sunblinx · 4 years
tips for bonding with the sky
Moon go outside at night, even if it’s just on your balcony. be aware of moon phases and use them in your spell work or monthly routine. on the full moon, take advantage of the extra light to go on a hike or walk at nighttime. or take the time to do some extra divination. charge or cleanse your magickal tools in the moonlight. make the moon a member of your witchy family by talking to her, or praying to her. make an altar for the moon or a moon deity. make art of or about the moon. carry around moonstone or other lunar symbolism.
Sun do sun meditations as often as possible. spend time in the sunlight and be active, try hiking or swimming. start a garden, particularly sun related plants such cacti or sunflowers. make sun tea or make and cook in a solar oven. wear warm colors such as yellow, orange, and red. make an altar to the sun or a sun deity, outside altars or window altars would be great for this. use stones such as amber, obsidian, or sandstone. eat or work with fruit, especially citrus. compost. use happy music as a source of light. hang up a sun catcher in your window.
Stars familiarize yourself with constellations and astronomical events, such as meteor showers. get a telescope or binoculars for a better look. try to travel to somewhere with less light pollution or go to a planetarium. Learn about stellar mythology - the myths behind “Orion” or “Cassiopeia” for example. become comfortable with nocturnal animals (just don’t get near any wild ones). start logging your dreams and interpreting them. learn to simple sleep spells.
Clouds learn to predict the weather from the clouds. put up wind chimes, wind socks or pinwheels outside. spend time near fresh water, such as creeks or ponds, on sunny days. make cloud related diy’s. take photos of the sky, draw or paint them. learn about folklore or mythology of clouds, wind, or rain.
Storm collect rainwater for spellwork. do rain grounding by running around on rainy days and getting wet all over. make an altar for storms or a storm deity. pay attention to storm omens. make art about storms, water colors can be associated with rain. use the days when you are stuck inside to practice kitchen witchcraft or other indoor crafts. treat stormy days as a chance to take care of yourself and your home.
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sunblinx · 4 years
Magical Associations of Cats
Black: witchcraft, power, protection, deep magic, wisdom, discernment, removing negative energy
Red/ginger/orange: male power, the power of the sun, Yang energy, harvest moon, wealth, money, focus
Blue/grey/smoke: love, happiness, peace, good luck, emotional stability
White: lunar magic, healing, recharging, beauty, invoking admiration, relieving stress, considered a good omen in America
Colorpoint/Siamese: the royal color, fame, success, purity, longevity, solar magic, Yang energy
Calico/tri-colored: associated with the triple goddess, good luck, protection, happiness, prosperity
Two-tone: wisdom, understanding, common sense, friendliness
Tortoiseshell: Yin energy (this color pattern is inherited only by females), children, pure magic, clairvoyance, healing
Gold/golden brown: revered temple cat, wisdom, grace, solar magic, playfulness
Tabby/striped: good luck, light, humor, energy
source: https://www.consciousreminder.com/2016/11/15/cat-protects-you-home-ghosts-negative-spirits/ with some edits by me
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sunblinx · 4 years
does anyone have any experience working with bastet and have any tips you could share with me? i feel a very strong connection to cats and i often take care of stray cats, so i think working with her could be very interesting for me!! :)
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sunblinx · 4 years
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My love ☀️
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sunblinx · 4 years
The ocean for your healing!
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sunblinx · 4 years
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The girl of the sun
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sunblinx · 4 years
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sunblinx · 4 years
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sunblinx · 4 years
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sunblinx · 4 years
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Statue of Apollo covered in tulle netting
A copy of the Greek bronze original by Leochares (330 BCE)
Blanton Museum of Art
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sunblinx · 4 years
Solar Witchcraft: Tools & Associations
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Tools: Ashes, Astrolabes, Bells, Candles, Cingulum, Citrus (Fruit and Wood), Coins/Money, Compass, Copper Bowls and Vessels, Cords/Ropes, Crowns/Halos, Incense, Fire, Glitter and Sparkles, Gold Leaf, Gold Jewelry/Bowls/Tools/Decor, Harp, Horns (instrument), Lanterns, Light/Lamps, Matches, Mirrors, Oils, Pendulum, Perfume, Solar Energy/Chargers, Solar Calendar, Solar/Heat Maps, Solar Music, Sparklers, Staff, The Sun, Sun Salt/Fire Salt, Sun Shapes and Symbolism, Sun Oil, Sun Water, Sundial, Wands, Wheels
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Purple, White, Orange, All Warm Tones
Corresponds To: Pride, Masculinity, Knowledge, Passion, Beauty, Strength, Courage, The Divine and Holy, Purity, Cleansing, Joy, Wealth, The Harvest, Law and Justice
Crystals: Sunstone, Citrine, Quartz, Ruby, Red Spinel, Garnet, Pyrite, Opal, Jacinth, Sulfur
Metals: Gold, Bronze, Copper
Plants/Herbs: St. John’s Wort, Sunflower, Marigold, Orange, Lemon, All Citrus Fruit and Trees, Star Anise, Angelica, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Tomato, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Walnut, Eyebright, Frankincense, Saffron, Safflower and Bramble
Animals: Rooster, Snake, Horse, Lion, Eagle, Cattle & Oxen, Dragons, Salamander, Tortoise, Ram, Pheasant and Horse
Beasts & Creatures: Phoenix, Dragons, Three-legged Bird, Chalkydri, Angels, Kua Fu, Giants, Khepri, Kitsune, Huli Jing; Aethon, Pyrois, Phelgon & Eous (Apollo’s 4 Chariot Horses)
Sense: Touch
Body: Hands, Wrists, Core, Heart, Face, Knees, Shoulders, Upper Back, Crown of the Head/Scalp, Skull & Jaw
Sun Related Magic: Healing, Strength, Sports and Competitions, Victory, Money and Wealth, Career and Business, Fertility, Justice and Legal Matters, Love and Marriage, Faith and Prayer, Cleansing, Blessing, Energy, Celebration, Self Improvement, Fire Magic, Vengeance, Love Magic and Overcoming Fears
This post is compiled from my personal research and grimoire, please do not repost.
Like what I do/post? Interested in letting me know? Feel free to buy me a coffee!
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sunblinx · 4 years
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Apollo and Dionysus by Leonid Llyuhin
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sunblinx · 4 years
🗡Simple ways to honor Ares!🗡
for all my closet worshipers out there or people who just want to get close to ares but dont quite know where to begin, heres some small things i do as devotional acts to ares! 
🗡 watch a horror movie! face ur fears !
🗡  take ur meds! they help u be stronger
🗡  get a journal dedicated to him. put ur research in there! put ur prayers in there! 
🗡  get a choker, they make u feel bad ass and their really cool
🗡  hell wear anything that makes you feel badass ! 
🗡  work out! even if its just a walk, strengthen your body a bit
🗡  let yourself be angry and feel anger, its healthy and normal
🗡  write an angry letter and tear it up afterwords
🗡  draw him! draw a sword for him or a cool helmet
🗡 if your on a sport team/debate team, dedicate your wins to him!
🗡  learn how to cope with your anger safety. journal your frustrations, scream into a pillow, talk to him and let him know what ur pissed about!
🗡 give aphrodite your love from time to time, even if its just a small prayer, he loves his wife! 
🗡 stand up for what you believe in
🗡  do something a bit out of your comfort zone. even if its just trying a new food or stepping outside for a bit, let yourself be brave! 
🗡  but also understand if you cant. ares loves u and wants u to recovery at ur own time and pace! 
🗡  give urself the time and space you need to heal and work on your mental health <3
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sunblinx · 4 years
this is going to sound very idiotic, ridiculous and most likely irrelevant, and feel free to ignore it but could you please tell me if Aphrodite, Apollo, Persephone and every other god or goddess out there loves trans people? I know this sounds stupid, but I've just been told by several different people that my very existence as a trans man is hurting women and I will never be a boy and I feel really terrible right now, so could please just let me know if I'm valid to them, at least?
What??!! Absolutely not in this religion, friend.
Not only are trans folks accepted and loved here, there are also gods that are seen as protectors for them! I don’t have direct experience with this, but I asked a few of my trans friends (who are Hellenic polytheists) and they agreed!
Specifically, I was told that Dionysus and Artemis are helpful. I have also heard that Apollo and Ares are as well. Aphrodite could be helpful too, because she is all about self love! I can reassure you that these gods love you.
You are VALID, and the gods love you for who you are (and I love you too)! If anyone ever tells you otherwise, they don’t have a place in the community.
I know there are TERFs specifically surrounding Aphrodite, and I don’t believe that they have any place in this community. They are entirely unwelcome, on my blog and otherwise. I pray for them, so they can learn how to have empathy, compassion, and human decency.
You have a place here. You are loved, accepted, and valid. Your existence is a gift, and you have every right to exist and express your identity the way you feel it should be expressed. The gods love you just the way you are. And they are SO PROUD of you for being true to yourself despite the hardships you have to face. 🖤
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sunblinx · 4 years
Altar ideas for Hermes
i know there are already a lot of posts like these, but i find them fun to make and i had some neat ideas!
-Board game pieces (especially stuff like monopoly money!)
-Travel tickets
-Sporting event tickets
-Souvenirs and gift shop items
-Random trinkets and coins you find (on his altar space i have a small jar filled with coins and stuff like paperclips and screws i’ve found in parking lots!)
-Crystals associated with luck, prosperity, and/or travel (i like to put aventurine on his altar, that’s what i associate him with most!)
-Dice and card games
-Puzzle games (rubix cubes, for example)
-Green, silver, or white candles (i personally associate scents like strawberry, vanilla, and coffee with him!)
-Car keys
-Rocks from your favorite travel destinations or along the way
-Anything made of silver
-Foreign currency (bonus points if it’s from places you’ve personally travelled and brought back yourself!)
-Old letters/mail
-Strawberries (real, fake, or just imagery)
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sunblinx · 4 years
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i found a bracelet in my room that i thought ares would like! i decided to put it on his altar space!
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sunblinx · 4 years
This is your obligatory Hermes love post
Reblog if you really love Hermes, like if you really love Hermes.
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