strongenough-a · 4 years
.............i found the login-
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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school’s starting up, and after a whole lot of thought, i’ve decided to move miles back to my newly revamped multi! i’m not sure how many things i’ll be carrying over, if any, but feel free to go follow over there if you’re still interested in interacting!
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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I didn’t know the difference between MERCY and HONOR, and I paid the price for it. If I’m extra hard on you, it’s only because you have the potential to be BETTER THAN I EVER WAS. 
Ind. MIGUEL DIAZ of Netflix’s COBRA KAI. Est. Jan. 2021. Cherished by Sarah. 
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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I figure this is like making an omelette…                        —- you always start by BREAKING SOME EGGS.
Ind. Priv. Sel. Missy Moreno of Netflix’s We Can Be Heroes! Est. Jan 2021
adored by sarah
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strongenough-a · 4 years
in another universe, we had more time
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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you’re not fire, or a simple flame.          you’re greater than that - something more important, and so necessary.
                                    you’re not destruction, you’re not evil…   YOU’RE LIGHT.
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strongenough-a · 4 years
gonna be over on the multi bc wally west brain went brrrr
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strongenough-a · 4 years
au where uncle aaron doesnt die but he has still just found out his favorite nephew is spiderman so now hes just kinda like :/ damn i guess i gotta be a superhero now
its like batman and robin if batman were the sidekick. hes just sort of following miles around dragging his scrawny little butt out of tight spots and yelling encouragement. 
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strongenough-a · 4 years
i hate to do this, but right now me and my brother and sister need a lot of help. a few months ago, we were told that we needed to find a new place to live by january, but then told a few hours later that it would be okay and hadn’t heard anything in months about it. so, we didn’t save up any money or look or anything and then i get another text saying that we probably should start packing since our landlord’s fiance wants to sell the house. we can’t really fight or do anything since there’s no contract and he was just letting us live here and we haven’t saved any money at all. if you could help us out that would be great, but if not, that’s okay too. i know other people are struggling right now, i just have no idea what to do.
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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sam voice it's miles morales loving hours.
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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discord drop !   ( let me know who you are when you add, please. )
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strongenough-a · 4 years
My favorite type of characters are “they’re not dumb but they are a dumbass”
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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strongenough-a · 4 years
i picked up the miles book again and the fact that it stresses that despite the shit that’s gone down since the first game, he’s never felt like he’s had nobody to lean on and he can always find some sort of light and and support in situations....... we really love to see it 
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strongenough-a · 4 years
You’ll have to tear my hope and resilience from my cold, dead hands, because honestly? I live in the stuff. It’s where I came from. I am shaped by it. I bathe in it, I shroud myself in it. I eat it for breakfast, and for second breakfast. I’m not letting it out of my sight
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strongenough-a · 4 years
fought with that draft for like an hour and a half and now im sleepy soooo mobile time lmao
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strongenough-a · 4 years
@strongenough· gets a starter // x
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        “Mr. Morales,” Lupin begins, his voice as calm as always. When the young man turns to him, he continues, “This is the third time this week that you’ve been late.” He’s not scolding but he is questioning–this month Miles has been late over ten times and Remus is beginning to grow concerned. 
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HIS SHOES FELT LIKE CINDERBLOCKS AS HE WALKED FROM HIS SEAT to the front of the room, having been the only one that hadn’t bolted up out of their chair the second the bell rang. He thought about ignoring his teacher, or about making some excuse as to why he couldn’t stay later to talk about why he’d been late... again.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had more than 4 hours of sleep, getting accustomed to turning his phone off after 1 am to make Peter think that he’d finished his homework and gone to bed at a decent time. Miles was determined to balance his new life out - he’d finally been able to start real spider-training, and he wasn’t about to give it up because of a couple overdue history reports. 
Above all else, it was the guilt kept him there; the thought that despite all of his efforts to keep from letting Peter and the city down as Spider-Man, he was letting his teacher and himself down as Miles. And if he’d already called his mother, he’d be letting her down, too. His eyebrows pulled together, a slow breath leaving his lungs as he finally found the courage to tear his vision away from the trinkets on his teacher’s desk.   ❝ I’m sorry. I know I said that the last 2 times, but I really am... I was working on school stuff, and I guess I just lost track of time again. ❞   
Not technically a lie, though the fact that the 'school stuff’ that night had been Miles’ first attempt at stopping a getaway car that left him exhausted and out of it until 5 minutes before the first bell was definitely better left unsaid. 
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