strawberrysugarfree · 2 years
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I guess this was my breakfast/lunch/snack?
1 apple
1 persimmon
1/3 cup blueberries
2 wedges of a large pomelo
1 cup green tea
total: 240 c4ls
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strawberrysugarfree · 2 years
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collection of morning sk1nny b0dy ch3cks
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strawberrysugarfree · 2 years
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I. need. visible. abs. 😭
best ab workout at home: maria khoreva ballet abs
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strawberrysugarfree · 2 years
yeah, st4rv1ng is hard, but coping with gaining and seeing a bigger version of yourself in the mirror, that’s so much harder. trust me, I’ve been there before. it’s not worth it, and you DESERVE to be thin, clean, and pure.
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