I control; I desire; I Game
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NSFW OC Summoner Runa RP blog of the MOBA game League of Legends. The Summoner that made Diana (dianamoonfall) open her thoughts to others. M!A: n/a M!A duration :
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
"Tea sounds wonderful at the moment, so that's definitely a yes!" Runa answered immediately before poking a finger on the male's arm, "It'll be your treat though not mine since you were the one who invited me." The summoner reasoned out with a lopsided smile, puffing her chest out proudly.
"So where to?"
"Hello again, miss Runa." He smiled underneath his mask as he approached her. "I trust you have been well?"
"Fine and dandy like I have always been! Thank you for asking!" chirped the small summoner as she placed a hand on her bicep, trying to flex the other one to show how well she has been. "How have you been, sir? Fine and dandy I hope so as well!" asked Runa with a huge grin on her face, her mood cheery as usual as she lowered both her arms to the sides.
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
And then she laughed at the Gennee, enjoying the beet red face of the young one. She closed the book and gingerly placed it down on the table, still suffering a few snickers from the ordeal. "I commend them though for actually having the creativity to write something like this!" Runa then stood and leaned closer to her companion as she patted her on the head, a smile replacing her smirk earlier. "Don't worry, I'll never do that to you." reassured the shorter one with a grin.
( FF+ Runa--mostly because of that big sister thing I read hahaha xD A lot likes incestuous things after all haha xD //coughsMorganaKayleandNasusRenkandLuxGarrencough// )
Gennee blushed incredibly brightly and dropped the book before picking it up before anybody else could read it “M-maybe I-I’ll just give this to Runa…” //She’s embarrassed that somebody would write this about her ‘big sister’ and her.\
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
The summoner elbowed back gently for the poke as she beamed at the other. "You'll never know unless you'll try, yes?" Then she straightened up as she used her thumb to point towards a direction, "Do you wanna have a go at it while we feeds ourselves in the mess hall?" asked Runa as she already started to walk backwards, not really waiting for the taller one to answer at all.
"H-hello...." Gennee smiled and gave a small curtsy to the other "I-I'm Gennee.... P-pleasure to meet you.
"Wooooowwwww, you’re freaking tall." Runa told the other as she rose into her tippy toes and tried to reach the woman’s head only to be able to pat her forehead in the end, unable to stretch any further. "Hello Gene the tall lady." she greeted as she straightened, both hands on her hips.
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
"Hello again, miss Runa." He smiled underneath his mask as he approached her. "I trust you have been well?"
"Fine and dandy like I have always been! Thank you for asking!" chirped the small summoner as she placed a hand on her bicep, trying to flex the other one to show how well she has been. "How have you been, sir? Fine and dandy I hope so as well!" asked Runa with a huge grin on her face, her mood cheery as usual as she lowered both her arms to the sides.
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
And stared she did some more as Runa watched the souls dancing around the lantern. If she could just lean closer, she swear she could hear voices coming from the thing but then she what she heard was a loud booming voice that snapped her out of her daze, causing the young summoner to look up. "Ooops!" was the only thing she had to say for herself as the woman scratched the back of her head, sticking her tongue out ridiculously.
"Achievement unlocked! Grabbing the lantern!" Runa exclaimed happily when she was safely pulled up by the Warden, hopping off of the woman as she did a silly victory dance. "You know we will be in BIIIGGGG trouble if we get caught by those guards by the gates. And by we, I meant just me." The summoner said with a laugh as she grabbed the other yet again by her arm, tugging her to make her turn around to view the vast city that was the capital of Ionia. "Lookie! The place we're going to head to is wayyyyy over there!" informed the blonde to the champion as she pointed their destination in between the buildings and whatnot. "I hope you're ready for a small walk with me~!"
( You know that threaten thing? Yeahh xD ) "Threshhh mah darling my honeyy~" The summoner called out to the other as she skipped happily closer. "We have a match coming up next and I was thinking," hands spread out in an arc up in the air as Runa tried to make things dramatic, "Jungle with a Shiv and Morellonomicon--pair it up with revive and teleport! Imagine what we can do in this next match! No more than 20 deaths this time, I swear! We will own them!" she ended with a grin, deaths confirmed.
Thresh was utterly baffled. She had been paired with Runa many times before, sometimes wrecking the other team, other times accruing many, many, many, many, deaths. Mouth agape and slouched over, she stared at Runa trying to figure out what she did to deserve such a bat-sh*t crazy summoner. “I can understand jungling, I’ve done it before” said Thresh, gripping the bridge of her nose. “Shiv, too, makes sense,” she continued, irritation rising. “But do we really need the Book of the Dead?” Thresh exhaled, trying to keep herself from killing Runa on the spot. “And please, PLEASE explain to me why we are going to use revive and teleport instead of smite? I’m not Karthus and you’re not summoner Phantoml0rd.” During Thresh’s sermon, Runa maintained her happy-go-lucky smile, signaling the Warden to digress. 'Today's going to be a long day…'
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
And Runa did not disappoint as she raised a hand and happily exclaimed what they were here for. "MOON CAKES!" she stated with an innocent smile on her face before she continued on, "We came for mooncakes!"
Then the two found themselves far from the great gates, a confused summoner had her arms folded together as she looked up at the sky. "What was wrong with stating moon cakes as the reason? Isn't it an innocent want of a person's taste buds? Why did they deny our entrance?" grumbled Runa as she subtly eyed the guards, then at the people around them then at the alleys between houses. If push comes to shove, then she will just have to do something to talk to the authorities, if not--then maybe a little shortcut will work. For now, she was going to continue complaining about Ionia's stinginess with their treats.
( You know that threaten thing? Yeahh xD ) "Threshhh mah darling my honeyy~" The summoner called out to the other as she skipped happily closer. "We have a match coming up next and I was thinking," hands spread out in an arc up in the air as Runa tried to make things dramatic, "Jungle with a Shiv and Morellonomicon--pair it up with revive and teleport! Imagine what we can do in this next match! No more than 20 deaths this time, I swear! We will own them!" she ended with a grin, deaths confirmed.
Thresh was utterly baffled. She had been paired with Runa many times before, sometimes wrecking the other team, other times accruing many, many, many, many, deaths. Mouth agape and slouched over, she stared at Runa trying to figure out what she did to deserve such a bat-sh*t crazy summoner. “I can understand jungling, I’ve done it before” said Thresh, gripping the bridge of her nose. “Shiv, too, makes sense,” she continued, irritation rising. “But do we really need the Book of the Dead?” Thresh exhaled, trying to keep herself from killing Runa on the spot. “And please, PLEASE explain to me why we are going to use revive and teleport instead of smite? I’m not Karthus and you’re not summoner Phantoml0rd.” During Thresh’s sermon, Runa maintained her happy-go-lucky smile, signaling the Warden to digress. 'Today's going to be a long day…'
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
The summoner was disappointed that the other didn't last any longer than she had before as she felt Sejuani's walls gripping onto her finger tight then experiencing her release. Her digit was retracted from the boar rider as she started wiping them with the dry parts of the blanket, eyes looking up to see that the great Winter's Wrath was now sleeping soundly after a few climax. Runa scoffed at this before starting to don her robes, glad that they were not as soaked as it was earlier with water.
Without uttering another word, she quickly slipped off the bed quietly to open the door and leave. The summoner left no note for the other to read nor any item for Sejuani to see when she wakes up; she simply left with a smirk on her face. Apparently the warrior wasn't all that high and mighty like she keeps saying that she was. Weaknesses were always present in a human.
The sun was at its highest peak as the Institute had its daily signal for the noontime meal. Yet a certain summoner arrived a little bit too late (30mins to be exact), panting slightly as she held 2 Poro snax on her person. And as impossible as it seems, Runa scanned the Mess Hall with her eyes still closed before spotting her target and making way to the woman. "PRINCESS!" She called out happily, making a bee line towards Sejuani. "Does Bristle eat Poro Snax or does he?" Runa asked with a grin.
"Oh bother not you again…" She mumbled. Then she turned and put on her best happy looking face "Well he eats poro’s as snacks, so I’m sure whatever they eat won’t hurt him. I assume you would like to visit him then?"
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
The summoner didn't notice the other taking a peek at her work for she was too busy looking down at Sejuani's core. Fingers quickly went in and out inside the warrior's but just when she could feel the woman's walls tightening around her, the Ionian would slow down in her ministrations before repeating the process again. Her thrusts were shallow but fast as the slow ones were mostly there to explore inside the boar rider, still trying to look where that sensitive spot was.
Biting her lower lip in anticipation, Runa just went ahead and continued on with her work, leaving kisses on the warlord's strong inner thighs. Then her hand was placed just above the champion's womanhood to steady her position as she deepened the penetration just a tad bit.
The sun was at its highest peak as the Institute had its daily signal for the noontime meal. Yet a certain summoner arrived a little bit too late (30mins to be exact), panting slightly as she held 2 Poro snax on her person. And as impossible as it seems, Runa scanned the Mess Hall with her eyes still closed before spotting her target and making way to the woman. "PRINCESS!" She called out happily, making a bee line towards Sejuani. "Does Bristle eat Poro Snax or does he?" Runa asked with a grin.
"Oh bother not you again…" She mumbled. Then she turned and put on her best happy looking face "Well he eats poro’s as snacks, so I’m sure whatever they eat won’t hurt him. I assume you would like to visit him then?"
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
She was close to laughing out loud at Sejuani’s misunderstanding of her command but opted to giggle and try to focus on bringing the woman to another orgasm. The summoner placed her knee underneath the warrior’s thighs before pushing her down with her free hand from the abdomen, actually enjoying those ripped muscles moving against her palm. “That’s a good girl~!” cooed the blonde before she snaked her free hand around the boar rider’s thigh to hold her as she ever so slowly inserted a finger inside the champion, rubbing it slowly against her inside.
Her digits were still cold as she wanted to see what the other’s reaction was yet she tried raising the temperature just to be sure; she didn’t want the other to feel uncomfortable after all. That would be a big no-no for her.
The sun was at its highest peak as the Institute had its daily signal for the noontime meal. Yet a certain summoner arrived a little bit too late (30mins to be exact), panting slightly as she held 2 Poro snax on her person. And as impossible as it seems, Runa scanned the Mess Hall with her eyes still closed before spotting her target and making way to the woman. "PRINCESS!" She called out happily, making a bee line towards Sejuani. "Does Bristle eat Poro Snax or does he?" Runa asked with a grin.
"Oh bother not you again…" She mumbled. Then she turned and put on her best happy looking face "Well he eats poro’s as snacks, so I’m sure whatever they eat won’t hurt him. I assume you would like to visit him then?"
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
If Runa was having second thoughts on her little experiment succeeding, then she was utterly wrong for the warrior's reactions was enough to shove those doubts away. She couldn't help but let out a giggle at Sejuani's noises, leaning closer to the other as she smiled at her innocently. "I'll keep the confetti in mind next time." purred the summoner as she started toying with the barbarian's bundle of nerves, flicking and rolling it in between her digits while making sure that the cold would not become uncomfortably freezing for the other.
"Up." Runa casually ordered the other to do as she patted the boar rider's hip with her free hand, trying to see if she could understand that she wanted her to raise her lower body slightly.
The sun was at its highest peak as the Institute had its daily signal for the noontime meal. Yet a certain summoner arrived a little bit too late (30mins to be exact), panting slightly as she held 2 Poro snax on her person. And as impossible as it seems, Runa scanned the Mess Hall with her eyes still closed before spotting her target and making way to the woman. "PRINCESS!" She called out happily, making a bee line towards Sejuani. "Does Bristle eat Poro Snax or does he?" Runa asked with a grin.
"Oh bother not you again…" She mumbled. Then she turned and put on her best happy looking face "Well he eats poro’s as snacks, so I’m sure whatever they eat won’t hurt him. I assume you would like to visit him then?"
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
She only smiled at the compliment, actually quite used to it when it comes to her body. It was after all, like any other's--sure it wasn't flaunted around like most of the Champions in League and it wasn't as perfect like this brawny woman beneath her but it was enough to make anyone appreciate it. For someone who barely exercise, her body was fit enough for society's standards.
"Okay, good--because I am trying out elemental magic and you, my dear warlord have won the ticket to become one of my guinea pigs! Congratulations!" chirped the woman as she ever so slowly brought her fingers on Sejuani's groin, digits as cold as ice brushed lightly against her slit. She has seen a few people do it with ice cubes yet was curious if magic would have the same effect. Well, experimenting was one way to find out--and if the Freljordian liked it, then there's another thing she can use against the woman.
The sun was at its highest peak as the Institute had its daily signal for the noontime meal. Yet a certain summoner arrived a little bit too late (30mins to be exact), panting slightly as she held 2 Poro snax on her person. And as impossible as it seems, Runa scanned the Mess Hall with her eyes still closed before spotting her target and making way to the woman. "PRINCESS!" She called out happily, making a bee line towards Sejuani. "Does Bristle eat Poro Snax or does he?" Runa asked with a grin.
"Oh bother not you again…" She mumbled. Then she turned and put on her best happy looking face "Well he eats poro’s as snacks, so I’m sure whatever they eat won’t hurt him. I assume you would like to visit him then?"
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
"I suppose I should be feeling sick--and yes, yes I am feeling sick but at the same time I feel so hollow like my soul got ripped out BUT HAPPY THAT WE'RE HERE!" chimed the young woman as she announced to the world her well-being, both hands now holding onto the Warden's. "Thank you!" Runa thanked the other sincerely--her gratitude probably meant a dozen of more than it should yet she chose to keep the reasons a secret--a warm smile on her face as she turned her attention to her homeland. A sense of comfort wrapped around her figure as her eyes--now open--gazed into the beauty that was Ionia.
"I'm home..." she whispered in her mother tongue as she took a deep breathe, looking quiet peaceful and serene compared to her usual hyper antics back in the institute. But it didn't last as the summoner turned her attention back to the Champion, a grin plastered on her face, "So! Let's go get my reward, yes? There's this one shop here--quite far really but soooo worth it!"
( You know that threaten thing? Yeahh xD ) "Threshhh mah darling my honeyy~" The summoner called out to the other as she skipped happily closer. "We have a match coming up next and I was thinking," hands spread out in an arc up in the air as Runa tried to make things dramatic, "Jungle with a Shiv and Morellonomicon--pair it up with revive and teleport! Imagine what we can do in this next match! No more than 20 deaths this time, I swear! We will own them!" she ended with a grin, deaths confirmed.
Thresh was utterly baffled. She had been paired with Runa many times before, sometimes wrecking the other team, other times accruing many, many, many, many, deaths. Mouth agape and slouched over, she stared at Runa trying to figure out what she did to deserve such a bat-sh*t crazy summoner. “I can understand jungling, I’ve done it before” said Thresh, gripping the bridge of her nose. “Shiv, too, makes sense,” she continued, irritation rising. “But do we really need the Book of the Dead?” Thresh exhaled, trying to keep herself from killing Runa on the spot. “And please, PLEASE explain to me why we are going to use revive and teleport instead of smite? I’m not Karthus and you’re not summoner Phantoml0rd.” During Thresh’s sermon, Runa maintained her happy-go-lucky smile, signaling the Warden to digress. 'Today's going to be a long day…'
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
Runa gave an approving hum as she flipped the book towards the other, letting her see the contents of the text. "And like in the book, what did the big sister do to  her little one?" she asked with a tilt of her head, her smirk never leaving her face--quite enjoying the little game she was playing on the other.
( FF+ Runa--mostly because of that big sister thing I read hahaha xD A lot likes incestuous things after all haha xD //coughsMorganaKayleandNasusRenkandLuxGarrencough// )
Gennee blushed incredibly brightly and dropped the book before picking it up before anybody else could read it “M-maybe I-I’ll just give this to Runa…” //She’s embarrassed that somebody would write this about her ‘big sister’ and her.\
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
Runa was amused that the other was speaking to her as if they have been friends since childhood. She was tempted to tell this to the other but decided to keep her mouth shut for once and just go with the flow. "Oh this is adorable! You have definitely captured my beauty--oh yes you have!" grinned the Ionian as she looked at the drawing, stroking her chin in between her fingers.
"You should draw more of me and you sometime soon!"
"H-hello...." Gennee smiled and gave a small curtsy to the other "I-I'm Gennee.... P-pleasure to meet you.
"Wooooowwwww, you’re freaking tall." Runa told the other as she rose into her tippy toes and tried to reach the woman’s head only to be able to pat her forehead in the end, unable to stretch any further. "Hello Gene the tall lady." she greeted as she straightened, both hands on her hips.
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
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( So my friend said that if Runa and Kat gets into 100% Synergy this'll be the outcome and I was like--Oh that could work :D Runa loves going 1 v 5 (loses 95% most of the time but when she wins, she wins xD) Assassins are her fave too so ha!)
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summonerruna · 11 years ago
Runa blinked before turning the page to the specific one the younger summoner suggested, her smile definitely reaching from ear to ear as she finished reading a paragraph. "Hey hey Gennee," the blonde called out to the other as she tilted the girl's face with her finger--their faces only a few inches apart, eyes partly opened as she gave her a seductive look. "Would you like to re-enact this scene?" Runa teased as her grin turned into a smirk, adding more effect in her little prank.
( FF+ Runa--mostly because of that big sister thing I read hahaha xD A lot likes incestuous things after all haha xD //coughsMorganaKayleandNasusRenkandLuxGarrencough// )
Gennee blushed incredibly brightly and dropped the book before picking it up before anybody else could read it “M-maybe I-I’ll just give this to Runa…” //She’s embarrassed that somebody would write this about her ‘big sister’ and her.\
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