street-artists · 1 month
"I honestly don't know the lore behind you guys... But have noticed a few things. At least ya get to kill him to your hearts contend, right?"
Despite them both being killers, at least they were human... Well, mostly human in the Mastermind's case anyway. She was evidently board
"Whats your beef with the dude anyway. Or don't tell me. Doesn't matter to me that much anyway"
Was she being annoying? Probably. Did she care? Not exactly
"Whats it like devoting your entire life just to hate one man."
The Legion member was... taunting or mocking the Mastermind. Shes brave not smart
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"You all give him far more credit than he ever deserved."
He doesn't deny it though.
For as long as he lived and moved across the planet it seemed like Chris was a few steps behind him. irritating really, though he suspects even explaining that fact would not assist his case.
Instead he clenches his jaw. Displeased that the man is even a subject of conversation right now.
"I would surmise that we doted the same amount of time hating one another."
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street-artists · 1 month
Ooc: Would y'all be cool if i added an oc?
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street-artists · 1 month
“I should’ve listened to you.” - Frank to Julie
Julie turned her head as she was filing her nails with her sawtooth blade. Raising an eyebrow at Frank, before swinging the knife around by the end of the handle
"About what? Theres a handful of stuff you should've listened to me about if I'm being honest."
And she placed hand against her cheek, tapping her finger a few times, trying to think of something
"Don't try to appese the entity too much. Don't try to fuck with other killers... Especially ones like Ghost Face.... Or something else?"
She couldn't remember exactly what the last thing she told him last. Trial frenzy headaches messing with her a bit much
"Or... tryna not act like a lone wolf all the time due to these trials"
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street-artists · 2 months
Julie put the tip of the cigarette into the fire and took a hit of it. Making sure to look away from Susie when she exhalled, but kept her left arm around her and closed her eyes
"Alright if ya say so Suz. I'll give ya a few cigs later, unless ya think of another way for me to pay ya back"
And she gave a small chuckle, not thinking much of the offer. But it was there if Susie didn't exactly come up with anything. But she was fine with sitting in silence for the time being while she smoked
"Hey Susie. Just had a.... chat. With the entity. Tried my best for it to make us faster, apparently the 'best'"
She was being very sarcastic, and even annoyed, with that last word
"It could do was... Fanservice skins and knives. At least our knife collections are growing"
Susie scrunches her nose in dismay at this news. They're already pretty fast—she's not sure she sees the appeal in being made faster than fast—but the response from the Entity feels... lacking, to say the least. And "fanservice" carries connotations that make her skin crawl.
"I wouldn't be against more knives." This is a little wistful. The ruler stake is kind of dull—the stabbing takes a lot of time and effort. "How'd you talk to it, anyway? Feels like it doesn't really listen when I try." Not, in fairness, that Susie tries very much.
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street-artists · 2 months
There was a faint Blush on Carmina's face again, but she held her hands up to resummon the crows that are for her power, before waving danny off... tracing the Mask in the air, still showing off that artist spirit of hers, and making her way back to the Eyrie of Crows for some down time
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
She gave her own small chuckle, raising the ink to her mouth like she was a damn school girl, but still spoke to hin
"What should... I call you? I'll make more paintings for you.... and I'm free at Eyrie"
Well, despite her initial fear and borderline aggression. She was at least attempting to make a connection in the fog
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
Carmina closed her mouth and then just shrugged. Standing straight up again and would've cracked her neck, but it just twisted slightly. One of the many perk of being half ink. But she looked back down at Ghost Face
"Were... you flirting with me? I... never had someone do that... to me before"
Yeah her life was definitely something that was disturbing, but for a killer it was a lot more tragic than other killers
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
Carmina panicked a bit, reaching for the crow and gently pet it with her ink hands. Carmina was the opposite of the Ghost Face... She relied on the crows, depend on them. Hell it was even her power.... but she crouched down to be on eye level with the Ghost Face... and opened her mouth, letting a scraw out again, but quieter. And as ink dripped from her mouth. He would definitely notice the distinct lack of a tongue. And despite keeping her mouth open, the voice came from the crow again
"The entity.... Won't replace it...."
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
Carmina just... did her best to take Ghost Face's hand off of her shoulder, giving a nervous caw. But one of the crows landed onto his hand, tilting its head
"Do you know.. Why I need to.... speak with the crows?"
And in sync, both Carmina and the Crow tilted their heads. Its been forever since someone tried to flirt with her, if ever actually.... So she had no clue how to even really respond. And that might've been obvious
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
A faint blush appeared on her face but she shook her head, wiping her cheeks with her inky hands. Before she did a... 'Cough' but a semi weak crow noise came out, and she crossed her arms
"The Entity and survivors... Call Me The Artist... Old name was Carmina..."
Its been forever since anyone even really considered calling her Carmina. Especially due to her role as a killer in the realm
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
Carmina tilted her head, thinking for a few moments
"Lately... they always use a badge... bring me to a police place..."
Ah Rpd. Such an awful map for artist, so many ways to change whatever floor your on to avoid the one shes on. And the tight corridors make her Anti loop abilities somewhat useless
"They... bring offerings too?"
And she pointed to Ghost Face. Asking if they bring him to specific maps too... and she already has an idea on one of the worst maps for the stealth killer... Hers
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
She rolled her eyes when he said he was just teasing her. But she shook her no upon being asked for if she had more
"Trials.... are getting rough.... entity hungers"
Yeah despite being a strong killer, hell one of the strongest here in the realm. But survivors have been... getting better and dealing with her surprisingly. So she hasn't had the chance to relax much
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
Carmina herself had a smile, glad that people still liked her paintings despite her ink... 'hands', making it much more difficult to really do the same masterpieces, but the crow spoke again
"Thanks... But I said... Simple to Paint... not that you're simple"
And it flew back to Carmina, landing on her shoulder and it rubbed up against her cheek, like a cat. But Carmina actually walked towards Ghost Face, and extended one of her arms. Morphing the Ink to resemble that of a crow beak so he had something to shake if he decided to... She would just make a hand, but those morphing abilities are a bit limited
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
Now that Ghost Face had removed his hand away from the Knife. Carmina and the Crows seemed to calm down, and she held out a painting for one of the crows, and it flew to The Ghost Face carrying it, and it was a portrait of him, doing the head tilt and hand wave from his reveal trailer. And the crow spoke again
"Knives... freak me out. But you were simple to paint... Black and White"
Well it was obvious, somewhat, that it was in fact Carmina speaking via the crows
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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street-artists · 2 months
(Woops misspelled her name)
Carmina looked at the entity and just rolled her eyes, giving a scraw of... almost annoyance. Yeah she'd missed her voice coming out of her own mouth, but the crows sufficed at least anyway. And she held up a painting for one of the more Inky crows to grab, and it flew to the entity, holding the painting infront of it, and it spoke Carmina's semi broken voice
"I just got back from a trial... and the crows can find you easier.... I just wanted to give you this"
Sure it wasn't the absolute master pieces that Carmina could make before she had both of her hands cut off... But still custom art that she wanted to make for the entity
Some of the Entity's own Crows... though covered in ink... seemed to be swaming them. It seems Carmila is requesting the God Itself to come visit her in the Eyrie of Crows
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The entity would just sigh snapping her fingers before appearing right behind Carmila with annoyed look. "Look this better be important I am expect a new shipment of rare items to be sent to me. If this is about giving you your tongue back the answer is still no because you look great without it!"
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street-artists · 2 months
The crow tilted its head, and a bit of ink dropped from its neck, as it opened its mouth to speak again. A loud "CRAWW" came from the main buidling of the map... though it wasn't like a normal crow, more high pitched. And the Crow spoke again to Eddie
"Theres no trial.... the only other here is... Me."
And it pointed upto where the craw came from with one of its wings. But the way it referred the noise as 'me' was a bit, odd. Like it was just relaying a message
A crow flew down to Eddie in the Eyrie of Crows and it spoke to him in english surprisingly
"Why are you here...?"
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Eddie had seen enough of the fog by now to be wary of just about anything, so when he hears one of the crows talk he finds himself freezing to the spot for a moment. It didn't seem like it was going to attack him at least. Swallowing down the nerves that suddenly constrict his throat, he finds himself talking to it. "I wish I had an answer to give you...I don't know why I was brought here so I'm just as clueless as you. I was dying one moment and then I ended up wherever here is." He mused, hoping that information would suffice at least for now. Eddie wasn't exactly in the mood to end up on a hook fighting for his life.
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street-artists · 2 months
Seeing that Ghost Face still has his hand near his knife, The Artist seemed to... freeze, despite being a killer herself she still had her own issues in the fog. And Knives were one of them. Despite her posture being scared and intimidated, the crows around her started to even look like they were going to get aggressive. As if protecting another one of their kind from harm
A crow was flying towards The Ghost Face, but stopped when it reached him. And it tried to get him to look at Carmina, The Artist... Despite her fear of Knives anyway. It was her way of getting others attention
Ghostface tries to smack it away, annoyed. He knows that crows are usually a way of the entity to spy on them...but this crow was kind of polite. He stares at the crow before turning to the direction it was staring at, he flinches when he notices The artist.
"uh...how long have you been standing there..?"
He asks, slightly confused.
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