sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
If my muse came with a warning label inbox me what it would say.
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
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WOOOO Here with a returning Neji Hyuga rp blog. Independent, selective, private, open to aus and ocs and pre-war. I would really love to get this blog back up and running so like and/or reblog this if you want me to check you out, friends!
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
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YO! Here with a returning Deidara blog.Indie/sel/pri, but I’m open to AUs and OCs. My two main verses are pre-war and modern. Especially looking for some other Akastuki members to interact with! Hit me up! Like and/or reblog this if you want me to check you out. 
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Your Shino is so beautifully written, I followed you recently and he is a SWEETHEART
But thank you, anon. /)w(\ That means a lot. Shino is a precious, sensitive cinnamon bun and he deserves the world and I hope I do him justice asdfhjkl; 
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
But, it’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.                                                           I mean, I’m happy…
And I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m FINE.
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
RP is a Partnership
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Ask my muse extremely personal questions.
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Shino just smiles at the way her eyes light up. She was so cute, Shino could barely form words when she spoke to him. He wasn’t feeling too confident. A girl like her would never go for a guy like him. But at the very least they could be friends. That’s really all the Aburame could ask for.
“I already ate.” he comments, leaning against the counter. He side glances at her, watching her eat the food he had brought her and he was smiling again. He was thankful that his attire did wonders at hiding his features.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
[ @sunglasses-at-night ] [ x ]
Shino felt rather off. He wasn’t used to being in the hospital minus an injury. But something about Ryu had him curious, adventurous, even. Dare he think it; he had a crush on the woman sitting in front of him. And so he went out of his way to do something kind for her.
“I brought you lunch.”
     Working a crick in her neck with a palm, the offer begets a pause, surprise slackening Ryū’s face.
     “…oh!” A few groggy blinks of wide eyes later, she manages a smile. “That’s…very kind of you! I, ah…” Her expression turns sheepish. “…I haven’t really had a spare minute to look for anything. We’re shorthanded so I’ve been pulled in for a double shift,” is the excuse she gives.
     Glancing at a nearby clock, she yawns and adds, “Fortunately…I’ve still got a few minutes before I have to head back!” Tilting her head, she offers, “…I hope you managed to think of yourself, too!”
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
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YO YO YO Coming at you with an indie/sel/pri Shino Aburame roleplay blog ///penned by Sarah Nicole///. Pre & Post War. I’ll roleplay with ocs and people outside of the fandom but I’m picky. But trust me, Shino would love to interact with your character. Poor boy needs more friends. ;) Give this a like or reblog ((preferably a reblog so this can get spread around)) if you’re interested and I’ll check out your blog. Peace.
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Shino was thankful that Kakashi had been the one chosen to lead his team. He respected the man greatly and thanks to his help their mission had gone smoothly. Not to say he didn’t miss his own sensei, but Kakashi made for a spectacular replacement given the circumstances. He stretched slightly, his muscles aching. But truth be told, he wasn’t tired, surprisingly. Hinata and Kiba were both already fast asleep but he felt he was doomed to be up the entirety of the night.
“I’m actually wide awake.” the Aburame admitted.
The mission had been relatively simple; get in, get out.
The other three members of their squad were already fast asleep an Shino, being wide awake, satacross from Kaskashi around the fire. It was reaching that time of year where it got chilly and Shino wasn’t fond of it. He was wide awake and it would appear the older man was as well, but that didn’t stop Shino from asking his next question.
“Would you like me to take first watch, Kakashi-sensei?”
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Send me headcanons about our muses' relationship. (Whether they're friends, enemies, or lovers. Send them all!)
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Stopping dead in his tracks, Shino replayed her words over in his mind. He, personally, had not wanted to take this mission in the first place, but it was the Hokages orders, so who was he to talk back? The weight of the situation hadn’t fully hit him until now, though. Sure, he had had his worries, but Hinata speaking them just made him more uneasy.
He didn’t want anything happening to her. 
Also he had to agree, it was odd being on a mission with the Inuzuka by their side. Shino wished he were there. It wasn’t that Hinata needed their protection, but Shino would still give it. That’s what teammates- and friends- did.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, Hinata,” he spoke with the uptmost sincerity. “I can promise you that.” And it was a promise he intended to keep.
In all honesty, Shino could listen to Hinata speak of anything for any amount of time and never once be bored or bothered. The way she lost her stutter around made his heart soar. He had accepted his crush on the Hyuga long ago, but he would never once admit to it unless outright asked, which had, thankfully, never once happened. 
He smiled at her adorable ramblings, leaning his head down just so so that she could see his smile. Hinata was the only one outside of his family who ever saw him smile. He preferred it that way, to be honest.
A shinobi must never show his emotions, after all.
But she brought out a different side of him that he was started to hold dear to his heart; as dear as she was to his heart.
“You are like my water.” he spoke cooly. Unknown to her, his words held a secret meaning. You keep me alive.
“We should get going.”
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                   ❝     Mmm, okay.     ❞
          AND SHE NODS in response to his request to move, a small smile gracing her lips.  It was relieving to know that Shino had accepted her words: Understood them.  She had babbled and fumbled over her words, yet he seemed to decipher the meaning of them.  She rose from her crouch by the rubbery plants that grew in the dry soil, fingertips lingering on their soft, plump leaves.  The intense truth behind his words went over her head.
         AND SHE STARES off in the direction they are to travel in.  Though they were only a few miles away from their destination, Shino had agreed to Hinata’s quick stop to admire the vegetation.  Their destination was a large village where a number of young women had disappeared: A mission that required superb trackers.  Nervousness bubbled in Hinata as her worried gaze turns towards Shino.  She looks to him for comfort, which she knows she will most likely receive.
                  ❝     Are you. . Are you a little worried?  It’s— It’s not that I don’t think we’re capable, it’s just— It’s strange to be on a mission without Kiba.  And it’s women that have gone missing. .     ❞
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Shino felt rather off. He wasn’t used to being in the hospital minus an injury. But something about Ryu had him curious, adventurous, even. Dare he think it; he had a crush on the woman sitting in front of him. And so he went out o his way to do something kind for her.
“I brought you lunch.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you up…”
[Sleep Starters ][ @sunglasses-at-night ][ Accepting ]
     “No, no…that’s fine.” Striking sleep from her eyes, Ryū gives the Aburame a smile. “I was just…putting my head down on my break.” Double shifts mean taking any chance for a wink or two she can get.
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     Straightening her back with a flinch, she asks, “Did you need something, Shino-san?”
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Confess something you've thought about me on anon, and all I can do is post it
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
[ sms ] Lying is bad.
[ sms ] That’s why I don’t do it.
[ sms ] Don’t make that face at me.
[ sms ] I will be there in just a moment.
Shino slipped on his shoes and began making his way to his destination Typing back to Hanabi, he tried to attempt to be funny.
[ sms] I know everything, Hana.
[ sms ] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ sms ] Shut up 
[ sms ] No you don’t
[ sms ] Lying is bad
She paused for a bit to think a little more. ‘Ahah!’
[ sms ] >:[
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Shino slipped on his shoes and began making his way to his destination Typing back to Hanabi, he tried to attempt to be funny.
[ sms] I know everything, Hana.
[ sms ] Please don’t call me homie
[ sms ] But I’ll come get you if I must
[ sms ] And stop sneering at every couple who walks by you
[ sms ] I know that’s what you’re doing
[ sms ] o.o
          She jerk her head around, trying to see if the Aburame was already there.
[ sms ] You’re not even here??
[ sms ] omg stop that, it’s really creepy
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sunglasses-at-night · 7 years
Glancing up, Shino looked hard at the girl, trying to put her face to a name. No, he would have remembered her if he had ever met her. But she was wearing a flak jacket so he could only assume she was looking for him for a mission.
“I am. And you are?”
There was no hint of annoyance or rudeness in his words; simply curiosity. 
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                  ❝ Ah, excuse me. Are you Aburame Shino? ❞  The description seemed to match this guy; silent, a little creepy, big hood over his head, yes, it had to be him. She hoped so, at least. Time was wasting, and if she didn’t find him soon, things wouldn’t be good. 
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