Space And Stuff
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 2 years ago
So... I've been gone for a while because last semester was hell, but this one's better and I want to share pictures of my plant babies so here you go
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Today, I went to the last two lectures of the semester. During the break between them I made some Anki flashcards and did a bit of math practice for a test I have coming up in a month. It didnā€˜t exactly go well and when I went trough an old exam with some others in the afternoon it didnā€˜t go much better (for me :/ ) and I had to leave before we finished. But I went to a kind of party at my old school and seeing the teachers again was amazing.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Yesterday, I finished my Strak (no idea what itā€˜s called in English) of the Beechcraft Staggerwing with a ten hour marathon. There are tons of issues because I didnā€˜t have enough time, I started weeks ago but then there was a problem the program wouldnā€˜t let me fix so I had to start over four days before it was due and during those days I had two exams so yes it was na little stressful but now I have over a month until my next exam so Iā€˜m gonna have some fun studying for that. And it is going to be fun because I understand what itā€˜s about for a change xD or at least thatā€˜s what I think right now.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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My try at painting Arecibo while it was still functional. The ellipse is too high so I may change that later and I still have to paint the ropes and stuff, but itā€˜s ok for the time I spent on it. And it was a fun study break.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Studying for a maths exam at the ā€žaquariumā€œ
I have taken some pics over the last few months but I never posted any because I donā€˜t know, but Iā€˜m going to take posting new stuff as my study break activity. The new semester started out really good, but then I completely fell behind and now Iā€˜m trying to catch up. But itā€˜s been fun, I got to choose some of my lectures and English for Space Engineering is really fun, as well as Konstruktionselemente (dunno what itā€˜s called in English, itā€˜s about calculating what screws and bolts and whatever to use).
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Please do yourself a favour. Donā€™t lower your standards to fit in. Donā€™t shrink who you are to make others feel comfortable. Do find and surround yourself with people who like you just the way you are and who encourage you to keep growing.
Kristen Butler
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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04.04.22 11.00am
Yesterdayā€™s study ft. my bujo (first time using an iPad for bullet journalling after 9 years of physical journals!) and an amazing homemade protein oreo frappuccino.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
ā€œI have graded more than 500 undergraduate papers about why Plato is an idiot and no one would ever behave in the Republic the way he has the people behave in the Republic. I have graded maybe 15 brilliant undergraduate papers about why Plato thought people would behave that way in the Republic, and the differences between Platoā€™s worldview and Platoā€™s psychology and our own, and why he thinks this thing that to us seems wrong.
That to me is the much harder kind of critical thinking, the empathetic kind of critical thinking that doesnā€™t criticize but reads carefully, critically, prudently and with empathy and connection to try to understand the other side, which I think is something that doesnā€™t just apply to the academic world, doesnā€™t just apply to how we write a paper in a class. It applies to how we read a blog post, how we judge a New York Times article, how we evaluate when someone has posted something on Twitter that they want us to hate or like to hate, as Twitter often is, whether the empathetic reading, which is the really challenging critical element, is there.ā€
ā€“ Ada Palmer [x]
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Studying is so much more fun with a cup of tea and some still hot cookies
I spent a couple hours making the lecture script into anki cards and I'm pretty happy with the progress I made today, though I'm probably still gonna do a few more later (aka 4am, who needs sleep anyways?)
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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I spent the last few days reading ā€žThe Priory of the Orange Treeā€œ by Samantha Shannon while I should have been studying for my upcoming exams. At first I was kind of weary of it, but now I really like it, and I just love the sparkly cover. I have about 100 pages left but my reading speed is slowing down because I just donā€˜t want it to end. I used to think that there were two books in the series, but that was just the German version (they split the book into two and make more than double the money with it).
From tomorrow on, Iā€˜m going to really start studying for my exams, I have less than three weeks left for one of them and itā€˜s about two lectures. At least I only have to get I think 50% overall (itā€˜s like 2 tests but they count as one and I can get 50%/50% in each or 100%/0% and itā€˜ll be the same). Now I just have about 300 pages of script to turn in to Anki cards, a firend of mine is going to do the other lecture (at least I hope she is, if sheā€˜s not, Iā€˜m fucked, but at least sheā€˜ll be fucked, too ;) ). Current goal: have my Anki cards ready by saturday. Aaaaand then I have to motivate myself into actually going through them, though until now Iā€˜ve always managed that. And I got a huge motivation boost today from the message that I passed physics.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Continued on my painting, I'm gonna add the details when the other stuff is pretty much finished. Still trying to figure out how to blend the colours though.
I've got about a month until my next exam and am really happy to have written physics, but my brain blanked out and I'm not entirely sure if I've passed, so there's that. My next few weeks are probably going to consist of making Anki decks and getting stressed with other exams/small tests that can improve my final grade or be my downfall. I am so glad that I have friends with whom I can do that stuff, though concentrating when others are around is kinda hard sometimes, but I'm sure it'll get easier with time.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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feb 6, 2022
physics lecture, earl grey tea, & beautiful lighting
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Doing some late night studying. Just finished my "cheat sheet" (still no idea what it's actually called I should really google it) and am now on my first batch of practice problems. Didn't exactly do well on those, but it will get better once I've done more.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
The technical drawing is done, Iā€˜m done, and Iā€˜m off to doing physics where I have an exam on wednesday and have already done *checks notes* oh, nothing. But then again I am going to stay up until 3am today in order to watch the Starship presentation so I guess I have all the time in the world
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
I am stressed af, am supposed to do at least 3 things for uni at once of which I am currently doing one and decided to start painting. Fun.
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
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Doing/trying to do a technical drawing, freaking out about the software, not sure how to do the things I want/need to do but that don't work. The deadline's thursday and I have to print it friday and still need to have a look at where I can print it and stuff. This was equally as stressful when I did it last year but apparently I haven't learned a thing since then like for example starting early ā€” now wait, I did, at least kind of, and at least this time I didn't turn in a blank sheet at the pre-deadline (no idea what it's called in English). But I like the little parallel lines I get to make my computer draw so everything's fine xD
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studyingspaceandstuff Ā· 3 years ago
Strolling aimlessly in a bookshop is selfcare
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