supercorpfanfics · 6 years
Just sorting through the requests that have built up over the last few months, which one do you guys want me to do first?
Angst fics
Slowburn fics
Soulmate AUs
Fluffy fics 
No powers AUs
Let me know with comments! :) 
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supercorpfanfics · 6 years
Hello! (and sorry for being inactive)
Hey everyone!! I’m so so sorry that I’ve been so inactive on this account, I’ve been crazy busy and kinda forgot about it tbh but my exams end in about a week so I’ll finally be able to sort this out!!
I’ll be sorting through requests and messages then so thank you for bearing with me! 🤗
In the mean time feel free to message me or send me any requests you have
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supercorpfanfics · 7 years
Comment on fanfics
A few days back on AO3 I found an unfinished, two chapter spideypool fanfic that was cute and had lots of potential and was also last updated two years ago. Two whole years! And it had only three comments, all of which on chapter one, none on chapter two. I enjoyed the fanfic, despite it being far, FAR from being finished and the chance of it ever updating again anytime soon was just about zero. So you know what I did?
I wrote a damn comment. On chapter two.
And I made sure that fucker was long and had a small theory of where I think the author would take the fanfic in the future. I let the person behind the fic know that I friggin LOVED the two chapters I got to read! That I would LOVE to see more! That I’d jump out of my skin in happiness and virtually hug them half to death if I saw that they updated it.
Let me remind you this fic wasn’t updated in two YEARS! I was the first to comment on it in a year. And the first to comment on chapter two! And you know what happened today?
I got a reply.
From the author of the fanfic. And the author said how I gave them life for a project they had loved (still did) and that they were now working on a third chapter. After two YEARS of not updating. Of not writing. And it makes me so friggin happy seeing what I did. What I caused.
With a single. Damn. Comment.
All that it took for me was to think a bit about what I wanted to tell the author and the comment it. All it took was one comment. And suddenly this person was inspired to continue a fanfic they had abandoned for TWO YEARS!!
I couldn’t be happier. I couldn’t be more proud.
Comment on people’s fanfics. No matter how few chapters there are. No matter how many years have passed since their last update. Comment. You like a fanfic? Comment on it. It’s that easy.
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supercorpfanfics · 7 years
need help with layout
hey guys! so i’m not completely happy with the way i’ve set things up here on this blog :/ 
have you guys got any requests on what you want me to do? like do you like the layout of the lists? Any ideas are welcome -thanks!
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supercorpfanfics · 7 years
Fake Dating AUs
List of Supercorp related fake dating AUs (click on the titles to get to the fanfics)
Requested by @youreremarkable
The return of the damned - orangefish19
Disconnect / Reconnect - Turtlelady9 (also fake marriage au)
Learning to love - canadiancop (also movie star au)
The perfect alibi - whats-the-difference (texadian)
In the sun - isawet
Behind the eyes - prettyaveragewhiteshark (also fake marriage au)
Need that picture of you - orangefish19
Half melted m&m’s - bs13 (’The Proposal’ AU)
Sober Heart - melackerman  (also royalty au)
Let me hold you (and I’ll never let go) - commanderofcandles
The roles we play - ForeverInsomniac
Begin Again - coldcoffeebabe  (also coffee shop and college au)
I won’t say I’m in love - KittyKarnstein96 (also hogwarts au)
The Proposal - Alexdanverswrites  (’The Proposal’ au)
Fake dating agency - SilentRain91 (no powers au)
Fool’s gold - colororange
Home for the holidays - orphan__account
One for the road - CosimaHellahaus
Call on me, darling - echo__wolf (’The Proposal’ au)
Scared and blind - anotherwanderer10
Not exactly dating - captain_golden
Oblivious - BiJane
I’m not sure if fake dating counts as AU but I’m gonna go with it - message me if you liked any of the fics in particular!
Also feel free to message me any time to asks for recs or requests!
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supercorpfanfics · 7 years
Sorry for being so inactive!
Hey guys! Sorry for being so so inactive haha I've been off this account for about 4 months now wow - I've just been so busy :/ I've also come back to a bunch of requests and stuff so I'll be getting onto those as soon as possible! Hope you're having a good day and feel free to message if you have any requests/questions or just to chat haha :)
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Any requests for supercorp fanfic master lists?
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Supercorp + Stargazing
lena catches kara out on her balcony the second night she sleeps over. she wakes to an empty bed, the hint of a chill, and she can just barely make out kara’s silhouette against the glow of the moon. so she grabs a sweatshirt from the pile on her dresser, pads outside
kara looks down when lena gets outside, but she doesn’t look at her. instead, she stares at her hands, gripping the metal of the railing. lena does not speak, just stands close enough to barely brush against kara’s side
i can see it, kara says finally. she does not have to explain any further; lena knows she speaks of krypton. where? lena says, and it takes a moment, but kara uncurls her fingers, raises her arm to point to the sky
there. right there. the faint one
they don’t talk about it the next day, or any day after that, but it becomes a ritual: when the weight of the world becomes too much, when she cannot sleep, kara will make her way out to the balcony. and every time, lena will soon follow
most of the time, kara talks, tells lena bits and pieces about krypton, as much as she is willing to, which is most often almost nothing at all. sometimes, lena speaks, draws out shape in the air: here is andromeda, and there’s perseus—— 
it is interesting how similar some of the stories are, how universal these truths seem to be. or maybe it isn’t interesting at all, for when lena looks over to see kara, wide-eyed, staring up at the sky, she understands why every planet, every civilization, feels the need to immortalize this feeling in the stars
kara has a bad week, saving the city from one attack after another, and she spends most nights at the deo, being patched up, laying under the light of an artificial sun
she shows up at lena’s apartment as soon as she is released, barely making it through the door before slumping into lena’s waiting embrace. before you pass out, lena laughs, i have something to show you
on her balcony is a telescope, pointed in a direction kara knows all too well. she stops short, looks at lena
i have it on good authority that the zoom is even better than supervision, lena says; kara hears i love you
kara stumbles through words, a blur of you didn’t have to, oh, lena, i don’t know what to say, i— before lena cuts her off with a finger on her lips. i wanted to. i want you to tell me everything. i want to help you keep krypton alive
the past week, the hours floating by with that ever-present fear (what if this is it, what if this is the one time kara gets hurt for real, for good) have weighed heavily on lena. this–this action, this gesture, this truth–is the only way she knows how to admit to it, admit how much she fears losing kara, how much she fears keeping her
again, all kara can hear is i love you, i love you. so, she says it, reverently, quietly–like all the times she has spoken so fondly about the stars above, she says i love you, and this time she looks only at lena
(the response: i love you too, kara zor-el)
and though both are heavy with exhaustion, they do not sleep that night. instead, kara tells lena all of it, tells her about her past, her home. how sometimes she misses it so much that she does not know how to do anything but scream, squeeze her eyes shut and block out the reality of gone, gone, krypton is gone. 
krypton will always be home, she says. but– i have a new home too. it’s right here
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Fluffy One Shots
List of Supercorp one shot fanfics full of fluff! - because who doesn’t love some fluff (click on the fanfic titles to get to them)
(unfinished list - I will continue adding when I have time)
Will you stay? - OIMDIL13
Eyes like Kryptonite - JediFighterPilot2727 (a collection of supercorp one shots)
I know a place - Eoki
A sudden realisation - maggiesawyer
Is Supergirl scared? - super__gay__luthor
Accidentally on purpose - SilentRain91
We can be reborn - superkara
Message me if you like any of the fics! Or if there are any you want me to add
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
only the finest
Lena just wanted a nice night out with Kara.
“Would you like to go on a date?”
It slips out. Quiet and rushed, the words forming and letting loose before she can think anything other than please say yes. Kara freezes, noodles halfway to her mouth as she looks between them, and Lena almost takes them back.
(They’ve been doing this- meetings under the guise of interviews, the latest on L-Corp- for weeks.
Somewhere, between hands brushing just so as they pass food back and forth, it’s become featherlight kisses on the corner of her mouth when Kara leaves, promises to call when the other is free and texting whenever they can.
Somewhere, Kara has went from her only friend in National City to something. Something that makes her heart race with possibility and ache with the thought of its loss if she pushes.)
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Dying of feels right now bye
SuperCorp Headcanon
I have too many other fics Im working on right now to really write this but: . Real talk, Kara must feel so alone and isolated right now. . With all this shit between finding out James is Gaurdian, Winn keeping secrets, and Mon-El’s manipulative behavior she must feel kind of betrayed . Shes THRILLED for Alex but also really missing the more frequent one on one sister nights . And theres only so much ice cream you can eat by yourself . So she reaches out to Lena . Lena’s basically felt this way her ENTIRE life so shes really good at making Kara feel better . Then they get “closer” . Suddenly its Valentines day and Lena does this huge gesture to show Kara how much she cares about her . But only “in a friend way” because she will actually die if Kara rejects her . Kara sees right through her . Shes scared at first, but without realizing it, she fell in love with Lena Luthor, her beautiful best friend . After a ridiculous amount of potstickers and contemplation Kara decides she just has to lay it all on the line . So she shows up on Lena’s balcony (in the rain for effect) . Rambling on about how she feels terrible she didnt get Lena anything for Valentines day until Lena interrupts “so whats my present?!” . And Kara just sticks a big ass bow on her head with this stupid goofy grin on her face . “Me, silly” . Then they kiss on the balcony in the pouring rain and fly off into the sunset to live happily ever after.
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Red Kryptonite AUs
List of Supercorp fanfics where Kara is or has been under the influence of Red Kryptonite during season 2 (click on the fanfic titles to get to them)
Monsters under the bed - BiJane  (pre-relationship)
Come back to me - Justaroundthatriverbend (established relationship)
This isn’t you - lenaxkara (one shot - smut)
Red K - local_asshole
Of Red-K and one night stands - ForeverInsomniac
Color me blue - EvieWhite (chapters 19 & 20 have RedK Kara)
Please message me if you like these fics or if there are any you like that aren’t on there!
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
College / University AU
List of Supercorp related College AUs - click on the links to get to the fanfics (yes its another school related list) 
Burning Passion - SilentRain91
Why can’t I say that I’m in love - shawdog21
Meet in the middle - luthvers
Summer after high school - TheRaadicalKid
A mutual adjustment of interests - orngepeel (also a Tumblr AU)
No one but you (got me feeling this way) - AgentJoanneMills  (also royalty AU with fake dating AU)
My youth is yours - EvieWhite 
One glance - supercorpaf
So the lion fell in love with the lamb - lenaluthor
Something like black magic - kpgleek13
Girls just wanna have fun - DarthSayahSwag
Of art room supply cabinets and a lack of caffeine - rudderless in an ocean of stars
Message me if you like any of the fics or if there are any that you like that aren’t on here.
Also message me any requests for lists!
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Hogwarts AUs
List of Supercorp related Hogwarts AU fics (click on the titles to get to the fanfics)
Such Unruly Heads and Hearts - newyorkregenades
Such Bright Minds and Lives - newyorkregenades (accompany piece to Such Unruly Heads and Hearts)
Such Unruly Heads and Hearts (korean translation) - qui309
I met you in the dark, you lit me up - Lvthor (Beauxbatons and Hogwarts - Triwizard tournament)
I won’t say I’m in love - KittyKarnstein96 (also fake dating AU)
Love (and magic) in the air - clizzyfray
I always want you - captain_golden
Friendship is Magical - spacemanearthgirl
Something worth fighting for  - moonlitprincess
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet - AllysonDark
Love is not a spell, its chemistery - Timk23CZ (collection of Hogwarts AU one shots)
Dust and Shadow - rudderless in an ocean of stars (the_space_between_stars)
Lena Luthor and other forms of magic - Tinybookworm
Wherefore art thou Luthor? - AlexisSphinx
5 times Lena suppressed her feelings, and one time she didn’t - kapitanallthefeelings
Message me about whether you enjoyed these fanfics! Or if there are any that you know of that aren’t on there.
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
Boarding School AUs
List of Supercorp Boarding School AUs - although some of them could be in the high school post by accident (click on the titles to get to the fanfics)
Yes to heaven - lenaxkara
Look my way or walk on by - automaticheartache
Lonely Youth - not_supergirl
Second star to the right - sam_kom_trashkru
Message me about what you thought of the fanfics! Or if there are any that you know of that aren’t on here.
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supercorpfanfics · 8 years
High Schools AUs
List of Supercorp High School AUs (click on the titles to get to the fanfics)
Break your stride - Legendsofsnark
And maybe you’re too good for me - peaceforthenight
I wish I wasn’t - UglierSteak
She plays for the other team - maggiesalex
I’ll keep my eyes fixed on the sun - yeralizardwaverly
Talk me down - lostwritings
Summer lovin’ - crazyqueerecrivain
Amaranth - WanderingMyth
Girl scout in trouble - SlayerOFFame
Home is not places (it is love) - daisyridlayy (amyandrorywilliams)
Dodge - Soshistorm
The egg that binds us - babydragon73
The lion and the wolf - EvieWhite
Worth the fight - dancing_in_the_rain
Four seasons - babydragon73 (major relationship is sanvers)
Message me about whether you enjoyed these fics! Or if there are any you know of that aren’t on there. (I’m going to make do a separate post for boarding school AU)
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