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Learn How to Celebrate Life At Kevala Foundation?
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Why information on business history is important?
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The Miraculous ABC Drink full of antioxidants since apple is full of Vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K along with nutrients like Folate, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium and Iron.
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Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey.
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The Ten Schools of Thoughts by Henry Mintzeberg
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Find out the ten things that makes a woman really beautiful
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Find out why Frugality is liberating?
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How flat is your organizational structure? 
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Find you why you should  Talk less and listen more?
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Why you should say NO TO PLASTIC??
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Why is it important to have digital presence?
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All you wanted to know about  ETOP (environmental threat and opportunity profile)  analysis
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The A-Z benefits of drinking warm water
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We have seen beautiful creation from Stone Age to civilization.... One wonders if these creations such as monuments and cities could have been created without management? The idea of management is not new; managing is an inbuilt character of human beings. Early forms of management concepts have been applied throughout history in order to progress as a society. Management activities are needed in order to complete massive projects.
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