sugutism · 3 hours
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♡ flag: lesbian | requested ♡ f2u / reblogs appreciated !
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sugutism · 6 hours
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𓏵 Lady4Butler / Butler4Lady。 
A flag for those who are lady4butler / butler4lady.
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Requested by : Anon.
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sugutism · 13 hours
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sugutism · 13 hours
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BPD with HPD traits / BPD with NPD traits / BPD with ASPD traits
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HPD with BPD traits / HPD with NPD traits / HPD with ASPD traits
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sugutism · 18 hours
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- ; a flag for chemmes / butchfemmes that like sigma from bsd / relate to sigma from bsd / are sigma from bsd / etc . . . requested by anon !
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- : flag and term coined by me . . . give credit if reposted . . .
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sugutism · 22 hours
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May we have a promo? (^_^)/
Hello! We're a mogai blog ran by a disabled intersex, poc system. We aren't new but it's been a long time since our last promo and we'd love to see more interactions / requests.
What do we do? Well we make culture/poc exclusive flags, omegaverse flags, orientations (including mspec mono flags), disorder flags, and a ton others you can find here. You can find our dni/stances here as well. More information can be found in our pinned!
tagging blogs we like or know (no pressure to reblog!):
@coingirlbxy , @puriette , @eternoelle , @kandi-fox , @haunted-thing , @phantasverie , @seapupz , @apocalypticdyke , @narcbf , @starfishfutch , @sugutism , @rwuffles , @rabidbatboy , @disrealities , @cannifreak , @heavens-roses
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sugutism · 22 hours
No request but what is an iota? I see it in your posts and idk what it is if you would like to enlighten me ^^
iota is a miscverse dynamic!! it has multiple meanings but the most common one being exactly like omegas but more submissive and they don’t nest :3 -🤍
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sugutism · 1 day
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𓏵 God4Goddess / Goddess4God。 
A flag for beings who are god4goddess / goddess4god.
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Requested by : Anon.
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sugutism · 1 day
Greetings one & all! We are 『 OUTERGODLY 』 ; A blog for pride icons, system & alter flags, microlabels, themed gender & orientation flags, & alternative terms for system && alters 🦌🍀💭 ... We would like to get new eyes on Our blog, so if you would be so kind, could We have a promo? 🕊🎀
{{ PS. We are obsessed with Elden Ring ... Any requests for it would be a dream come true! }} 🍓
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Tags ; @disrealities, @narcbf, @lovesse, @rwuffles, @lavendergalactic, @spiralssyndrome, @phantasverie, @thylamb, & those who would like to share. ♡
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sugutism · 2 days
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ᛝ 𓂃 yuri yandere
a gender for yanderes who like yuri, or are connected to yuri in any way 𓂃ᛝ
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basic dni, credit if using, for japanese pwbpd, yaoiyandere(link)
posted by 🖤 mod!!
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sugutism · 2 days
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ᛝ 𓂃 yaoi yandere
a gender for yanderes who like yaoi or are connected to yaoi in any way 𓂃ᛝ
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basic dni, made for japanese pwbpd, yuriyandere(link)
posted by 🖤 mod!!
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sugutism · 2 days
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ᛝ 𓂃 nice tsundere lesbian
for nice lesbians who are tsunderes 𓂃ᛝ
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basic dni, credit if using, req by @mogaimagica, made for japanese people
posted by 🖤 mod!! im so sorry this took so long oomf..
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sugutism · 2 days
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ᛝ 𓂃 villain4hero
for villains who prefer relationships with heroes 𓂃ᛝ
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basic dni, credit if using, hero4villain(link)
posted by 🖤 mod!!
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sugutism · 2 days
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ᛝ 𓂃 hero4villain
for heroes who prefer relationships with villains. made with bnha in mind i wont lie 𓂃ᛝ
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basic dni, credit if using, villain4hero(link)
posted by 🖤 mod!!
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sugutism · 2 days
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𓏴 ㅤFudanshi ㅤ† 𓉸
꒰†꒱ㅤ𓄧ㅤ a flag for fudanshisㅤ
♱◞ ㅤDNI : radqueer , pro para , proship/antianti/profic/comship/etc , kink/nsfw blog , anti mspec lesbians , anti good faith , use the term endogenic , "proud" paraphile.
i block frequently and will not respect your boundaries if you do not respect mine.
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[PT: fudanshi. a flag for fudanshis. /END PT]
[PT: do not interact: radqueer, pro para, proship/antianti/profic/comship/etc, kink/nsfw blog, anti mspec lesbians, anti good faith, use the term endogenic, "proud" paraphile. i block frequently and will not respect your boundaries if you do not respect mine. /END PT]
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sugutism · 2 days
[Plain text: Syphilamorous]
Definition: An amory label in which someone feels that they are polyamorous but does not have any desire to engage in a poly relationship because they are happy in their currently monogamous relationship.
Not intended or exclusive.
Not requested or inspired.
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[No more spoons for flag ID, help I appreciated.]
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[image ID: A⁴spec+ flag in a black box, next to a longer black box with text reading "DNI; queerphobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, xenogenderphobes, racists, ableists, sexists, intersexists, neophobes, anti mspec gays/lesbians, anti-conflicting labels, anti-kink allosexuals, transids (except transgender), TERFs/Exclusionists, ace alienators, 'ace and aro = same', endophobes" end ID]
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sugutism · 2 days
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(Image Description at the bottom!) feel free to use if you have DID/OSDD-1! no endos please! a type of relationship where someone with DID/OSDD-1 is unsure of whether they fit the definition of monogamous or polyamorous. this could be for a variety of reasons, such as: - headmates dating each other - different alters dating different people - having a complicated relationship with whether you identify more as a singular unit or multiple separate people the term comes from separatum, meaning separate in latin flag colors taken from the polyamorous flag and the DID flag. magenta means love/attraction, cyan means openness/honesty, black represents people who don't yet know that they are a part of a system or who still have a lot of trouble communicating with their system, orange represents systems who are living with functional multiplicity, and white represents systems that have achieved full fusion ID: a flag with three diagonal sections, with the middle section being smaller, and a heart in the middle. the left-most diagnonal section is a hot pink magenta. the middle is a dark grey / almost black. the right is a cyan. the heart is a pale orange. there's a smaller white heart inside the orange heart. end ID
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