sunset-river · 2 days
Maybe there's a hint here? That Mori is working with Fyodor? But he's pretending he's not. Or he's neutral.
He does want to protect people in his own twisted way. He might actually agree with Fyodor that abilities must go. I have seen an analysis somewhere that suggested that Mori doesn't see ability users as people - and that includes himself.
Maybe not even Chuuya and the top executives know.
Maybe the crossed out people are the people who are supposed to be dead.
I have some opinions on this official art
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I saw it brought up quite a lot when Dazai “died” last year but now that kunikida is “dead” (no I won’t admit he is dead without more proof, I learned my lesson) it’s being brought up a lot more. I feel like it doesn’t quite fit that this is the forshadowing for either Dazai or kunikida a “death” bc both of them were at the hands of Fyodor. And based on my perception of the story, the port mafia is not really teaming up with Fyodor. I mean they were against them during the Canibalism arc and I don’t think Mori took very kindly to being almost murdered.
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sunset-river · 2 days
Some quick stretches of Chuuya:
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And another:
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I realised how long it's been since I actually drew on paper. The hat's too small in the bottom one. That's the kind of thing I'd easily edit on my drawing screen.
Practice, I guess.
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sunset-river · 2 days
I always love how Sango Harukawa draws dazai.
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sunset-river · 3 days
Have you read this?
Soukoku fanfic recommendation 3:
Picking a flower that blooms on the heart for you by Mudui (this is translated to English by burgundytshirt)
Rating: Mature
It's a Hanahaki disease fic where Chuuya's stuck in a time loop.
I really enjoyed reading this.
The original is here:
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sunset-river · 3 days
Tired man and his whiny husband
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sunset-river · 4 days
The colours are very appealing. I love how it's rendered.
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sunset-river · 4 days
If only...
so 15!soukoku, but on day one, instead of going 'ew!' to dazai's declaration of love, chuuya quips back something that completely shuts our bandaged boy up.
dazai, sweetly cupping chuuya's face in his hands: ...and that's what makes me love you.
chuuya, sass brat extraodinaire, wanting to shut this fishy bastard up: save the L-word 'til the 3rd date, you shitty mackarel. if you want to confess, i want roses and a box of rum chocolate first.
of course, chuuya says this with the intention of shutting dazai up and because his reflex towards affection is sarcasm. he DID shut dazai up, but chuuya was completely unprepared for dazai to take him seriously.
the next day, dazai turned up with a dinner reservation, a giant boquet of the finest red roses and a box of rum chocolate.
and after the actually-not-that-bad first date, chuuya drags dazai to the arcade and instead of claiming him as his dog, dazai gleefully tells chuuya he's his 'chibi-wife' now and theyre bound for life.
so yeah thats how chuuya kicked the demon prodigy's ass, got confessed to, found out that hes the vessel of arahabaki with a side of government experiment subject and war prisoner at the grand age of 15, killed a man, joined the mafia, got betrayed and stabbed in the back, partnered up with the shittest mackarel in existence, gained a permanent walking headache in the form of a suicidal dazai osamu, and acquired his first and forever boyfriend--- though not particularly in that order.
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sunset-river · 4 days
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sunset-river · 4 days
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I'm a fanfic writer and artist that will reblog bsd content as well as post my own stuff. I recently deleted my old tumblr as I never used my main blog, using a side blog instead, and I thought it would be best to just delete it and start again.
This blog is mostly for my fanart and fanfic recommendations. I might post very short fics on here, too, but most of my tumblr fics will be on my new sideblog (bsd-crazy-fan).
Anything nsfw will be tagged. If it's a link to nsfw, it will say so in brackets.
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My AO3
The previous welcome post (with a list of my fics & fic recommendations)
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sunset-river · 4 days
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They're in a group chat <3
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sunset-river · 4 days
I'll have to remember this.
Line confidence in art is important but not the end all be all. I do think learning line confidence is a good goal for most artists, and then you can decide whether or not to draw sketchy, but there's a misplaced superiority on drawing everything in a single smooth stroke. That unless your lineart is smooth and perfect your art isn't finished.
Doing multiple smaller lines when drawing isn't lesser than one long line. Whether you don't have the wrist stability for smooth lines, or have shaky hands, or if you simply like how sketchy lines look then that's okay. Art is what we make it.
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sunset-river · 4 days
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いまに、ここから出ても、自分はやっぱり狂人、 いや、癈人という刻印を額に打たれる事でしょう。
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sunset-river · 4 days
" just the two of us? "
Who the fuck else?? Everyone else is DEAD.
and you can't rlly wait on Dazai and Chuuya bc they're in EUROPE.
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sunset-river · 4 days
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is... is that why he's dressed up like that...
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sunset-river · 4 days
Dazai: *on the phone* Hey, Chuuya~
Dazai: Do you know my blood type?
Chuuya: Of course, its AB.
Dazai: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-
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sunset-river · 4 days
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Screaming a little rn thank you @skkangstzine this looks gorgeous!!
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sunset-river · 4 days
the strangest thing to me about the BSD fandom is the fact that the vast majority of people in it are dazai fans, while also consistently assuming the absolute worst of him, disregarding the circumstances around his actions and giving him no grace or consideration of his situation whatsoever.
there's no doubt dazai is a bad person in many ways. he did plenty of unjustifiable, inexcusable things. he's pathologically manipulative with a totally skewed moral compass, most of which was undoubtedly brought on by his upbringing in the mafia. but at the same time, i see such a huge number of people taking that and somehow ending up with - and vehemently defending - this idea that he's a remorseless, indifferent, innately cruel person by nature?
are we forgetting this is the same dazai who was forced to false-witness a murder at fourteen years old? the same dazai who already wracked up numerous suicide attempts barely out of his pre-teens?the same dazai who was referred to by everyone around him as a 'demon' at fifteen years old? the same dazai consistently described as having grief-filled, empty expressions and detached, vacant reactions to practically everything when he was so young? the same dazai that oda described as "a child crying in the dark, alone, left to fend for himself with a hole in his heart as large as the world itself"?
that dazai is an indifferent, heartless, innately psychopathic person? really? i'm not convinced.
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