You can’t convince me that Castiel didn’t write this song for Deborah 🤘🏼😝🤘🏼
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So with the trailer being released today...the new season will start Friday???🤔🤞🏼🤞🏼 or we waiting for a whole week?
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So does the app no longer work?? Ever since last months episode release I haven’t been able to play an episode on the app. I’ve made sure there wasn’t any updates needed but it’s constantly crashing whenever I press the school
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I feel so confused about this game. Are there going to be more arcs? I don’t see how Beemoov can take this game any further? They basically acknowledged and fixed all the routes “problems”, with Nath’s being to most immersed(and pretty anticlimactic as well)
I don’t play Rayan’s route but from what I’d read through the grapevine, Candy and he got off pretty easy for student/teacher relationship. They could’ve done SO much more and kept it interesting! Other than his wife coming back from the dead(which would be the dumbest thing for them to do) I don’t see any other obvious arc they could do for him?
Hyun’s parents separating was boring and honestly I found it so weird that basically everyone’s reaction (besides Hyun’s) was so...whatever!? Everyone treated Hyun like he was being overdramatic and childish for not wanting his parents to separate. They all acted like it was a perfectly normal thing and he was the weird one for reacting the way he did. When God knows that if Candy’s parents were to separate, the world would be coming to an end! It just didn’t sit well with me...
Priya’s whole not being able to take the BAR exam (or whatever it is) was boring and fast and then coming out to her parents was (from what I’ve seen through the grapevine) no big deal. I guess her mom kinda reacted oddly but of course accepted them. I don’t play her route either, I only know of the very little snip bits I get on here.
I guess the relationship with Castiel is “on edge” with him going on tour for...the summer? Or was it for a year? I can’t remember. I think it was for a year? Which I don’t see how we could play through his arc(if that’s even going to be his arc)
Like I said...really confused with how they’re going to continue this game. I’m hoping it’s not coming to an end but the way things are being rushed (like they did with the end of HL) I don’t mean to complain, just more getting some rants off my chest. I’m sure they could have other things up their sleeve for the other routes. I guess only time will tell?
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Welp...can’t play the new episode because every time I try the app crashes. Not that I’m in a rush to play...to be honest, Nath’s illustration has me underwhelmed. It would’ve been ok if Amber was out of it, but still would’ve been mediocre. Normally the illustrations are what get me pumped up for the episode and lately I’ve been....unpumped. I feel like Beemoov needs to go back to 3 month release time frame. I hate to wait but think it would be worth it if it meant better quality episodes and illustrations. I think the month release is too rushed. Who knows?
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Please, please, please, please
Tell me I’m wrong...but did Beemoov turn Nath into an EBoy??
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First of all...
I’ll just get this out of the way, but I don’t hate Nath’s with green hair 🤷🏻‍♀️ would’ve preferred something on the brunette side...but I do like the green!
This episode was worse than episode 13. I was so bored and underwhelmed with everything. I got a slight emotion whenever they talked about Nath and him being gone but other than that, it was just whatever. Honestly I skipped a bit of dialogue and it didn’t effect anything for me. Just got me through the episode faster. However, I don’t know what they could have done differently, because obviously not everyone is on Nath’s route. We can’t all skip so far ahead of time when people aren’t as invested in one of the routes.
Not to mention that the whole disguise thing with him is so useless. With all the stress and worry of being caught by the “intruder”, Candy was able to figure out it was him right away! WITH SUNGLASSES ON! He dyed his beautiful golden hair for nothing. Again I don’t hate the hair...but apparently it was unnecessary.
Needless to say I’ll be waiting for next month...
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I always get way too anxious for new episodes and most of the time I can’t sleep the night of the new episode...it’s like I’m 7 again on Christmas Eve and I don’t like it! I need to chill but don’t know how
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ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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Think that bouquet Roy has is from when he got drunk and bought a car full of flowers?? 😂🤣
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Literally me after the text messaging scene with Nath!! ❤️❤️
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Calm before the storm 😊⛈ 🔪
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Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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I honestly never been so underwhelmed with an episode before...
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So am I the only one who was incredibly weirded out by the administrator freaking out over the light being left on in the room?? Or is that normal and I’m just behind on the times?
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Me: Completely missing the countdown but seeing the new episode up
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