she/they/it - Strixhavens favorite employee :p - The Biblioplex by Piotr Dura - Picrew by Cbrfufu - mtg rp blog
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The training admission officers get is,, surprisingly exhausting and complex. I used to think they just kind of flipped a coin to decide if you get in or not, but there's so many protocols and procedures and things to keep in mind.
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"Idoont thinkI eveen knowall theguuilds, leta lone their symbouls"
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
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"I'm Roxie, I work at Strixhaven over on Arcavios." she smiles back. "I'm also a friend of Leta ^^"
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
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Eishi woke up in the fanmail covered room once again. This time, it wasn't alone in bed. Yuriko was with it after the events of last night, where Yuriko decided to show Eishi some fun time, that lasted 7 hours. Now, alightly bruised and sweaty, Eishi was held in sleeping Yurikos arms. It debated for a moment wether to wake the ninja up, but it was cut short by the hands on it's breasts squeezing them, which made Eishi let out a small moan. "I was about to wake you up. You primised to show me the mech Koda got from the Hyozan boss."
( @azzie-beastbinder )
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I should visit my mom again, I keep delaying it. Maybe introduce her to some friends
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Roxie's Death
The moths swarm around her, still restrained by the overlord she attempts to weave a spell, any spell. The overlord begins to squeeze, she can feel the air escaping her body bit by bit. Roxie's vision begins to blur...
She's back at her mother's house, it's a sunny day. She opens the front door, an owl begins chirping in a room further down the hallway. "Celeste?" Roxie asks, unsure. The owl flies out of the room it was previously in after hearing Roxie's voice. Roxie reaches out an arm, which it lands on. "I forgot to put on my glove" she winches in pain as the owls talons dig into her skin. Celeste tilts her head. "Oh no it's okay, I can handle it" Roxie whispers assuringly. "Ember is that you?" A voice yells from upstairs. "No Ash, it's Roxie!" she responds.
"I'll be down in a minute, love!" Ash shouts back. Roxie walks into the first room to the right, a living room. A woman is sleeping in a rocking chair near the fireplace, her grey hair in a braid. Roxie taps her on the shoulder. "Hey mam, ik ben thuis." She whispers. As the women opens her eyes she mumbles "Hey Amber." "Mam, ik ben niet Amber. You know what happened to her." The woman's blue eyes begin to tear up. "Het spijt me, Roxie."
Celeste flies to one of her posts, also near the fire. Roxie opens one of the cabinets and grabs some bandages, which she wraps around the arm the owl was just on. Ash walks into the room. A human with long, brown hair, the scent of which Roxie loved more than anything else, her lips forming a smile, lips Roxie wishes she got the chance to kiss one last time. Her eyes dull, that's new. "We both know what happens next." Ash says right before a spell hits her directly in the back of her head, causing her to fall to the floor. Nora, roxies mom repeats one last time "Het spijt me."
Roxie closes her eyes, the next time she opens them she's on an island, floating miles above the ground, there are several more around her. She falls to her knees and begins sobbing. "What's the matter? First planeswalk?" A voice asks behind her.
She stands outside the Biblioplex, preparing a spell, as most around her do as well. A symbol forming in the clouds, which nobody pays particular attention to. ϕ
Suddenly the sky break open. Tendrils, no, branches slamming into the ground, bringing with them monstrocities the likes of which she's never seen before. The moment they become visible everyone begins hurling spells at them. "Hold line!" One of the deans yells behind her.
But they just kept coming, every time one was taken down two more showed up to take it's place, she saw people around her begin to falter, the invaders pushing ever closer.
And then the fronts collided, and she saw those she had grown to love turn sides on them, having to fight off the warped faces of her closest friends. She knew she couldn't hurt her friends, no matter what they looked like, so she ran.
"I'm better at hiding than at fighting" she thought. Turning a corner she bumped into dean Shaille.
"Oh, dean, thank the dragons you're here. We're losing the front and I was thinking maybe we should fall ba-"
Something whipped around her leg, the dean using her now metal talons to hold Roxie in place. "Do you ever wonder what happened to that one?" She asks as everything fades away.
She's in House, next to her friends, a horde of creatures is coming their way, everyone doing their part to help. She copies fuel, better than her sad attempts at fighting. An omenpath opens up and everyone goes trough, she turns back one last time before going trough, happy to have left the place alive. Vasro turns to her, "That wasn't you though, was it?"
She limps trough the hallways, her leg still bleeding after the thing got her. She sits down. "I'm sure I can rest for a second" she says before closing her eyes.
When she opens them again she is surrounded, about four people are looking at her. "Oh, she's awake." one of them says. She jumps up and begins casting a spell to scare them away but her leg collapses under her. "Oh no need to be scared, we can help you." they say as one of them goes to pick her up.
They begin walking trough the hallways in complete silence. "Who are y-" Roxie can cram out before the others shush her. "Making any noise at all attracts danger, we will talk when we're safe" one responds.
They continue marching for what feels like hours, only ever stopping if they hear a noise. When they arrive at camp and put Roxie down, she immediatly tries to grab her device. "We have taken that, for now." The planar beacon! "That too, we can't have you reaching others without being at least a bit useful to us right?" The group begins to giggle. "You see, the situation is, we each want to complete the Rite of Four to gain Father's blessing. But you're just one person." Roxie tilts her head "The rite of four?" she asks. "Can't have you interrupting our conversation" another one says, covering her mouth with a strip of what felt like rubber, though it was sticky on one side. "The Rite Of Four is how we get Father to notice us, it requires a sacrifice." Roxie begins to panick, looking for a way out.
"Oh don't worry, we won't be sacrificing you, as long as you help us find people we can sacrifice." Roxie nods.
Roxie hops trough the hallways, her pray sprinting away. "You know you can't hide forever." She sings, running a finger over her knife.
Her prey has found its way into a long, straight hallway. Lines of doors on either side, yet it keeps running forward. "You're the last one I need, at least let me have some fun." She yells at her prey.
Then it briefly turns around, and she locks eyes. With herself.
"Oh how exciting, I get to see what I'm made of, literally~"
Her prey keeps running, she knows she doesn't need to hurry, the house favours those willing to kill. Roxie opens one of the doors in the hallway once she loses sight of her prey.
"There you are~" she giggles, standing face to face with it.
She copies the wood the walls are made up of, containing the two of them to a small cube before pulling out the knife once more.
"That will do" the demon says, making the bodies dissapear. "You know the deal." It says to her. "Sure do!" she says excitedly, before beginning to type on her device.
Roxie wakes up, still being held by the overlord, however this time she is face to face with the demon once again.
"You're ready" Father says
"I know" She responds before planeswalking away.
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--Continued from here--
"Yeah I don't wanna miss them!"
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
#ravnica girls night 2#ravnica#mtg#magic the gathering#ravnica posting#planar posting#vorthos#arcavios posting
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Freddie was exceedingly bored. The ceiling of the inn room was wooden, and occasionally the sounds of steps came from the floor above. They had traced out the patterns so many times over the last few hours.
Quiet as death, someone had scaled the outer wall, currently hanging below the fourth story window. The moon was, luckily for them, new and on the other side of the building.
They pulled themself up further and ever so carefully opened the window from the outside, inch by inch. Freddie heard nothing.
A quick spell, muttered by the assassin, should have kept the rooms occupants in place. They carefully climbed in the now open window, and drew a knife from within their clothes.
He approached the bed, whispering, "Auerlio sends his regards. Say goodbye Menacari," raising the blade to stab at the occupant of the bed.
Freddie sat bolt upright at the noise. A hand shot out and deflected the knife.
"Intruder!" They yelled, rolling out of bed and crashing to the floor. The assassin attempted to flee towards the window, but Freddie leaped forward and tackled them to the ground, the knife flying out of their hand.
The assassin rolled themself and Freddie over and pulled out another knife, now on top. The squire bit on the arm holding them down, hard enough to draw blood.
This drew the first sound from them. A yelp. They let go of Freddie and scrambled away both of them trying to get onto their feet. Footsteps were now pounding outside the room, getting closer to the door.
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Aira was dreaming again. She was once again in the dream estate. This time, she wasn't lounging in her favorite sitting room though. The room she was in was more akin to an office, or a small meeting room. She sat in her armor at a desk, waiting for Vito, who would be both a sounding board and an advisor in the task given to her by Aclazotz. She already informed the servants to let him up to the office. While waiting for the ex-heirophant, she decided to reviev her knowledge of the people she was going to kill. First was Callisto. He has been mourning his parents deaths in the invasion for over a year at this point. Currently he was serving at a Deoro outpost, the one close to the new Omenpath between Torrenzon and Kamigawa. He was kepping away from family holdings, distancing himself. Getting to him would be an issue. The second target was Silvio. Younger brother of Valentina, currently training to become a skymarcher, East of Deoro. He has been training for about six months already, so he should be close to undergoing his final tests. Aira would probably have to wait with killing him, as he would surely to want to return to his family with good news. Aira sighed. "Why did you give this one such a task Lord..."
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"Imaadr that cane :) ihopeshe likees the floowerss.
Theres a knife inside. tryy notto gethuurt"
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
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Plxtwt walks on screen once more, behind them the gates of Valor's Reach. They wave at the camera before beggining to sign in kylem sign language, a button appears at the bottom of the screen reading "translations", upon clicking it there are four options, "Kamigawan" "Capennan" "Audio" and "Subtitles".
Clicking on Capennan or Kamigawan pops up a small display of Plxtwt in a dressing room signing "Thank you to Vasro for teaching me this language", before signing whatever the big screen Plxtwt signs in the respective sign language.
Pressing Audio results in a voice over, pressing Subtitles results in subtitles.
"Hello Multiverse, I am your host, Plxtwt, happy to announce that signups for the very first edition of "Kylem presents:Multiversal Deathgames" are now open. I will walk you trough the signup process! There are two ways to go about it, one in person and one digitally, trough your Izzet transmitter, or whichever other device you are accessing the network with. I shall begin with in person sign ups!"
They walk trough the gates of Valor's Reach, the camera following it closely. It turns left almost immediately after entering and approaches an information booth, a nervous looking human sitting behind it.
"Good afternoon! I would like to sign up for the death games! ^" Plxtwt chirps at the human.
"Y-yes, just fill in this form" The human sputters before shoving a piece of paper into the homunculus' hands.
"Thank you Kyle!" Plxtwt holds the paper up to the camera "These questions are the same as the ones you find in the digital form, the link to which can be found after this broadcast!" It turns back to the human, "Say, Kyle, this form asks for two to three members of a team, but I'm here by myself, whatever must I do? Will I be unable to participate?"
"No, you can fillinthisotherform to help us machtmake." Kyle mutters before handing Plxtwt another piece of paper, which it also holds up to the camera after briefly cringing. "Great job Kyle, indeed, if you are alone without a teammate or you're a group of two looking for a third there is a different form for you to fill in. After submitting it we will assign you a new partner or two to fight alongside with!"
The camera begins moving backwards until it leaves Valor's Reach once more, flying upwards so you get a clear view of the whole stadium, inside there are a bunch of people setting up what seems to be a small town, except all the houses are empty and have no windows or doors in the respective frames. The words "See you soon!" appear on screen before the footage cuts out.
Signup as a team (only needs to be filled in once per team)
Looking for member(s)
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*static noises*
"yea ive hear-"
"-adium yea"
"-doors at the exits?"
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"Iwann see the firewooorks"
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
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Honestly can't wait to go back to strixhaven, going off plane really refreshed my mind.
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"heyi caanruin urzco nomy!"
roxie copies a coin and looks around proudly, not realising any of whats going on.
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
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Roxie reaches out a hand and smiles at Jasna
"You cn hold ont ome, ill showyou"
The night, full of festivities, as the festival of the guild pact went underway. The day proper had not come yet, but that would hardly stop the common people from starting the celebration.
Leta walked, happily chatting with Roxie (@strixhavens-best-printer ) as they walk towards the pub, streaks of light shoot across the sky, blasts of color popping as they start to stall. The Izzet damn near gave them away. Leta opens the door, as she says a joke to Roxie, stepping in, mid grin that dies on her face, as she sees two massive figures.
Jasna (@relentless-gruul-siegeseer )was in the pub, a beat after the grin died, Leta managed to mask her expression, just as Jasna turned to see them enter.
#ravnica girls night 2#planar posting#ravnica#ravnica posting#vorthos#mtg#magic the gathering#kamigawa posting#arcavios posting
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