東寺の五重塔を目の前にのぞむ、京都を感じるコンセプトホテル。 Feel the Japanese-ness. A boutique-style hotel, right in front of a five-story pagoda in Kyoto, Japan. 東寺五重塔佇立於京風精品酒店前,讓您在酒店即可享盡京都古蘊之美
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
20. Sunrise Suites – お寺のような窓

初めての方はこちらから⇒「Sunrise Suitesについて」
お寺や神社の空気を感じられるSunrise Suites。その雰囲気を創り出している要素のひとつが、各客室に設けられた「花頭窓」(かとうまど)です。
寺社建築に特徴的な窓ですが、Sunrise Suitesの客室内から眺める花頭窓やその外の景色は、なぜか不思議と竹取物語の世界のように、ちょっと雅な空気感をかもし出しています。
お寺や神社の雰囲気を感じられるのに、なんだか少し贅沢な気分にもなれる場所。単なるホテルじゃない、空気感を楽しめるお宿「Sunrise Suites」で、京都の旅を200%お楽しみください。
次の記事 – いつもは毎週月曜日配���ですが、3〜4月中はお休みしています。5月再開予定です。お楽しみに!
今すぐ予約⇒📝 お問い合わせ⇒✉
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20. Sunrise Suites – Windows like Temples

First time visitor? Start from “About Sunrise Suites”!
A hotel where you can feel the atmosphere of temples and shrines – Sunrise Suites. One of various special features that creates this one-of-a-kind feel is the “Kato-Mado”, or the uniquely-shaped windows of each guest room.
Kato-Mado is often seen at temples, shrines, and castles, and the top part of the frame is shaped like a fire frame or a flower. It was brought from China to Japan sometime around 1,200-1,500 AC, along with the Zen culture and Zen architectural style.
Although it is the type of window that is a characteristic of temple and shrine architecture, a Kato-Mado seen from inside of a Sunrise Suites guestroom, together with the view of the inner garden through the window, somehow produces the ambience with Japanese elegance that is like the world of “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, where a princess born from a bamboo grows into a beautiful woman, to be loved by many noblemen and even the emperor of the time.
A place where you can touch the feel of temples and shrines, and yet feel the traditional modest Japanese elegance. It is not just an accommodation; it is also where you can feel Kyoto. Stay at Sunrise Suites and enjoy your stay in Kyoto 200%!
Next Story - COMING SOON - Check back in May!
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20. Sunrise Suites - 寺廟般的窗戶

初次到訪我們的Tumblr嗎?來看看「關於Sunrise Suites」吧!
Sunrise Suites能讓您猶如置身於寺廟和神社裏面一樣。而創造出如此氛圍的要素,就是在每個客房所配置的「花頭窗」。
在這裡您可以感受���寺廟和神社的氛圍,又有少許的奢華感。Sunrise Suites不單是普通的酒店,而是能讓您感受京都的地方,來為您的京都之旅帶來200%的樂趣。
下一篇文章 - 4月將會暫停更新,新的文章預計將會在5月公開!
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#花頭窗 #火燈窗 #華頭窗 #禪 #窗戶 #火炎 #花 #竹取物語 #童話 #高雅 #石庭 #寺廟 #神社 #城堡 #建築 #竹 #雨鏈 #格天井 #SunriseSuites #SunriseSuitesKyoto #日昇套房酒店 #京都 #日本 #酒店 #飯店 #日本酒店 #京都酒店 #精品酒店 #東寺 #五重塔 #200%樂趣 #200%京都 #日本傳統建築 #建築美學
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19. Sunrise Suites - 秘密のお庭

初めての方はこちらから⇒「Sunrise Suitesについて」
Sunrise Suitesのお客様から「Wow!」「わあ!」と声が上がる場所が、エントランスの他にもうひとつあります。
どこにあるのか、は秘密です。ご滞在中にSunrise Suites内をくまなく探検してみてください。いろいろな京都を感じられるSunrise Suitesを味わう、もうひとつの方法です。
Sunrise Suitesへの滞在で、京都の旅を200%お楽しみください。
次の記事 – 「20. Sunrise Suites – お寺のような窓」
今すぐ予約���📝 お問い合わせ⇒✉
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19. Sunrise Suites – Bonus garden

First time visitor? Start from “About Sunrise Suites”!
There is another place at Sunrise Suites that evokes the guests’ “Wow”s.
When you stroll and explore throughout Sunrise Suites’ gardens, at one point, you will encounter an area that is, still Japanese but with the feel that is very different from the rest of the hotel. It might remind some people of one shrine that is a little away from Kyoto city center.
We will not mention here, where this “bonus garden” is at Sunrise Suites. Please explore Sunrise Suites from one end to another during your stay; it is another way to relish Sunrise Suites, the hotel where you can feel Kyoto.
Stay at Sunrise Suites and enjoy your stay in Kyoto 200%!
Next Story - “20. Sunrise Suites – Windows like Temples”
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19. Sunrise Suites - 秘密的庭園

初次到訪我們的Tumblr嗎?來看看「關於Sunrise Suites」吧!
除了Sunrise Suites的入口大門之外,還有另外一個讓人驚喜地方。
在Sunrise Suites內的庭園散步時,您會遇到一個與別不同的角落。讓您即使身處酒店裏面,也能感受到那個距離京都市中心有少許距離的神社中,叫人著迷的氛圍。
這個庭園究竟是在哪裏呢?是秘密。入住Sunrise Suites請試試到處探險,是另一種細味京都和Sunrise Suites的方法喔!
在Sunrise Suites裏為您的京都之旅帶來200%的樂趣。
下一個故事 - 「20. Sunrise Suites - 寺廟般的窗戶」
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18. Sunrise Suites – 石庭と格天井のコラボレーション

初めての方はこちらから⇒「Sunrise Suitesについて」
初めてエントランスを入るゲストから感嘆の声を集める、Sunrise Suitesの石庭。その石庭と相まって、このエントランスの稀有な雰囲気を創り出しているのが、石庭のうえに広がる格天井(ごうてんじょう)です。

Sunrise Suitesのものは「折り上げ格天井」と呼ばれ、天井が周囲の壁から一段上がるような形に造られた、より格式の高い様式です。壁の上端から格子の木材が弧を描いて上がり、天井を高くしています。屋上まで通じる吹き抜け、石庭から吹き抜けを通り抜けて空へと伸びる竹、吹き抜けから降りてくる鎖樋と共に、伸びやかに広がりのある空間を創り出しています。
日本の伝統建築美と庭園の美しさが融合して生まれた唯一無二の空間、Sunrise Suites。京都の旅を200%楽しめる、特別なお宿です。
次の記事 - 「19. Sunrise Suites - 秘密のお庭」
今すぐ予約⇒📝 お問い合わせ⇒✉

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18. Sunrise Suites – Square Ceiling and Dry Garden Collaborating

First time visitor? Start from “About Sunrise Suites”!
When our first-time guests enter Sunrise Suites’ front door, they almost always cannot help just standing there, looking up and around, astonished by seeing the unexpected dry garden right when they thought they entered a building. One of the components of the unique feel of this entrance hall, along with the garden, is the square ceiling that spreads over the garden toward the other end of the building.
The square ceiling, or “Go-Tenjo”, is said to be the ceiling style of the highest formality, often seen at temples, shrines, and castles. The grids are assembled with woods and covered with wooden boards, and the structural materials are hidden, creating quiet feel and protected atmosphere.

Sunrise Suites’ square ceiling is what is called “Oriage Go Tenjo”, literally translated, folded-up square ceiling. It is made to be higher up from the surrounding walls, and its formality is even higher than the standard square ceiling. The grid’s wooden material curves up from the top of the walls, making the ceiling higher. The vaults toward the higher floors, the bamboos growing from the dry garden through the vaults toward the sky, and the rain chains coming down through the vaults collaborate with the folded-up ceiling to produce the space with the feel that extends freely, upward.
The unique, incomparable, one-and-only space where the beauties of Japanese traditional architecture and Japanese garden are united. Sunrise Suites is a very special accommodation that allows you enjoy Kyoto 200%.
Next Story - “19. Sunrise Suites – Bonus garden”
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18. Sunrise Suites – 石庭和格天井的合作

初次到訪我們的Tumblr嗎?來看看「關於Sunrise Suites」吧!
初次來到Sunrise Suites入口的客人們,都會被Sunrise Suites的石庭設計吸引著。與石庭互相結合,創造出獨特而罕有的氛圍的,就是展現於石庭上的「格天井」。

Sunrise Suites的天花板為「折疊式天花板」,天花板比周圍的牆壁高,是一種更高級的天花板樣式。在牆壁的頂部裝上弧形的木製格子,從而提高天花板的高度。而通住天台的天井,由石庭延伸到天空的竹子,以及從天台垂掛下來的雨鏈,創造出一個寬敞的空間。
來親身感受由傳統建築美和庭園的美結合而成,Sunrise Suites獨一無意的空間。如此特別的住宿體驗,為您的京都之旅帶來200%的樂趣。
下一個故事 - 「19. Sunrise Suites - 秘密的庭園」
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17. Sunrise Suites – 高岡銅器の吊り灯篭

初めての方はこちらから⇒「Sunrise Suitesについて」
Sunrise Suitesの建設が終わりに近づいたころ、日が暮れてからご近所を通りかかる方々は、和でありながらも少し変わった雰囲気の建物が、夕闇の中でたくさんの吊り灯篭に照らされて幻想的に浮かびあがる様子に目を奪われていました。

東寺へのリスペクトを形にしたいとデザインされたSunrise Suitesですが、オーナーは同時に、京都観光に来られる方々の気持ちを明るく照らすような場所にしたいとも思っていました。本物���お寺では、夕方になると門が閉ざされて中に入れないこともよくありますが、Sunrise Suitesでは、長旅の後で夜になってから到着するお客様もきっと多くいます。そんなお客様も、建物を見れば「ああ、よかった、無事に着いた。」とほっとするように…。

その昔、歩いて旅をした時代、人里にたどり着かないまま夜を迎えてしまった旅人は、民家や街の明かりが見えてくると安心したものでした。ということは…。オーナーは思いました。Sunrise Suitesも旅人が目指す明かりになればいい。遠くからでも見つけて安心してもらえるように、たくさんの明かりをつけよう。

こうして、各階の軒下に、いくつもの灯篭をつるすことになりました。灯篭は、慶長16年から富山県高岡市で伝えられてきた伝統工芸、高岡銅器の職人さんたちにお願いして特別に作ってもらいました。透かし模様の一部に五重塔が入った、まさに東寺の目の前に佇むSunrise Suitesのためのデザインです。

昼間に到着されるお客様も、お出かけからお帰りの際などに夜のSunrise Suitesをぜひ外からご覧ください。114個もの吊り灯篭の明かりが、皆様を温かくお迎えします。
次の記事 – 「18. Sunrise Suites – 石庭と格天井のコラボレーション」
今すぐ予約⇒📝 お問い合わせ⇒✉

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17. Sunrise Suites – Copper lanterns

First time visitor? Start from “About Sunrise Suites”!
“It’s like the world of the animation movie, “Spirited Away”. I wonder what that building is…”
As the construction of Sunrise Suites approaches to its completion, people passing by after dusk could not help staring at the building, Japanese and yet like something of an oriental fantasy, standing out in the dark from the surrounding ordinary residential atmosphere.

In addition to bringing the respect to Toji temple into the design of Sunrise Suites, the founder also wanted to make it a place that brightens up the feelings of the people who come to visit Kyoto. Although actual temples often lock up their gates and do not let visitors in, many guests to Sunrise Suites would arrive in the evening or even later at night after exhausting long, long trips. The founder wanted such guests, when they find the building, to feel relieved to know that they are finally here.

Long ago, when people used to travel on foot, if the night came before they reached a village or an inn and had to keep walking in the dark, it was just a tremendous relief when they see a house with some light leaking out from the inside. The founder’s wish was that the hotel be the light that travelers aim for. So, the decision was made to put up a lot of lights to make the hotel findable from distance, so that the guests know their destination is right there.

To make Sunrise Suites literally “the light that travelers aim for”, many many, over one hundred lanterns were hang under the eaves of each floor. The lanterns were specially made for us by the craftsman of traditional Takaoka copperware from Toyama prefecture, where such craftsmanship has been passed on for over 400 years. Among various beautifully designed lanterns, some of them have a pattern with five-story pagoda illustrated, just the perfect design for Sunrise Suites, that respects and stands in front of Toji.

When you arrive in the evening, or when you come back from an outing during your stay, one hundred and fourteen lanterns welcome you to Sunrise Suites, your home in Kyoto.
Next Story - “18. Sunrise Suites – Square Ceiling and Dry Garden Collaborating”
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17. Sunrise Suites – 高岡銅器的吊燈籠

初次到訪我們的Tumblr嗎?來看看「關於Sunrise Suites」吧!
隨著Sunrise Suites的建設接近完成的時候,路過的人們都被這個與別不同,充滿「和」式氛圍的建築物所吸引著。特別是日落後黑暗的環境中,大量的吊燈籠照亮著整個建築物,猶如夢境般的畫面般讓人著迷。

Sunrise Suites的設計旨在向東寺致敬,但與此同時,創辦人希望打造一個可以照亮人心的地方,讓來京都觀光的每一位都可以在旅程中充滿愉悅。如果在真正的寺廟中,大門通常會在黃昏時鎖上而不得內進。而在Sunrise Suites,即使是在漫長的旅程後直至晚上才抵達,看到Sunrise Suites時都可以像「啊﹗太好了﹗安全到達了﹗」這樣的感到放心。

在以前用雙腳踏上旅程的時代,沒有人煙的地方中所渡過的夜裏,民宅和街上的燈火可是可以讓旅人感到安心。所以,創辦人決定點亮整個建築物,希望能讓Sunrise Suites成為旅人的光明,即使是遙遠的看著也可以感到安心。

這樣,在每個樓層的屋簷下都掛上了許多個燈籠。而Sunrise Suites裏的燈籠都是由高岡銅器的工匠專門製作的,它是自慶長16年由富山縣高岡市所傳承的傳統工藝。燈籠的鏤空圖案中有一個五重塔,恰好是為了仡立於東寺面前Sunrise Suites的設計一樣。

於白天到達Sunrise Suites的客人,在出門或返回之際,請一定要從外面觀賞Sunrise Suites的設計。114個吊燈籠的光芒,溫暖地迎接各位。
下一個故事 - 「18. Sunrise Suites – 石庭和格天井的合作」
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16. Sunrise Suites - 聖域をつくる鐘

初めての方はこちらから⇒「Sunrise Suitesについて」

Sunrise Suitesを東寺の目の前に造ることを決めたとき、オーナーは同時に、Sunrise Suitesを東寺に最大限のリスペクトを払ったデザインにする、と決めていました。東寺の五重塔と同じ瓦屋根、同じ形の窓格子…。軒下に見られる「組物」や「垂木」と呼ばれる構造も、東寺に似せて造られています。

東寺にならった意匠のひとつとして、Sunrise Suitesの四層の屋根のすべての角に、東寺と同じ風鐸が吊り下げられました。お客様がまるで東寺の分院に滞在しているかのような気分になれるよう、そしてお客様が災厄から守護されるように、というオーナーの気持ちも込められています。
日本で最も高い木造建築、東寺の五重塔の眺めを満喫でき、風鐸の聖域で守られたSunrise Suitesで、京都の旅を200%お楽しみください。もしかすると、邪気や災厄も払えてしまう…かもしれません。
次の記事 – 「17. Sunrise Suites – 高岡銅器の吊り灯篭」
今すぐ予約⇒📝 お問い合わせ⇒✉

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16. Sunrise Suites – Bells that creates a sanctuary

First time visitor? Start from “About Sunrise Suites”!
As a Shinkansen (bullet train) approaches the Kyoto station, the five-story pagoda of Toji temple comes in to your vision. The first Kyoto-ness that you can feel when you visit Kyoto.
If you visit Toji and go close to the pagoda, you will notice that a bell is hang at each corner of the five layers of the roofs. It is a heavy-duty bronze bell which makes no sound at all with just a light breeze, but once a strong wind blows, it rings and makes a high and yet deep, very thick sound. Long ago, strong wind was said to summon the god of plague and bring an epidemic break-out. And bells were installed under the eaves of temples in order to “scare away” evil spirits with the sound. The area the bell sound reaches is said to become a sanctuary, and is protected from illnesses and troubles.

When the founder of Sunrise Suites chose to create the hotel in front of Toji temple, he was determined to design Sunrise Suites in the way that pays the maximum respect possible to Toji temple. Tiled roof structure same as the five-story pagoda, vertical lattice over the windows… Wooden structure and rafters under the roof are also made to look like those of Toji temple pagoda.

The bells at each corner of each floor’s roof was another article that follows the design of Toji temple. The founder’s wishes that our guests would feel as if they are staying at a branch temple of Toji, and that our guests would be protected from illnesses and troubles, are also put into these bells.
Come to stay at the bell-protected sanctuary, Sunrise Suites where you can appreciate the view of the highest Japanese wooden architecture, Toji temple’s five-story padoga, and enjoy your trip to Kyoto 200%! Maybe you will be illness- and trouble-free for the rest of your life…?
Next Story - “17. Sunrise Suites – Copper lanterns"
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16. Sunrise Suites – 鐘聲下的聖所

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而創辦人在決定於東寺前建造Sunrise Suites時,也決定要對東寺表達最高的敬意。因此,Sunrise Suites用上與東寺五重塔相同的設計,例如相同的瓦屋頂、相同的格形窗等。而屋簷下的「組物」及「垂木」的構造也是仿照東寺設計而成。

Sunrise Suites的設計仿照著東寺,四層的屋子的角都懸掛著跟東寺一樣的「風鐸」吊鐘。創辦人希望能讓客人彷彿置身於東寺的別院一樣,守護著每位客人遠離災難。
在「風鐸」守護下的Sunrise Suites裏眺望日本最高的木造建築——東寺,盡享200%樂趣的京都之旅。在這神聖的領域中,說不定能為您驅邪擋災喔!
下一個故事 - 「17. Sunrise Suites – 高岡銅器的吊燈籠」
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15. Sunrise Suitesの庭園~ある旅人のストーリー

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Sunrise Suitesの庭園は、このような京の都を目指す旅人のストーリーを表しています。ご滞在中にぜひ、1階から順に各フロアの趣きを感じながら建物内を探索してみてください。
歩いて旅をした時代を感じられるSunrise Suitesで、京都の旅を200%お楽しみください!
次の記事 – 「16. Sunrise Suites - 聖域をつくる鐘」
今すぐ予約⇒📝 お問い合わせ⇒✉
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15. Sunrise Suites‘ Gardens – A story of an ancient traveler

First time visitor? Start from “About Sunrise Suites”!
Once upon a time, there was a traveler, on his on-foot journey to Kyoto. About when he had been traveling quite a while and started feeling weary, he came across a Zen temple. Although he was tired enough to not want to go out of his way and walk extra miles, he had not seen a temple of a Zen sect, and was tempted to see what that was like. He went in, and what he saw there was a rock garden was. It brought him a feeling that he had never felt before; his mind felt like it was being cleansed, and inside of him felt like it was being tuned.

While he stood there, just floating in the first-time feeling, he noticed that there was a bamboo forest in the back of the rock garden. Being solicited by the beautiful greenness of the bamboos, he walked into the forest. Although it was somewhat dark with the densely grown bamboos, strolling among them brought to him a deep calmness in his mind.

After a while, a little spring appeared, over which a small bridge spanned. By the bridge was a stela, which said “右はの野道、左は京への道” (The right is the way through fields and mountains, the left is a way to Kyoto). It seemed that Kyoto must be nearing, finally.
He kept walking, seeing pine trees and maple trees on the sides. Just past one, extraordinarily beautiful maple tree, was a tiny pond, where gold fishes swum.

“Is there someone living nearby...?” While wondering, he walked up the trail. When he reached a peak of the hill, there appeared one cherry blossom tree, in its full bloom. “Spring has come, while I had been heading to Kyoto from my hometown.”

He looked around, and realized that a five-story pagoda was right there beyond the hill. He was almost in Kyoto, where he had been trying to reach for a long time.

Sunrise Suites gardens represent such story of an ancient on-foot traveler, who aimed to reach the capital city of the time, Kyoto. When you stay at Sunrise Suites, please do try going over his path and exploring the building, from the 1st floor to the rooftop.
Choose Sunrise Suites, feel the era of on-foot traveling, and enjoy your stay in Kyoto 200%!
Next Story - “16. Sunrise Suites - Bells that creates a sanctuary”
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