suittm-bye · 5 years
find dominic here now !! the blog’s still under heavy construction and is on a permanent semi-hiatus as i finish up bios and other important info but it’s open !
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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expectant and almost hopeful eyes are rendered judgy as he sneers, this reaper’s attitude already pissing him off.  jae adored the idea of having to beg for assistance from someone who clearly couldn’t give two f u c k s about his issues. technically, in a round about way, the other is giving him the go ahead so– that’s what he does. flipping them off for good measure before clearing his throat with a dramatic ‘ahem’, he launches into his prepared speech. “hi, yeah…my name is jae. and i’m pissed off because i was killed. gruesomely. and now i’m stuck here with absolutely no clue what i’m supposed to be doing!! and i’m bored and alone and essentially LOST, so if you could help me or direct me to someone who could? that would be swell.”
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     “classy.” narrowed gaze on the flipped digit but, really, dominic does deserve it - probably deserves worse given how less than pleasant is attitude is most days but, in his defense, trapped souls always leave a bitter taste in his mouth and this spirit - jae - is no exception. “don’t you know that murdered people are more likely to be petty dicks and become ghosts ?” the reaper’s run into several such people, who were righteous and furious and volatile over being murdered, who were so stubborn to stay that no amount of coaxing would convince them to move the fuck on like they should. “look - what help do you even want about your current situation ? do you wanna actually move on, go on to wherever it is you’re supposed to end up ?” dominic regrets asking, regrets that twinge of too human emotion in his chest - he doesn’t even know if he can help jae, let alone how.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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          he underestimated her desire to be a nuisance to him – the more annoyed he seemed by his presence, the more celeste wanted to talk. she wasn’t usually like that but dominic had caught her at a rather boring day. the nephalem didn’t have anything more entertaining to do than to rile him up until her curiosity was satisfied. celeste could tell that he was bothered by her presence and he wouldn’t be the first one to react in such a way – she knew most angels or demons weren’t exactly happy about her existence either and yet there was nothing they could do about it other than accept it. “ that’s a boring answer and couldn’t possibly be the only consequence of a soul staying here for too long ” head was tilted slightly again, sharp gaze resting on his features. “ how did you get stuck with this job? seems kinda crappy if you ask me ” 
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     of course dominic has to run into someone like this woman on a day when he wants nothing more than to complete his tasks and then go home ( but then again, most days are like that so, really, now’s a day as any for a nuisance like her to decide to bother him ). eyes roll before he can smooth his expression into one of disregard when he hears her words ; she isn’t wrong, but the reaper isnt going to give her the satisfaction of a proper answer, petty as it is. “it’s the truth so take it or leave it,” he responds with a scoff, sparing the woman a sweeping gaze before glancing away. her presence is demanding in a way that doesn’t quite befit her actual appearance, but dominic will chalk that up to the conflicting blood in her body and not on her actual charisma. “how’d you get stuck with the annoying personality ? seems kinda crappy if you ask me,” comes the parroted mockery, childish in its intonation and in sneered lips  ; dominic’s the youngest in his family and it shows in moments like now, even when he’s been dead.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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    “Do you have any family members you want me to call? Or I can call you a taxi or something?”. she makes sure that she places the knife in her back pocket, the weird vibes she’s getting from making her more cautious around the male. “What’s your name,kid?”.
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     scoffed laughter escapes the reaper, the ridiculousness of her queries finally dragging dark gaze from overcast skies and downpour to the woman. “how old do you think i am ?” she looks like she’s barely riding the edge of legality and yet she’s asking him if he needs assistance, she’s calling him a kid. “look, kid, you don’t have to make small talk while this storm is going on.” dominic doesn’t want to talk any more than he already has, either way.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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         “ you can’t make me ” eyebrows were raised almost in defiance. celeste was always very aware and certain that no one could force her to do anything she didn’t want – but sometimes she might take that notion a little too far. her self esteem had been build very high by her loving mother but it also gave celeste a certain entitlement and an idea that she was better than everyone else that she could not let go. “ so.. what happens if he stays? ” the nephalem asked, curiosity getting the best out of her despite celeste trying to hide it. she had never really seen such a thing before and deep down she was still like a curious little girl.
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     dark hues slide to meet hers, to take in the defiance imperceptibly writ into her expression, before eyes roll and attention diverts back towards the soul he is charged to ferry ; if he just ignores this nuisance, then she’ll grow bored of his silence and leave eventually, right ? ( her presence of both hell and heaven is demanding his attention and he hates it, feels his skin crawl and disgust ball in the pit of his stomach - go away, go away, go away ! ). dominic hums noncommittally, weighs the pros and cons of actually responding to the woman, decides her mere existence demands an answer ; he doesn’t glance to her when he speaks, eyes drawn to his soon to be charge. “any longer and my boss gets pissed at me.” read: the soul becomes a ghost stuck on the earthly plane and dominic is one less soul from his quota.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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    the girl looks up at him now, not even watching has cut the apple to slices. there’s a dark look in her eyes as she raises a brow at him, eyeing the male as if he were to try something on her. “Do you need me to make a call then? Or would you like to sit down? I can take you to the back room.”.
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     scowling features are turned outwards, towards the abrupt downpour drenching the city outside, ignoring the woman despite feeling the prickly sensation of her gaze on him. dominic has half a mind to simply throw care to the wind and make the brisk walk to his apartment, but drenched clothes are a discomfort he is not willing to deal with. “who are you going to call ?” he asks back, ignoring her offers of sitting down or going to the back room.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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       his shoulders tense, expression annoyed as if he’s insulted for whatever fucking reason. “…that’s the first thing that comes to mind. not even a ‘hello, how are you??’–” leave it to jae to be the type of ghost that’s still hung up on cliche shit like proper GREETINGS. crossing his arms over his chest, he huffs: “no. i’m not one of yours. i have a question and it took a shit ton of energy for me to find your ass so i’d really appreciate it if you’d take the time to help. especially since it’s your j o b.”
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     “hello, how are you, what do you want ?” comes the rush of a greeting, jumbled as it runs into an unkind question, bitten at the edges and chasing annoyance across lips ; dominic has dealt with the entire range of human emotion when ferrying the recently deceased, but it never ceases to surprise him when there’s a particularly feisty soul ( though it does leave him with a shorter patience than is usual ). “no, it was the reaper who forgot to collect you’s job, not mine. but i’ll bite - what ??”
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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    “Why so nervous? Scared of thunder?”. the witch doesn’t look up at the male, knife in one hand and an apple in the other. it was raining out, the city being hit with an unexpected storm. “Anyway, you’re welcome to wait out the storm here if you want.”.
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     “no,” he repeats curtly, expression dark and scowl affixed to lips ; rain isn’t his favorite type of weather, not by a long shot, but it leaves him stuck in one place when all dominic wishes to do is finish his quota and go home. “it’s not nerves,” he mutters after a beat, almost offhandedly ; it isn’t nerves that race tremors down his spine and lock up his shoulders, but nerves aren’t that far off from the emotion actually curling through veins.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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           “ i can – but it doesn’t mean i’m going to ” celeste replied with a huff, squinting ever so slightly at the other. “ that’s a very rude thing to say, didn’t you know? ” as if she was never rude or impolite herself but that didn’t stop the nephalem from saying it. “ what’s the rush, anyway – is it about that soul hovering around over there? they don’t look very happy ”
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     “you will or i’m just going to walk away,” he retorts with a narrowed gaze and overtly nonchalant shrug of his shoulders ; dominic has never cared much for the world’s opinions of him, even less now that he’s stuck with a job he does not want. but he cares impossibly less when it comes to creatures like her, entire body rigid with the combination of the soul’s presence and someone who reminds him too much of what he is now. “i wouldn’t be happy either if i was stuck here.” here is vague, though with the way tongue is sharp it is obvious the reaper means talking to the woman.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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suittm-bye · 5 years
@buriedafrixnd !!
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     “-- no.” an itch travels from base of up spine along to settle at base of skull, and it is infuriating ; dominic knows he is not a fan of anything that is less than human like he ( or more than human, depending on who one asks ), but sometimes less than human is what is necessary to his job. still, it leaves the reaper anxious in his skin, leaves him looking for a way to end this conversation before it starts.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
@bloomedhearts !!
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     “i -- can you make it quick ? i’m running late for something.” there’s a stubbornness that is most certainly not his own curling along spine and injecting voice with an anxious waver ; dominic hates lingering for longer than necessary with a soul in his possession, as emotions not his own bleed into him and leave behind an echo that takes too long to fade away.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
@innersanctvm !!
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     “do you really want to play again after that brutal defeat last time ?” slim fingers shuffle the well worn deck of cards in hand, sly grin adorning lips in a shark’s smile and dark eyes alight with surety ; dominic is riding the high of a work day’s end, and it shows in the way languid movements are energized, almost eager.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
@iimmortuos !!
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     “fuck - i really hope you weren’t one of mine.” that itch that’s been plaguing him is a demanding presence now manifested before him, and dominic is none too pleased to learn the source of the annoyance ; he knows he’s not an upstanding reaper, knows he’s yet to miss an extraction, but he wouldn’t put it past himself to have somehow forgotten some poor soul.
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suittm-bye · 5 years
open to: anyone !! plot: dominic just hates reaping children’s souls
     a moodiness overtakes shadowed expression until dark eyes are midnight black, until limbs twitch and tense beneath the emotional toll of a child taken too soon ; dominic is a good worker, a decent reaper, but nothing can prepare him for the suckerpunch of emotions that slams into psyche whenever his current charge is a child, taken because humanity is terrible or because their grab bag of chromosomes was the wrong combination. in the days, years, weeks, in however long he has been working this job, he has yet to grow used to the emotions lingering along veins like a ghost’s touch.
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     jaw tics where it is tight, where he struggles to bite back the overwhelming confusion and sadness that lingers along his own emotions, entangled together until he swears the fear of the unknown and the sorrow of leaving behind family are his own feelings. it takes the reaper precisely one minute to glance up towards the other, lips thinning and voice like shattered glass, a single word bitten out: “what ?”
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suittm-bye · 5 years
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                        “ —- i  REAP what other people SOW.”
an independent & selective original reaper as given undead life by miko !! ↻ to spread the word ✚ for a new friend & writing partner ❤ for a small starter !!
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suittm-bye · 6 years
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this is my all time favorite gif of chen & i want everyone to appreciate it with me
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