Imagines and Fan Fictions
298 posts
Imagines for some of my favorite fandoms. Request it, and I'll write it! Requests and ships are open!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
storywool · 5 years ago
Can I have a male Marvel and The 100 ship? I'm 5'7 and i a have really short shaved hair. I'm an African-American female. I am also a Sagittarius. I love to cook and play sports. I am sort of lazy at times. I have glasses and can't see without them. I like to stay up late and sleep late. I love to sing, dance, and listen to music. I'm pretty funny and can be loud at times. I love affection and to read. Please and thank you.
I ship you with: 
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Steve Rogers! 
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Jordan Green!
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storywool · 5 years ago
I wasn’t sure how best to do this one so hopefully it’ll suffice! I also posted it before I wrote down the submitters’ url! 
I ship you with: 
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Bellamy Blake! (why is he so pretty in this gif) 
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Steve Harrington! (season 2+ Steve Harrington, of course, because that’s when he starts drinking Respect Women Juice) 
ship request ;
→ hey !! i hope it’s no biggie if i ask for a ship through here ( if you’re still taking them ). i like to be sort of descriptive when asking for one, and tumblr’s ask limit is bull- sorry if this was a lot
requesting for ;
the 100 & stranger things !! ♡
basics ;
my name is courtney !! i’m female. i’m bisexual. my zodiac sign is cancer. my personality type is isfp-t.
personality ;
positive traits : i’m adventurous and always down to try new things. i’m very appreciative of the people around me. i view myself as a friendly person, always welcoming new friends after i get comfortable with them. i’m non-judgemental and very open-minded, so i think of myself as a safe person for people to come and talk to. i’m honest with people, i never like to lie, the only time i lie is to get out of trouble. i find myself to be quite humorous, always having a good laugh with people. i’m pretty goofy, and find it quite difficult to ever remain serious. i’m quite imaginative, always daydreaming. i try my hardest to remain a kind person. i’m also very open with people, sometimes it scares them away, others find it comforting.
negative traits : i’m a bit dramatic, sometimes causing a scene over nothing. i’m hot-headed, my temper is very thin. i’m very socially awkward, and cannot make eye contact whatsoever. i can come across as apathetic sometimes, but it’s really just a border i put up to protect myself. i’m a tad bit obnoxious, like... i have no sense of ‘indoor voice’ because i was always a loud person, despite how shy i am. i’m a little bit childish and clumsy as well. very messy and disorganized. sometimes impulsive. i can be very impatient, i don’t like to wait. i’m lazy, like very lazy. i can be too self-critical and pessimistic.
likes ;
music : i love classic rock, pop-punk, emo rap, and 80’s pop. some of my favorite artists/bands are- lil peep. mötley crüe. nirvana. falling in reverse. pierce the veil. eminem. joy division. blink-182. green day.
snacks : i love junk food. my favorite type of junk food is probably donuts or doritos ( the purple bag ).
roller skating : i actually suck at roller skating. i have no balance, and i actually strained both of my wrists at once from it and also had a busted knee. however, that doesn’t stop me from trying. it’s very fun to me, i love it.
arcades : i love the arcades. it’s such a waste of money, but it’s always such a fun time. i spend way too much money on crane machines though-
the 80’s : the fashion and music are just my favorite.
clowns : i also have an odd obsession with clowns, i think they’re cute.
conspiracy theories : i think too much about everything, spiraling into “what if’s” and just come out with conspiracies. i like them because it just gets my brain to go “wow”
car rides : they’re very relaxing to me, and i can go on a trip for hours as long as i have music.
carnivals/fairs : i love them !! i love the rides, the games, i love funnel cake !!
polaroids : i love having polaroid pictures. they’re cute and good for memories.
dislikes ;
discrimination of any sort or prejudice people : i will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, ableism, anti-semitic, islamophobes, and so on.
vegetables : i just cannot- i love me some fruits, but the only vegetable i can eat is broccoli.
country music : i just cannot vibe to country music, it’s like torture to me.
hobbies ;
watching tv : i spend majority of my time watching tv. some other of my favorite shows are- shameless. supernatural. american horror story. that 70’s show.
practicing makeup : i’m not good at it, but i very much enjoy doing it. most of my “looks” tend to be 80’s inspired, dark, or just simply clown makeup.
listening to music : it’s very calming, and i love all kinds of music.
shopping : i love spending money. it’s a problem. i cannot keep money. i will buy anything i can, even if i don’t need it. shopping just makes me happy ( until i regret it later ).
hanging with friends : i love to be around the people i’m close to, and we can do pretty much anything for fun.
eating : yes, everyone eats, but i very much enjoy food. so yes, it’s a hobby because i bet you i can tell where certain chicken nuggets come from where-
fears ;
spiders/bugs : they’re creepy. just no.
ceiling fans : i’m always scared they’re going to fall on me.
people : i’m afraid of judgement. of being embarrassed. of rejection.
hair in food : it’s such a fear of mine, i rip part my food to make sure nothing is in it-
the dark : who isn’t afraid ? sometimes you be seeing stuff cause your mind plays tricks on you-
what i look for in a significant other ;
humor : i love being around people who can make me laugh.
kindness : i love people who are kind. non-judgemental.
honest and up-front : i hate when people lie, or don’t tell you how they really feel.
versatile : i like people who want to be lazy and watch movies sometimes, but also go out and do fun stuff.
similar interests : i like people who can share a few things in common with me, but also not be a spitting image.
patience : i’m a difficult person sometimes, so someone with patience is good for me.
habits ;
biting nails
picking at face/skin
spending money
nose twitching
blinking a lot
lip chewing
chewing the inside of mouth
scratching the inner corner of my eyes
rubbing hands on thighs
personal ;
i’m an atheist.
i want to be a psychologist or psych nurse in my future.
i struggle with social anxiety.
i have a dysfunctional family.
random ;
my favorite scent is coconut or ‘ocean breeze’
my favorite animal is a cow.
dogs over cats-
i don’t like sleeping because i think it’s a waste of time-
appearance ;
i’m 5’4 and three quarters, so almost 5’5.
i’m chubby.
i have brown eyes.
i wear glasses.
my hair is dyed a pink/red color.
i have a few beauty marks on my face and some scattered around my body.
my clothing tends to be sweatpants and a big dirty tee. when i dress nice i try to wear jeans and a bodysuit or cropped top. my outfit aesthetic though is a mix of 80’s retro, 90’s grunge and ‘baddie’
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storywool · 5 years ago
Hi, are ships open?:) May I have the 100 ship (gender does not matter). I am 5'4 tall, blond hair and grey/Blue eyes, very witty, punctual and always trying to get out of comfort Zone, I love history and learning languages and I am very loyal. Thank you!
I ship you with: 
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storywool · 5 years ago
Hey! Can I have a marvel ship and stranger things ship please? I’m a relatively short person- 5’5 but I used to claim it was 5’6. I wear odd socks every day because those colours and patterns make me very happy. I’m quiet, anxious, but if you make friends with me then you’ll realise that when I’m not biting my nails off, I’m a good friend. Also kind of mad in some respects. I love to laugh and smile, but a single bad thing Happening can ruin my day and make me feel useless.AlsoHUGS Thank you!
I ship you with: 
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Sam Wilson 
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Jim Hopper (specifically bc he would bend down to talk to you like he does with Joyce and I love that) 
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storywool · 5 years ago
Friends! I have finally finished college (woot woot) and with more time on my hands, I am going to try to pick this blog back up and write more. So send me requests! I am also responding to ships right now :) 
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storywool · 5 years ago
relationship tutor masterlist
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College AU. Bucky, a relationship novice, asks for your help in dating your friend. Unable to say no to him, you agree despite everyone and everything telling you not to.  (banner made by QUEEN @sighodinson)
“I want it to be slow, Y/N,” he explained, frowning a little. “Slow and meaningful. Build a foundation, get to know her, maybe let it grow into something serious.”
You had been watching the blue in his eyes from the moment he’d started speaking. There was a conviction in them that made the beating in your chest falter, you knew you could never say no to him. You had to stop yourself from grimacing. “Okay.”
italics denote deleted scene/drabble
Part 1: Organic Chemistry 
Part 1.5: drabble- bucky’s reasoning
Part 2: Advanced Equestrianism 
Part 3: Contemporary Sadism 
Part 4: Social Psychology 
Part 5: Introduction to Honesty 
Part 6: Remedial Date Design
Part 7: Critical Mural Analysis
Part 7.5: drabble- dinner date
Part 8: Twenty-First Century Romanticism 
Part 9: Intermediate Repression
Part 10: Basic Football Studies 
Part 11: Dead Sea Discourse 
Part 12: Cooperative Napping
Part 13: Competitive Confrontation 
Part 14: Communication Certification 
Part 15: Physical Cosmology
Epilogue: Post-Modern Fortress Architecture
completed: march 30, 2018
deleted scenes/drabbles updated: april 24, 2018
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storywool · 5 years ago
Hey! May I get a Marvel ship? I’m 5’4, short brown hair, blue-ish eyes, curvy. I love to read (huge book worm) and do trivia. I’m super interested in psychology and I speak Spanish almost fluently (5 years now). I love cats, reading, and curling up in during a rainy day with a mug of tea. I can be kind of shy and quiet at first, but once you get to know me, it’s hard to get rid of me. I love cuddling and just talking about life and any random ideas. Thank you so much, love your work!!!
I ship you with: 
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Dr. Bruce Banner! 
(also love your icon)
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storywool · 5 years ago
i just love your writing SO MUCH I SWEAR TO GOD i might request some stuff alright i love you and i love your bellamy stuff 🥺🥺
Omg thank you so much bb! Please please please request because I have no inspiration right now to write! Thank you for reading
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storywool · 5 years ago
Love your writing and love your blog!! Thank you for sharing your ideas and talent with us 😊
Omg thank you so much! That’s so sweet
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storywool · 5 years ago
hi!! can i get a marvel ship and a the 100 ship? i’m emily, i’m a straight female, 5’4”, shoulder length brown hair and light(ish) blue eyes. i’m really loyal and bubbly once you get to know me but i hate crowds and i’m really socially awkward. i love cuteness in a relationship so hugs and holding hands and cuddles! i love reading and doing calligraphy. i’m also a hufflepuff and want to be a psychologist :) thank you xx
I ship you with: 
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Thor Odinson! 
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Monty Green! 
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storywool · 6 years ago
Hello! Could I please get a Stranger Things ship? I'm Jasmine. I'm 5'7", pale, have bluegreen eyes and long brownish blonde hair. I work as a professional mermaid and I'm also a dancer and aerialist. I befriend all cats and birds and I am a big creative type who's almost always drawing. I wear a lot of J fashion, mainly Lolita and Cult Party Kei. I can be ridiculously shy a lot of the time and it takes time for me to open up. I live with Endometriosis so I often enjoy spending time at home.
I ship you with: 
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Robin Hawk! 
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storywool · 6 years ago
“gave him peck after peck until she had her fill” I don’t think it’s possible to ever reach that point with Bellamy but lord knows I’ll try😍😏 lol
I don’t think I’d ever have my fill either!!
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storywool · 6 years ago
For good measure was so cute!! And I LOVE the Bellamy gif 😍😍😍
omg thank you!! ain’t he cute :) 
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storywool · 6 years ago
For Good Measure
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Request:  Hi! I saw the prompt list you reblogged and was hoping I could request something! Using number 9 and number 2 with Bellamy.
2: “Stop screaming! It’s just a twisted ankle.” 
9: “You cannot die! I won’t let it happen!” 
Word count: 2,121
A brushing of the hand, a stolen glance, a lingering touch. The mutual pining was delicious and excruciating. It was the drug of choice of two oblivious dumbasses that couldn’t see how into each other they were. It was obvious to everyone but them, which is why Clarke and Octavia orchestrated a supply run that only two people needed to go on, and Clarke and Octavia were entirely too busy to do it themselves. They needed Y/n and Bellamy, the ultimate power couple if they would just open their eyes and see how into each other they are, to do it- a scheme to get them together.
Y/n and Bellamy had been friends since they met on the ground and became leaders of the group with Clarke. They were also a great team on supply runs and hunting trips because it was like they knew the other’s next step before they even moved. Watching Y/n and Bellamy work together was like watching a choreographed dance- fluid and in sync, even if it was a little chaotic.
They set out on their mission, walking through the forest in quiet complacency. The warm sun beamed down on Y/n’s face through the forest trees as she walked the trodden path. She turned her face toward it, absorbing the sun’s delicious rays. She moaned in contentment. Bellamy turned to her and he smiled to himself. This was a rare, pure moment.
Y/n felt Bellamy watching her and when she looked at him, he seemed mesmerized. “Why are you staring at me?” She asked. He blushed and bashfully turned away.
“I wasn’t staring…” He mumbled. Y/n giggled, which made Bellamy blush even harder. Y/n felt the butterflies flutter in her stomach.
“I’m nice to look at, it’s okay.” She dramatically flipped her hair over her shoulder, and Bellamy rolled his eyes.
“Especially when you smile…it’s pretty contagious.” She smiled again and Bellamy was over-washed with warmth he’d never experienced before.
He could have stared at her for hours, like a piece of fine art in a museum. He’d pay money just to see her smile like that again. He hated to see her smile fall and her eyes fill with worry at the sound of a twig snapping close by.
Y/n spun in the direction of the noise, hoping to find a deer, but instead, found a large mountain lion mere inches away from them. The lion crawled low and slow like a predator trying to catch its prey. Y/n felt a yelp of fear threaten to escape, but she dared not make a noise.
They both began stepping back slowly, hoping to put some space between them and the vicious cat looking for a good meal. With every step back, the cat stepped forward like a pre-meal waltz.
Without warning, the mountain lion pounced. Y/n and Bellamy instinctively turned and ran, heading up the path, searching for a solution to their predicament. They didn’t make it very far. Bellamy tripped in a hole that blended in all too well with the forest ground. The mountain lion took advantage, jumping on Bellamy. It tore at his face and Y/n feared the worst.
She grabbed her weapon- a small handgun that she only knew how to use because Bellamy taught her- and aimed it at the lion’s head. Her hands shook, afraid she’d miss her mark. But Bellamy was in trouble and she had to help. She took a deep breath and a leap of faith and squeezed the trigger with fierce determination. The first bullet hit the lion’s shoulder, but she made damn sure the second one didn’t miss. It landed right between the lion’s eyes, incapacitating it with a nasty spray of blood.
Y/n holstered her weapon and ran to Bellamy in a panic. There was blood everywhere, and she wasn’t sure which was the lion’s and which was Bellamy’s. “Oh my god, Bellamy, are you okay?” She began screaming and rambling, making a mountain out of his molehill of a wound.
Bellamy practically pushed the lion and Y/n off him, sitting up to examine the damage.
“You cannot die! I won’t let that happen!” Y/n cried.
Bellamy could barely think over Y/n’s cries. All he knew was he was very close to having his face clawed off but he somehow only hurt his foot. “Y/n, stop screaming! It’s just a twisted ankle!” He yelled She instantly stopped, looking into Bellamy’s eyes before moving to his very obviously twisted ankle.
“Y-you’re not scratched or bitten or anything?”
Bellamy took her trembling hands in his. “No, Y/n. You acted just in time. You saved my life.”
Y/n stared at him with tear-stained eyes. She was so worried that she wasn’t going to be able to save him, that she’d fail him just like she failed everyone else. As if he could read her thoughts, he placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed the skin softly. “Y/n, you did good. Thank you.”
She leaned into his touch absentmindedly and Bellamy wished for a moment that they could just stay like that forever. They couldn’t though. They had a dead mountain lion and a twisted ankle to take care of. The supplies they originally set out for were going to have to wait.
“Sorry I freaked out.” Y/n apologized once her nerves finally calmed down. “I’m still so new to all of this.”
“Don’t apologize, Y/n. It’s honestly kind of cute how worried you were.”
Y/n felt her face turn a deeper red than it already was, not expecting the compliment. How was he so good at turning her into a nervous, blushing, stammering mess?
“Oh, you don’t mean that.” She denied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear like it was a nervous habit. Bellamy wanted so badly to kiss her in that moment, but he didn’t want to fluster her anymore than he already had.
He did, however, feel the need to correct her. “I actually do mean it. You’re really cute all the time, but especially right now.”
She looked at him, really looked at him, at the sincere look on his face, and couldn’t help but smile and giggle. This boy was being completely serious. Bellamy smiled too, in a way he rarely did. It made the corners of his eyes crinkle and little laugh lines form around his mouth. Y/n wished she could photograph that smile, or at least experience it more often.
But Bellamy was injured and if they could get the mountain lion back to camp, they had dinner for the camp. Y/n reached into her bag to get something to wrap his ankle up in. “We need to get this lion back to camp. That’s enough meat for everyone…and then some.” Bellamy said as she worked on his ankle.
“Well, unless you somehow expect me to get you and the dead meat back, it’s gonna have to stay.” She replied.
“No, I can walk.”
“Like hell you can.”
“Help me find a big stick. I can use it as a crutch so I can walk and help carry Simba over there.” He joked, throwing in an unnecessarily hot wink for good measure. Y/n knew this plan was not the best, that Bellamy might hurt himself even more, but it was the only plan that was going to make sure this trip wasn’t a complete waste. She huffed, but stood up anyways to search for a stick or branch that he could use. She found one that was just tall enough and fashioned a cushion on one end with Bellamy’s mountain-lion-bloodstained jacket and some rope so he could put it under his arm like a real crutch. It wasn’t great, but it was going to get the job done.
Y/n helped him stand up slowly, allowing him to use her as support as he got used to his situation. “This is gonna suck, you know that right?” She asked, half cheekily and half worriedly.
He rolled his eyes, but smiled still, “Help me get Simba.”
“Mufasa would actually be more accurate.” She said, moving to one end of the cat.
Bellamy groaned, which turned into a laugh, “No, that’s so sad!”
They bantered back and forth the rest of the trip, somehow managing to carry the heavy lion with them. It was particularly difficult, not because of Bellamy’s ankle, but because Y/n was so much shorter than he was. It was like a 6’0” person carrying a couch with the assistance of a much shorter companion. Oh, and the tall one’s arm is incapacitated and they walk with a limp.
So it was difficult.
They made it though, if only by sheer determination. Every muscle in Y/n’s body screamed when they finally reached the camp. Bellamy’s ankle was so bruised and swollen he honestly worried if he’d walk normal again.
While the rest of the delinquents feasted on the delicious meat, Y/n decided to pay Bellamy a visit, who was resting in the dropship with his foot cushioned and an emergency ice pack wrapped around it. They found some painkillers for him, too, which helped a lot.
The cute girl carrying in two plates of food that just walked in definitely helped too.
Bellamy sat up from his position when she entered, shifting to make room on the cot with him. She didn’t sit though, afraid she might hurt him. “I brought you some of our hard earned dinner.” She handed him one of the plates and Bellamy graciously accepted. He was starving.
“Thanks, that’s really nice of you. You can sit if you want.” He gestured to the spot, hoping she’d stay. Thankfully she did, sitting down on the edge of the cot before turning to face him.
“How are you feeling?” She asked before taking a bite of food.
“Much better now that I’ve got some good food and good company.” He smiled at her through his own bite of food.
Y/n didn’t want to make small talk, but she also didn’t want to talk about what he said in the woods just yet. What if he didn’t actually mean it? What if he was on an adrenaline high or something? What if he changed his mind?
“What are you thinking about?” He asked. He was very good at reading her body language, and could tell by the way she picked at her food and avoided eye contact that something was bothering her.
“It’s nothing…just something Clarke said earlier.” After they arrived back from their failed trip, Clarke revealed the real reason behind sending her with Bellamy- because everyone shipped them and they were obviously into each other. While Y/n could confirm those feelings for him, she wanted, no needed, to know if he felt the same way. Y/n finally made eye contact with him and the look on his face told her to continue. She took a deep breath before letting it roll out like word vomit, “She said they didn’t even need supplies, just wanted an excuse to get us alone. Apparently, there’s some people who think we’d be a cute couple and who wanted to take matters into their own ha-”
He laughed loudly, “why does that not surprise me?” Y/n wanted to laugh with him, but couldn’t. It definitely surprised her. She felt defeated in that moment, since he seemed to be unfazed by this. He didn’t seem nervous or anxious.
She was very nervous and anxious though. For whatever reason, Bellamy was very good at reading her emotions and knew that this was important to her to talk about.
���They’re not wrong, though.” He added, dropping his voice to a soft whisper, so only she heard it.
“What do you mean?” Y/n felt her heart start beating rapidly. Was he saying what she thought he was saying?
“That we’d make a cute couple.”
“Bellamy-” She started but wasn’t able to finish, for Bellamy finally closed the distance between them. He took her face between his hands and brought her into a head-spinning, world-stopping kiss. The kiss was like coming up for air out of the deep water of repressed emotion. All thoughts about the mountain lion or Bellamy’s ankle vanished. All Y/n could think about was the delicious feeling of Bellamy’s lips on hers and his hands on her body.
They finally pulled away when breathing became difficult. Y/n felt intoxicated almost, drunk off Bellamy’s taste. She hummed contently and slurred, “Was not expecting that.”
He laughed and kissed her again. “There. Another for good measure.” Y/n gave him peck after peck until she had her fill and cozied up to Bellamy on his little cot. She quickly drifted off to sleep, completely satisfied for the first time in a while.  
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storywool · 6 years ago
Hi!! Love your blog. Love your writing.! Are you planning on writing something new anytime soon? No pressure just curious. I would love to see what you come up with next
I am working on some stuff right now! Should have a short one-shot posted this afternoon! Thank you for being patient and reading my work. It means the world to me
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storywool · 6 years ago
Hi lovely! I was wondering if I could have a stranger things ship please? I'm staright girl, I'm 21, I love reading, singing, and working out. I tend to be a bit reserved with strangers, but with my friends I'm bubbly, talkative and a bit crazy, I'm a perfectionist, quite smart and I try to be friendly to everyone, but I'm a bit stubborn. My personality type is ENFJ. I love to have long and meaningful conversations and I also I love challenges, I try to see the best in everyone. Thank you!!
I ship you with: 
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Jonathan Byers!!
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storywool · 6 years ago
hii! Can I have a stranger things ship? I’m a bisexual girl. I’m 5’4 with curly brown hair and brown eyes. I love reading and I play viola and cello. I take my academics seriously, but I wanna be a florist (or an interior designer) when I grow up. I can be shy when you get to know me. But I love making friends, and I usually make the sarcastic jokes. I can be pretty hyper at times, and I’m very affectionate. I love hugs, and cheek kisses, and yeah. (If it helps: im a hufflepuff).. Thanks love!!
You sound like Joyce Byers so I ship you with: 
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Jim Hopper! 
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