aspiring scientist and programmer
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sideblog studyblr (following from my main blog the-name-ofthe-wind). 20. studying bioinformatics at university (fourth semester).
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studying-naming · 3 years ago
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything | how to stop procrastinating series
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[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
Keep reading
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
some things i’ve learned while studying in quarantine
drink more water instead of more coffee.
weekly goals are bullshit. set yourself 3-day goals. you’ll be less laid-back.
don’t just mindlessly stare at words. before you start studying, know your approach to it. have a plan.
summarizing the concept in your own words is the key part of taking notes. don’t just copy things down, convert them into your own way of talking, your own vocabulary, no matter how dumb and unprofessional it sounds.
don’t let the “studyblr aesthetic” fool you. studying doesn’t have to be pretty. summaries and notes can be messy as long as they’re comprehensible. you can always rewrite and reorganize them later. (honestly, you better do. and you better keep them.)
don’t throw away the papers you’ve solved your problems in. staple them to the fucking textbook. you need to see them constantly. cause you’ll need reminders of how far you’ve came, when you’re feeling discouraged.
don’t be an armchair analyst for your issues. if you have an idea then act on it.
remember: the exact point where it becomes difficult, is where your growth begins. take a deep breath, and try to focus on the paragraph in front of you.
get off your high horse and understand that if you’re a zero, you won’t go to 100 in a couple of days. first, you’ll need to reach 30, then from 30 to 60, and then from 60 to 90. nobody is 100 everyday. that happens very rarely.
you need to have fun everyday. you need to have peaceful time every single day. even on exam night. especially on exam night, actually. so make sure you’ve studied enough so you can have some time to yourself.
once you’re on a roll and in need of some challenge to stay on track, start writing down your studying hours. tell yourself you’re not allowed to do less than 80% of what you did yesterday. whatever the hell it was, even just one hour. so if yesterday you really studied for like, say 8 hours, today your goal is to study for at least 6 and a half hours. if you can’t keep up with that, make it 70%, or 60%. 
be forgiving of yourself. be kind to yourself. even if you bounced back and lost your streak. start again. as slowly as you did before. take your time. it’s okay, you were there once you can get there again.
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
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a lot of us are working from home now, pretty abruptly. it’s hard, and especially if you’re like me, a sudden lack of structure coupled with really harsh self-expectations/a tense or unforgiving temperament is really challenging.
i started working from home fulltime this year, and my stop it series is a set of doodled observations i’ve made about the obstacles, bad habits, and unhealthy expectations i’ve found myself running into as i adjust. i hope maybe they can be helpful to other people too!
please check out the linked tag bc i have further observations/clarifications on these in the captions of the individual posts, but i figured it’d be good to finally dump all the notes i’ve made so far into one place. 
and a final note on what i’ve run into as i get used to working from home: it is a really really difficult balance for me, bc on one hand i really NEED a lot of self-discipline and productivity assists to get things done and make enough money to survive. but on the other hand, a loooooot of productivity advice/motivation/tools out there are really heavily keyed into capitalism and the concept of productivity as self-worth, and it’s easier than you think to slide into destructive thinking because you’re trying to keep yourself on track. do what you have to do, but make sure that the measures you take to try to make home employment work and get things done are always abt helping yourself do what you need to do without strife, not wringing as much work out of yourself as possible.
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
Things I Learned After 4th Year University
1. Figure out why you’re procrastinating 
Compared to first semester, second semester was really difficult for me in terms of getting work done. I felt perpetually exhausted, unmotivated, and constantly distracted. Any work that I did get done was very last minute, and subpar. More often than not, procrastination is branded to be the result of laziness. But I learned that procrastination can be more complicated than that. It may result from perfectionism, negative emotions, lack of direction, or even from larger mental health issues. I know I have good work ethic and when I can’t bring myself to those standards I beat myself up about being lazy. When in reality, it might have to do more with perfectionism. Working out a solution for the reason why you’re procrastinating is more beneficial than just blaming yourself for being lazy. 
Also if you are feeling mentally unwell, please seek professional help!  
2. Detach your self worth from your grades
A really toxic mentality that I’ve had for years was that “if I have good grades then I’ll be happy”. I did really well first semester this school year, in terms of grades, it was actually my best semester ever. Then second semester came, and it was probably one of the roughest semesters I’ve ever had over the last 4 years. It was obvious that good grades did not make me happy. As a result of the sudden lockdown and isolation, our school decided that grades will not be given out this semester. As awful as it sounds, for me, that decision came as if it were a gift from God, because I knew my grades for this semester would have been awful. This made me look at the very cheesy and repetitive quote “grades don’t define you” in a different light. Productivity and results shouldn’t define a person. Self worth as a human being doesn’t diminish if you’re unproductive or don’t get the results you want. 
3. Even just studying a little bit helps 
This past year I found myself scrambling and cramming last minute more than ever before. I always had this very unhealthy perfectionist mindset, which when it came to studying, turned into “well if you can’t go through everything, recite the material in your sleep, and make summary notes THEN WHAT IS THE POINT”. The point is that a 60 is better than a 0, and that you should always try your best especially during less than ideal circumstances. There were things I read 2 min before going into the exam that actually showed up on the exam itself, and I was able to answer it. Even cramming just half of the material the night before despite all my negative thoughts trying to convince me how futile the task is, actually paid off the next day. I always try to remind myself of those moments when I feel defeated with a pile of material in front of me, and not enough time to go through it. 
4. Don’t react to your state, respond to it  
Last semester I found myself more exhausted and unmotivated than I have ever been. Even though I was tired, it didn’t change the fact that an assignment has to be done, and exams are coming. But I could change how I did the assignment and how I studied for the exam. I could take a short break or take a whole day off to recharge, change my study method, or eat a yummy snack while working. 
5. Self care for your future self 
Self care isn’t just the very superficial “instagram” self care, like sheet masks and bubble baths. Although these things can help make you feel better, and there’s nothing wrong with it except for the fact that companies are exploiting self care as a way to sell products. Self care goes far and beyond that and should include considerations for your future self, because…well…your future self is still yourself. Sometimes self care means doing this thing now so your future self doesn’t have to worry about it. 
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
college study tips that actually help
put your phone on silent and put it across the room
listen to classical/soundtrack music without lyrics
make index cards for important vocab
wear pajamas
make diagrams and pictures. they don’t have to look pretty, as long as you understand it
make timelines for historical events
have a light snack
drink coffee or tea to keep you going
take a break every hour or so
have one pencil/black pen and one colored pen or highlighter. anything more will just distract you. the aesthetics aren’t important, your knowledge is
don’t be afraid to email/message your teacher or a classmate if you don’t understand something. the last thing you want to do is learn the incorrect information
know that sleep and health is more important than your grade. you cannot perform as well on a test if you are tired or sick. take care of yourself
it’s not a race. it’s not about who can learn something in the quickest time, it’s about learning
take a deep breath 
prioritize your homework by how long it will take you and when it’s due
plan some you time in between studying and school
if you’re mentally exhausted, set a timer for 30 minutes and take a nap. any longer and you’ll wake up even more tired
don’t understand something? that’s perfectly fine, don’t stress over it. ask for help rather than complaining
have a goal in mind and write them down. say things like “i am getting an education so i can get the job of my dreams. the life that i want. the happiness that i deserve”
be thankful. it is a privilege that you get to go to school and get an education. 
you got this.
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
10 Mistakes When Studying
1. “I Don’t Know where to Begin.”
Make a list of all the things you have to do. Break your workload down ito manageable chunks. Prioritize. Schedule your time realistically. Begin studying early, with an hour or two per day, and slowly build as the exam approaches.
2. ‘I’ve Got So Much to Study…And so Little Time"
Preview. Survey your syllabus, reading material, and notes. Identify the most important topics emphasized, and areas still not understood. Previewing saves time, by helping you organize and focus in on the main topics.
3. “This Stuff is so Dry, I can’t Even Stay Awake Reading It”
Get actively involved with the text as you read. Ask yourself, “What is important to remember about this section?” Take notes or underline key concepts. Discuss the material with others in your class. Stay on the offensive.
4. “I Read It. I Understand It. But I Just Can’t Get it To Sink In”
Elaborate. We remember best the things that are most meaningful to us. As you are reading, try to elaborate upon new information with your own examples. Try to integrate what you’re studying with what you already know. You will be able to remember new material better if you can link it to something that’s already meaningful to you.
Chunking: Example: to remember the colors in the visible spectrum, Rog G.Biv –> reduce the information the three “chunks”.
Mnemonics: Associate new information with something familiar.
5. “I Guess I Understand It”
Test yourself. Make up questions about key sections in notes or reading. Examine the relationships between concepts and sections. Often, imply by changing section headings you can generate many effective questions.
6. “There’s Too Much to Remember”
Organize. Information is recalled better if it is represented in an organized framework that will make retrieval more systematic.
Write chapter outlines of summaries; emphasize relationships between sections.
Group information into categories or hierarchies, where possible.
Information Mapping. Draw up a matrix to organize and interrelate material.
7. “I Knew It A Minute Ago”
Review. After reading a section, try to recall the information contained in it. Try answering the questions you made up for that section. If you cannot recall enough, re-read portions you had trouble remembering. The more time you spend studying, the more you tend to recall. Even after the point where information can be perfectly recalled, further study makes the material less likely to be forgotten entirely. How you organize and integrate new information is still more important than how much time you spend studying.
For more follow How To Study Quick!!
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
soothe yourself | self care
helpful sites
music for studying | more music
note taking methods  | another one
studying methods
english | physics | chemistry | biology | maths | languages 
how to learn a language
ultimate guide for writing | writing resources | writing helps | tips for writers
how to write a kickass essay | write a great essay | stuff you need to write essays | essay tips | essay checklist | grade your essay
how do I study for…
bullet journals | a guide to bullet journals
the testing effect
everything you need to succeed in school
time management
how to annotate | another one
guide to aesthetically pleasing notes | improve your handwriting
create a study guide
resources | helpful websites | there’s an app for that
get more out of google 
productivity resources | 14 apps to become productive | how to stay productive
lazy night owl school survival guide
apps for a better life | useful websites for students
masterpost of studying tips
social media citation guide
college masterpost | another one | starting college on the right foot | packing for college | how to survive in college
how to ace that college interview
food to stay motivated | motivation guide
how to stay awake in class
balancing a healthy lifestyle
studying on your period
huge masterpost for the semester
a very long list to help you survive school
not enough time to finish an assignment?
100 delicious cheap recipes 
53 posts for students
high school cheat sheet
other cheat sheets
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
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No one is instantly a perfect student. It’s well known that ‘’perfect’’ studying requires some practice. Fortunately, there is a bunch of information available on this topic on the internet. In this way everyone can become a professional student.
1. Choosing the right study spot
Create a study space
Desk organisation
Study music (x) (x) (x)
Remove distractions
Study space guide
2. Being well equipped 
Studyblr on a budget
Organizing systems
How to stationery smart
Save money on stationery
School supplies shopping
Study apps everyone needs to use
Things you need in high school
Things that are useful in college
DIY school supplies
3. Getting focused
How to concentrate
Useful apps for focus
How to focus when a thousand things happen at the same time
Tips on staying focused
Academic goals
Getting started
4. Improve your handwriting
Handwriting goals 
Improve your handwriting (1) (2) (3)
Fake calligraphy
How to calligraphy
Some banners
Some fonts to try out
5. Taking useful notes
Cornell notes
Outline notes
Alternative to flashcards
Taking notes in class
Or during a lecture
Typing your notes
Feymann’s technique
Colour coding
Sticky notes
Decorate your notes
2 notebook method
Taking notes efficiently
6. Creating an efficient study routine in your life
How to create a study habit
Public transport productivity
Prevent the curve of forgetting
Make the most of your day
Study snacks
Succeed at school
Effective studying
Improve memory
Last minute studying
10 best study habits
After school routine
7. Planning your studies
Scheduling studying masterpost
Promodoro method
Plan during your study breaks
Bullet journalling
Plan for multiple tests using a calendar
Use printables
Use your productivity wisely
Be more productive with a planner
7 ways to better organise your study time
8. Study strategies
Types of learners + strategies
Study skills for test taking 
Study strategies masterpost
SQ3R reading method
Tips for effectively studying
Finding your perfect study method
How to memorise
Studying in a group
Study from textbooks
Quizing yourself
Secrets of a straigt A - student
My other masterposts
Scheduling studying
Acing vocab lists
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
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Studying buddy
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
since that post i made about giving good advice despite being a disaster is blowing up, I though you all might like to hear some of my patented Hot Tips.
Whenever you’re working on a paper or assignment that’s boring af, tell yourself that if you write 200 words/finish a page/what have you, you can take a 20 minute break to play Portal 2. 
If you can’t say positive things to yourself yet, picture someone you admire saying those things to you. Hozier thinks I’m worthy of being loved, y’all. 
It’s totally fine to have a good cry. It’s healthy. Maybe not in the middle of the public library on a Saturday though. I won’t make that mistake again.
If you see a non-service dog, ask the owner if you can pet it. Who knows when you’ll get the chance again?
Eat a balanced diet. That means carbs, fats, fruits, veg, bagels, bagels, bagels, and cake.
Know your karaoke go-to songs and remember them. Just in case.
Always pack twice as many socks as you think you’ll need.
And, of course:
Look at my family’s old dog. Look at him.
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He is rooting for you.
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studying-naming · 5 years ago
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I am determined to figure out this stats software - even if I have to reread each section three or four times. I can really see the value of using code to conduct analysis but it is hard going.
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studying-naming · 6 years ago
journalling for beginners
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i began keeping journals about a year ago, and believe it’s a wonderful hobby for just about anyone!
keeping track of various things in your life can bring a number of benefits, you can begin to recognise all the small things you feel grateful for, and help you process difficult situations - it can help you learn about yourself, find your voice and talk about things you might be uncomfortable to do so out-loud. 
tips for a daily journal ;
📕 it doesn’t really have to be daily, it should be something you enjoy, and if you don’t have the energy, there’s no need to beat yourself up
🖊️ if you are running low on energy, but still need to get your thoughts out, you can always just do some doodles, short sentences or scribbles, just to help you untangle your mind
📕 sharing pictures of your journal is fun, but it’s best to feel open and free in what you write - i find it beneficial to keep a journal just for me, so i feel comfortable adding anything 
🖊️ be honest with yourself, you don’t need to put on a performance for anyone else here
📕 date your entries to help you keep track of your moods and thoughts
🖊️ not feeling up for self-reflection? record simple things - draw an object nearby, write about an animal you saw, or make a list of things you did today
📕 don’t put pressure on yourself, your journal doesn’t need to be aesthetically pleasing, or beautifully written, you don’t need to have perfect grammar or a fancy notebook to enjoy journalling
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studying-naming · 6 years ago
I've picked up studying again! And my cat keeps me company :)
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studying-naming · 6 years ago
♡ study tricks that i wish someone told me ♡
basically here’s a post of study tips i have missed my 18 years of living and that i found out recently thanks to an academy i’m attending !!
- studyblr is very based on notes. screw that. this one is about how you study for tests but as someone who has been always too absorbed into making notes pretty and copying them over and over again AND seeing i was failing, my teacher made me try doing exercices (as a more practical way) and IT CHANGED MY LIFE. if i spent 1 month on one topic a year ago; now if i practice it i can do it in 3 DAYS !!
- when starting a study lesson and see if you can’t concentrate, don’t study. if you are going to start a study lesson and you see you can’t seem to focus is because you have been doing it wrong !! i always started with reading notes and i could spend 2 hours reading notes because i couldn’t concentrate, now i start doing something productive (if it’s on the desk i’m studying then it’s better) like planning my entire week or day.. doing the dishes, organizing files.. something “light” that will get you on the studying mindset !!
- don’t force yourself to have breaks if you don’t need them. this one’s a bit controversial but i am a person that if i get in a good motivating mindset and start doing lots of works, i can carry this mindset for HOURS !! if i take a small break (even if it’s to go get some water or go to the bathroom) my motivation is gone ! of course, i am not saying you shouldn’t take breaks, what i mean is that if you break your studying mindset if you take breaks every 45 minutes, try to make your study session a bit longer.
- this one’s related to the last one: use an alarm!! time managing is very very important so let’s say, you have been studying for an hour because you are very motivated but you do want to have a break somehow, then use an alarm and put yourself a LIMIT. ex, when the clock strickes 8pm i will stop studying and carry on a hobby. this will also motivate you to get your work done before the alarm goes off. of course, it really depends on the person.
- don’t try to make your study session “perfect”. i am one of these people who wait until a certain hour, and make my study space perfect (with my oil essence, soft music ..) well, it works for some people but personally, it doesn’t work for me. if you wait until a certain time, anything could happen (you get a call, someone wants to meet you, etc) so if you need to study, DO IT NOW !! grab what you need, a yummy tea, stationary and start studying !!
i’m sorry if these tips sound kind of harsh but i want to say that these tips are the ones that work for me !! maybe you work a different way but these are the tips that personally work for me !
thank you for reading thus far !! have a happy studying !!
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studying-naming · 6 years ago
things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever
change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
move the pictures on your wall
stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
shower with the lights off, without music
buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015
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studying-naming · 6 years ago
bullet journal theme ideas
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daffodils & rains
windy trees
bare trees and pears
headphones & sneakers
scrunchies & pine trees
ships & houses
botanical sketches
music notes
black script
home decor
agatha christie
liminal space
gallery wall
pens & pencils
art supplies
cotton candy
welcome to night vale
james bond
Dear Evan Hansen
stranger things
birds & telephone poles
tea & ferns
coffee & cats
harry potter
blue castle
pluto is a planet
hedgehogs wearing glasses
blob animals
dots and lines
van gogh
rene magritte
road trips.
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studying-naming · 6 years ago
Hey! I have my first oral exam at university tomorrow. I'm so nervous, do you have any tips for me? I love your blog, it's so motivational!
Ah thank you, love. I’m not sure what to advise because I don’t have any exams at all on my course. However, I did have a spoken word module where we had to tell the class a story with very basic notes. To prepare for that I read aloud what I was going to say over and over. Reading each bit and learning it bit at a time so I didn’t feel overwhelmed. I’m not sure if you’re aloud any kind of notes, but if you do, keep the notes to things that will remind you what you mean to say, it doesn’t have to make sense to others. Remember you’ve got this, you’re going to be okay. Does anyone have any advice for this anon? Xx
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