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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
A deaf partner x a siren
A blind partner x Medusa
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
Circe, Witch of Aiaia
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I have drawn Circe so many times and i've finally settle on a design that is largely different but I like a lot
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
“we need to reach out “target demographic””
and it’s just one singular guy
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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i want to share an orange with you, lovingly, tenderly
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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Heaven Official's Blessing photocards version
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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Live forever
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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Flower Language Based Prompt List I made instead of writing 💐
I tried to make the prompts relate to each flower’s definition per the Victorian Flower Language without getting too repetitive.
The prompts are all fairly open ended and I figured people could use them for their own inspiration or request games!!
You know the “send me a ship and flower and I’ll write something.”
Anywho, if anyone does end up using this I’d love it if you’d tag me so I can read what you’ve written!! Either way, I hope someone can get use out my procrastinating 💖
Click here to view an unedited version of the document: The List
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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[id: a light blue userbox with a pastel blue border and pastel blue text that reads  "this user has selective mutism and thanks everyone for being patient with them"  on the left is an image of Komi from Komi can’t communicate ./end id]  
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
Half moon hairstreak 🌗🦋
Scientific Name: Satyrium semiluna
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Likes fruits and flowers 🌼🍉 🍎 🍌 
Shy butterfly that likes to perch on vegetation and sunbathing ☀️ 😎 
Calm and collected 🧘‍♀️
Kinda thick body type 🩶↔️
Lives in Canada to northern South America ❄️ 
The butterfly is called a half moon hairstreak and one of its favorite flowers looks like the sun! (Flower name: Arnica) I think that’s cool☀️🌒
if I were good at art I would make a human oc of all of the butterflies 😔
also if I were to add a character I would say Banyue from heavens official blessing.
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
Damn Them
(I struggled so hard to get a chapter written (life is beating my ass right now) but it is here!)
When Sidekick woke up, the first thing that he felt was confusion.
He couldn’t see much in the darkness, but he felt…something, around his leg, and things felt different and smelled different and sounded different and-
The memories of the day before hit him like a pallet of bricks.
His stomach turns at the thought of Hero, oh god, what was he going to do?
Sitting up, he braces for the pain, but it’s…not bad. Not as bad as it should be. Whatever she had given him must have been good, because he really wasn’t feeling much at all.
Pain, fear, all were muted and dull, there but not at the forefront.
He swings his broken leg down out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible while straining his ears to see if he could hear Villain or Assistant.
He tests his weight on his good leg, and stands. Villain had said not to walk on the cast but it seemed fine and it wasn’t like they were actually going to give him crutches.
He steps carefully over to the door, and presses his ear against it.
Now he heard something.
Muffled voices, Assistant and Villain, but no distinct words.
He sighs, pushing his hair back out of his face and looks at the door.
It just looked like a regular door, like the regular kitchen. He knew it would be locked but still, he tried the handle anyway.
It turned.
His heart leapt into his throat as he carefully eased the door open less than a crack. It opened outwards, and he didn’t know where Assistant or Villain were, for all he knew they could be watching the door like hawks.
But it was open a sliver, and now he could vaguely hear them.
“Killing Hero isn’t just going to be a walk in the park, it’s a lot more complicated than that. What about Lover?”
Sick was all he felt, like the whole world was tumbling out from under him. Without Hero and Lover, where would he go? They were all the family he had now, and to hear Assistant talking about killing them like it was just an errand to run made his blood cold.
“We would have to figure out her first, see where she stands. But after that, Hero won’t be easy but he won’t have Sidekick as a human shield either.”
They were going to pick Lover off first, then Hero. He wasn’t there to protect him, they did this on purpose!
All warmth that he had formed towards Villain had dissipated, replaced only by rage. He eased the door open further, looking for a phone, a knife, a door, any way out or way to warn Hero or Lover.
“And that still leaves Sidekick… What happens to him?”
He paused, listening again.
Villain seemed to pause, and he heard a sigh before anything else. “I don’t know yet. For now, he’ll stay here, and we’ll play it as we get more information. All I know for now is that I’m not going to let that bastard that pretends to be a hero lay another finger on him, through whatever means necessary. He’ll be here and he’ll be safe.”
Villain was…protecting him? From Hero?
Now, he wished he had just stayed in bed. Confusion replaced rage and left him unsteady.
He had been leaning on the door for support, but it too gave way, slamming open with a bang and leaving him to fall hard.
He was caught and he knew it. He couldn’t even get up, all he could do was lay in a graceless heap as running feet approached.
Both Villain and his emotions caught up to him far too quickly, and he found himself sobbing weakly against the cold floor, cringing away from Villains helping hand.
“I just want to go home… Please just let me go home…”
He couldn’t hear what Villain said as he helped him up, only that it wasn’t scolding.
“I want to go home…please…I want to go home…”
But Villain just guided him back to bed, and Assistant appeared beside him with a capped needle.
He didn’t resist when she positioned his arm and administered whatever was in the syringe. It didn’t matter anyway.
He was stuck here, and he was useless, and they were going to kill Hero to protect him. And he hated himself for the sliver of him that liked that idea.
The last thing he saw before drifting off again was Assistant picking the blanket up off the floor and draping it over him again while Villain helped prop his leg up on the abandoned pillow.
Damn them. Damn them both.
Tag list:
@bleeding-letters @jadeocean46910 @summer1359 @hurtmebeautifully @haro-whumps @circus-of-pain @harri-007 @cupcakes-and-pain @blancasin @dont-touch-my-soup @celiacprincess @whumpitywhumpwhump @annablogsposts @epiclamer @aethernorwood @wolfeyedwitch @siren-of-agony @whumpy-butterflies @lettucecabbage-kun @suspicious-whumping-egg @pigeonwhumps @a-star-with-human-name @monochrome-episode
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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Happy 2nd (donghua) wedding anniversary!
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
Sidekick Can’t Talk
TW: mention of removal of vocal chords, implied wounds (I clearly have no idea how to tag stuff please let me know if I should add anything or if I did it incorrectly)
The alley was dark and Villain wanted nothing more than to be home. They shoved their hands more deeply into their coat pockets and hoped they wouldn’t get frostbite. Their thoughts were on coffee and ice packs for their bruised ribs. They could thank Hero for the pain. And the limp. 
Another day, another fight that had ended in Villain’s humiliation. This time they had barely escaped. They were so deep in their thoughts, they walked right past a huddled figure without thinking twice about it. 
What stopped them was the sound of muffled crying. 
Villain turned on their heel. They peered into the shadows, walking over to the shape crouched in the darkness. 
They recognized them instantly. If only by their mask. The real question was what was Hero’s Sidekick doing on the streets. Villain stood over them awkwardly. 
Sidekick didn’t look up, but kept their face in their arms, shoulders shaking. 
Villain shrugged. This was not their problem. They turned to leave, working their jaw in a tight circle, and then turned back. They unbuttoned their jacket and draped it over Sidekick. 
Sidekick’s gaze flickered up. 
Villain tried to look nonchalant. It was rather hard when they were freezing. They were sure their hands were going to be frostbitten by the time they got home. “You good there?” 
Sidekick looked at them strangely and Villain suddenly felt distinctly uncomfortable. Sidekick looked– they looked terrified. They gestured for Villain to leave, yanking off the jacket and trying to give it back. 
“Hey, hey, no it's okay. You can have it.” Villain smiled, dropping down to Sidekick’s eye level. “Really, I don’t want it.” 
Sidekick shook their head frantically, extending the jacket again. 
Villain refused to take it. Their eyes narrowed. Something was off. Sidekick had never talked much, but something was off. 
“What are you doing out here?” 
Sidekick faltered, their gaze dropping. They seemed to curl in on themselves. 
Villain reached out, placing a hand on Sidekick’s shoulder. “Sidekick?” 
Sidekick jerked away at the touch and as they pulled back, Villain saw the scars. The scars on Sidekick's throat. The kind of scars they would have if someone cut out their vocal chords. 
Villain froze for the second time that night, blood rushing to their head. “You– you can’t talk.” 
Sidekick shuddered. They shook their head. 
Villain had the irrepressible urge to punch the wall. Which was stupid. They had committed worse crimes than this. And yet. And yet this made them angrier than they had even been. They lowered their voice, trying to sound calm. “Was it Hero?” 
Sidekick stared straight ahead. They were visibly trembling.
Villain’s voice darkened. “Can you stand? We’re going to get you somewhere safe, and then I’m going to have a little chat with Hero.”
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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Katara, Aang, Toph, Zuko, Suki, Yue, and Mai, Azula, and Ty Lee, by Roeve.
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strawberryshark9000 · 1 year ago
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Eukaryotic cell gang!! We love women in STEM.
The organelles of the cells have been translated into human anatomy, so the nucleus is the brain, the vacuole function as the lungs, and the mitochondria is the heart since it’s the… you already know, I don’t have to say it ;)
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strawberryshark9000 · 2 years ago
Short Prompt #1215
CW: suicide.
"My Liege," the knight started, kneeling before his leader with a heavy heart. "All of our soldiers up north have fallen."
"Send more," the king ordered instantly with a dismissive tone. "The enemy is losing more than us."
The knight's armored hand clenched. "The Ghost King has gained more soldiers."
"What?!" the royal hissed, leaning forward in his throne.
"All of our fallen had chosen to join him upon death. The Ghost King has us outnumbered by at least ten times."
"Damned traitors!" the king roared, panting angrily before taking a deep breath to calm himself. "But at the very least, I know I can count on you."
WIth a grim look in his eyes, the knight lifted his head. "Not for long." And before any of the guards could stop him, he slit his own throat; blood staining the carpet in a pledge of new loyalty.
The king could only watch in horror as what was once his strongest warrior rose in a new form. The knight's body moved like mist and bathed the room in a soft, white glow. He picked up his sword, and prepared to end the war.
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strawberryshark9000 · 2 years ago
Writing prompts about vampires
1. In a modern-day city, vampires live among humans, hidden in plain sight. Write a story about a vampire who struggles to resist their primal instincts while maintaining a normal life, until they meet someone who changes everything.
2. In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by vampires, a group of survivors discovers a hidden sanctuary where humans and vampires coexist peacefully. Explore the challenges and conflicts that arise as they attempt to bridge the gap between the two species.
3. A vampire hunter dedicated to eradicating vampires realizes that they have been turned into a vampire themselves. Describe their internal struggle as they come to terms with their new existence and decide whether to embrace it or fight against it.
4. A vampire with a conscience decides to only feed on criminals and wrongdoers, seeing it as a way to serve justice. Write about their encounters with both human and supernatural adversaries who question their moral code.
5. Two vampires from rival clans fall in love with each other, sparking a forbidden romance. Explore the challenges they face, including their families' disapproval and the consequences of breaking the ancient vampire laws.
6. A vampire wakes up one night with no memory of their past and embarks on a journey to uncover their true identity. Along the way, they discover dark secrets about their vampire lineage and their own role in a centuries-old prophecy.
7. In a society where vampires are enslaved and used as a source of nourishment, a young vampire rises as a leader, rallying others to fight for their freedom. Write about their struggle for equality and the sacrifices they make along the way.
8. A vampire who has lived for centuries develops a deep fascination with human art and culture. Describe their attempts to blend into human society, learning and adapting to the ever-changing world while keeping their true nature hidden.
9. A vampire coven finds themselves targeted by a powerful vampire hunter who possesses unique abilities and knowledge. Explore the intense cat-and-mouse game as the coven members fight for their survival and uncover the hunter's true motivations.
10. In a world where vampires are a dominant species and humans are on the brink of extinction, a human survivor discovers a way to turn the tide and bring balance back to the world. Tell the story of their journey to rally other humans and challenge the vampire regime.
Follow me on my IG for more Content.
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strawberryshark9000 · 2 years ago
can they even find tumble blogs???
"don't post that, what if an employer sees?" personally i think employers need to stay the fuck off their employees' social media lmao
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