đș𝐿𝑂𝑅𝑌 & đș𝑂𝑅𝐾.
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𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒎𝒏𝒊𝒂 ; i had heard itonce before ... 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 .
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
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LEE DONG WOOK as RYU SOO YEOL in BAD AND CRAZY (2021) dir. Yoo Sun Dong
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
os olhos de cedrick se fixaram nos de rhaella, um turbilhĂŁo de sentimentos correndo por ele enquanto captava cada palavra e gesto dela. ele se sentia conectado a ela de uma maneira profunda, como se o mundo exterior desaparecesse quando estavam juntos. ao ouvir as palavras dela sobre incendiar o lugar juntos, um sorriso suave tocou os lĂĄbios de cedrick. ele admirava a coragem e a determinação de rhaella, mesmo diante de situaçÔes desafiadoras. no momento em que ela mencionou o nome de sua mĂŁe e selou suas palavras com um beijo, cedrick sentiu o coração acelerar. ele acariciou o rosto de rhaella com ternura, respondendo ao seu suspiro com um olhar profundo, captando cada emoção que ela expressava. "rhae..." sua voz saiu em um sussurro carregado de emoção. ele entendia a urgĂȘncia dela, a necessidade de algo mais, algo que desafiasse a monotonia. os dedos de cedrick se entrelaçaram suavemente com os dela enquanto a puxava para mais perto, sentindo o calor dos corpos se misturarem. ele sorriu levemente, respondendo Ă  provocação dela. "vocĂȘ sempre soube como me desafiar, como despertar essa chama dentro de mim." cedrick a encarou profundamente, sentindo o desejo crescer Ă  medida que ela o puxava para uma sala vazia. "rhaella..." sua voz soou rouca, cheia de desejo e carinho. ele a observou com admiração enquanto ela falava sobre o vestido, sentindo a paixĂŁo aumentar. ele se aproximou, deixando um beijo suave em sua testa antes de sussurrar prĂłximo ao ouvido dela. "vocĂȘ Ă© minha Ăąncora, minha força. vamos fazer isso nosso, sĂł nosso..." a paixĂŁo e o desejo ardiam entre os dois, e cedrick se deixou levar pela intensidade do momento, perdendo-se na uniĂŁo Ă­ntima que compartilhavam, onde palavras se tornavam desnecessĂĄrias diante da conexĂŁo visceral entre palavras de cedrick sussurradas contra o pescoço de rhaella eram carregadas de calor e desejo. seu coração batia mais rĂĄpido Ă  medida que ele se aproximava, consciente do novo universo crescendo dentro dela. era uma mistura inebriante de paixĂŁo e responsabilidade, um fogo ardente e um cuidado zeloso. “minha rhaella...” a voz de cedrick era rouca, seus dedos deslizando com suavidade pela curva da cintura dela, uma sensação elĂ©trica percorrendo-o quando ele se aproximou ainda mais. ele estava consciente da nova vida que se formava ali, um pequeno milagre que fazia seu coração bater mais forte. seus lĂĄbios roçaram delicadamente na pele dela, um misto de desejo e reverĂȘncia. ele queria tocĂĄ-la, sentir a conexĂŁo Ă­ntima entre eles, mas ao mesmo tempo, um cuidado extremo invadia seus pensamentos. era uma dança entre o desejo ardente e a preocupação cuidadosa. “eu quero vocĂȘ, rhae, mais do que palavras podem expressar... mas tambĂ©m quero proteger o que estĂĄ dentro de vocĂȘ, nossa cria.” cedrick murmurou, seus olhos fixos nos dela, refletindo uma ternura profunda e um desejo fervoroso. ele beijou suavemente a testa dela, segurando-a com delicadeza, mantendo-a prĂłxima enquanto seus coraçÔes batiam em unĂ­ssono. o calor do momento estava misturado com um respeito avassalador pela vida que crescia dentro dela.
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os olhos azulado prenderam-se aos de cedrick e por um segundo o festival despedaçou-se, perdido meio ao emaranha de sentimentos e sensaçÔes. sozinha desde tenra idade, rhaella não imaginava desfrutar de uma família novamente, porém, lå estava elu, carregando uma criança em seu ventre sob os dígitos do homem que amava. inevitavelmente cogitava fugir junto a este, iniciar uma vida nova longe da capital, onde poderiam envelhecer juntos. passaram anos escondendo os sentimentos daqueles ao redor e estava cansada, almejava por pais, por ele. " podíamos incendiar o lugar juntos, vitalis adoraria ter os cadetes como jantar " o riso leve adornara as feiçÔes etereais da magicae, inebriada pela proxiidade de cedrick e a docura deste a própria prole.
" pensei que vocĂȘ seria melhor nisso do que eu... sĂł consegui pensar no nome da minha mĂŁe: aella... " as palavras perderam-se meio ao selar dos carnudos. colando o corpo no de cedrick, rhaella deixou um suspiro escapar, este parecia entrelaçado a um arfar delicado -- suficiente para que apenas o homem ouvisse. sentia falta dele. a pressĂŁo contra a tez alva fora suficiente para invocar um desejo latente, precisava dele. " ced, preciso de mais que isso " a suplica parecia uma ordem. " monĂłno sim. preciso de algo que me excite, talvez, um pouco de adrenalina. vocĂȘ costumava ser bom nisso " as mĂŁos foram a cintura deste, colando ambos os corpo lentamente, o suficiente para que a barriga roçasse contra o abdomĂȘn dele. apenas as vestimentas pareciam separĂĄ-los. " sou sua e vocĂȘ Ă© meu... para a eternidade, nem o fogo pode nos separar " palavras forjavam um juramento, quiçå mais forte do que o prĂłprio casamento. " entĂŁo me faça sua esposa, podemos conseguir um padre, sem festas ou cerimĂŽnias, sĂł nĂłs dois. nĂŁo precisamos de mais nada " era loucura, mas nada sobre os dois jamais fora simples. o fĂŽlego escapou por entre as mordidas, e subitamente rhaella deixou-se levar pelo desejo. " se quer que eu seja sua, preciso que me mostre isso " os quadris roçaram contra os de cedrick e antes que qualquer um pudesse notar, a magicae o puxou para dentro de uma das salas vazias. " escolhi esse vestido pensando em vocĂȘ, mas acho que vai gostar ainda mais ainda de me ver sem ele... "
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
tbh i kind of want a plot based around two celebs whose characters are a ship in the show they’re on and the’ve always been really close friends, always goofing off behind the scenes and having a grand old time, and are crazy comfortable aroud each other but then the time comes where they have to do a sex scene and it’s like a revelation of “wow they’re really good looking
 their hands feel so nice on my skin like this
their lips are so warm and soft
 they’re good at kissing
.i wonder what this would be like if it were real” and it gets really awkward/cute and they always get flustered around each other because they can’t stop thinking about it and PLEASE
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
♡ closed starter. ( @saudcdade )
o devoto primogĂȘnito da linhagem dorsey, outrora imerso na fĂ© inabalĂĄvel de sua exemplar famĂ­lia catĂłlica. desde a mais tenra infĂąncia, os caminhos do sacerdĂłcio se estendiam Ă  sua frente como uma trilha inescapĂĄvel, um destino inscrito nos anais da linhagem familiar. seu ser parecia entrelaçado Ă s vestes sacerdotais, seu espĂ­rito sintonizado com os cĂąnticos divinos, e seu propĂłsito, forjado desde o berço, parecia destinado a servir a cristo e Ă  igreja em completa devoção   ———  entretanto, em meio Ă  solenidade dos rituais, um murmĂșrio insidioso ecoava na quietude de sua alma. um eco discreto de dĂșvida e inquietação, um sussurro que desafiava os limites da compreensĂŁo que lhe foi inculcada. um anseio oculto, entremeado por questionamentos sobre as verdades nĂŁo ditas, os mistĂ©rios inexplorados que pairavam alĂ©m das palavras das pregaçÔes   ———   apesar desses questionamentos silenciosos, gabriel avançou pelas sendas da devoção, trilhando um caminho ĂĄrduo atĂ© alcançar a posição almejada: padre exorcista. seu propĂłsito, agora, era mitigar os tormentos alheios, guiar os aflitos atravĂ©s das sombras do desespero mais profundo para a luz etĂ©rea  ———   contudo, entre as linhas cruĂ©is do destino, uma surpresa inesperada aguardava o jovem padre. nos meandros da jornada para aliviar os tormentos alheios, cruzou-se com ela, a presença que agitaria as ĂĄguas calmas de sua existĂȘncia. ela se tornou a fonte de uma dualidade tortuosa, a causa de seus tormentos e, paradoxalmente, a razĂŁo latente de seu prĂłprio pulsar. neste Ă­nterim entre devoção e anseio, entre a luz do propĂłsito sacerdotal e as sombras de uma paixĂŁo proibida, o coração de gabriel enfrenta uma batalha titĂąnica, dividido entre as promessas feitas a uma causa sagrada e os anseios humanos que se insinuam com uma força indomĂĄvel. ❝ a senhorita... nĂŁo deveria estar aqui. ❞
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
spooky plot idea. our muses despise each other but are in the same friend group. the group decides to go on a haunted cabin trip for the weekend. our muses try to avoid each other or bicker the whole time. but then night comes. one of our muses is lowkey terrified of ghosts/supernatural things and is up all night. the other muse bumps into them at night because they’re kind of an insomniac. at first they’re kind of messing with them but it’s like, oh, you’re genuinely scared. never seen you vulnerable before. maybe they let down their guard. maybe they bond. or maybe they just explore the grounds and fight all night. 
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
plot where there was an apocalypse and i believed i was the only survivor.  ( scientist, bunker conspiracy person, warrior/soldier, regular person, etc.? )  ive been living on earth by myself for ten years now, ransacking old stores, growing my own food, doing whatever i want, passing time. one day, i run into you and suddenly i’m questioning everything. you thought you were the only one, too? what now?
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
anyways give me a plot where muse a is an infamous drug dealer who deals to the elite 1% and he meets muse b, the girlfriend of his biggest (and potentially most dangerous client) , and he’s fucking ENAMORED by her . she’s untouchable , and that only makes him want her more and he feels no guilt bc her boyfriend is an abusive piece of garbage . muse b’s bf takes a liking to muse a , thinks he’s cool or whatever , and invites him to a shit ton of parties , underground fights , etc. stuff that only his inner circle is apart of 
. and she’s always there and becomes lowkey intrigued by him ?? starts out innocent , just idle conversation in the absence of her bf until they want /more/ . cue lots of sneaking around , “he’ll kill us both if he finds out”‘s , longing stares . PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOOI DD
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
characters cleaning blood off their partner's face is just PEAK romance actually. bonus points if it's someone else's blood
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
ok but a plot where muse a is the leader/part of this really dangerous and famous gang and almost everyone knows who muse a is, the horrible things they have done, how skilled they are at whatever weapon they like the most, how they have no mercy and will either kill you in matters of seconds or torture you until you’re begging for death. they’re cold, they’re calculating, rumor has it they lack a heart and soul,, but then, THEN, there’s muse b; pure, innocent, maybe shy and awkward ( or not, up to u?? ) personality is cute as fuck, a marshmallow that needs to be protected, and well, muse a really wants to protect them in the moment their eyes land on muse b, even if they don’t know them at all because ‘dude they look so fucking fragile someone is going to hurt them wtf the fuck’. and one day, after days ( or weeks ) of muse a admiring muse b from afar they decide to approach them someway somehow, and poor muse b is clueless abt who muse a really is at first. this could be so angsty and fluffy and just !!!!! i Want
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
muse   a   is   in   the   crime   world   (   gang   ,   mafia   ,   independent   ,   for   hire   ,   etc.   )   &   gets   caught   doing   something   highly   illegal   by   muse   b   ,   an   average   person   .   cue   muse   b   saying   they’ll   testify   against   them   ,   muse   a   cornering   muse   b   &   intimidating   (   yet   also   somehow   seducing   )   them   &   now   muse   b   is   confused   about   their   feelings   &   scared   about   getting   hurt   if   they   testify   but   .   .   .   do   they   even   want   to   at   this   point   ?   &   drama   &   angst   &   oh   shit   ,   it’s   the   day   of   the   trial   &   muse   a   is   trying   not   to   undress   muse   b   with   their   eyes   as   they’re   on   the   stand   &   ─
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
same fc / same muse plots, but it’s sci-fi.
the good ol’ ‘teleportation device makes a copy’ plot. season with ‘
and something’s off with the new one’ or ‘
and this one is from another dimension’ to your preference
one is an android. the other is the person the android is modelled after. whether or not the not-android one knew or gave their permission to have their face used like this is entirely on your hands
plastic surgery can do anything now. i needed to change my entire face to escape from [insert enemy here], and now i look exactly like you.
option a: the second muse is a model/celebrity/another public figure, and the first one showed their picture on a magazine and went ‘that one’ to their surgeon
option b: both muses have changed their face, and chose the same pre-sets
the altered carbon inspired ‘anyone’s consciousness can be moved to a new body to preserve their life and ours were moved to clones of one another’
one muse imitates the appearance of others for camouflage  ( are they a spy with mask technology? are they an alien who shapeshifts? who knows? not me ). they do it when meeting / walking past the other muse, and they get stuck on that face.
one person is a dangerous fighter, at least on someone’s eyes. the other is an android with an ai. the ai was built to imitate the real person and learn from them so the enemy could train against the ai to prepare for the real thing.
or, ai was built to kill the original.
original person and their back-up copy to be used in case they die / as a decoy, planted to either a new body or a clone / android copy of the original.
someone tried to clone muse a to replicate their powers, the resulting muse b turned out
 off.  ( for same fc but different muse. whether the powers even transferred entirely up to you. )
popular android model, two different programmings.
egoistical leader makes a copy of themselves because two of them is better at management than one.
we’re both out of a replica-style clone factory where we were ‘born’ and released into the wild but neither knows until we run into each other by accident.
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
a plot where ‘your father is my boss, and i’m just an intern that is really trying to get on his good side, and you’re not making things easy since you’re the boss’s daughter and I see the way you look at me. also teasing me during meetings, and pretending you’re an innocent angel doesn’t help.’
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
someone let me play a cute young nanny working for a single dad who is just in over his head, and she loves the kids, and they love her, but she’s taking online classes to eventually become a teacher which means she’d have to leave them, and the kids hate that idea so they beg their dad to marry her, not fully understanding what that means. give me an age gap that makes them both think they can’t have the other, even though they both do. pleasseeee
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
someone gimme the famous model and her famous actor fuck buddy. they’re very active on social media and often post instagrams and tweets about each other, making everyone think they’re a couple, but they’re really just friends. gimme where she lives in NYC and he lives in LA and they’re both sleeping with other people on the side but no one quite matches up to the other. gimme them finally getting together and going through the struggle of long distance and dating in the public eye. gimme smut of them fucking at parties and events and in limos. GIMME.
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
military plot things pls
“we met right before i was supposed to be deployed and decided to get married so that we could stay together and you could live on base and such” (I’VE HAD THIS ONE BEFORE PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME OH MY GOD) 
“we’re both deployed in the same place and keep getting stuck in the same caravan together and now we’re both POWs.” 
anything with long distance relationships and military angst
“i just got home from deployment and you’re a nurse/therapist i’m supposed to see but man you’re cute” 
literally if you give me an army nurse to nurture him back to health i might die ?? 
military buddies bonding and being great together and supportive and wonderful 
ptsd issues/survivor guilt/flashbacks
adjusting to civilian life and struggling 
honorable discharges
 or dishonorable discharges. 
soldier/ civilian where they’re stationed romance
like seriously if you have a military plot you’ve wanted to do just throw it at me and i’m probably going to say yes?? 
we can have heart wrenching reunions and possibly involve children and make it so angsty and beautiful and just ??? 
please ????????
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stvrmborns · 1 year ago
some reincarnation AUs
I fell in love with you three lifetimes ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since but I’ve been starting to give up and my friends’s new crush has your eyes and oh god I’m not going to steal someone’s date just because I’m hoping you’re the person I met in a past life (jk yes I am)
I’ve met you in every single lifetime and I always hope it will work out but it doesn’t but I’ll still keep finding you again because those few days/months/years together with you are always so worth it 
I meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time I’m meeting you when we’re the same age and I’m horrified that I might fuck this up 
I skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and I know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back 
We only remember each other in alternating lifetimes so every lifetime we have to find one another and convince each other that we’re soul mates but half the time I won’t believe you and half the time you’re already dating someone else 
I don’t know how to tell you this but the reason you didn’t see me in our last reincarnation cycle is because for some fucked up reason I was reincarnated as your dog 
We keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because I can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least I keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
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