studyingenlit · 6 years
I’m moving to a side blog @foundintranselation (in case you wanna continue following me) and I’m following w my main account @whyannitheone 
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studyingenlit · 6 years
Me: *coming out of the bookstore*
Parent: Did you buy more books
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studyingenlit · 6 years
boys complimenting me:
me: :// 
my teacher leaving an ‘excellent work!!!’ on my essay: 
me, holding a wall for support: bro i’m just…..bro i’m just really teary i’m ghjdgfsdhjfjsdhf i’m hgjggjkhfkdjgj wow thank you idk what to say….bro idk why i’m fjhdsfkjdfg crying right now 
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studyingenlit · 6 years
me: *is reading in another language*
also me: *reads numbers in native language*
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studyingenlit · 6 years
I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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studyingenlit · 6 years
as requested by @she-learns ♡
tomar el pelo: to pull somebody’s leg
vamos al grano / punto: let’s cut to the chase, let’s get to the point
no andarse por las ramas: don’t beat around the bush
es pan comido: it’s a piece of cake
pedirle peras al olmo: ask for the moon
dar en el clavo: hit the nail on the head
cuesta un ojo de la cara: it cost an arm and a leg
meter la pata:  to mess up / to screw up
échale un ojo a…: keep an eye on it
dar a luz: to give birth
entre la espada y la pared: between rock and hard place
le falta un tornillo: to have a loose screw
de buena fe: of good faith
salirse con la suya: to get away with it
estar sin blanca: to be broke
poner el dedo el la llaga: to open up an old wound
es como hablar a la pared: it’s like talking to a brick wall
a las espaldas de alguien: behind someone’s back
peor es nada: better than nothing
no hay pero que valga: no ifs or buts
tener agallas: to have guts
buscarle tres pies al gato: to go looking for trouble
a fin de cuentas: at the end of the day
estar en las nubes / estar en la luna: to have one’s head in the clouds
ir de mal en peor: to go from bad to worse
llorar a lágrima viva: to cry one’s eyes out
mover cielo y tierra: to move heaven and earth, to leave no stone unturned
no pegar un ojo: to not sleep a wink
valer la pena: to be worth it
tomar a pecho: to take something to heart
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studyingenlit · 6 years
Someone knows anything about the polysystem theory? I’m supposed to read the article by even zohar but I’m not understanding anything like at all
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studyingenlit · 6 years
any spanish speaker: cojer
méxico and argentina:
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studyingenlit · 7 years
People studying english lit, have you done any comparative essays? I have to do one and I already have what I’m going to compare. the problem is I don’t know how to come up w a thesis statement bc for me the point of the essay is to say look at these two things they have similarities but the teacher says I HAVE to have one so idk what to do
any advice?
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studyingenlit · 7 years
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Apparently people in the victorian era said “yaas“ too
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studyingenlit · 7 years
The Computer Room is such a weird concept nowadays but growing up in the 90s/00s we really had a whole ass room dedicated to our computer. Anthropologists 1000 years from now are gonna think we worshiped computers so much we had shrine rooms for them
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studyingenlit · 7 years
Spanish Idiomatic Expressions
No tengo donde caerme muerto - I’m broke
Te estoy tomando el pelo - I’m pulling your leg
ser un cero a la izquierda - to be useless
estar para chuparse los dedos -  to be delicious/finger lickin’ good
estar hasta las narices - to be fed up
de tal palo, tal astilla - like father like son
te gusta o no (gústete o no) - like it or not
empinar el codo - to drink alcohol
enredarse con - to have an affair with
tener una aventura con - to have an affair with
¡Qué tiempo de perros! - What awful weather!
Dicen las malas lenguas - Rumor has it…
No hay mal que por bien no venga - Every cloud has a silver lining
Ser la comidilla del pueblo/barrio - to be the talk of the town
almas gemelas - soulmates
mi media naranja - my other half
estar como pez en el agua - to be right at home
no tener pelos en la lengua - to be very outspoken
tener malas pulgas - to be short-tempered
perder los estribos - to lose your temper
andarse por las ramas - to beat around the bush
estar fuera de quicio - to be out of your mind
sacar de quicio - to infuriate, annoy, blow out of proportion
ir por cuenta de la casa - to be on the house
traer entre manos - to be up to something
a la larga - in the long run
de buena gana - willingly
de ahora/hoy en adelante - from now on
de arriba a abajo - from top to bottom
en pleno día - in broad daylight
de puntillas - on tiptoes
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studyingenlit · 7 years
Review: PIBO
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A Japanese picture book app.
Difficulty level: beginner | intermediate | advanced
Japanese only: ☑ Yes; ☐ No
Free: ☑ Yes; ☐ No (Paid version available)
Interaction with others: ☐ Yes; ☑ No
Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
PIBO is a really neat picture book app available on iOS from the App Store. It’s exactly what it says on the tin: A really big collection of picture books entirely in Japanese.
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After downloading the app, here’s what you see. The selection available to you changes each day. Now, this interface is important to explain what differences there are between free and paid users. Paid users
Get an unlimited number of books to read per day’.
See where it says 「0かい」? That’s because I’ve already read my 3 free books for the day when I took this picture.
Can access the full list of available books (through「すべて」).
Can access the books they’ve marked as favorite (through 「おき��いり」).
Which, obviously, free users can’t do, but I find that just going through 3 small books a day is a very good form of practice. And, as a free user, if you really liked one book, you can still find it under your 「りれき」 tab!
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Opening a book will give you information about its intended age group - bearing in mind that ‘intended age group’ refers to Japanese children, who have grown up with the language! - and a little bit about the story you can expect. I’ve seen mostly books for the 3-6 age group, but also something marked appropriate for ages 10-12, which made me mark this app as suitable for the lower intermediate level.
Final comments
I’m really enjoying this app. It’s a good way to get some exposure to very simple, but natural Japanese. You run into odd variations of conjugations that a textbook probably won’t provide for you, which is only a good thing! The texts are entirely in hiragana, too, so if your kanji knowledge isn’t that solid yet, this is a safe bet for you.
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studyingenlit · 7 years
Any translation studyblrs?
Hey I’m studying translation and I wanna follow other blogs that do so as well so like or reblog this and I’ll check your blog :)
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studyingenlit · 7 years
you know you’re too tired to write your essay when you misread “wordsworth” as “voldemort” 
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studyingenlit · 7 years
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studyingenlit · 7 years
me: can remember lyrics from the 2007-2011 pop classics
also me: can't remember what happened in a lecture last week
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