Solarpunk-inspired album of progressive rock, metal & more recording this year with Jamie King [Between the Buried and Me] | The story behind our album is the same alternate climate future of Earth that "The Carbon Coast" was in 2017, where a solar-powered mega-city learns the cost of its sustainability. Instead of a novel, we have adapted the story to this 70-minute album that serves as a grand musical tour of the sounds, moods, and climate conflicts of our story world. | Sideblogs: @Solvoid-Lunarpunk & @Abyss-Tidalpunk |
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Hello, I remember there was a post you made about solar punk and lunar punk where you mentioned a book you were writing where 1/2 of the Earth is shrouded in darkness the premise of which interested me highly and I was wondering where I might be able to read it
Hi! I'm nearing the last stages of production of a music concept album which presents the story conceptually, lyrically and musically. It won't be for everyone, because the genre of the music is "progressive metal", so it's pretty intense, but then again so is the story, and the lore. It's also very uplifting, colorful, and rejuvenating compared to most metal music. It will be released under the artist name "Sun Keeper"
All of the instruments were recorded last year except for the orchestral strings which will be recorded by the Budapest Symphony Orchestra around next month. Right now we are entering vocal recording, there's about 20+ vocalists who will be voicing the different "dialogue" of about 30 of the characters from the world, so it's sort of a "adventure fiction story book music album"
Depending on how well it does, I could return to an actual manuscript and produce a novella or similar to supplement the concept album, which could be cool! But the manuscript I was working on in 2018 or so was analyzed by two publishing industry professionals and we realized together that the angle wouldn't have worked very well for a traditionally published novel.
So the original approach to telling this story (the novel, told from my original angle) was kind of like very-ripe bananas but now we are baking banana bread (this concept album) out of them. So it's still coming out, but in a very different way.
I'll post more updates on here once we finally complete the record and begin figuring out how to get it out to the world.
Thanks for the question!
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Is there a novel or did that get put on the back burner?
Hello! Well, over the years I presented the novel manuscript to a novel coach, and she helped me determine that the character I chose as the protagonist wasn't going to be easy to tell as a novel but WOULD work well for something else such as music album, comic, or game.
Fast forward to today. I am currently working with a team of about 30 people to record a 70-minute progressive rock and metal album that tells the story through the eyes of about 30 characters throughout the music. We're working with a lot of renowned artists in the progressive metal subgenre, and it's really taking off so far, but we have 5 months left of the recording process left.
I have always wanted to have a solarpunk / lunarpunk music project, and I'm so electric about this project. I know not everyone likes rock & metal music but this is a way we can get the Sun Keeper story world out into the world most easily, and our plan is to approach the story similarly to how Claudio from Coheed and Cambria does: release "story-music" and if there's enough interest for deeper lore, put out graphic novels or novellas that dive deeper into the lore, and self-publish the literature. We will explore all adaptations of the story we can scale to in the years ahead, but the music album is our "foot in the door" / "stepping stone" to begin proving to potential show-runners, game developers and more that there is interest in this world and that it is set up for a Transmedia approach where we can entertain with solarpunk storytelling across multiple mediums.
If you or anyone else are interested in following along with the project as we record and produce it, we have just recently made our Sun Keeper Discord server. It's very new and needs organizing, but it's the best way to keep up until we get our other social media set up and in use.
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This Day in History: Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United Sates. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
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Kadara Enyeasi, by Seye Isikalu
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Juneteenth is here. may all the PoC out there blossom and bloom and be caressed with kisses of support and have their wounds soothed by nature and allies and justice and change

Photographer: Shantoria Divine
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Quit being eco-fascist dang it! Solarpunk is trying to make humans INTEGRATE and maintain symbiosis with nature. No humans are "the virus" and none of us should die or be stifled "for nature to thrive" - we just need to CHANGE how WE thrive back into a way that allows nature to ALSO thrive
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A new solarpunk (technically @tidalpunk) relaxing video of a place from my story world called Abystine.
Come visit the Ocean Tower at Abystine and enjoy all the nautical low-tech renewable energy vibes on the sea shore
Check the video description for story information and a link to the full playlist of solarpunk and lunarpunk scenes we've made so far
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A lovely podcast episode on the topic of solarpunk for the Imaginary Worlds podcast!
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Hey! I am an intern at the North Carolina Museum of Art in NC, USA. We're throwing a Solarpunk themed event and I was wondering if i could use some of the beautiful art on this page to put on the promo flyer. If so, are there any particular artists I should credit? Thanks so much!
Well, that query in general can go a lot of different routes in terms of general solarpunk art that was not necessarily commissioned for my own project. However, I do have about four pieces of art that I’ve commissioned to represent places in my story world, which is specifically a solarpunk story world. (you’ll see a couple lunarpunk examples as well, meaning night time centered solarpunk)
I’ll attach them all here in case you’re interested in any, since they would all be free use without any worries of legal complications and of course I could give you proper credits of each artist since I worked personally with them.
However I also could help you with good places to look for other solarpunk art and possibly hunt down the artists of the pieces. Email [email protected] and we can figure out more for your project via email!
- Connor

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Solarpunk Beer? Optimistic Brewery?
Optimism Brewing Company in Seattle has three drinks on tap named after the solarpunk movement and I just wanted to share with yall.

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Yes. Solarpunk comic.
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Are you an artist? A writer? An activist? A human being with opinions or ideas about climate change? SUBMIT TO OPTOPIA!
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Writing update 2019
Hey everyone. Going into 2020, (and as of late) I’ve been less active with this solarpunk Tumblr and the lunarpunk and tidalpunk sideblogs because I’ve been really focusing in on the one most important solarpunk thing I can be working on: The Carbon Coast novel series.
I now have hired a creative coach who has assigned me to really just focus on getting that one big thing done with all my efforts and creative ability and spare time and money. When I do have a spare moment, I’m updating the Carbon Coast Patreon with patron-only content, previews, behind the scenes stuff, life updates, etc. That’s because the 11-or-so Patrons on there are chipping in as much money each month to support this story universe as some people do to afford Netflix every month! That’s huge, and so I try to post all updates and solarpunk content we’ve made on there (sometimes as public posts for followers who can’t support, too!)
So this is just an open letter for anyone curious that, it’s not that I don’t want to post, or that I think it’s not worth it, here on Tumblr lately, and I definitely don’t think people who aren’t paying for Patreon access shouldn’t get updates too, but my creative coach has literally analyzed my life/work/creative balance situation and has said I really should only be writing the novel itself, delegating all other work (like video production), and only updating the Patreon regularly to reward patrons and followers on there, with only occasional posts on other social media.
So that’s where we’re at going into 2020 and I hope the #solarpunk community is still thriving and collaborating and getting tight and focused on their own solarpunk stuff too here on Tumblr! I miss hunting for all things solarpunk and reposting like mad but I just gotta focus on this novel series so I can get them in the hands of people who can get it published ASAP, and as of New Year’s Eve, I really gotta be committed to focusing on that one thing.
Keep the solarpunk dream alive and growing. We are smol but mighty. We are the plant that grows through concrete!
Much love. Also, I didn’t put a link to patreon on here cus this isn’t a sales pitch, just an explanation. If you’re interested, you’ll seek it out on your own terms. But do remember that you can just follow for free and get the occasional public update on there, more often than I can post updates on here!
(plus, long updates like this on Tumblr seem tacky lol)
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I am writing a solarpunk story that takes place 30 years in the future in a sustainable society off the Maine Coast. Maine has seceded from the USA in order to put all of its budget into developing a sustainable society which able to withstand the effects of a changing climate. There is a lot to it and I dont know any other solarpunk writers. It would be fun to hook up with you guys and be a part of a writing community. Is that a possibility?
Your story sounds fantastic, especially since I remember reading reports and data on how Maine will be one of the most ideal places to be in the face of climate change. It brings the question of “we’re the lucky ones to have this “environmental fortress” so now how do we deal with the responsibilities of that? Send a direct message if you’d like to link up as fellow writers in any way. I just got back into regularly writing for my manuscript today after a long while tending to other things. There are also communities like the Solarpunk Discord which have dedicated writing channels where you can contribute to the conversations of solarpunk fiction and worldbuilding.
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why are you reposting other people's work instead of reblogging it directly from them?
Let me know what you’re referring to. Was it the massive art dump after people had all submitted their art for a solarpunk contest? If so, I actually hunted down and embedded a link when I made those posts, of every single picture to the place where I found it (in most cases the Twitter account of the artist posting it), but Tumblr didn’t make it so that tapping or clicking on the images in the posts actually takes the user to the link. I think I put notes in those posts at the time that I tried linking everything but Tumblr wasn’t operating in the way that.. well.. basically everything else on the internet does, a.k.a. intuitively lol. Let me know if you mean anything else and I’ll try to fix up anything that’s floating out there without crediting or attributing original creators! I just now saw this ask today, btw. Pardon my delay.
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