sunderwater-blog · 8 years
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David Arnold, Kids of Appetite
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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► Bungou Stray Dogs || PV
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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Inaba Yu and Katono Taiko - Kamen Rider Drive, scanned from Super Hero Time 2015 Autumn by silverwind.
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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“Now we are extinct. Will you remember us, at least? The Roidmudes, a race that once sought to dwell on this planet…”
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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- She’s my woman, so please treat her kindly, granny.
- I see… But it’s still hard for you, to be stuck with her because of someone’s selfishness.
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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The best possible way to watch Jaws.
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
Have the courage to be exactly who you are without apology.
Iyanla Vanzant  (via thursdays-at-the-coffeeshop)
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
I want a story about an Italian vampire.
No romance, no action.
Just 200 pages of “What do you mean, I can’t have garlic? Do you know where I’m from?”
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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Uchigatanas, Battle Form
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
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sunderwater-blog · 9 years
By the time I finish this post, it will be illegal in my country
Hello again friends.
As I wrote in the title, this post will be illegal in Spain in less than an hour. Why? Because in 1 July of 2015 will come into effect the new “Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana”, the “Law of Citizen Security” or how the people of Spain call it LEY MORDAZA, in english GAG LAW.
This law was approved by the government with the oposition of the rest of political parties, the population of Spain and even the EU, the UN and the Greenpeace between many others because is the most agressive attack to the human rights, particularly to the right of freedom of speech.
In less than an hour doing something of the next list will be illegal among many other things:
Manifestations around the Congress and the Senate
Take photos or videos of the police, even if they are using force against the people. 
Stop an eviction
The pacific resistance
Tweet or spread information about a manifestation in Internet
Criticize the spanish monarchy
Spread information of the crimes of an accused party (like those participants of the government and politicians who now are being accused of corruption)
But the worst part is that, if you do any of those 44 new guidelines, you will be found guilty no by a proper judge but the government itself under the accusation of administrative offence, with a fine till 600.000 €
In short: this new law search the most agressive way to silence an entire population against one of the worst governments we ever had since the dictatorship of 1939.
—————————— Edit 02:22 a.m. 1/7/2015
First I want to say THANK YOU for all the reblogs and likes this post is having, seriously, is very important for us to know the world is receiving notices about this things. Is amazing to see how people cares. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Here I add more information:
This post wrote by user lluvia185 is pretty interesting and depicts better some of those guidelines:  http://lluvia185.tumblr.com/post/105000672533/gag-law-soshumanrights
The Twitter hastag #LeyMordaza is now Trending Topic in Spain. Only in spanish I fear but is one of the best sites to view and feel our anger: https://twitter.com/hashtag/LeyMordaza?src=tren
And now how the population have received the new law: with manifestations since minute one of July: http://nosomosdelito.net/convocatoria/2015/06/20/sinmordazas-manifestaciones-contra-las-leyes-mordaza
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