☆ pink is manly as fuck ☆
402 posts
sometimes I'm like, "dude, I have fucking fairies"; and then everything's okay. rp blog for timmy turner will roleplay with anyone
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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"And what was that?"
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“But you implied something.”
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
Faint shrug. "I didn't say anything."
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“Shut up.”
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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Timmy had amazing luck when it came to those sort of things. Think of it like a little charm from being around his fairies so much. The magic sort of.. rubbed off on him. "My mother isn't letting me take naps at home anymore," He told her, sitting up on the bed. "--so here I am."
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✦; She scoffed softly, head shaking. “What the Hell do you think you’re doing? Are you homeless now or something or are you really just that lazy?” How was it some manager or security guard hadn’t grabbed him by the nape and booted him yet?
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
do you ever feel like you’re just sort of 
like all your friends go out and do things and get into relationships and like people that like them back and have fun and do stupid things with their best friends and instead of doing all that you’re just sort of this mildly entertaining thing that people take an interest in once in a while but they wouldn’t really care if it was gone
like you just sort of exist but you don’t really mean anything
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
obfuscatexconcern liked your photo
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
;flops on bed and sleeps good night friends 
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
His nice dream about pie all ruined. That sort of annoyed Timmy. He hated waking up from naps. It was literally the worst feeling out there. Like from a place of blissful surrealism to dead up reality. It was dumb
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✦; Go in search of a bed and bedding to add to the guest room of your home, find a little hobo camping out there. Somehow Dani isn’t too surprised.
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“Hey—Timmy!” That was his name, right? “Get your ass up!”
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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It was a pretty nice dream. There were nice thoughts about cake, and pie, and all the sweet things Timmy had been craving lately but his stomach hurt too much all the damn time to actually eat any of them. Something like an intestine problem or whatever. It could be classified as an 'eating disorder' but Timmy didn't like that term because of all the shit society put along with it; so Timmy, again, just went with intestine problem (or he just said his stomach felt bad all the time).
Ah, he was getting fairly happy with his dream, but that was cut short pretty fast. Or it seemed so to him, with time working all different in dreams and whatnot. It was a slow awakening. Timmy's eyes fluttered open, and someone's face came into view. Their voice reeked with urgency, but Timmy was too sloth-like to respond in a timely manner. 
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- [ ღ ] - Walking around the town, the blond female learned that she wasn’t going to be living this place any time soon. The moment she had found herself here, Alice had to rent a hotel room to stay in for a while. But after working in a few places and getting enough money, she was able to buy an apartment for herself. But she didn’t have that much furniture with her and had to change her mattress. So once she had arrived to the mattress store, the blond began looking around. “Hm, which one would be good?” She asked herself, as Alice checked the tags, and how soft or hard the mattresses were. She did so for a few minutes before she noticed someone sleeping. Stopping, she blinked and stared at him.
- [ ღ ] - Really? Someone was actually sleeping in the mattress store? How predictable. Shaking her head, Alice knew that it wasn’t right for someone to be doing this without paying, so she walked up to the brunette. “Hey!” she called out in a hush tone so that no one around them could hear, but loud enough for him to listen. “Wake up!” She shook him lightly.
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
"..Why are you in such a cheery mood?"
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"--Not saying it's bad. Just curious."
“People are stupid, panicky animals, but a person is smart. Find a person.”
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
"No." Timmy muttered, eyeing the male with a rather annoyed gaze. "People are dumb."
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“Why do people hate when they can love? Calm down, braid each other’s hair, lick each other’s genitals. Get high together. Thank you.”
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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Timmy was banned from taking naps in his house. His parents thought he was getting narcoleptic. Was that even a thing? Like obtaining narcolepsy? Whatever, he'll Google it later. So instead, he went to this mattress store and took naps in the most inconspicuous corners. It was nice. 
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
yo i could have sworn it was mother's day is it not mother's day apparently that was last week where is my mind
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stupidpinkhat · 12 years ago
can you imagine how crowded hell must be like every .02 seconds someone moves in and everyone’s there for forever sounds a lot like
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