Guide to the Gemini
One important thing people fail to realize is that along with the stereotype that Gemini’s are “social butterflies”, there are antisocial or introverted Gemini’s out there.
The difference is that they are quieter around people and save the loudness for those they are closest to. They’re still social (with close friends), and they still enjoy communication but they save that personality for the ones they trust because they’re really reserved and prefer to have deeper things about them kept in private. This also stems from the fear of manipulation, because Gemini’s have a tough time trusting people sometimes.
Gemini’s basically keep a hierarchy of friends. The ones at the bottom are people they enjoy talking to, but they pretty much keep their personal information to themselves. They will express their feelings for certain things, but conversations are mostly vague and only a step over what icebreaker conversations are like. This is usually where people start out when a Gemini finds interest in them.
In the middle of this hierarchy are people that the Gemini considers as friends, although distant friends. These are people that Gemini’s have probably talked to before about basic things in their life. They’ve probably asked them for advice on something basic, or recommendations for basic interests. These people are more trusted than acquaintances, but still aren’t completely in a Gemini’s ideal group of friends. These are most likely people a Gemini talks to on occasion.
The second highest group of people on the Gemini’s hierarchy of friends are by far the most trusted of all the groups. These are friends that a Gemini usually goes to when something troubling has come up in their life. These are friends Gemini’s often WANT to hang out with (especially the antisocial Gemini that prefers to be alone most of the time or with a trusted group of people). But still, when Gemini’s talk to these very trusted friends about the events of their lives they withhold details. They filter what they say and save the deep stuff.
Finally, at the very top of this hierarchy is the Gemini’s best friend. Gemini’s are not used to opening up to people, so when this one person gets close enough to a Gemini that they get the Gemini to open up, the Gemini is going to completely break down every wall they had up for everyone else. Being this person at the top of a Gemini’s list allows you to unlock a new part of them that nobody has ever seen or heard of. Gemini’s keep their inner thoughts and feelings to themselves, and if your lucky enough to hear them, you’re most likely considered as a best friend to this Gemini, or at the top of their list. They are NEVER dependent on anyone, but if you’re at the top of a Gemini’s friend hierarchy, they feel comfortable enough to be dependent on you in some way. They prefer to not be in fear of getting hurt, but if they trust you this much they trust that you won’t be the one to take advantage of their dependence. The conversations you have with them are deep and meaningful, and you get to hear every single beautiful thought in their head, rather than what they want you to hear. They give you their raw ideas and emotions.
But just remember, Gemini’s are not stupid. They hate to be taken for an idiot, especially if they can sense that you’re manipulating them in some way. They ALWAYS know and are ALWAYS 3 steps ahead of you! But beware, break their trust and that’s it. You either have to earn it back (if you mean enough to them that they give u another chance which is rare) or they just always keep one eye open around you.
When you piss off a Gemini, most of the time you either did not listen to what they said, or you ignored, interrupted, or went out of your way to try and make them feel stupid. If you get them mad enough to where they rage (usually out of frustration of not being listened to or understood) everything they say to you out of anger is most likely the things they never said to you before because they knew it would hurt you in some way. They become brutally honest when they’re that angry because at that point they don’t care about sparing your feelings anymore when you won’t take the time to listen to theirs. If you notice you made a Gemini mad SHUT UP AND LET THEM VENT. Put your pride aside and let them vent about what you did wrong. Gemini’s hate people that won’t swallow their pride when they know they’re in the wrong. When you do though, this shows them that you care enough about them to see their side of things, and lets them know that you want to make things better. Once you let them speak, then will they look for you to speak. By letting them speak first, don’t ever think that you’ll never get your chance to, believe me you will. But if you completely shut down on them and agree to everything they say like a robot, you will just piss them off more. Gemini’s often feel rejected when people just say things to please them instead of actually telling them their true feelings and intentions. Especially if they go out of their way to hear what you think.
When they argue with you it’s not because they want drama, it’s because usually they’re looking to hear what you think and feel so they can understand you better and correct you if needed. They also want you to hear their side, and they want you to understand why they disagree with you. They’re exceptionally stubborn and can hold a position for a very long time and not budge. They’re not one to compromise unless they absolutely know you understand their views.
If you do something wrong, they’ll be completely stubborn about it as well and will expect you to apologize accordingly. Gemini’s can be very stubborn when they know they’re right. They won’t shy away from letting you know either. They’ll keep reminding you until you admit it too.
If you don’t apologize to them and you’re close to this Gemini, they’ll most likely hold on to it, but also let go of it. So basically it won’t matter until the next time you do something wrong, where they’ll remember it again and hold it against you because they don’t like to be taken advantage of ESPECIALLY if they spared your relationship with them by giving you another chance.
If you’re taking advantage of a Gemini, just know that they can see what you’re doing even if they don’t tell you that. They strike when you least expect it and they strike back way harder than you ever will. They always have the best comebacks because they know how to talk to people, they will hurt you with pure honesty because they know how to use the truth against you. And most importantly, sarcasm is their best friend always.
They usually don’t want to be mean, because they feel guilty as a result of their ability to understand everyone’s side, but they can’t help it when you’ve done it to them first. They make sure that people know their place around them and if you try to portray them as less than they know they are, you WILL suffer the consequences.
They also know how to be petty when it’s necessary, though they hate passive aggressive people. They usually want you to communicate your feelings with them, because they enjoy understanding who you are and how you feel. They do not tolerate passive aggressive forms of arguing, and if you do it to them, they’ll probably flip out on you out of frustration ESPECIALLY if they warned you about it before. When a Gemini asks you to talk to them, they mean it! They want to hear things as they are, and they do not care if the truth hurts.
They also cannot tolerate people that lie to them. One of their pet peeves is when people lie to them, and say it was to spare their feelings. Gemini’s are very sensitive, and can be hurt easily with words (though most of the time you won’t even realize you hurt them because they’re just that good at hiding it), but they prefer to not be deceived by you, even if that means their feelings are hurt along the way.
Gemini’s are really sweet people, with great personalities. If you’re lucky enough to get really close to one, be prepared to fall into a deep relationship with them because once you open them up, and once they trust you, THEY WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING AND LOVE YOU WITH ALL THEY HAVE.
Having a deep relationship with a Gemini is the best. It’s something you’ll never forget because they love their loved ones harder than they’ll ever be loved back. People are quick to judge Gemini’s because of their fast brains, and smart mouth, but Gemini’s are very sensitive and lovable people after you get on their good side.
One thing to note about a Gemini is that their minds are ALWAYS racing. When something happens, Gemini’s are usually very indecisive because of the fact that in their head is a battle of logic VS emotion. Gemini’s love logic, but at the same time they are very emotional people that feel too much sometimes. Because of this, when you hurt a Gemini they’ll most likely think about it for days or even weeks after it occurred. Just because they logically try to place the pieces back together of their feelings, while also analyzing the situation more. They love logic and honesty, and tend to get hurt after overthinking situations, and over analyzing people. Their strongest attribute is their mind, but their mind is also their weakness.
They are usually VERY VERY creative souls that enjoy self expression. They have a thing for aesthetics and color, and usually they have the best decorated homes, and best looking outfits. When they have a favorite color, or even favorite group of colors, you will most likes see them drown themselves in that color or colors. Just as it is with people, when they love something, they love it hard. Because they’re stubborn, it takes a lot to deter them from what they love. Usually Gemini’s are great artists, because their creative minds and love for colors. They are also great writers, because they have a way with words and can creatively use words as well. Overall, their personalities are bold and unforgettable and they take pride in their uniqueness. If you challenge a Gemini’s uniqueness, it never ends well because it’s a quality they know they have.
With that said, never dare challenge a Gemini because it’s something you will regret. They know all the answers and usually are competitive because their pride in knowing. When they say they know something THEY MEAN IT because usually they think things over so much that they figure out the correct answer. Never tell a Gemini otherwise, or expect a good tongue lashing. That’s one way people try to make them stupid. If you try to make a Gemini look or feel stupid, know that you’re going to end up being the one that feels stupid after they’re done with you.
So in reading this, you probably know a Gemini. They’re pretty bright and cheery people, until provoked. There’s no need to be afraid of them, but just beware of the moves you make around them. If you do something wrong and confess right away, they’ll most likely forgive you and move on because their versatile minds make it easy for them to understand others. And they also appreciate when people are honest. They don’t like secrets, and you can never hide something from a Gemini because they’re so smart that they’ll figure out remotely anything. They know they’re smart, but most of the time won’t tell you that. The second you get a Gemini to doubt themself is the second you know you did something so terribly wrong that you broke them.
They’re afraid of being deceived, but they have an ultimate fear of being abandoned. They most likely worry about if they’re constantly bothering people with their personalities. Abandonment tends to happen a lot when people just don’t understand them, which is hard to do because they are constantly in motion and constantly changing their thought. They’re aware of this and become cautious when they feel like someone can’t handle all of them. People have messed up preconceived notions about them that ruin their self image as well. They want to be loved as much as they love others, and they seek a long term, stable relationship even if they get bored fast and like to mix things up. They hate fancy dates surprisingly, and prefer very geeky and cliche dates. And they ABSOLUTELY hate when people try to impress them, because they can see through it, though it secretly does flatter them a little.
Never let a Gemini go. They have extraordinary skills in art, are great with words, are versatile, and ultimately have beautiful minds. They’ll never let you down because they are people pleasers, even with their sharp attitude and bold personality. They are dependable people, and will always be there to listen to you when you need it, just as long as you listen to them when they need it (which is a lot). They prefer talking over materialism, so to make a Gemini really happy, all you have to do is engage them in a deep conversation (as long as you’re close enough to). They are also secretly foodies, that have a lot to say about food. They have a unique taste in things and most likely favor weird foods. They’re also picky eaters because of this. And if your Gemini texts you at 3 AM, they are most likely awake due to their never ending minds. They tend to have insomnia, and are prone to anxiety. If they text you at this time, you are most likely close to them, and they probably go to you to ease their active mind so they can sleep. They don’t relax easily, but a deep conversation with a best friend will allow them to relax. If they notice you’re losing interest in them (usually because of a lack in deep conversation) they start distancing themselves so they won’t get hurt. But they get hurt anyways when they over analyze why you’re not talking to them. If you keep up with them, you’ll always be able to count on them.
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