with you or Mommy?" Abby asks Dean as he straps her into her carseat.
Dean chuckles. "Sweetheart, I promise you that you're going to love spending time with Sammy."
Abby scrunches her face up at Dean. "I don't know."
"Hey, there's absolutely no need to be nervous," Dean tells her softly. "Trust me. You won't even be there one hour before you decide that you won't want Mom and Dad to pick you up."
"I guess," she sighs. Dean chuckles as he leans in to press a kiss to her head before he takes his seat beside of you. He glances over at you and you give him a soft smile.
"Let's get this kid to Sam's house before she starts begging," Dean chuckles as he smiles softly at you.
"Please," you say and you laugh softly at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your hands sweat as you sit and stare at Dean as he walks Abby to Sam's front door. You don't know why you're so nervous. You've dated Dean before. But you two have a daughter together now and you know that even though a lot of things are still the same, the biggest part of them are different and it isn't just about what you and him want anymore.
"Alright," Dean chuckles as he opens up the door to takes his seat once more. "She got all excited once she finally got in the door."
"I bet," you say and you let out a nervous laugh. Dean turns to face you and you give him a small smile.
"Okay, can I be honest with you about something?" Dean asks you softly.
"Please," you say and you nod your head a bit at him.
Dean takes a deep breath. "I don't know about you or what you're feeling but I am nervous."
You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding. "Me too, Dean," you giggle.
He gives you a thankful smile and he nods his head a bit at you. "So we'll figure this out together then?"
"Yeah," you smile softly. "We will figure this out together."
"Good," Dean chuckles as he begins to drive away.
"So, where are we going?" you ask him. "Or is it a surprise?"
"Well, if you must know, we are going somewhere but I'm not going to tell you," Dean says as he grins widely over at you.
"Smooth," you laugh.
"Well, I remember how much you love surprises and secrets," Dean chuckles.
"You're mean," you laugh. In a few minutes Dean pulls up at a drive through and he laughs at the expression on your face.
"What? Not fancy enough?"
"No," you smile. "I just... We're not even going to go inside to eat?" you ask him.
"Ah, I have an even better idea but if you want to go in..."
"No, no," you tell him. "You've apparently got this all planned out yourself. Go on."
"I will," Dean smiles as he pulls up to order. Your mouth drops open when Dean starts naming off what sounds like everything on the menu. When he turns to glance over at you, he chuckles at the amused expression on your face. "What?" he asks you.
"Uh, nothing," you laugh. "It's just... I was wondering if you were going to leave anything for all the other people to eat?"
"It isn't that much."
"Dean, it was pretty much one of everything that they have," you laugh.
"Yeah, but that means that we have options now."o
"Or you could've just asked me what I want."
"I could've," Dean shrugs. "But where on earth is all the fun in that?"
You roll your eyes at Dean and he laughs as he reaches across the seat to take your hand in his.
"We are going to be so sick tomorrow."
"Don't tell me that you're too good for nuked leftovers."
"No," you laugh. "But you've gotta admit that most restaruant food isn't too good the next day. Unless it's pizza."
"Okay, you've got me there," Dean chuckles as he gives your hand a small squeexe.
"Where are we going to eat at anyways?" you ask him. "By the lake?"
"Nope," Dean grins as he stares ahead at the car in front of him.
"The parking lot?"
"Tell me," you laugh as you reach over to tickle his side.
"Don't make me run into the building over here," Dean chuckles as he tries to push your hand away. "Okay, I'll tell you."
"Then where?"
He smirks. "We're going to eat in the car."
"Yeah, but where at in the car and don't you are say in the front seat."
"Darn," he chuckles. "She read my mind."
"Dork," you laugh.
You pick at each other as you slowly make your way up to get your food. If you'd been by yourself then it would have seemed like a lifetime before you were pulling out of the parking lot. And yet for some reason, things don't seem so monotonous when Dean is around.
"Okay, you have got to tell me where you're taking me to or I'm calling the police," you giggle.
"And you've gotta be patient or this date is going to be in some random parking lot," Dean laughs. "I will pull over somewhere random and make you sit and eat in here."
"You wouldn't."
Dean chuckles. "Wanna bet?"
"No," you laugh.
After a while you gasp and you sit up straighter in your seat. "No way, Dean," you gasp out as your eyes widen.
"Wow, I didn't know that somebody could get so excited about a drive in," Dean chuckles.
"Hey, it has been years sice I've seen a movie that wasn't animated," you laugh. "Gosh, finally I get to see a movie that doesn't have a singing snowman in it." A confused expression crosses Dean's face causing you to laugh a bit at him. "Frozen," you say and you gasp when he still acts as thought you've completely lost your mind. "You mean that Abby has stayed over at your house for more than one night and still hasn't made you endure four hours of her dancing around the living room singing Let it Go?"
"Um, no?" Dean chuckles. "And I'm kind of glad that she's spared me."
"Oh my gosh, she must like you more or something because she drives me absolutely crazy with that movie," you laugh. "And when I thought that she couldn't get more obsessed, Disney makes another one."
"Ah, Disney," Dean chuckles as he reaches over to take one of the greasy bags from you.
"Well, now if I get upset with you all I've gotta do is tell Abby that she should ask Daddy to watch it with her."
Dean scowls at you. "Remind me not to stay on your good side."
You giggle and you nod your head a bit. After a while, the movie starts but neither of you two pay much attention to it. You're too interested in talking to each other. You're too interested in the fact that this feels exactly like it used to.
"So, there's something that I've been wanting to ask you but I didn't know if it would upset you or not," Dean tells you softly after you both have eaten and you've curled up into his side.
"What's that?" you ask him and you turn your head a bit so that you can see his face.
Dean takes a deep breath. "What was Abby like as a baby?"
You swallow hard thinking about how he doesn't know because of you. It is your fault that Dean doesn't know his baby girl. And yet you can't help but to smile widely thinking about what you're going to say to him.
"Abby was an extremely relaxed and chilled baby," you laugh.
"You're lying," Dean chuckles as he rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
"No, I'm not," you tell him truthfully and laugh at his scoff. "I'm serious, Dean," you giggle. "She hardly ever cried. She was the most patient little thing ever. When she needed feed she'd whimper a bit to get my attention, but then she'd just lay there and stare up at me while I got situated. I guess that she never had to be too patient since I breast feed her but she did have to be a few times when we were out like at the store. I wasn't comfortable feeding her in public like that and even if I was, I wouldn't have been able to juggle her while shopping for groceries. She never fussed too much about it though."
"You're telling me that that kid used to be patient?" Dean asks you before letting out a loud laugh. "Nah, I'm just kidding, sweetheart," he tells you. "She's like that even now and it's all thanks to you."
"I guess so," you breathe out as you stare out of the window.
"Hey," Dean whispers when he sees a few tears run down your cheeks. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
You swallow hard. "I'm thinking about all of the things that you've missed with her and it's all because of me."
"Dean, you didn't even get to see Abby be born," you tell him through the tears that are freely running down your cheeks. "You didn't get to hear her first word or see it when she took her first steps."
"You weren't there for Abby's first day of school or when she had the colic or an ear infection," you ramble. "You weren't there to kiss her scrapes and bruises when she fell down and it's all my fault."
"Hey, listen to me," Dean tells you soflty as he gently grips onto the tops of your arms and he turns you around so that he can look into your eyes. "(Y/N), sweetheart, yeah I missed out on a lot of things, but Abby is still little," he whispers softly to you trying to calm you down a bit. "Abby is still going to have a lot of firsts that I'm going too be there to see now and that's also because of you."
"I should've called you, Dean."
He gives you a sad smile and takes a deep breath. "Something tells me that you tried more than once." You nod and your breathing breaks off into uncontrolled sobs. "Okay. Alright," Dean whispers as he pulls you in tightly to his chest. "Alright. It's alright now, sweetheart."
"We could've been a family."
Dean pulls away a bit so that he can press his forehead firmly against yours. His eyes meet yours and he gives you a reassuring smile. "We still can be," he whispers softly to you as he gently rubs his thumb over your cheek. "We still can be, (Y/N). If that's what you want."
"No," you tell him softly. "It has to be what we want, and that includes Abby too."
"That's why we're doing this isn't it?' Dean asks you softly. "Me and you are sitting here at the drive in eating greasy food because we want to see if we still want this?"
"Yeah," you nod and you takes a deep breath, trying to get your breathing under control at least a little bit.
"Tell you what," he whispers. "We can tell Abby about us and what we're doing and what we want, and we take it from there depending on her reaction to it."
"Alright," you breathe out. "Deal."
"Good," he whispers before he presses a soft kiss to your head. "Now, do you want to enjoy this movie or do you want to keep thinking of things to get yourself all upset about?"
You laugh a bit as you bring a hand up to gently wipe the tears out of our eyes. "Enjoy the movie," you tell him as you sniff a bit.
"Good choice," he smiles softly at you as he leans in to press a soft kiss to your head. "I don't want you to worry about that, alright? I'm getting to know her now and I'm also getting to know you once more. I am so thankful for that opportunity, sweetheart."
You sniff and you nod your head a bit. "Me too." Dean tightens his hold on you and you snuggle down into his embrace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"(Y/N)?" Dean whispers as he softly nudges your sleeping body. "(Y/N), sweetheart."
"Hm?" you hum and you open your eyes a bit to see green eyes staring at you.
"Movie's over, sweetheart," Dean whispers softly to you as he gently pushes some hair out of your face. "What do you want to do now?"
"It doesn't matter," you yawn as you stretch and move over to your side of the seat. "I'm sorry that I fell asleep on you."
"Don't apologize," he smiles softly at you. "Movie wasn't too good anyways."
"Why didn't you wake me up and we could have left earlier?" you ask him.
He smirks a bit at you as he reaches out to gently tuck some of your hair behind you ear. "Because I kind of liked the feeling of you sleeping in my arms.
"Yeah?" you ask him softly.
"Yeah," he smiles as he leans in to press his lips firmly to yours. "Why don't we leave here and get you in bed, alright?"
"Okay," you swallow hard before Dean starts up the car and begins to pull out of the parking spot.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Dean says softly as he reaches across the seat to take your hand in his.
"Yeah?" you ask and you turn your head a bit look over at him.
"I'm thinking about taking Abby to my parent's next weekend, and I was wondering if you'd want to tag along?"
You swallow hard. "Dean, I'd love to, but I don't think that your parents care too much about me."
"According to my parents, John and Mary think that I ruined your life."
"I honestly don't care what they think," Dean says as he looks over at you. "You did not ruin my life at all, sweetheart. If anything, you've made it so much better than before. And getting pregnant wasn't just your fault, you know."
"I know," you breathe out. "Still, they might not be too happy with me."
"Well, they can just get over it because I want them to meet their granddaughter and I would like for my girlfriend to be there, if you want to be there that is."
"Oh, so you're putting a label on us now?" you ask him.
Dean swallows hard. "Uh, y-yeah," he stutters. "Was that not okay or is that look on your face and the tone in your voice your way of messing with me?" You smile widely and Dean lets out a breath as he lets his body relax a bit. "You're only messing with me. Good. Because, honestly, I love the thought of being able to call you my girlfriend once more."
"I like that thought too," you say and you giggle a bit at him. "But we do still need to have that conversation with Abby."
"Oh, I know that, sweetheart," he tells you softly. "But something tells me that that little girl is going to be so happy for us."
"Oh, beyond happy," you laugh. "She asks me almost everyday why Daddy doesn't live with us."
He takes a deep breath. "She told me the other night that she was sad because when she's with me she wants you to be there, and when she's with you then she wants me to be there."
"I've made us all miss out on being an actual family," you frown.
"Stop that," Dean tells you softly as he gives your hand a soft squeeze. "Sweetheart, you don't know that. We still have a shot at being a family, remember?"
"You know what I mean," you sigh as you turn your head a bit to look over at him. "You should have been there from the beginning."
"(Y/N), please don't get yourself upset over this like you've already done," Dean tells you softly. "We're supposed to be on a date, and it isn't supposed to be stressful or sad."
"Dates are supposed to be stressful, you know," you giggle.
"Nuh-uh," Dean chuckles as he gives your hand yet another soft squeeze. "Ain't nothing stressful about spending some time with my girl. Never has been and never will be."
"Aw, he's sweet," you giggle.
"I can be when I want to be," Dean chuckles as he pulls into your driveway, slowly letting go of your hand. You turn your head to look at your house and take a deep breath. "You know," he says softly. "I don't have to drive off right now if you want me to go in, or I could take you to my apartment. Or we could just drive around for a little while."
A small smile spreads across your face as your eyes stare into Dean's. "I was going to ask if you wanted to go in for a while, but I didn't know if we were at that stage in our relationship yet or if..." Your words get stuck in your throat as Dean leans across the seat and presses his lips firmly to yours.
"Sweetheart," he breathes out as he slowly pulls away from you. "There's nothing wrong with keeping each other company for a while."
"I know," you breathe out. "I was afraid that you'd think that maybe I was wanting something... more if I invited you inside my house."
"Hey," Dean says as he reaches over to take your hand in his. "Let's both agree that we don't need to take our relationship to that stage until we talk to Abby, okay?"
"Okay," you breathe out. "Good. I didn't know what you were thinking on the matter and I was confused I guess."
"(Y/N)," he says softly. "If you ever want to know what I think about something, all you've gotta do is just ask me."
"Okay," you nod and a small smile spreads across your face. "Dean?"
"Would you like to go inside with me?"
Dean chuckles and he nods his head a bit at you. "I'd love to, sweetheart."
Keeping Secrets Tags: @vicmc624 @thefemalestorywriter @that-one-gay-girl
Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @imaginationisgrowth @deanwanddamons @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @cookiechipdough @campingmonkey @flamencodiva @thatmotleygirl @akshi8278 @torn-and-frayed @screechingartisancashbailiff @carry-on-wayward-girl
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
I was planning on posting the next chapter for Keeping Secrets yesterday, but I had something unexpected come up and I'm not sure when I'll be able to sit down and edit it. If I don't get to post it by Friday, I'll definitely have it up over the weekend. From there I'll try to have each chapter set up on a schedule.
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
Will there be more to Keeping Secrets, or are there only 6 chapters?
There will definitely be more! I have at least 3 chapters almost ready to go and then I'm working on writing a couple more. I'm actually editing one to post tomorrow if not later tonight.
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
Keeping Secrets Part 6
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 5,456
A/N: This is Part 6 of Keeping Secrets. Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
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"What're you doing up out of bed?" Dean asks Abby as she runs into the living room.
"I can't sleep," Abby smiles as she runs over to jump up onto the couch beside of Dean. He takes Abby into his arms and holds her little body tightly to him.
"You've gotta go to sleep, sweetheart, you have school."
"So do you."
"Yeah," Dean chuckles. "But I'm a grownup. I can stay up a bit later and handle getting up early."
"So can I, Daddy. I promise I can," Abby pouts up at Dean.
"You are not going to talk me into letting you stay awake for hours," Dean tells her. "You'll be grouchy tomorrow."
"Not I won't."
"Bed," Dean chuckles as he stands up with Abby in his arms. He carries her to her room for around the fifth time, lays her down on her bed and tucks her in tightly before leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Daddy," Abby whines as she reaches out towards Dean while making a grabbing motion with her hands. "I want my blanket."
"Abby, honey, you have three blankets on your bed."
"They're not my special blanket."
Dean sighs as he sits down on the mattress beside of Abby's body. "Honey, I promise you that you'll be okay going one night without it."
"Mommy said that she would bring it here when it dried."
"Well, maybe it didn't get dry but I promise you that you'll be fine."
"Tell you what," Dean sighs. "You can try to go to sleep and if you can't after a while, I will call Momma, okay?"
"Okay," Abby whines as tears well up in her eyes.
"Oh, now Daddy can't stand to see you cry," Dean tells Abby as he leans over to pick her up out of bed. He holds her tightly to him and she cries softly into his neck. Dean shifts a bit so that he can get his phone out of his pocket. "Alright, let me text Momma." Dean knows that he can't give into Abby everytime that she starts crying, but he also knows that this isn't a temper tantrum because she isn't getting what she wants. Dean knows that his little girl is genuinely upset about something that probably has nothing to do with the blanket, but he would do anything to help her so if the blanket is what's going to help her, then so be it.
"I'm sad, Daddy," Abby whines, causing Dean's heart to shatter into a bunch of tiny pieces.
"I know, baby," he tells her softly. "Wanna tell me why?"
"Because I want Mommy here and when I'm with Mommy I want you to be there."
"I know," Dean sighs, figuring that that's what she's upset about. Dean looks at his phone and he frowns when sees that you haven't texted him.
"Daddy, why can't..."
"Abby, honey, I can't give you an answer to that."
"But why not?"
"Because you've gotta le me and Mommy figure it out first before we try explaining it to you," Dean tells Abby as he dials your number. You don't answer and Dean gets a sick feeling in his stomach. "Abby, sit here for me," Dean tells her as he stands up off the bed and sits her down. He gives her a soft smile before turning to walk on out of the room. "Sweetheart, please pick up," Dean whispers as he tries calling you once more. Normally he wouldn't worry about it. Maybe your phone died or you fell asleep or something. But this sinking feeling in Dean's gut is something that he can't ignore. There's something wrong and he just knows it. Dean tries your number a few more times before he calls the only person that he can think of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dude, I hope that whatever you interrupted my sleep for is an actual emergency," Sam says as he walks through the front door. He stops in his tracks when he sees a little girl standing in the living room and looking at him with wide eyes. "Um, hi?" Sam says as he shuts the door behind him.
"Daddy!" Abby screams, causing Dean to run into the living room. He relaxes a bit when he sees that Abby's okay.
"Sweetheart, you scared me," Dean tells Abby as she runs over and jumps up into his arms.
"Daddy, who is that?" she whispers into Dean's ear.
"Sweetheart, that's your Uncle Sammy," Dean smiles at her.
"Dean, why does she keep calling you her dad?" Sam asks him.
Dean swallows hard and he takes a deep breath. "I know that I have some explaining to do, but I need your help right now."
"Is she (Y/N)'s?"
Dean gives him a look. "How did you know?"
"Oh, please, Dean, you want everyone to think that you're a ladies man but the both of us know that (Y/N) is the only one who's ever mattered to you."
"Okay, fair point," Dean sighs. "Listen, I need to get Abby into bed but she wants her blanket..."
"Seriously, you woke me up for a blanket?" Sam asks him.
Dean rolls his eyes a bit at Sam. "I tried calling (Y/N) but she's not answering her phone."
"Maybe she's asleep."
Dean knows that he can't say anything in front of Abby that will make her worry about you, so instead he gives Sam a look so that he'll know he has an uneasy feeling about this.
"Okay, fine," Sam sighs as he reaches out towards Abby. "I'll babysit."
"Thanks, Sammy," Dean says as he hands Abby over to him.
"No, Daddy!" Abby cries as she wraps both of her little arms tightly around Dean's neck.
"Sweetheart, you'll be alright without me for a few minutes," Dean tells her softly. "Sam's not gonna hurt you."
"Promise?" Abby sniffs.
"I promise, baby," Dean tells her as he presses a kiss to her temple. Abby lets Sam take her from Dean. "Thanks, Sammy."
"You're welcome, but you owe me a lengthy explanation," Sam tells Dean as he opens up the front door.
"Yeah, I know," Dean says before he walks out onto the front porch. Dean tries calling you as he drives towards your house. His heart sinks deeper each time that you don't pick up. Dean's about five minutes out when he sees someone walking on the side of the road. He slams on the breaks and pulls off before getting out.
"(Y/N)!" Dean hollers. You look over your shoulder at Dean as he runs up to you. "Mind telling me what you're doing walking on the side of the road?"
You take a deep breath. "I was going to bring Abby's blanket over when it dried but my car broke down and I didn't have my phone with me," you tell him. "Why are you here?"
"Because I tried texting you and you didn't answer," Dean tells you. "When I called you and you still didn't pick up, I panicked."
"Well, I'm fine," you tell Dean as you hand Abby's blanket over to him. "Where's Abby?"
"Sam's babysitting," Dean tells you.
"I bet she'll love that," you smile.
"Yeah," Dean chuckles. "She acted almost scared of him at first, but I think that she warmed up to him after a bit."
You nod and take a deep breath. "Dean, can I borrow your phone to call a tow truck?"
Dean gives you a look. "Why don't you just let me drive you to your car and see if I can figure out what's wrong with it?"
"Because you've already fixed it for me once," you tell him. "I don't need you to keep doing favors for me."
"Stop that," Dean tells you. "(Y/N), I don't know why you're being like this but it is getting a little bit annoying."
"I don't want to argue with you about this," you tell him. "I don't know why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that I want to figure this out on my own."
"I don't know why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that I want to help you until you do figure it out," Dean tells you as he crosses his arms over his chest. "(Y/N), it's ridiculous. I'm not trying to make you feel like you're not doing a good job here or something. Everybody needs help from time to time and there's absolutely nothing wrong or embarrassing about it, especially when the persons trying to help theirself a bit which you're obviously trying to do."
"Seriously, Dean, butt out," you tell him.
"Well, I'm sorry that I'm trying to make sure that our daughter is taken care of no matter what."
"Oh, like you're not doing this to try and get on my good side or something," you tell Dean. You know that it isn't fair to take your insecurities out on him but the words keep flying off your tongue.
"Is that what you think that I'm doing?" Dean asks you with a hurt expression on his face. "Sweetheart, I'm only trying to help you because I care about you and our kid. There's no ulterior motive here and honestly it hurts a bit that you think that."
"I know," you tell Dean as tears well up in your eyes. "I... I'm sorry, Dean. It isn't fair for me to say that."
"Hey," Dean says as he reaches out to take both of your shoulders in his hands. "Talk to me, sweetheart."
You swallow hard as your eyes meet Dean's. "You wanna know the real reason why I can't be in a serious relationship with you?"
"Please," Dean whispers. You take a deep breath and a few tears fall over your cheeks.
"It's because I don't want you to think that I'm using you for the money, and then that drives you away from me."
"Now, sweetheart, why would I think that?" Dean asks you softly as he uses his thumbs to try stopping your tears.
"Think about it, Dean," you choke out. "We haven't seen each other for five years and now you and me have a daughter together. You start trying to get to know her, then everything seems to start falling apart for me."
"You've taken some of the load of bringing up our sweet little girl. My car falls apart and you fix it. I can't make the rent because I got fired for trying to take care of Abby, and so you took care of that for me too."
"For you and Abby," Dean tells you softly.
"Everything starts falling apart for me and it seems like you're always there to pick me up. To jump in and want to help." More tears well up in your eyes at the thought of the situation that you're in. "Dean, I don't want you to have to keep picking up the slack for me because one day you are going to wonder if I'm not doing it just so I can be lazy. Maybe you'll start thinking that I'm not trying to find a job because I have you to rely on now."
"That's going to drive you away from me and I couldn't stand it if that happens," you tell Dean as more tears fall down your cheeks.
"That's not going to happen," Dean tells you softly.
"Yes it will," you sniff. "That's why me and my parents couldn't get along. I basically had a job just to pay someone else to take care of my kid. All of my money was going towards a babysitter and I got to thinking about how ridiculous it was so I quit and even though my parents were already having to buy everything for Abby, they told me that I was mooching off of them since I didn't have a job. They didn't think about how taking care of her is a full time job in itself. They started trying to take over our lives. They were telling me how awful of a mother I was because I wasn't taking care of her like I should have been and you're going to think that too."
"No I'm not."
"If you keep having to fix everything for me and bail me out of my messes..."
"Stop," Dean tells you as he turns to lay Abby's blanket down onto the hood of Baby. Dean turns to look at you and you swallow hard.
"I know that you want to help and I appreciate that, Dean, but I can't have you getting let down by me and walking away..."
"I am not going to walk away from you," Dean tells you softly as he takes your face between both of his hands. "Do you hear me? I am not letting you go this time whether you like it or not." Your eyes slide shut as the tears fall down your cheeks, and Dean tries to wipe them all away with his thumbs. "I know that you're trying to take care of her and you have been doing such a good job at it, but now you need help and that's okay. You shouldn't have to be afraid of accepting help from anybody, especially not me. Now I don't know why your parents treated you like that because to me taking care of Abby is enough, but I'm not them, (Y/N)."
"I know that," you sob and lean into Dean's touch a bit.
"I need you to do me a favor," Dean tells you.
"What's that?" you sniff.
"Let go," Dean tells you. "(Y/N), you have been taking care of that kid by yourself for five years without any help. Now I have your rent paid for three months, so instead of stressing yourself out trying to find a job take this opportunity to relax. Have a few days for yourself and to enjoy Abby the way you should."
"I can't."
"Yes you can."
"No, I can't because then you have to provide for her and that's not fair to you, Dean."
"Hey, I get to see Abby either way." A small laugh escapes you as Dean tries to wipe some more of your tears away. "Take a breather. Give yourself some space to clear your head. I mean it, (Y/N)."
"I don't want you to think that I'm using you for the money," you tell him.
"Stop. Stop that," Dean tells you as tears well up in his eyes. "(Y/N), sweetheart, I know that you're not doing this for money. You have refused my help and I thought at first it was because of your pride. I mean, you've taken care of Abby by yourself for five years, I can see how it would be a little bit embarrassing to accept help now even though it shouldn't be. Now that I know the reason that you've been turning me away, (Y/N), you've gotta let me help you out and not worry about me thinking that you're using me. I know that you're not doing that to me or Abby."
"The timing..."
"Is just how things go," Dean whispers. "That's life. Crap happens and sometimes it snowballs out of control. I get that. I'm not going to think that you're only now telling me about Abby because you're having problems and need help. I know better than that. If you were doing that then you wouldn't have gotten mad at me for fixing your car."
"I don't want you to think that I'm trying to earn your pity because I'm the mother of your kid. I don't want you to think that I'm relaxing and letting you take care of everything. I don't want you to resent me because of it."
"I don't think that and I'm not going to," Dean tells you softly as he leans his forehead over against yours. "Please stop talking like that. You have taken care of Abby by yourself for five years. You deserve a break. You deserve for someone else to take care of you awhile."
You sniff and look Dean in the eyes. "I wish I had never walked away from you."
Dean's green eyes crinkle at the corners as he gives you a soft smile. "And I wish that I had never let go of you." Dean moves away a bit like he's going to press a kiss to your cheek or temple, but instead he leans in once more. His eyes meet yours as if asking for permission, and you try to give it to him by gently grabbing onto his head with one of your hands and slowly pulling his head down towards you. When Dean's lips meet yours, you feel your body completely relaxing in his hold. Dean adjusts himself so that he's holding you up around your waist with both of his strong arms. When Dean slowly pulls away, he leans his forehead against yours once more and looks you in the eyes.
"Does this mean that you'll let me drive you to your car?" Dean asks you softly.
You laugh softly and you nod your head a bit at him. "Dean?"
"Hm?" he hums as he rubs a thumb gently over your cheek.
"I'm sorry that I've been a little mean to you about all of this," you tell him softly. "I have a hard time accepting help because I'm always afraid that people are going to think that I'm using them if they help me."
"(Y/N), there's one thing that you're forgetting about me."
"And what's that?" you ask him softly.
"Our relationship is different," Dean tells you. "You are the mother of my daughter. Now while it is my duty as Abby's dad to take care of her, it is also just as important to me to see that you're taken care of too."
"Even if all we ever are is friends, helping you by paying your rent or fixing your car, sweetheart, it is the least that I could do to thank you for you giving me that amazing kid," Dean chokes out. "I know that it's difficult for you but I'd like to also take care of you if you'll let me."
You nod and take a deep breath. "I will try," you whisper.
"Good," Dean smiles before he barely brushes his lips up against yours once more. Dean clears his throat a bit before he begins to slowly pull away from you. "We should probably go so that I can take Abby's blanket to her."
"Yeah," you breathe out as you bite on your bottom lip. Dean walks over to Baby and opens up the passenger side door before motioning at you to get in. You take a seat and Dean shuts the door before walking around the car and over to his side.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Dean says as he takes his place behind the wheel.
"Yeah?" you ask him.
"If I hadn't got worried about you, were you going to walk all the way to my house?"
"Well, yeah," you shrug. "What else was I supposed to do?" 
Dean takes a deep breath. "Promise me something, (Y/N)."
"What's that?"
"If you ever need my help but don't have your phone with you or you can't get ahold of anybody else, stay where you're at because I can promise you that I will get worried about you and I'll be there to help you."
"Okay," you breathe out. Dean gives you a small smile before he starts to drive off.
"Hm?" he hums as he turns his head a bit to look over at you.
"What you were saying earlier about how you're still in love with me and I was going to tell you that in my garage but I chickened out."
"It was true," you breathe out as more tears well up in your eyes. "It was true, Dean."
Dean's silent as he drives you to your car. When he gets there, he pulls off onto the side of the road and turns his head a bit to look over at you once more.
"Sit here while I go take a look at it."
"So we're going to pretend like I didn't just say what I did?" you ask him. "You're not gonna say anything?"
"There's nothing to say," Dean tells you.
"Oh," you breathe out as your head drops a bit. Dean reaches over to put a hand underneath your chin and he slowly tilts your head up a bit so that he can look you in the eyes.
"I'd much rather show you exactly how I feel, but we have a daughter at my house who is counting on me bringing her blanket to her," Dean says. You give Dean a soft smile and he runs his thumb gently over your cheek before he gets out of the car and walks over to yours. You take a deep breath to try to calm down your racing heart. You feel exactly like you felt when you both were together five years ago.
Every little glance your way causes butterflies in your stomach. Every little touch sends your heart racing. Every compliment causes a blush to spread across your cheeks. And now you and Dean both know each other's feelings, not to mention the fact that he kissed you. He kissed you. It felt exactly how you had remembered it and now you are even more sad that you ever walked away from Dean in the first place.
"Alright," Dean sighs as he opens up the door and takes his place behind the wheel once more. "I'll have to call a tow truck because that thing isn't going anywhere tonight. I will try to fix it some when I drop Abby off tomorrow, but I have to be honest with you here, sweetheart, it wouldn't be worth it."
"So what you're saying is that I'm going to have to get a new vehicle?" Dean nods and you let your eyes slide shut. "Great."
"I can try and fix it up for you for a while, but there's too many issues that it wouldn't be worth it."
"Alright," you swallow hard.
"I'll take you home," Dean says before he puts Baby in gear. When Dean pulls up to your house, you look over at him and you give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Dean," you tell him.
"No need to thank me, sweetheart," Dean smiles. "I told you that I want to take care of you."
"I know," you breathe out.
"Will you be okay here by yourself and no car in case you need to go anywhere?" he asks you.
"If there's some sort of emergency or something, I promise you that I will call you."
"Good," Dean smiles. You get out of the car and Dean follows you.
"I can walk to the front door by myself, you know," you giggle.
"I know," Dean smiles as he holds an arm out for you. You smile softly at him before linking your arms together and letting Dean lead you up onto your front porch. "Alright," Dean says as he slowly lets go of you before turning to face you. "I should go take Abby her blanket before she throws a fit on Sam."
"Alright," you laugh.
"We have a lot to talk about," Dean says.
"Yes, we do," you smile.
"Maybe we'll be able to get it all straightened out Friday."
You give Dean a look. "But I thought that you've got plans for Friday."
"I do," Dean smiles. "And so do you."
There's no way that you could stop the smile spreading across your face even if you wanted to. "Oh?" you ask him. "And what were you going to do if I didn't want to go anywhere with you?"
"I'm not taking no for an answer here, sweetheart," Dean smiles.
"What about Abby?"
"Well, if Sammy is still alive when I get home then I'll ask him about babysitting for us," Dean tells you. "As long as you're okay with it anyways."
"Of course I am," you tell Dean. "I trust Sam."
"Good," Dean smiles. "I should go then."
"Yeah, you should."
"I don't want to."
"I don't want you to."
"But it is sort of past our daughter's bedtime and we both know that she's gotta haver her blanket to go to sleep."
"Yeah," you frown.
"Maybe this will make it a bit easier," Dean says before he reaches out to slowly pull you in. Your eyes meet and it feels like the air has been knocked out of you when Dean's lips press against yours once more. You wrap both of yours arms tightly around Dean's neck, and both of his wrap tightly around your waist. When Dean slowly pulls away from you, he chuckles a bit. "Sort of doesn't feel right without the porch lights blinking and your Dad running out here to scare me off."
"No it doesn't," you laugh before Dean leans in once more. Gosh, you want to just stay here like this for a while. "Did that make it any easier to walk away?" you ask him.
"No," Dean groans. "But at least it gives us both something to look forward too."
"Yeah," you giggle. "Hey, Dean, could you maybe keep this between us for right now?" you ask him. "I don't want Abby to be getting her hopes up until me and you can talk it all out and decide what we are."
"Done," Dean smiles.
"You should go," you breathe out as you cling a bit tighter to Dean. You don't want him to, but Abby needs him now and you know that you can't be selfish.
"Alright," Dean sighs. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Goodnight, Dean." He pulls you in for a short, sweet kiss and your knees feel like they're about to give out. Dean lets go of you, giving you a wink before turning to walk away from you. Dean gets in the car and you give him a small wave from your front porch before he drives off. ~~~~
When Dean walks through the front door of his house, he can't help but to laugh a bit at what he sees. Sam's passed out on the couch, and Abby is sitting up beside of him coloring away on a piece of paper. Abby looks up at Dean when she hears the door shut and gives him a wide smile.
"Hi, Daddy," Abby says before she looks down at her coloring once more.
"Hi," Dean chuckles as he walks over to her. "What'd you do to poor Uncle Sammy?" Abby giggles as Dean kneels down in front of the couch to talk to her. "He just couldn't handle you, could he?"
"He fell asleep while I was coloring," Abby tells Dean innocently. "I put my blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold."
Dean looks over at the purple blanket that is haphazardly draped over Sam's lap and has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. "I see that, sweetheart," Dean chuckles. "Hey, I gotcha something."
"What?" Abby asks him. Dean holds up Abby's pink blanket with her name on it and he feels a bit proud that he caused that little face to light up like that.
"Happy?" he asks her softly. Abby nods as she reaches out to take the blanket from Dean. "Now, will you go to sleep for me?"
Abby thinks about it for a minute before she smiles softly at Dean. "Will you read me a bedtime story, Daddy?"
Dean chuckles as he leans over to pick Abby up off of the couch. "One bedtime story, and then you have got to go to sleep, sweetheart."
"Two stories," Abby argues as Dean carries her down the hallway and towards her room.
"One," Dean chuckles.
"One and a half," Abby giggles.
"How about none?" Dean teases Abby as he smushes his nose up against hers.
"Okay, three is fine."
"Rotten," Dean laughs as he carries Abby over to her bed and lays her down. Dean tucks her tightly underneath her blankets and lets her get comfortable before he takes a seat beside of her. Four bedtime stories later and Dean is walking out of Abby's room and towards the living room. He takes his phone out of his pocket and snaps a picture to mock Sam with later before reaching over to nudge him awake.
"What?" Sam groans as he slowly opens his eyes. When Sam adjusts to his surroundings and remembers where he's at, his eyes widen and he sits up a bit. "Where's..."
"Abby's in her room asleep," Dean tells Sam as he takes a seat on the couch. Sam rubs the sleep out of his eyes before he turns his head a bit to look over at Dean.
"You gonna tell me what's going on here?"
Dean shrugs his shoulders a bit at Sam. "I have a daughter."
"Were you ever going to tell me about her?"
"Of course I would have," Dean scoffs. "I needed to figure out if I could do this or not before I told anybody."
"Do what?" Sam asks as he sits up a bit, throwing the blanket that Abby draped over him at Dean.
"Be a good Dad," Dean says as he throws the blanket over onto an empty chair.
"Dude, what do you mean? You love kids," Sam tells him. "You're literally a kindergarten teacher and you get to hang out with kids everyday because of it."
"Yeah," Dean sighs as he casts his eyes down towards the floor. "But there's a difference between liking being around kids and being a Dad. I... I don't know, Sammy. I was scared and a little bit in shock still, but yeah I would have told you about Abby eventually."
They're both quiet for a while until Sam decides to speak up once more.
"She's cute."
"Yeah," Dean smiles softly. "She is but she can be a handful. I don't know how (Y/N) has done it all by herself for these five years."
"So what's going on there?" Sam asks him. "Are you two..."
"I don't know," Dean sighs. "But right now we're focused on Abby and trying to do right by her. If we think that we could make it happen and be a happy family, then maybe but right now it is between the both of us."
"I know that," Sam tells him softly. "I'm not trying to pry here, Dean. I just would kind of like to understand things a bit better."
"I know."
"When did she tell you that Abby's yours?"
"About a moth ago," Dean tells Sam sheepishly.
Sam's eyes widen a bit. "You've known for almost a month now that you have a daughter and yet you didn't say anything?"
"I told you that I was trying to see if I was going to be a good Dad to her first," Dean says.
"You couldn't have at least told me?"
Dean takes a deep breath. "Okay, be mad at me if you want to but now you know so..."
"So I'm still mad at you for not telling me," Sam says.
"Alright, sorry," Dean rolls his eyes as he stands up off of the couch.
"And you and (Y/N)?"
"What about us?"
Sam takes a deep breath. "What's going on there?"
"Would you quit asking the exact same questions over and over?"
"Alright," Sam laughs as he stands up off of the couch. "I'll go so that you can get some sleep."
"Thank you," Dean says. "And thanks for babysitting Abby for me."
"It was no problem," Sam tells him. "She's a cute kid. She's a good kid."
"Yeah," Dean nods. "Oh by the way you have to babysit Friday and maybe part of Saturday too."
"Um, why?"
"I have... plans."
"None of your business," Dean tells him.
"Fine," Sam sighs. "I'll babysit and you can have fun on your date with (Y/N)."
Dean's eyes widen a bit. "How did you..."
"Do you seriously think that I'm an idiot?" Sam asks him as he walks over towards the front door. "Call me if you need me for anything else."
"Yeah, yeah," Dean says as he waves his hand in the air and gives Sam a small smile. Sam shuts the front door behind him as he walks out of Dean's house, and Dean sighs as he begins to walk down the hallway to Abby's room. He pokes his head in the door to see if she's okay first before walking on across the hallway to his room.
Keeping Secrets Tags: @vicmc624 @thefemalestorywriter @that-one-gay-girl
Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @imaginationisgrowth @deanwanddamons @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @cookiechipdough @campingmonkey @flamencodiva @thatmotleygirl @akshi8278 @torn-and-frayed @screechingartisancashbailiff @carry-on-wayward-girl
17 notes · View notes
supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
Keeping Secrets Part 6
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 5,456
A/N: This is Part 6 of Keeping Secrets. Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
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"What're you doing up out of bed?" Dean asks Abby as she runs into the living room.
"I can't sleep," Abby smiles as she runs over to jump up onto the couch beside of Dean. He takes Abby into his arms and holds her little body tightly to him.
"You've gotta go to sleep, sweetheart, you have school."
"So do you."
"Yeah," Dean chuckles. "But I'm a grownup. I can stay up a bit later and handle getting up early."
"So can I, Daddy. I promise I can," Abby pouts up at Dean.
"You are not going to talk me into letting you stay awake for hours," Dean tells her. "You'll be grouchy tomorrow."
"Not I won't."
"Bed," Dean chuckles as he stands up with Abby in his arms. He carries her to her room for around the fifth time, lays her down on her bed and tucks her in tightly before leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Daddy," Abby whines as she reaches out towards Dean while making a grabbing motion with her hands. "I want my blanket."
"Abby, honey, you have three blankets on your bed."
"They're not my special blanket."
Dean sighs as he sits down on the mattress beside of Abby's body. "Honey, I promise you that you'll be okay going one night without it."
"Mommy said that she would bring it here when it dried."
"Well, maybe it didn't get dry but I promise you that you'll be fine."
"Tell you what," Dean sighs. "You can try to go to sleep and if you can't after a while, I will call Momma, okay?"
"Okay," Abby whines as tears well up in her eyes.
"Oh, now Daddy can't stand to see you cry," Dean tells Abby as he leans over to pick her up out of bed. He holds her tightly to him and she cries softly into his neck. Dean shifts a bit so that he can get his phone out of his pocket. "Alright, let me text Momma." Dean knows that he can't give into Abby everytime that she starts crying, but he also knows that this isn't a temper tantrum because she isn't getting what she wants. Dean knows that his little girl is genuinely upset about something that probably has nothing to do with the blanket, but he would do anything to help her so if the blanket is what's going to help her, then so be it.
"I'm sad, Daddy," Abby whines, causing Dean's heart to shatter into a bunch of tiny pieces.
"I know, baby," he tells her softly. "Wanna tell me why?"
"Because I want Mommy here and when I'm with Mommy I want you to be there."
"I know," Dean sighs, figuring that that's what she's upset about. Dean looks at his phone and he frowns when sees that you haven't texted him.
"Daddy, why can't..."
"Abby, honey, I can't give you an answer to that."
"But why not?"
"Because you've gotta le me and Mommy figure it out first before we try explaining it to you," Dean tells Abby as he dials your number. You don't answer and Dean gets a sick feeling in his stomach. "Abby, sit here for me," Dean tells her as he stands up off the bed and sits her down. He gives her a soft smile before turning to walk on out of the room. "Sweetheart, please pick up," Dean whispers as he tries calling you once more. Normally he wouldn't worry about it. Maybe your phone died or you fell asleep or something. But this sinking feeling in Dean's gut is something that he can't ignore. There's something wrong and he just knows it. Dean tries your number a few more times before he calls the only person that he can think of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dude, I hope that whatever you interrupted my sleep for is an actual emergency," Sam says as he walks through the front door. He stops in his tracks when he sees a little girl standing in the living room and looking at him with wide eyes. "Um, hi?" Sam says as he shuts the door behind him.
"Daddy!" Abby screams, causing Dean to run into the living room. He relaxes a bit when he sees that Abby's okay.
"Sweetheart, you scared me," Dean tells Abby as she runs over and jumps up into his arms.
"Daddy, who is that?" she whispers into Dean's ear.
"Sweetheart, that's your Uncle Sammy," Dean smiles at her.
"Dean, why does she keep calling you her dad?" Sam asks him.
Dean swallows hard and he takes a deep breath. "I know that I have some explaining to do, but I need your help right now."
"Is she (Y/N)'s?"
Dean gives him a look. "How did you know?"
"Oh, please, Dean, you want everyone to think that you're a ladies man but the both of us know that (Y/N) is the only one who's ever mattered to you."
"Okay, fair point," Dean sighs. "Listen, I need to get Abby into bed but she wants her blanket..."
"Seriously, you woke me up for a blanket?" Sam asks him.
Dean rolls his eyes a bit at Sam. "I tried calling (Y/N) but she's not answering her phone."
"Maybe she's asleep."
Dean knows that he can't say anything in front of Abby that will make her worry about you, so instead he gives Sam a look so that he'll know he has an uneasy feeling about this.
"Okay, fine," Sam sighs as he reaches out towards Abby. "I'll babysit."
"Thanks, Sammy," Dean says as he hands Abby over to him.
"No, Daddy!" Abby cries as she wraps both of her little arms tightly around Dean's neck.
"Sweetheart, you'll be alright without me for a few minutes," Dean tells her softly. "Sam's not gonna hurt you."
"Promise?" Abby sniffs.
"I promise, baby," Dean tells her as he presses a kiss to her temple. Abby lets Sam take her from Dean. "Thanks, Sammy."
"You're welcome, but you owe me a lengthy explanation," Sam tells Dean as he opens up the front door.
"Yeah, I know," Dean says before he walks out onto the front porch. Dean tries calling you as he drives towards your house. His heart sinks deeper each time that you don't pick up. Dean's about five minutes out when he sees someone walking on the side of the road. He slams on the breaks and pulls off before getting out.
"(Y/N)!" Dean hollers. You look over your shoulder at Dean as he runs up to you. "Mind telling me what you're doing walking on the side of the road?"
You take a deep breath. "I was going to bring Abby's blanket over when it dried but my car broke down and I didn't have my phone with me," you tell him. "Why are you here?"
"Because I tried texting you and you didn't answer," Dean tells you. "When I called you and you still didn't pick up, I panicked."
"Well, I'm fine," you tell Dean as you hand Abby's blanket over to him. "Where's Abby?"
"Sam's babysitting," Dean tells you.
"I bet she'll love that," you smile.
"Yeah," Dean chuckles. "She acted almost scared of him at first, but I think that she warmed up to him after a bit."
You nod and take a deep breath. "Dean, can I borrow your phone to call a tow truck?"
Dean gives you a look. "Why don't you just let me drive you to your car and see if I can figure out what's wrong with it?"
"Because you've already fixed it for me once," you tell him. "I don't need you to keep doing favors for me."
"Stop that," Dean tells you. "(Y/N), I don't know why you're being like this but it is getting a little bit annoying."
"I don't want to argue with you about this," you tell him. "I don't know why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that I want to figure this out on my own."
"I don't know why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that I want to help you until you do figure it out," Dean tells you as he crosses his arms over his chest. "(Y/N), it's ridiculous. I'm not trying to make you feel like you're not doing a good job here or something. Everybody needs help from time to time and there's absolutely nothing wrong or embarrassing about it, especially when the persons trying to help theirself a bit which you're obviously trying to do."
"Seriously, Dean, butt out," you tell him.
"Well, I'm sorry that I'm trying to make sure that our daughter is taken care of no matter what."
"Oh, like you're not doing this to try and get on my good side or something," you tell Dean. You know that it isn't fair to take your insecurities out on him but the words keep flying off your tongue.
"Is that what you think that I'm doing?" Dean asks you with a hurt expression on his face. "Sweetheart, I'm only trying to help you because I care about you and our kid. There's no ulterior motive here and honestly it hurts a bit that you think that."
"I know," you tell Dean as tears well up in your eyes. "I... I'm sorry, Dean. It isn't fair for me to say that."
"Hey," Dean says as he reaches out to take both of your shoulders in his hands. "Talk to me, sweetheart."
You swallow hard as your eyes meet Dean's. "You wanna know the real reason why I can't be in a serious relationship with you?"
"Please," Dean whispers. You take a deep breath and a few tears fall over your cheeks.
"It's because I don't want you to think that I'm using you for the money, and then that drives you away from me."
"Now, sweetheart, why would I think that?" Dean asks you softly as he uses his thumbs to try stopping your tears.
"Think about it, Dean," you choke out. "We haven't seen each other for five years and now you and me have a daughter together. You start trying to get to know her, then everything seems to start falling apart for me."
"You've taken some of the load of bringing up our sweet little girl. My car falls apart and you fix it. I can't make the rent because I got fired for trying to take care of Abby, and so you took care of that for me too."
"For you and Abby," Dean tells you softly.
"Everything starts falling apart for me and it seems like you're always there to pick me up. To jump in and want to help." More tears well up in your eyes at the thought of the situation that you're in. "Dean, I don't want you to have to keep picking up the slack for me because one day you are going to wonder if I'm not doing it just so I can be lazy. Maybe you'll start thinking that I'm not trying to find a job because I have you to rely on now."
"That's going to drive you away from me and I couldn't stand it if that happens," you tell Dean as more tears fall down your cheeks.
"That's not going to happen," Dean tells you softly.
"Yes it will," you sniff. "That's why me and my parents couldn't get along. I basically had a job just to pay someone else to take care of my kid. All of my money was going towards a babysitter and I got to thinking about how ridiculous it was so I quit and even though my parents were already having to buy everything for Abby, they told me that I was mooching off of them since I didn't have a job. They didn't think about how taking care of her is a full time job in itself. They started trying to take over our lives. They were telling me how awful of a mother I was because I wasn't taking care of her like I should have been and you're going to think that too."
"No I'm not."
"If you keep having to fix everything for me and bail me out of my messes..."
"Stop," Dean tells you as he turns to lay Abby's blanket down onto the hood of Baby. Dean turns to look at you and you swallow hard.
"I know that you want to help and I appreciate that, Dean, but I can't have you getting let down by me and walking away..."
"I am not going to walk away from you," Dean tells you softly as he takes your face between both of his hands. "Do you hear me? I am not letting you go this time whether you like it or not." Your eyes slide shut as the tears fall down your cheeks, and Dean tries to wipe them all away with his thumbs. "I know that you're trying to take care of her and you have been doing such a good job at it, but now you need help and that's okay. You shouldn't have to be afraid of accepting help from anybody, especially not me. Now I don't know why your parents treated you like that because to me taking care of Abby is enough, but I'm not them, (Y/N)."
"I know that," you sob and lean into Dean's touch a bit.
"I need you to do me a favor," Dean tells you.
"What's that?" you sniff.
"Let go," Dean tells you. "(Y/N), you have been taking care of that kid by yourself for five years without any help. Now I have your rent paid for three months, so instead of stressing yourself out trying to find a job take this opportunity to relax. Have a few days for yourself and to enjoy Abby the way you should."
"I can't."
"Yes you can."
"No, I can't because then you have to provide for her and that's not fair to you, Dean."
"Hey, I get to see Abby either way." A small laugh escapes you as Dean tries to wipe some more of your tears away. "Take a breather. Give yourself some space to clear your head. I mean it, (Y/N)."
"I don't want you to think that I'm using you for the money," you tell him.
"Stop. Stop that," Dean tells you as tears well up in his eyes. "(Y/N), sweetheart, I know that you're not doing this for money. You have refused my help and I thought at first it was because of your pride. I mean, you've taken care of Abby by yourself for five years, I can see how it would be a little bit embarrassing to accept help now even though it shouldn't be. Now that I know the reason that you've been turning me away, (Y/N), you've gotta let me help you out and not worry about me thinking that you're using me. I know that you're not doing that to me or Abby."
"The timing..."
"Is just how things go," Dean whispers. "That's life. Crap happens and sometimes it snowballs out of control. I get that. I'm not going to think that you're only now telling me about Abby because you're having problems and need help. I know better than that. If you were doing that then you wouldn't have gotten mad at me for fixing your car."
"I don't want you to think that I'm trying to earn your pity because I'm the mother of your kid. I don't want you to think that I'm relaxing and letting you take care of everything. I don't want you to resent me because of it."
"I don't think that and I'm not going to," Dean tells you softly as he leans his forehead over against yours. "Please stop talking like that. You have taken care of Abby by yourself for five years. You deserve a break. You deserve for someone else to take care of you awhile."
You sniff and look Dean in the eyes. "I wish I had never walked away from you."
Dean's green eyes crinkle at the corners as he gives you a soft smile. "And I wish that I had never let go of you." Dean moves away a bit like he's going to press a kiss to your cheek or temple, but instead he leans in once more. His eyes meet yours as if asking for permission, and you try to give it to him by gently grabbing onto his head with one of your hands and slowly pulling his head down towards you. When Dean's lips meet yours, you feel your body completely relaxing in his hold. Dean adjusts himself so that he's holding you up around your waist with both of his strong arms. When Dean slowly pulls away, he leans his forehead against yours once more and looks you in the eyes.
"Does this mean that you'll let me drive you to your car?" Dean asks you softly.
You laugh softly and you nod your head a bit at him. "Dean?"
"Hm?" he hums as he rubs a thumb gently over your cheek.
"I'm sorry that I've been a little mean to you about all of this," you tell him softly. "I have a hard time accepting help because I'm always afraid that people are going to think that I'm using them if they help me."
"(Y/N), there's one thing that you're forgetting about me."
"And what's that?" you ask him softly.
"Our relationship is different," Dean tells you. "You are the mother of my daughter. Now while it is my duty as Abby's dad to take care of her, it is also just as important to me to see that you're taken care of too."
"Even if all we ever are is friends, helping you by paying your rent or fixing your car, sweetheart, it is the least that I could do to thank you for you giving me that amazing kid," Dean chokes out. "I know that it's difficult for you but I'd like to also take care of you if you'll let me."
You nod and take a deep breath. "I will try," you whisper.
"Good," Dean smiles before he barely brushes his lips up against yours once more. Dean clears his throat a bit before he begins to slowly pull away from you. "We should probably go so that I can take Abby's blanket to her."
"Yeah," you breathe out as you bite on your bottom lip. Dean walks over to Baby and opens up the passenger side door before motioning at you to get in. You take a seat and Dean shuts the door before walking around the car and over to his side.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Dean says as he takes his place behind the wheel.
"Yeah?" you ask him.
"If I hadn't got worried about you, were you going to walk all the way to my house?"
"Well, yeah," you shrug. "What else was I supposed to do?" 
Dean takes a deep breath. "Promise me something, (Y/N)."
"What's that?"
"If you ever need my help but don't have your phone with you or you can't get ahold of anybody else, stay where you're at because I can promise you that I will get worried about you and I'll be there to help you."
"Okay," you breathe out. Dean gives you a small smile before he starts to drive off.
"Hm?" he hums as he turns his head a bit to look over at you.
"What you were saying earlier about how you're still in love with me and I was going to tell you that in my garage but I chickened out."
"It was true," you breathe out as more tears well up in your eyes. "It was true, Dean."
Dean's silent as he drives you to your car. When he gets there, he pulls off onto the side of the road and turns his head a bit to look over at you once more.
"Sit here while I go take a look at it."
"So we're going to pretend like I didn't just say what I did?" you ask him. "You're not gonna say anything?"
"There's nothing to say," Dean tells you.
"Oh," you breathe out as your head drops a bit. Dean reaches over to put a hand underneath your chin and he slowly tilts your head up a bit so that he can look you in the eyes.
"I'd much rather show you exactly how I feel, but we have a daughter at my house who is counting on me bringing her blanket to her," Dean says. You give Dean a soft smile and he runs his thumb gently over your cheek before he gets out of the car and walks over to yours. You take a deep breath to try to calm down your racing heart. You feel exactly like you felt when you both were together five years ago.
Every little glance your way causes butterflies in your stomach. Every little touch sends your heart racing. Every compliment causes a blush to spread across your cheeks. And now you and Dean both know each other's feelings, not to mention the fact that he kissed you. He kissed you. It felt exactly how you had remembered it and now you are even more sad that you ever walked away from Dean in the first place.
"Alright," Dean sighs as he opens up the door and takes his place behind the wheel once more. "I'll have to call a tow truck because that thing isn't going anywhere tonight. I will try to fix it some when I drop Abby off tomorrow, but I have to be honest with you here, sweetheart, it wouldn't be worth it."
"So what you're saying is that I'm going to have to get a new vehicle?" Dean nods and you let your eyes slide shut. "Great."
"I can try and fix it up for you for a while, but there's too many issues that it wouldn't be worth it."
"Alright," you swallow hard.
"I'll take you home," Dean says before he puts Baby in gear. When Dean pulls up to your house, you look over at him and you give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Dean," you tell him.
"No need to thank me, sweetheart," Dean smiles. "I told you that I want to take care of you."
"I know," you breathe out.
"Will you be okay here by yourself and no car in case you need to go anywhere?" he asks you.
"If there's some sort of emergency or something, I promise you that I will call you."
"Good," Dean smiles. You get out of the car and Dean follows you.
"I can walk to the front door by myself, you know," you giggle.
"I know," Dean smiles as he holds an arm out for you. You smile softly at him before linking your arms together and letting Dean lead you up onto your front porch. "Alright," Dean says as he slowly lets go of you before turning to face you. "I should go take Abby her blanket before she throws a fit on Sam."
"Alright," you laugh.
"We have a lot to talk about," Dean says.
"Yes, we do," you smile.
"Maybe we'll be able to get it all straightened out Friday."
You give Dean a look. "But I thought that you've got plans for Friday."
"I do," Dean smiles. "And so do you."
There's no way that you could stop the smile spreading across your face even if you wanted to. "Oh?" you ask him. "And what were you going to do if I didn't want to go anywhere with you?"
"I'm not taking no for an answer here, sweetheart," Dean smiles.
"What about Abby?"
"Well, if Sammy is still alive when I get home then I'll ask him about babysitting for us," Dean tells you. "As long as you're okay with it anyways."
"Of course I am," you tell Dean. "I trust Sam."
"Good," Dean smiles. "I should go then."
"Yeah, you should."
"I don't want to."
"I don't want you to."
"But it is sort of past our daughter's bedtime and we both know that she's gotta haver her blanket to go to sleep."
"Yeah," you frown.
"Maybe this will make it a bit easier," Dean says before he reaches out to slowly pull you in. Your eyes meet and it feels like the air has been knocked out of you when Dean's lips press against yours once more. You wrap both of yours arms tightly around Dean's neck, and both of his wrap tightly around your waist. When Dean slowly pulls away from you, he chuckles a bit. "Sort of doesn't feel right without the porch lights blinking and your Dad running out here to scare me off."
"No it doesn't," you laugh before Dean leans in once more. Gosh, you want to just stay here like this for a while. "Did that make it any easier to walk away?" you ask him.
"No," Dean groans. "But at least it gives us both something to look forward too."
"Yeah," you giggle. "Hey, Dean, could you maybe keep this between us for right now?" you ask him. "I don't want Abby to be getting her hopes up until me and you can talk it all out and decide what we are."
"Done," Dean smiles.
"You should go," you breathe out as you cling a bit tighter to Dean. You don't want him to, but Abby needs him now and you know that you can't be selfish.
"Alright," Dean sighs. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Goodnight, Dean." He pulls you in for a short, sweet kiss and your knees feel like they're about to give out. Dean lets go of you, giving you a wink before turning to walk away from you. Dean gets in the car and you give him a small wave from your front porch before he drives off. ~~~~
When Dean walks through the front door of his house, he can't help but to laugh a bit at what he sees. Sam's passed out on the couch, and Abby is sitting up beside of him coloring away on a piece of paper. Abby looks up at Dean when she hears the door shut and gives him a wide smile.
"Hi, Daddy," Abby says before she looks down at her coloring once more.
"Hi," Dean chuckles as he walks over to her. "What'd you do to poor Uncle Sammy?" Abby giggles as Dean kneels down in front of the couch to talk to her. "He just couldn't handle you, could he?"
"He fell asleep while I was coloring," Abby tells Dean innocently. "I put my blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold."
Dean looks over at the purple blanket that is haphazardly draped over Sam's lap and has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. "I see that, sweetheart," Dean chuckles. "Hey, I gotcha something."
"What?" Abby asks him. Dean holds up Abby's pink blanket with her name on it and he feels a bit proud that he caused that little face to light up like that.
"Happy?" he asks her softly. Abby nods as she reaches out to take the blanket from Dean. "Now, will you go to sleep for me?"
Abby thinks about it for a minute before she smiles softly at Dean. "Will you read me a bedtime story, Daddy?"
Dean chuckles as he leans over to pick Abby up off of the couch. "One bedtime story, and then you have got to go to sleep, sweetheart."
"Two stories," Abby argues as Dean carries her down the hallway and towards her room.
"One," Dean chuckles.
"One and a half," Abby giggles.
"How about none?" Dean teases Abby as he smushes his nose up against hers.
"Okay, three is fine."
"Rotten," Dean laughs as he carries Abby over to her bed and lays her down. Dean tucks her tightly underneath her blankets and lets her get comfortable before he takes a seat beside of her. Four bedtime stories later and Dean is walking out of Abby's room and towards the living room. He takes his phone out of his pocket and snaps a picture to mock Sam with later before reaching over to nudge him awake.
"What?" Sam groans as he slowly opens his eyes. When Sam adjusts to his surroundings and remembers where he's at, his eyes widen and he sits up a bit. "Where's..."
"Abby's in her room asleep," Dean tells Sam as he takes a seat on the couch. Sam rubs the sleep out of his eyes before he turns his head a bit to look over at Dean.
"You gonna tell me what's going on here?"
Dean shrugs his shoulders a bit at Sam. "I have a daughter."
"Were you ever going to tell me about her?"
"Of course I would have," Dean scoffs. "I needed to figure out if I could do this or not before I told anybody."
"Do what?" Sam asks as he sits up a bit, throwing the blanket that Abby draped over him at Dean.
"Be a good Dad," Dean says as he throws the blanket over onto an empty chair.
"Dude, what do you mean? You love kids," Sam tells him. "You're literally a kindergarten teacher and you get to hang out with kids everyday because of it."
"Yeah," Dean sighs as he casts his eyes down towards the floor. "But there's a difference between liking being around kids and being a Dad. I... I don't know, Sammy. I was scared and a little bit in shock still, but yeah I would have told you about Abby eventually."
They're both quiet for a while until Sam decides to speak up once more.
"She's cute."
"Yeah," Dean smiles softly. "She is but she can be a handful. I don't know how (Y/N) has done it all by herself for these five years."
"So what's going on there?" Sam asks him. "Are you two..."
"I don't know," Dean sighs. "But right now we're focused on Abby and trying to do right by her. If we think that we could make it happen and be a happy family, then maybe but right now it is between the both of us."
"I know that," Sam tells him softly. "I'm not trying to pry here, Dean. I just would kind of like to understand things a bit better."
"I know."
"When did she tell you that Abby's yours?"
"About a moth ago," Dean tells Sam sheepishly.
Sam's eyes widen a bit. "You've known for almost a month now that you have a daughter and yet you didn't say anything?"
"I told you that I was trying to see if I was going to be a good Dad to her first," Dean says.
"You couldn't have at least told me?"
Dean takes a deep breath. "Okay, be mad at me if you want to but now you know so..."
"So I'm still mad at you for not telling me," Sam says.
"Alright, sorry," Dean rolls his eyes as he stands up off of the couch.
"And you and (Y/N)?"
"What about us?"
Sam takes a deep breath. "What's going on there?"
"Would you quit asking the exact same questions over and over?"
"Alright," Sam laughs as he stands up off of the couch. "I'll go so that you can get some sleep."
"Thank you," Dean says. "And thanks for babysitting Abby for me."
"It was no problem," Sam tells him. "She's a cute kid. She's a good kid."
"Yeah," Dean nods. "Oh by the way you have to babysit Friday and maybe part of Saturday too."
"Um, why?"
"I have... plans."
"None of your business," Dean tells him.
"Fine," Sam sighs. "I'll babysit and you can have fun on your date with (Y/N)."
Dean's eyes widen a bit. "How did you..."
"Do you seriously think that I'm an idiot?" Sam asks him as he walks over towards the front door. "Call me if you need me for anything else."
"Yeah, yeah," Dean says as he waves his hand in the air and gives Sam a small smile. Sam shuts the front door behind him as he walks out of Dean's house, and Dean sighs as he begins to walk down the hallway to Abby's room. He pokes his head in the door to see if she's okay first before walking on across the hallway to his room.
Keeping Secrets Tags: @vicmc624 @thefemalestorywriter @that-one-gay-girl
Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @imaginationisgrowth @deanwanddamons @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @cookiechipdough @campingmonkey @flamencodiva @thatmotleygirl @akshi8278 @torn-and-frayed @screechingartisancashbailiff @carry-on-wayward-girl
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
I am going to be posting new parts to this, hopefully starting tomorrow!
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Summary: Dean’s world is flipped upside down when he learns that one of the girls in his class is much more than just another student. He has to learn how to handle being a dad and you have to learn that Dean isn’t the same person he once was.
Pairing: Teacher!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Anxiety, Fluff (Individual warnings are listed in each part)
Word Count:
A/N: I wasn’t planning for this to be a series, but after I wrote Part 2 I just couldn’t stop! I don’t know how many parts there will be to this, but I will post them as I write them. Please let me know if you want to be tagged.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 11 months ago
I'm back!
I want to start off by apologizing for the fact that I've been quiet for so long. I have been working on my writing this entire time so I'd have some stuff to share with you guys. I just hope some of you all are still around and still want to read my stories.
Now that that's out of the way, would any of you all like to see some new chapters for Keeping Secrets? I have a couple almost ready to post!
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
I Hate You
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1,704
Square Filled: Engagement
A/N: I’m sorry that I’ve been quiet for a while, but I’ve been working on creating some new series for you all that I’m hoping you’ll enjoy! This was written for @spnfluffbingo​.
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“Mornin’, sweetheart,” Dean smiles as you walk into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” you yawn as you walk over to where he’s sitting at the table to press a kiss to his cheek. You turn towards the counter and you smile a bit. “Someone has already been busy this morning.”
“Yeah, well, I wish that I could take all the credit but Sam did help,” he rolls his eyes.
Keep reading
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
I Hate You
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1,704
Square Filled: Engagement
A/N: I’m sorry that I’ve been quiet for a while, but I’ve been working on creating some new series for you all that I’m hoping you’ll enjoy! This was written for @spnfluffbingo​.
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“Mornin’, sweetheart,” Dean smiles as you walk into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” you yawn as you walk over to where he’s sitting at the table to press a kiss to his cheek. You turn towards the counter and you smile a bit. “Someone has already been busy this morning.”
“Yeah, well, I wish that I could take all the credit but Sam did help,” he rolls his eyes.
“Where is Sam?”
“Getting more bacon. We ran out of it.”
You turn to raise an eyebrow at Dean and you point towards the plate piled high with bacon. “There’s plenty here.”
“You kidding me?” he chuckles. “Honey, that’s just enough to get me started and wanting more.”
“I’m surprised that you haven’t had a heart attack yet,” you tell him as you open up the cabinet to get out a plate. You let out a surprised yelp when something falls out of the cabinet and lands down by your feet. You look down and you giggle a bit when you see a plastic, pastel colored egg laying there on the floor. “Dean, what is this?” you ask him as you pick it up and turn to face him.
He gives you a look. “You’ve never hunted for Easter eggs before? Sweetheart, even me and Sammy have done that at least once.”
“No, I’ve been on an Easter egg hunt before but I am a grown woman now.”
He smiles and grabs his coffee cup up off of the table before walking over to you. “Well, welcome to your personal adult Easter egg hunt.”
You scowl at him. “Please tell me that you didn’t do something dirty.”
“That’s not what I meant,” he chuckles as you open up the egg to find it empty.
“Okay, babe, I don’t think you know how Easter egg hunts are supposed to work.”
“Here’s the rules,” he smiles as he sets his coffee cup down onto the counter beside of you and reaches out to take the empty egg from you. “I have hidden a total of two hundred eggs around the bunker.”
Your eyes almost bug out of your head. “Two hundred!” you screech. “Dean, that is going to take me all day to find that many. And knowing you they are all going to be hidden in the most infuriating places!”
“Calm down, woman,” he laughs. “You don’t have to find all two hundred of them. Only the one that has the big prize in it.”
“Are they all empty except for this one?” you ask him. He smirks at you and you roll your eyes. “Seriously, I mean, the least you could have done is put candy in some of them. I have to get rewarded for my effort.”
“That will happen later,” he winks causing you to playfully slap his chest. “In my defense, I did buy a big bag of candy and I had every intention to fill at least half of them.”
“Let me guess,” you smile. “You ate them all?”
“Yeah, remember how I had that bad stomach ache a couple days ago?”
“You are such a child,” you laugh as you shake your head a bit at him. “Alright, when does this start?”
“Eat first and then you can go find the rest.”
“Will you give me…”
“No hints,” he scowls.
“Fine,” you sigh. “But just so you know this might cause me to hate you.”
“I doubt that,” he smiles as he wraps an arm around your waist and leans in to press his lips firmly to yours.
“I hate you, Winchester,” you tell him as you throw another twenty eggs down onto the table in front of them. Half of them fall to the floor of the library and he looks up at you.
“Still haven’t found it?” he smirks up at you.
“No,” you groan. “Can’t you give me just a little bitty…” Your words are cut off when Dean stands up out of his chair and gives you a kiss that makes your head spin. “Forget about the Easter eggs,” you mutter against his lips as you bring a hand up to run your fingers through his hair.
“Oh, gross,” Sam says as he walks into the room causing you two to pull apart. “She find it?”
Your mouth falls open. “He knows? Seriously, you’ll tell Sam where it’s at but you won’t tell me?”
“Sam isn’t the one looking for it now is he?” Dean asks you.
"Ugh, I hate you!" you groan as you turn around to walk off.
“Love you too, sweetheart!" Dean hollers as you walk away from him.
“I’m done!” you announce as you walk into the garage two hours later. Dean turns around from where he’s washing Baby and he smiles widely at you.
“You found it?” he asks you with excitement in his voice.
“No,” you pout. “But I’m giving up. I have found over half of the eggs and not one of them have had anything in them. It’s been five minutes since I’ve found one and I even found a moldy, half-eaten taco underneath your bed that’s probably been there for weeks.”
“I’ve been looking for that,” he smirks.
“You’re disgusting,” you tell him. “Please, please, just tell me where this egg is at so we can get this over with.”
“Well, I will tell you this one thing,” Dean says as he walks over to you. “The question isn’t where the egg is at. It’s who has it.” You immediately grab both of Dean’s arms and you stretch them out at his sides. “(Y/N),” Dean chuckles as you start patting him down. You start checking his pockets and he laughs as you kneel down to check his pant legs. “I don’t have it.”
You look up from where you’re knelt down on the floor and you scowl at him. “I hate you,” you tell him before you jump up to your feet and point a finger in his face. “Did you tell me that just so I’d search you?”
“No,” he chuckles. “Although I wish I had thought of that earlier.”
“I hate you.”
“I know,” he smirks.
“Well, if you don’t have it then where is…” You stop talking and your eyes widen as you turn around. “Sam!” you scream before you take off running back through the bunker.
You find him in his room and he smiles over at you when you stomp through the doorway.
“Did you find it yet?”
“Give it to me!” you tell him as you walk over with your hand out.
“You weren’t supposed to tell her!” he hollers at Dean as he pulls a plastic egg out from behind his pillow.
“She probably would have shot me if I hadn’t,” Dean says as he jogs up behind you. You reach out to take the egg from Sam but he reaches his arm up over your head and throws it.
“Seriously?” you sigh as you turn to face Dean as he catches the egg. “Give me that!” you tell him as you hold your hand out towards him. “I promise, if there is only one piece of candy in there after the trouble I’ve gone through to get it, I will shoot you, Winchester.”
“Good to know,” Dean chuckles. You grab for it and he moves it out of your reach. “Okay,” he smiles. “Patience. Give me a minute.”
“I hate you,” you huff.
“Shut your eyes,” he laughs.
You sigh and roll your eyes before letting them slide shut. “There,” you sass.
“I said shut your eyes. I said nothing about rolling them at me but do what you want,” Dean chuckles. You reach out to slap him and he grunts at the impact. “Alright,” he tells you softly. “You can open your eyes now if you want.”
You open your eyes and you frown a bit when you don’t see Dean standing in front of you. “What…” You look down and your eyes widen when you see him kneeling down in front of you, opening up the egg to show you the beautiful ring inside.
You gasp and you bring a hand up to cover your mouth as tears well up in your eyes. “Dean,” you breathe out.
He smiles up at you. “Will you marry me, sweetheart?”
You let out a sob as you stare down at him. “I hate you,” you choke out as the tears freely flow down your cheeks.
“Is that a ‘yes?’” he chuckles as he reaches out to take your left hand in his.
“Yes,” you whisper and he slides the ring onto your finger. Dean stands up and you wrap both of your arms tightly around him. He presses a kiss to the top of your head as you cling onto him.
“Was that worth it?” he asks you softly.
“Yes, but I still hate you for it,” you tease him. He chuckles and pulls you back a bit to press his lips firmly to yours. Sam walks over and you turn to punch his arm. “I hate both of you.”
“Ow, what did I do?” Sam asks you.
“You were in on it and you didn’t tell me,” you laugh as you reach up to wipe some of your tears away.
“Dean threatened me if I gave it away,” he says.
You give him a look. “Are you more afraid of Dean or of me?”
“Good point,” he laughs as he pulls you in for a side hug.
“You don’t hate me too much do you?” Dean asks as you as he pulls you back over towards him.
“That depends,” you tell him. “Do I still get chocolate?”
He chuckles and nods his head a bit at you. “I might have saved a piece or two for you.”
“You better have,” you tease him as you look down at your ring. “Hey, Dean?”
You look up and you smile softly at him. “I love you.”
“Are you sure?” he teases. “Because that’s not what you’ve been telling me all day.” You playfully elbow him and he laughs at you. “I know you do, sweetheart. I love you too,” he says as he leans in to kiss you once more.
Tags: @polina-93 @campingmonkey @justanotherwinchester @squirrelnotsam @adoptdontshoppets @imaginationisgrowth @deanwanddamons @hobby27​ @cookiechipdough​ @akshi8278​ @flamencodiva​ @torn-and-frayed​ @thatmotleygirl​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @lyarr24
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
New Fic!
Okay, I know that I haven't posted anything for a while but I promise that I haven't gone anywhere! I've just been busy working on some new series for you all. However, I do have a short Easter fic that I'm hoping to post later today.
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
Hi, I hope that you are doing well. Do you still take prompts?
I'm doing good! Even though I have been silent for a while, I am still taking prompts! I hope that I can start getting new content out, I've just been in a writer's block for a while now.
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
Twice a Day: Christmas Miracle Timestamp
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Just Fluff
Word Count: 1,029
Square Filled: Opening a Present on Christmas Eve
A/N: This was written for @spnchristmasbingo. Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
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"This is lame,” Dean pouts as you place the wrapped box in front of him. “You’re not supposed to open up your presents until Christmas.”
“Some people open up one on Christmas Eve,” you tell him as you plop down across from him on the floor. “Anyways, I just want you to open up this specific one."
"Why?” Dean asks you.
"Because I know how we do on Christmas morning,” you tell him. “We get up and we head to my parents then from there we go to your parents and we’re gone all day then we open up our gifts that night.”
“And there’s something wrong with that because?”
“There isn’t anything wrong with doing it that way,” you giggle. “I just want you to open up this one before we see everybody.”
Dean’s face falls. “It isn’t a bad report, is it?” he asks you softly. “Because if it is, I have to say, sweetheart, this is a terrible way to tell me that the treatments haven’t been working or that…”
“No,” you breathe out as you reach over to gently lay your hand over Dean’s. “No,” you tell him softly. “I wouldn’t do that. Now please just open up the box and enjoy your present.”
“Okay,” Dean says as he gives you a suspicious look before pulling on the bow and tearing into the wrapping paper. Your palms are sweaty and your stomach is filled with nervous butterflies as he takes the lid off of the box and pulls out the papers inside to read them. “Well,” he frowns. “These are your test results. I thought you said that you weren’t going to do this to me?”
“I said that I wouldn’t do that to you but I meant if they were bad,” you clarify. Dean reads over the papers and his eyes widen.
“These are excellent,” Dean breathes out as tears well up in his eyes. He flips through the stack of papers before finally bringing his head up to look you in the eyes. “I know that we found out a few months ago that the cancer is in remission because it had shrunk but according to this…”
“It’s completely gone, Dean,” you breathe out as your eyes well up with their own tears. “They couldn’t find any trace of the cancer in my body.”
“Babe, that’s amazing,” Dean chokes out as he sets the box aside and reaches over to pull you into his lap. He holds you tightly to him and presses his lips to your temple as he lets the tears freely flow. “Greatest Christmas present I have ever gotten.” Dean leans in to give you another kiss and he holds tightly onto you.
“It gets better,” you whisper against Dean’s lips as he slowly pulls away from you.
“How does it get better?” he asks you softly as he sniffs a bit.
“Here,” you smile as you reach over to grab the pile of papers once more. You sift through them until you find the right one and you pull it out. “There was one thing on my tests that showed up this time that hasn’t on the others.” Dean looks at you with a concerned expression. “I wrote a little note on the side just in case you need it explained a little bit better.” You hand the paper over to Dean and he lets go of you with one hand to take it from you.
Dean’s eyes skin over the paper reading the results before his eyes flick over to the note you wrote. His eyes widen and light up and his eyebrows raise up as his mouth drops open.
“Y-You’re pregnant?” Dean chokes out. You nod and Dean lets out a sob as he drops the paper to take your face between both of his hands before pressing his lips firmly to yours. “Sweetheart,” he chokes out. “But I thought they told us that we might never be able to get pregnant without some help.”
“They also said that I probably wouldn’t make it but I got stubborn and proved them wrong.”
“And thank God you did,” Dean sobs before leaning in to give you another kiss.He sniffs and pulls away to wipe his tears away with his hand. It doesn’t help much. Each tear he wipes away is replaced with three more. Dean reaches a tentative hand out and he places it onto your stomach. His eyes gloss over and you frown as you gently place your hand over his.
“Babe?” you say softly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Dean breathes out before he finally lifts his head to look you in the eyes once more. “I just… Is this for real? Because it feels like a dream or something right now.”
“No, it’s for real,” you giggle as you rest your head over onto his shoulder. “We’re having a baby.” Tears fall down both your and Dean’s cheeks as you gently run your fingers of your free hand through his hair. “Now are you glad that I talked you into opening up a present on Christmas Eve?”
“So glad,” Dean chuckles as he leans in to press a soft kiss to your temple. “Now about tomorrow…”
“Don’t you dare tell me to take it easy tomorrow because there is way too much to do,” you tell Dean as you turn a bit in his arms to face him completely. “You know that I always take something to both dinners and I help my Mom in the kitchen and I help your Mom…”
“All I was going to say to you,” Dean tells you softly as a grin spreads across his face. “Is that I want you to let me help more tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” you breathe out and you relax a bit in his arms.
“Now,” Dean says as he stands up off of the floor, keeping his grip tight on you and cradling you in his arms even once he’s standing. “Why don’t we go upstairs to our room and talk baby names for our Christmas miracle?”
You smile widely up at Dean and you nod your head a bit at him. "Let's go."
Tags: @foxyjwls007 @vicmc624 @capandbuckylvr @busy-bee-angel-misska @mlovesstories @idksupernatural​ @amazingiam00​ @amotleyworld @supernatural-bellawinchester @deans-baby-momma​ @imaginationisgrowth @kalesrebellion
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
Twice a Day: Christmas Miracle Timestamp
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Just Fluff
Word Count: 1,029
Square Filled: Opening a Present on Christmas Eve
A/N: This was written for @spnchristmasbingo. Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
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"This is lame,” Dean pouts as you place the wrapped box in front of him. “You’re not supposed to open up your presents until Christmas.”
“Some people open up one on Christmas Eve,” you tell him as you plop down across from him on the floor. “Anyways, I just want you to open up this specific one."
"Why?” Dean asks you.
"Because I know how we do on Christmas morning,” you tell him. “We get up and we head to my parents then from there we go to your parents and we’re gone all day then we open up our gifts that night.”
“And there’s something wrong with that because?”
“There isn’t anything wrong with doing it that way,” you giggle. “I just want you to open up this one before we see everybody.”
Dean’s face falls. “It isn’t a bad report, is it?” he asks you softly. “Because if it is, I have to say, sweetheart, this is a terrible way to tell me that the treatments haven’t been working or that…”
“No,” you breathe out as you reach over to gently lay your hand over Dean’s. “No,” you tell him softly. “I wouldn’t do that. Now please just open up the box and enjoy your present.”
“Okay,” Dean says as he gives you a suspicious look before pulling on the bow and tearing into the wrapping paper. Your palms are sweaty and your stomach is filled with nervous butterflies as he takes the lid off of the box and pulls out the papers inside to read them. “Well,” he frowns. “These are your test results. I thought you said that you weren’t going to do this to me?”
“I said that I wouldn’t do that to you but I meant if they were bad,” you clarify. Dean reads over the papers and his eyes widen.
“These are excellent,” Dean breathes out as tears well up in his eyes. He flips through the stack of papers before finally bringing his head up to look you in the eyes. “I know that we found out a few months ago that the cancer is in remission because it had shrunk but according to this…”
“It’s completely gone, Dean,” you breathe out as your eyes well up with their own tears. “They couldn’t find any trace of the cancer in my body.”
“Babe, that’s amazing,” Dean chokes out as he sets the box aside and reaches over to pull you into his lap. He holds you tightly to him and presses his lips to your temple as he lets the tears freely flow. “Greatest Christmas present I have ever gotten.” Dean leans in to give you another kiss and he holds tightly onto you.
“It gets better,” you whisper against Dean’s lips as he slowly pulls away from you.
“How does it get better?” he asks you softly as he sniffs a bit.
“Here,” you smile as you reach over to grab the pile of papers once more. You sift through them until you find the right one and you pull it out. “There was one thing on my tests that showed up this time that hasn’t on the others.” Dean looks at you with a concerned expression. “I wrote a little note on the side just in case you need it explained a little bit better.” You hand the paper over to Dean and he lets go of you with one hand to take it from you.
Dean’s eyes skin over the paper reading the results before his eyes flick over to the note you wrote. His eyes widen and light up and his eyebrows raise up as his mouth drops open.
“Y-You’re pregnant?” Dean chokes out. You nod and Dean lets out a sob as he drops the paper to take your face between both of his hands before pressing his lips firmly to yours. “Sweetheart,” he chokes out. “But I thought they told us that we might never be able to get pregnant without some help.”
“They also said that I probably wouldn’t make it but I got stubborn and proved them wrong.”
“And thank God you did,” Dean sobs before leaning in to give you another kiss.He sniffs and pulls away to wipe his tears away with his hand. It doesn’t help much. Each tear he wipes away is replaced with three more. Dean reaches a tentative hand out and he places it onto your stomach. His eyes gloss over and you frown as you gently place your hand over his.
“Babe?” you say softly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Dean breathes out before he finally lifts his head to look you in the eyes once more. “I just… Is this for real? Because it feels like a dream or something right now.”
“No, it’s for real,” you giggle as you rest your head over onto his shoulder. “We’re having a baby.” Tears fall down both your and Dean’s cheeks as you gently run your fingers of your free hand through his hair. “Now are you glad that I talked you into opening up a present on Christmas Eve?”
“So glad,” Dean chuckles as he leans in to press a soft kiss to your temple. “Now about tomorrow…”
“Don’t you dare tell me to take it easy tomorrow because there is way too much to do,” you tell Dean as you turn a bit in his arms to face him completely. “You know that I always take something to both dinners and I help my Mom in the kitchen and I help your Mom…”
“All I was going to say to you,” Dean tells you softly as a grin spreads across his face. “Is that I want you to let me help more tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” you breathe out and you relax a bit in his arms.
“Now,” Dean says as he stands up off of the floor, keeping his grip tight on you and cradling you in his arms even once he’s standing. “Why don’t we go upstairs to our room and talk baby names for our Christmas miracle?”
You smile widely up at Dean and you nod your head a bit at him. "Let's go."
Tags: @foxyjwls007 @vicmc624 @capandbuckylvr @busy-bee-angel-misska @mlovesstories @idksupernatural​ @amazingiam00​ @amotleyworld @supernatural-bellawinchester @deans-baby-momma​ @imaginationisgrowth @kalesrebellion
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supernatural-fangirl1967 · 3 years ago
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Such amazing timing!!! I made this recently and it gave me fic wants... but I didn’t wanna write anything myself. So since you asked... 😍🥰
That is amazing timing 😂. And I already have so many ideas for this!
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