Hi! I'm the lead character in the Chase "Superman" Duffy comics.
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Curiouser and curiouser...

You probably think my blog has been turned into an ode to Alice in Wonderland since I’ve used the quote “curiouser and curiouser” two weeks in a row. Well, it IS one of my favourite books EVER—but today is actually Curiosity Day.
And really, is there anyone more famously curious than Alice?
In Alice in Wonderland, Alice’s curiosity leads her to a great adventure—which is pretty much the reason we should ALL be curious. Curious people not only have more active minds (according to my teacher, Mrs. Kratky) but they have more fun learning, they’re never bored, and they have awesome imaginations. Which is good for me, since I love to write. Speaking of writing, that’s how I plan to spend my Thanksgiving weekend. Aside from eating all of the fantastic food and spending time with relatives, of course. (Pumpkin pie!) I have a new story I’m working on. How about you? What are you doing this weekend? How are you celebrating Thanksgiving? Answer in the comments—I’m really CURIOUS to know. Gotta jet! Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Gobble gobble.
- Chase Superman Duffy
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We’re all mad here

You know what book (or movie) that quote is from, right?
Come on… Curiouser, and curiouser? Drink Me? I’m late! I’m late!
Yep, you guessed it. Those are all quotes from one of my favourite books, Alice in Wonderland. There’s a reason that story has stood the test of time—Lewis Carroll’s classic celebrates its 150th anniversary this year!—it’s just SO imaginative.
I mean, there are talking animals (rabbits and caterpillars!), a Queen that chops off people’s heads and PAINTS her roses red, and a crazy tea party with the coolest character of them all—the Mad Hatter. Did you know that Oct. 6 is actually Mad Hatter Day? Cool, right?
Not surprising, Alice in Wonderland is also one of the most re-told stories in all of children’s literature. Don’t believe me? Check out this cool list! Looks like I have some (more) reading to do!
If I were to write an Alice in Wonderland re-telling, it would focus on the Mad Hatter, of course. What about you? Who is your favourite character?
Gotta jet! Have a great weekend.
— Chase Superman Duffy
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In celebration of senior citizens

Sometimes it’s hard to think of my grandparents as “elderly”—they’re both so active, not just on the farm with daily chores, but also in the community. Plus, they look super young!
So, imagine my shock when my parents and I were talking the other day, and Dad referred to Grandma and Grandpa as senior citizens. Gasp! Obviously they are…I mean, they’re my GRANDPARENTS. I just never think of them that way.
But today is Senior Citizen’s Day, a day when we’re supposed to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions the “elderly” have made to society—and give something back to them. For starters, I’m going to use my allowance to buy Grandma her favourite royal blue roses. And I’m sure Grandpa could use some extra help on the farm this weekend.
Who are the senior citizens in your life? How will you celebrate them today? Here are three easy ways to acknowledge the elderly:
1. Talk with them. Whether it’s a neighbor, someone you meet who is walking their dog, or a relative you visit regularly—the vast majority of seniors love to chat.
2. Play Games. My grandma LOVES Trivial Pursuit. I’m not very good at it, but I’m going to suggest playing this weekend.
3. Take on chores. This is a no-brainer for me (I’m always helping out on my grandparent’s canola farm) but maybe there are some things you can do to help out too.
Gotta jet!
~ Chase "Superman" Duffy
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When is art “bad”?

August 18 is NATIONAL BAD POETRY DAY and for some reason, it got me thinking about art in general—if art is subjective (ie: based on personal opinion), what makes it “bad”?
I love reading, and my tastes are about as eclectic as it gets—everything from comics to horror novels, and everything in-between. But I don’t read romance, for instance. That doesn’t mean it’s BAD. It’s just not a genre I’m interested in.
So, back to thinking about Bad Poetry Day. I don’t understand all poetry, and I’m not very good at writing anything more than a haiku, but unless it’s riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, I wouldn’t label ANY poem (or art of any kind) BAD.
Instead of Bad Poetry Day, we should call it, NOT RIGHT FOR ME POETRY DAY—don’t you think?
Gotta jet!
— Chase Superman Duffy
P.S. If you want to read some (potentially) “bad” poetry, check out the haikus my fictional mom wrote for me in the Superman Duffy comic 5-7-5 Errand Boy—she used haikus to give me chores. That may be a great example of BAD POETRY! <grin>
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Reading is good for you...

No, really…it is!
I looked it up, and according to research, reading is a more effective stress reliever than listening to music or even going for a walk.
Not that I’m stressed—it’s summer! But this Sunday is National Book Lover’s Day, and Monday is International Lazy Day, so I’m combining them this weekend for a full day of catching up on the books I talked about last week on the blog.
I don’t know about you, but after a full day of reading, I sleep better too. Plus, it keeps my mind sharp, which is important because school starts in less than a month.
The good thing is, I read fast, so I’m not worried about meeting my goal. My mom showed me a blog about a lady who read A BOOK A DAY for a whole year and wrote about them. I’m not THAT fast, but I’m determined to get through the five books on my summer reading list. I’ll probably finish at least one on Sunday!
I can’t think of a better way to spend National Book Lover’s Day, can you? What are you reading this weekend?
Gotta jet!
~ Chase "Superman" Duffy
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Celebrating family—and food

This is one of my favourite weekends of the summer because traditionally, as many of the family as possible gathers for a lunch to celebrate Cousins’ Day (today!) and Aunts / Uncles Day (Sunday). Sometimes we cram as many as 50 relatives at my grandparents' farm! And this year, it’s even more important than ever to celebrate family. It’s been super hot this summer (so hot, I’ve been doing my running practice EARLY in the morning or later in the evening) with very little rain—which means crops, like my Grandpa’s canola field—are struggling. Maybe you’ve noticed the fields aren’t as bright nor as full as previous years? I know farmers have good years and bad years—like the one time we had so much rain Grandpa’s field actually flooded (not to mention our basement!) But I also know my grandparents are worried about their crop, as well as those of their fellow farmers. This weekend, they could use a little family support. So, Mom and I have decided to take some of the pressure off Grandma this year by doing a lot of the cooking for the family BBQ ourselves. I’m in charge of the salad. I plan to use up some of those fresh strawberries from the market, along with spinach, kale and other yummy vegetables. Here’s my recipe for the dressing: Strawberry Salad Dressing
1 cup (250 mL) strawberries (sliced, fresh or frozen) 1/4 cup (50 mL) frozen orange juice concentrate 1 Tbsp (15 mL) vinegar 3 Tbsp (45 mL) canola oil 3 Tbsp (45 mL) honey 1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt pepper to taste Just mix together and drizzle over your salad. Sounds yummy, right? Anyway, I gotta jet! I hope you have a chance to celebrate with family this weekend! ~ Chase Superman Duffy
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It’s a small world, after all!

The craziest thing happened at the Calgary Stampede last weekend. I mean, besides the freak hail storm, and me coming face-to-face with a statue of…ME. (I admit, that was pretty strange!)
But even crazier still, my grandma ran into one of her high school friends—in the mini donut line!—and I guess they haven’t seen each other in almost 20 years. Grandma’s friend, Sara, lives in New York. (NEW YORK! Almost nine million people live in New York!) and this is her first Calgary Stampede. There are pavilions and rides, indoor events and rodeos. Sara literally could have been anywhere. But apparently, she likes mini donuts as much as my grandma. What are the odds of them finding each other in a crowd of 160,000 Stampeding people? It just goes to show…it really IS a small world, after all. Tomorrow is World Population Day, so I thought it might be fun to do a bit of fact-checking. Did you know that there are about 9 BILLION people living in the world? To give that some context…there are just over a million people living in Calgary. Multiply that by a thousand! (Yikes. Can you imagine the traffic jam?) Gotta jet! We’re heading back to the Stampede this weekend. Maybe we’ll bump into each other on the grounds? <grin> ~ Chase Superman Duffy P.S. That guy in the picture? That's James Grasdal, the illustrator of the Superman Duffy comics. He's not signing at the Stampede this weekend, but the character statues are all there. Don't forget to stop by the Alberta Canola Producers Commission booth in the Agrium today Hi!
#small world#population#calgarystampede#ChaseDuffy#SupermanDuffy#canola#blog#edchat#cdnedchat#kidlit
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Wahoo! It’s time to Stampede!

I love the Calgary Stampede!
It’s not just the rides or the food (but both are pretty awesome!) For me, the Stampede is a ten-day celebration of agriculture—and since my grandparents are crop producers, I have a special connection to “the land.”
Every year, my entire family heads to the Stampede grounds to check out the rodeo, bite into some delicious (or strange) food, take a spin on the Zipper, and of course, tour the pavilions.
I actually can’t wait to see the Alberta Canola Producers’ Commission booth tomorrow. It’s going to be EPIC this year. Not only can you learn a lot about canola from the producers who take time away from the fields to talk to consumers about their crops (and answer any questions), this year, there are LIFE-SIZE 3D CHARACTERS from the Chase “Superman” Duffy comic series. There’s even one of me!
I’m so getting my picture taken with “statue me”—you should too! Put your picture on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and tag @SupermanDuffy for a chance to win a signed set of the comics. That’s ten books!
Gotta Jet! Hope to see you at the Stampede. Wahoo!
— Chase Superman Duffy
#calgarystampede#stampede#ChaseDuffy#SupermanDuffy#Chase Superman Duffy#canola#agriculture#rodeo#blog#comic#kidlit
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Learning to forgive

I know. Pretty deep topic, right?
But Friday was the last day of school, and probably the last day I’ll see my friend, Lightning until next year—so I thought I should get something off my chest.
I’ve been kind of mad at Lightning for about two weeks. It started during Track and Field practice. Everyone knows Lightning and I like to compete. We’re not “best friends” off the track, but we’re not enemies, either. For me, it’s always been about a little friendly competition.
So I guess I was a bit surprised when Coach Taylor yelled “Go!” and Lightning TRIPPED me. I fell flat on my face—I have the scabs to prove it! He says it was an accident, and instead of believing him, I’ve been festering anger.
Grandma says holding onto a grudge isn’t healthy. So, I’ve decided to forgive him, and not just because it was World Forgiveness Day on Friday, either. I just don’t want to go into the summer being…mad. And maybe it WAS an accident. I choose to believe it was.
Apparently Monday is World Hug Day. Grandma seems to think Lightning and I should “hug it out.” Um…no. I draw the line there! But I will be sure to pass around some hugs to my family. (And maybe a few of my friends…like Sophie!)
Gotta Jet! IWho should you think about forgiving? And, if Friday was your last day of school, CONGRATULATIONS! Have a great summer!
— Chase Superman Duffy
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A Father’s Day surprise!

My dad always says that sometimes, he has a hard time juggling everything on his plate. (Well, he is a very busy man…) So this Father’s Day, I decided to give him something to help out with that.
Nope, it’s not a new day planner, or volunteering my organizational services (though I guess that’s also a great gift idea.) In honour of World Juggler’s Day June 20, Dad and I are going to learn to—juggle. For real.
Brilliant, right?
I checked out some YouTube videos and read a bunch of articles online, and as long as we relax, take deep breaths, and steer clear of Mom’s china, I think it will be a lot of fun. Last year, Dad and I took up photography, and the year before that, we went fishing…so this is perfect!
I’ve already bought a beginner juggler’s kit—three evenly weighted beanbags. I can’t wait to tell Dad I’ve got the perfect idea to help him with his “juggling problem.” <grin>
Gotta jet! Hey—what are you doing for Father’s Day?
— Chase Superman Duffy
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Roses are...blue?

My grandma has a garden full of roses (and I mean, FULL)—red, yellow, pink, even orange (actually, I think the technical term is apricot). Except, none of them are her favourite colour.
Grandma loves ROYAL BLUE ROSES. But…you won’t see many of those growing in a typical garden. That’s because blue roses are grown using biotechnology—which is a scientific process that’s pretty hard to explain but essentially means the plant’s DNA is naturally altered to create a specific trait, in this case, its royal blue colour. Sound complicated?
It is!
Which is why even though scientists have been growing royal blue roses for the last six years or so, my grandpa has to order them in for special occasions—like Grandma’s birthday, Mother’s Day, and today…which is ironically, Red Rose Day. (Who makes these days up?!)
Biotechnology is pretty fascinating science, and of course, it’s evolving all of the time. In 5-7-5 Errand Boy, one of the Chase “Superman” Duffy books, the author talks a LOT about biotechnology and how it impacts way more of your life than you can imagine. Check it out!
Gotta jet! I have to run and pick my mom up some roses for my dad to give my mom—thank goodness her favourites are RED! Have a great weekend. <grin>
—Chase Superman Duffy
#comics#ChaseDuffy#SupermanDuffy#roses#red roses#blue roses#biotechnology#science#edchat#cdnedchat#RedRoseDay
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Whoot! Bike season is here!
I think we’ve seen the last of the snow (although, in Alberta there are no guarantees), which means bike season is OFFICIALLY here. Oh sure, I’ve been riding mine a bit (on warmer days), but yesterday, the bike rack at school was FULL—which means, it’s time to remind everyone to pay close attention to the rules of the road.
I know, I know, you ALL know this, but there’s no harm in a yearly reminder, right? At least that’s what my mom says. So—how do you keep safe on the roads? Here are my top five bike safety tips (as adapted from my mom’s rules!):

Wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet. Not only is it the LAW (at least in Alberta), but it could save your life.
Adjust your bicycle to fit. Stand over your bicycle. There should be 1 to 2 inches between you and the top bar if using a road bike, and 3 to 4 inches if a mountain bicycle. The seat should be level front to back. Adjust the seat height to allow a slight bend at the knee when your leg is fully extended. The handlebar height should be at the same level with the seat. (If this is complicated, ask your parents for help!)
Check your equipment. Before you ride, make sure your tires are inflated, and that your breaks and gears work.
See and be seen. Wear bright colours during the day, and if you’re out at dusk or dawn, consider something with reflective strips or flashing lights. Remember, just because YOU can see a driver, doesn’t mean THEY can see YOU. If you can, avoid riding at night.
Beware of road hazards. Those potholes can cause you to lose balance and fall. Steer clear of broken glass, loose gravel, and even that friendly looking dog down the street. Bicycles can scare animals—which makes them unpredictable!
That’s it! It may seem silly, but these five simple tips can save your life. Your bike isn’t a toy, it’s a vehicle. Now let’s get out there and start wheeling!
Gotta jet!
~ Chase Superman Duffy
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Do April showers really bring May flowers?

You’ve heard the poem before, right? “April showers bring May flowers…” I don’t know about you, but my grandma says it (repeatedly) in the spring, mostly, I think, because she’s REALLY excited about watching her (many) flowers bloom. But last month, I don’t remember there being a lot of rain…and in fact, just last week we had a SNOW storm.
And yet, my grandma’s flowers—especially her daffodils and tulips—are still starting to bloom. What’s up with that? I researched it to find out. Turns out, it’s not “rain” that brings May flowers. Blooming is actually triggered by rising temperatures AND water. The moisture flowers need to bloom can come from rain, but often, winter snowfall compacts during March, leading to higher water levels when it melts. And THAT is enough to kick start blooming…well, if there’s enough sunshine, of course. Cool, right? Despite this <cough cough> scientific explanation behind the very popular English proverb (yep, I looked that up too), my science teacher is actually using the poem to help teach us about water cycles…like TRANSPIRATION. You know what that is, of course. Sure, it’s part of the water cycle…but it’s also one of the books in the Chase “Superman” Duffy series. Read about it here or order your copy from www.learncanola.com. Gotta jet! — Chase Superman Duffy
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No socks! Lost socks! What’s with all the socks?

Wow! Maybe taking a break after last month’s EPIC A to Z Blogging Challenge, was a mistake. I almost forgot HOW to blog…
But then, I realized today is NO SOCKS DAY and tomorrow is LOST SOCKS MEMORIAL DAY, and I started thinking—hey! What’s up with all the days devoted to socks?
My sister isn’t a big sock wearer. Even in winter, she’d rather run around in bare feet than fluffy socks. But me? I’m a sock kid. I have plain socks, striped socks, socks with shark fins on them (no, seriously), fluffy socks, ankle socks, sports socks, even Superman socks (obviously). I wear them with my kicks (but not my sandals, because even I know that’s weird), and my snow boots, and clearly I wear black socks with my dress shoes. I love them! So, I can’t really get behind NO SOCKS DAY, especially since we just had a winter-type blizzard (seriously!) and it’s freezing outside!
But LOST SOCKS MEMORIAL DAY? Oh yeah. I support that for sure. I mean, who hasn’t put a pair of socks in the washer and dryer and then somehow LOST one? I even have a laundry basket of “mismatched” socks in my room. I should probably get rid of them—have a memorial of some kind—but I’m convinced I’ll find them SOMEday. Mom says to check my sheets, because they can get stuck in there sometimes, but I don’t think that can account for ALL of my missing socks.
I checked the Internet, and there are a number of theories behind WHERE socks go—everything from the serious to the ridiculous. (Hm. Seems like there may be some story ideas in there! <grin>) What about you? Where do YOU think lost socks go after you put them in the washing machine? And, will you celebrate NO SOCKS DAY today or hold a memorial for your lost socks tomorrow?
Gotta jet! Have a great weekend.
— Chase Superman Duffy
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A to Z Challenge: Z is for Zantedechia
This month, I’m taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge, the annual event where hundreds of bloggers write 26 blogs—one for each letter of the alphabet—and post them each day of April, except Sundays. This year, I’m blogging about: THINGS THAT GROW IN ALBERTA. Don’t forget to check back daily and leave a comment on my blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr or via email at [email protected]. I’ll randomly pick a few winners who will WIN a SIGNED copy of one of the Chase “Superman Duffy” comics.

I know, I know, another “scientific name”—but come on, “Z” is hard. My research showed a couple of different options, but in celebration of the last day of the 2015 A to Z Bogging Challenge I decided to go with Zantedechia, which are calla lilies. Calla lilies are known for their trumpet shaped flowers, and after getting through the A to Z of Things That Grow in Alberta, I deserve to “toot” my horn a little. Get it? <grin> Of course, calla lilies aren’t native to the province, but I see a lot of them (in various colours) in gardens around my house. And my aunt even used them in her wedding bouquet. My mom thought it was a strange choice until she saw them—they actually were kind of pretty. Well. That’s it. The End. Another successful year of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I had a lot of fun, but I’m glad it’s done so I can get back to writing other things—like my short story. I think I’m going to add another element though…maybe some spooky plants, or some of the trees I’ve mentioned throughout the blog. What are YOU writing next? In celebration of the END of the A to Z Challenge, I'm giving away a FULL set of the Chase Superman Duffy books. That’s all 10 books currently in the series. All you have to do is comment below or on one of my many social media links listed above—or, send me an email ([email protected]) telling me why you would like to receive the books. You never know, YOU could be the winner. Gotta Jet! That’s it for the A to Z Challenge…but you can check back next week for my regular Friday blog posts. See you then…right? — Chase “Superman” Duffy
#A to Z Challenge#Chase Duffy#SupermanDuffy#calla lillies#Zantedechia#comics#kidlit#theend#blogging#blogger#canola
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A to Z Challenge: Y is for Yarrow
This month, I’m taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge, the annual event where hundreds of bloggers write 26 blogs—one for each letter of the alphabet—and post them each day of April, except Sundays. This year, I’m blogging about: THINGS THAT GROW IN ALBERTA. Don’t forget to check back daily and leave a comment on my blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr or via email at [email protected]. I’ll randomly pick a few winners who will WIN a SIGNED copy of one of the Chase “Superman Duffy” comics.

Before starting this blogging challenge, I had no idea what yarrow was, so if the word doesn’t ring any bells, I don’t blame you. It’s kind of a funny name—but it’s actually a really cool flowering plant. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in my mom or grandma’s garden—though, maybe it should be! Yarrow has been valued since ancient times for its ability to STOP bleeding, one of the reasons it’s also called “nosebleed”— just hold a piece of the plant up against the wound. These days, yarrow is more used to fight off colds and flus, and also as an ingredient in many herbal cosmetics. It’s also pretty popular in flower bouquets and even dried for potpourri (you know, that smelly stuff!) Yarrow grows in many different colours—white, yellow, gold, pink and red. It doesn’t need a lot of attention (even I should be able to grow it), but, like most of us, it prefers the sun. When steeped in tea, yarrow promotes digestion, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, and can even fend off a cold or the flu. Never mind the super foods I’ve been talking about all month—Yarrow should be a “power flower!” (Okay, maybe that was a bit cheesy…what can I say? I have a good imagination!) Speaking of imagination…The author of the Chase Superman Duffy books had her imagination super charged when she wrote TRANSPIRATION, the ninth book in the comic series about me. It has dinosaurs, mermaids, and sea monsters! Same rules as before—comment below or on my social media links for a chance to WIN a copy. Gotta jet! See you tomorrow for the letter Z—and the END of the A to Z Challenge. Whew! What a month! —Chase Superman Duffy
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A to Z Challenge: X is for Xanthisma
This month, I’m taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge, the annual event where hundreds of bloggers write 26 blogs—one for each letter of the alphabet—and post them each day of April, except Sundays. This year, I’m blogging about: THINGS THAT GROW IN ALBERTA. Don’t forget to check back daily and leave a comment on my blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr or via email at [email protected]. I’ll randomly pick a few winners who will WIN a SIGNED copy of one of the Chase “Superman Duffy” comics.

Whoops! Looks like my X post didn't upload yesterday! Sorry! Here it is now... Okay, I admit, I’m going back to science (and Google) for my “X” word, but you have to admit, these last few letters for the A to Z Blogging Challenge are HARD. I’m kind of excited that this one works, though—the Xanthisma, or otherwise known as the sleepy daisy. My mom LOVES daisies—she calls them the “happy flower” because every time she sees them, she smiles. And we even have a few of these Xanthisma plants growing in the rocky part of her flower garden, despite Dad’s insistence that they’re weeds. I can see why he thinks that. The thicker “bushes” have thick, almost thorny stems, and sometimes, fewer flowers. They grow annually, and, like weeds, tend to spread quickly. But there’s no way Dad would ever get rid of those sleepy daisies, because when Mom sees their pretty yellow petals, she’ll let us get away with anything—well, almost. What are your favourite flowers? My Grandma loves royal blue roses—which you can read about in 5-7-5 Errand Boy, the seventh book in the Chase Superman Duffy comic series. You can order you copy from the Alberta Canola Producers Commission at www.learncanola.com, or, you can WIN a copy by simply commenting below or on one of my social media links above. Gotta jet! There are only two days left of the A to Z Challenge and they’re both TRICKY letters! See you tomorrow for Y. — Chase Superman Duffy
#Chase Superman Duffy#ChaseDuffy#A to Z Challenge#kidlit#comic#2015 A to Z#xanthisma#sleepy daisy#the letter X
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