Mini Journal
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studyappetizer · 3 years ago
Kerjaan tiap hari : Minta maaf sama Alzam, karena Maminya tidak bisa memberikan yang terbaik untuk dia seperti Ibu-ibu anak lainnya.
0 notes
studyappetizer · 4 years ago
Apa karena sudah berada dalam selembar kertas yang berbeda, sehingga kita tidak menulis kekecewaan dan kekalutan dalam lembaran kertasnya?
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studyappetizer · 4 years ago
Pernikahan bukan sekadar obat kecemasan orang lain terhadap kehidupan kita.
dr. V
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studyappetizer · 4 years ago
Banyak sekali yang diambil. Namun dibalas nikmat berkali-kali lipat.
saya, setelah beberapa hal yang terlewati
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studyappetizer · 7 years ago
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studyappetizer · 7 years ago
2018 Student Guide
With the start of 2018 well underway, I wanted to make a masterpost full of links on how to adjust your perspective with studying. Perhaps you want to become a better student overall, improve your focus or get into your dream college, there is always something we want to do better! Hopefully these tips will make 2018 your best academic year yet!
2018 student planner
planner brand recommendations
planner vs bullet journal: pros and cons
how to set up a bullet journal
setting up a digital bullet journal
bullet journal spread ideas
bullet journal decoration hacks
bullet journal brand recommendations
whats in my bag
my favourite stationery
back to school basic supplies
how to improve your handwriting
handwriting font suggestions
balancing study and work
desk/workspace essentials
student finance tips
2018 monthly planner printables
productivity and time management applications
how to remove distractions
types of procrastination and how to deal with them
google chrome new tab options for improved productivity
10 small ways to improve your productivity
applications to block websites
no distraction writing applications
100 days of productivity challenge
how to focus in class
how to stick to a schedule
how to stay alert
how to build self-discipline
how to organise for exams
my after school routine
how to reduce perfectionist ideas 
what to do when you’ve tried everything
how to gain back motivation
motivational monday printables
how to stop avoiding studying
what to do when you feel exhausted before studying
how I stay motivated
tips on maintaining motivation
how to start a studyblr
how to utilise your studyblr for motivation
how to set up a studygram
dealing with competitive people
how to bounce back from ‘failure’
how to learn from a lower than expected grade
how to structure a weekly review
how to deal with a difficult class
things to do during holidays/study vacations
applications for students
how to take effective class or lecture notes
how to take notes from a textbook
how to prepare for exams
my note-taking method
my notebook system
how to write faster
how to study more effectively
how to summarise information
how I organise my binders
good habits to implement
how to study (my method)
how to revise from notes
how to organise a colour code
how to memorise information effectively
how to memorise quotes
how to use flashcards
how I reduce waffle and narration in essays
tips for essay writing
how to find out where you’re going wrong
how I prepare to study
different ways to study
how to study during the semester
how to annotate a book/novel/etc
how to get ahead in school
how to break up a large textbook
studying as a visual learner
how to practice and present a speech
mindmapping apps and extensions
how to deal with online classes
how to study a language
how to study maths
how to improve group assessments/projects
Self Care
how to improve your sleep schedule
how to wake up earlier
how to study when sick
over-coming self doubt
dealing with stress
how to balance studying and anxiety
how to balance studying and depression
apps that help with depression
ways to reward your productivity
my favourite tv shows
my favourite podcasts
ways to use empty notebooks
how to be more sociable
tips for getting a job
advice for the first day
things (personal, academic, etc) to do every week
2018 monthly planner printables
2018 student printables (includes 2018 overview + calendar, daily + weekly + monthly planner, 30 habit tracker, class overview and timed worklog)
weekly study schedule
weekly planner
weekend planner
daily planner
assessment planner
subject to do list planner
study session planner
exam revision printable pack (includes revision checklist, formulas + definitions sheet, essay + project planner, weekly schedule)
note-taking printables (includes dotted, grid, lined, cornell method)
organic chemistry printable
literary techniques and devices sheet
100 days of productivity tracker printable 
ultimate student organiser pack
study and revision pack
2018 student planner
2018 weekly planner
pomodoro tracker
grade and assessment planner pack
essay guide and planner pack
productivity planner
student reading journal printable
student finance planner
goal and habit planner
customisable weekly study planner
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop
45K notes · View notes
studyappetizer · 7 years ago
2018 Student Guide
With the start of 2018 well underway, I wanted to make a masterpost full of links on how to adjust your perspective with studying. Perhaps you want to become a better student overall, improve your focus or get into your dream college, there is always something we want to do better! Hopefully these tips will make 2018 your best academic year yet!
2018 student planner
planner brand recommendations
planner vs bullet journal: pros and cons
how to set up a bullet journal
setting up a digital bullet journal
bullet journal spread ideas
bullet journal decoration hacks
bullet journal brand recommendations
whats in my bag
my favourite stationery
back to school basic supplies
how to improve your handwriting
handwriting font suggestions
balancing study and work
desk/workspace essentials
student finance tips
2018 monthly planner printables
productivity and time management applications
how to remove distractions
types of procrastination and how to deal with them
google chrome new tab options for improved productivity
10 small ways to improve your productivity
applications to block websites
no distraction writing applications
100 days of productivity challenge
how to focus in class
how to stick to a schedule
how to stay alert
how to build self-discipline
how to organise for exams
my after school routine
how to reduce perfectionist ideas 
what to do when you’ve tried everything
how to gain back motivation
motivational monday printables
how to stop avoiding studying
what to do when you feel exhausted before studying
how I stay motivated
tips on maintaining motivation
how to start a studyblr
how to utilise your studyblr for motivation
how to set up a studygram
dealing with competitive people
how to bounce back from ‘failure’
how to learn from a lower than expected grade
how to structure a weekly review
how to deal with a difficult class
things to do during holidays/study vacations
applications for students
how to take effective class or lecture notes
how to take notes from a textbook
how to prepare for exams
my note-taking method
my notebook system
how to write faster
how to study more effectively
how to summarise information
how I organise my binders
good habits to implement
how to study (my method)
how to revise from notes
how to organise a colour code
how to memorise information effectively
how to memorise quotes
how to use flashcards
how I reduce waffle and narration in essays
tips for essay writing
how to find out where you’re going wrong
how I prepare to study
different ways to study
how to study during the semester
how to annotate a book/novel/etc
how to get ahead in school
how to break up a large textbook
studying as a visual learner
how to practice and present a speech
mindmapping apps and extensions
how to deal with online classes
how to study a language
how to study maths
how to improve group assessments/projects
Self Care
how to improve your sleep schedule
how to wake up earlier
how to study when sick
over-coming self doubt
dealing with stress
how to balance studying and anxiety
how to balance studying and depression
apps that help with depression
ways to reward your productivity
my favourite tv shows
my favourite podcasts
ways to use empty notebooks
how to be more sociable
tips for getting a job
advice for the first day
things (personal, academic, etc) to do every week
2018 monthly planner printables
2018 student printables (includes 2018 overview + calendar, daily + weekly + monthly planner, 30 habit tracker, class overview and timed worklog)
weekly study schedule
weekly planner
weekend planner
daily planner
assessment planner
subject to do list planner
study session planner
exam revision printable pack (includes revision checklist, formulas + definitions sheet, essay + project planner, weekly schedule)
note-taking printables (includes dotted, grid, lined, cornell method)
organic chemistry printable
literary techniques and devices sheet
100 days of productivity tracker printable 
ultimate student organiser pack
study and revision pack
2018 student planner
2018 weekly planner
pomodoro tracker
grade and assessment planner pack
essay guide and planner pack
productivity planner
student reading journal printable
student finance planner
goal and habit planner
customisable weekly study planner
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop
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studyappetizer · 7 years ago
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A week before exam! Good luck everyone! Don't forget to give the best not only for your result of exam but also for your body. Keep healthy! #wageningenuniversity #wageningen #beforeexam #lunch #bento #bentolunch #studyblr #studygram #foodgram (at Wageningen)
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studyappetizer · 7 years ago
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A lot of pencil holders made from jars! #diyproject #diypencilholder #diyjars #studyblr #studygram (at Wageningen University & Research)
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studyappetizer · 7 years ago
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My messy desk! The exam will be coming. So I make dorayaki for my moodbooster before studying, it is from Japan, I know this cookies from Doraemon, one of my favorite anime since I was so young. Here, how I make them with the simple recipe. All you need : flour, egg, sugar, baking soda, milk, honey, nutella (I just have nutella) Mix egg, sugar and honey until it becomes white and pour flour and baking soda, mix it and add the milk. Sorry, I never use the measurement for making something just based on my instinct. Then, heat the pan (teflon) put little butter or oil, and pour a spoon of batter, you should flip it when it changes to brown. And then, between two pancake dorayaki put the nutella. Your dorayakis are ready!
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studyappetizer · 7 years ago
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Japanese Curry (at Asserpark)
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studyappetizer · 8 years ago
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🌼🌼🌼 📸 : @jannahkey
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studyappetizer · 8 years ago
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(pIŋk) 🌸🌸🌸 In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color inspiring warm and comforting feeling, a sense that everything will be okay.. . . . Source : (di Pantai Glagah, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta)
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studyappetizer · 8 years ago
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🐣 . . Saya punya warna, kamu pun demikian. Warna itu bukan pemisah kita. Saya juga tidak harus bermimikri agar menyerupai lingkunganmu. Sampai saat ini bersyukur, ketemu orang-orang yang menerima "saya" yang seperti ini dan ketemu orang-orang yang satu selera indomie seleraku. Tanpa harus berganti kostum tiap berpindah dari satu panggung ke panggung lainnya. Temukan persamaan akan memudahkan komunikasi kita. Saya yakin dengan kostummu sendiri mereka tetap bisa tertawa bersama. Ada jutaan manusia di dunia ini, kawan. Edisi galau siang tadi bersama @jannahkey Teman satu minat dalam bidang sok bijak di sosmed, aslinya kita manusia pada umumnya masih butuh pencerahan hidup dan butuh ... hidup😂😂😂 #quote #selfreminder #jatidiri #jannahbutuhpendampinghidup #istibutuhpencerahanhidup #sekarangmusimhujanjadisukagalau #ini serius tapi santai aja #captionnyaaneh
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studyappetizer · 8 years ago
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🎂 indifferent.. . . . Wishes : 💐FAMILY 💐HAPPY 💐STUDY . . . #tigasuratpendek #aanmansyur #poem
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studyappetizer · 8 years ago
Jawaban untuk Tenda Biru
Kapan nih pasang "tenda biru"?
Anni Manis : Buat apa? Nikah? Saya nanti di gedung.
Khumairoh Better : Untuk nikahan? Sorry, saya sukanya warna PINK.
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studyappetizer · 8 years ago
Suatu hari
A : Siapa yang cetak uang?
B : BI???
A : Kenapa BI nda cetak uang sebanyak-banyaknya terus dibagi-bagikan ke rakyat dan digunakan bayar utang?
B : Nda tau. Kenapa memang?
A : Misal kalau saya ada ribuan, apakah kau masih memiliki perasaan yang sama bernilainya?
B : Oh begitukah.
Cara menjelaskan ekonomi ke anak non ekonomi.
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