storefront-gargoyle · 4 months
New Days
Silence swallowed the barren morgue in a deafening buzz. Minutes and hours held no place without a window or a meter. Even with that music-playing contraption in motion, the hunger of isolation devoured any mirth or melody into the same quietude. The lone patient--most lone in three months--stared into the rows of steel cold storage drawers. There was not much to see otherwise, not after he shattered every last colored glass and dried flower in one storm. In truth, what filled his sight mattered little. In the weals of devastation, all he longed for was disquiet.
A voice so low that it could cause trees to tremble from their roots. All-powerful, all-softly it muttered just beyond his nape, somewhere inside the pillow. Hairs along his shivering spine rose to attention at the beck of the clouds.
'What a mess you've made of yourself.'
The place stunk with flowers. Sweet, so sweet they cut like metal. His autopsy bed was not only shared by the missing man speaking from the mattress, but shared with a vibrant garden. Each bloom and blossom had an old reason, timelost messages without their bottles. How had they survived so long without any amber.
'[Dui lo en] I found you before you might make such a terrible mistake.'
In his lap laid a pool of roses. Deep red petals that curled and spread over his exposing violet robes. They were far begone from springtime, yet still they littered in a dozen romances, twenty-dozen 'loves', and twenty-dozen 'nots'. Had their gentle touched saved him from all the writhing and twisting in his core? Had he returned just in time to soothe him? Had amber always been? Had spring come again?
'You are safe here. [Da slaff tha sinma.]'
One tumbling petal began to roll from the short hem over his knee. Weakened and wanting, his hand rose to catch it. If only velvety softness could touch his skin like the voice against his ear, like the ribbons once down his neck.
'Rest now. [Scithe-ra nis].'
If only he could close his eyes and heed, but he still wanted for more. His thumb pressed into its cup, aching to feel pressure back. The answer received was enough to cause a jump in his equal-measured chest. Joyously warm. Woefully wet.
A smear of burgundy, fresh and ferric.
The odors sharpened, cutting away stems, leaves, clouds, and song. All that remained was the silence and isolation of the operating room, the iron-rich perfume and the roseate pools. Even the peat-pungent taste withered back into the bitter remembrance of Twilight Jasmine. As ever-wet eyes forced themselves dry again, blinkering away such fantasies, the blurred the world again in a sleep-deprived haze. One where a pair of glowing gold reappeared in the corner.
This time, belonging to an apparition of another curse.
'Hoy there.'
The vision in silver and blue sauntered past his periphery into a realm he dared not turn to. Moons, so full with their wretched cold, had no right to behold Suns. Just as in the heavens, just as in hell, just as in bleached-wall purgatory.
"… Must truly hate me now," his voice finally broke through the hallucinations in the buzz, even if whisper-light. He wiped his hand, bloodied and curse, over the edge of that robe's reach. Try all he could, the stain would not leave him.
'That's what you've to say to me?' quipped from out of view, as jaunty as a jay. 'You know I couldn't hate you--not even in your wildest dreams.' Or the waking ones. Day dreams--dreams of dreams. '… Though I think this one's a tad too lame to be the wildest.'
No iron, no flowers. There was no smell. But he had to have a smell. What did he smell like? The heat off of trees. But what did that smell like?
'Well?' piped up the odorless man again, 'We done here or what?'
"… I can't…" He could. "… I've nowhere…" What was nowhere to no one.
'You heard the doctor-lady,' clapped hands that were left long-cold and battered with words stoked and sparking. 'New days await!'
"There. Are. No. New. Days," it gnashed again behind his fangs. It squirmed in his gut and raked through the lining. It burned and burbled at the corners of his eyes. "All but a change in number since the last, since the last, since the last." It shuddered against the cot's frame with a slam of his fist. "Since the last without you! How can there be new day without a sunrise?! No day is new without you in it!"
'… Got me there,' he retracted his playfulness. 'But soon, right? Soon I'll be in it, and it will be the first new day forever.' How frightfully worse. Illusions of delusions so veristic he could almost trick himself into feeling warmth. 'Though you can't get there without another new old day--so why not start with a new old now?' He could hear the smile of a voice scarcely forgotten. One he practiced each day without a mirror. A terrible sound. 'Time's a-wasting~.'
But to come next was the worst of it all. A name kept so secure behind his mouth and tongue that he would swallow his heart to never utter it. One fast behind lock-and-key, it was as if he feared the fey stealing it off his breath. Yet now it beat up from the basin of his chest, shook through his throat, and dashed at the back of his teeth, only to escape in a whimper.
But, when he looked to his right, stood no such man, sun, or star. Only a sink, folded blankets, and an emptied jar.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
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“What is a mailman? A miserable pile of letters.”
Cichol in his Hallow’s End vampyr san’layn vampire fancy messy drinker outfit
floating. y’know. like those types do
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
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Happy Pride Month.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝 It's the Cichol
📝 Cichol
Their first impression: “Is...Is that a gazelle runnin’? In Stormwind?” The windspeed from his hocks could create dust devils.
Their current impression: “A fellow agent of chaotic neutrality with the underlying tea of an entire teapot. I can respect that.”
What they like the most about your muse: Dastardly in a casual way, yet can also snatch scalps like no other
What they dislike the most about your muse: The games he chooses to play and how he dances around anyone that tries to get near. Same - but also a bit difficult to get to know
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friend
A general opinion of their relationship: “Pantomimes waiting for the right court to prank.”
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: There’s deeper tea to Cichol and Aydri is determined to find it eventually.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝Cichol, Glade, and U for Corva (should I send this to gatheringthered? too late)
It all gets to the same place eventually. CICHOLTheir first impression: It's the rat ma-- oh, it is not the rat man. He smells better than the rat man...Their current impression: Want to know him better, like talking to him.What they like the most about your muse: He can communicate with her directly. He likes "games" and is a little weird. What they dislike the most about your muse: Slightly intimidating to get to try and get to knowWhat your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival etc.): New FriendA general opinion of their relationship: Need to go drinking together.If applicable, something they wish to reveal: She really needs to mention that one Worgen....
GLADETheir first impression: Lost, like cute dog.Their current impression: Still lost, understand better now. Waiting for him to cash in on third date option. What they like the most about your muse: Pretty open, but not in a way that's exhausting. Makes an honest effort to understand her even though he doesn't sign. What they dislike the most about your muse: Unclear on his motives. She doesn't really know if he wants to be friends or is just tolerating her wackiness for the opportunity to sleep with her. She's mostly gotten over this assumption. But she still.. doesn't really know his major drive. People without a purpose unsettle her a bit. What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): FriendA general opinion of their relationship: Should visit, haven't talked since bun girl found him.If applicable, something they wish to reveal: She could probably, eventually, find answers for him about his mother-- but really thinks for him it is more about the journey for closure than anything.
UTheir first impression: Cute dog. Handsome elf. Must pet dog...Their current impression: Cheeky. Funny. Most important: cute dog.What they like the most about your muse: Matches her aesthetic-- a bit odd.What they dislike the most about your muse: Doesn't know him well enough.What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Potential FriendA general opinion of their relationship: Will find. Will take all baubles. And maybe the dog.If applicable, something they wish to reveal: She hates mead. She hates it so much.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝E for uhh. Cichol and Glade
Their first impression: "The one woman in charge of stomping the testicles of her gang." Just the leader of a petty group of rabble-rousers, only power is being the most pissed.
Their current impression: "There is quite more on her plate than I first gave credit for. A powerful ally. Or a dangerous enemy."
What they like the most about [Eilithe]: Her ability to corral together from the most incorrigible to the most complacent.
What they dislike the most about [Eilithe]: He wishes he could separate her from business. Even when they're in a tavern hooping and hollering over drinks, he still feels it's a business meeting. Though that could be more telling about him.
What [Eilithe] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friend, business partner (through Saeteth)
A general opinion of their relationship: "Optimistic; I believe there are good opportunities to work together in the future. Hopefully as friends."
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: "If I could reveal the fruit of that tavern game again, I would."
Their first impression: "Oh great, another one that's tryin' to mom me."
Their current impression: "We work better when she ain't so full of herself."
What they like the most about [Eilithe]: She sticks to her guns despite push-back, much like himself.
What they dislike the most about [Eilithe]: Her prying into his personal business (even when it's, like, thrown on the ground in front of her).
What [Eilithe] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Head of an allied family
A general opinion of their relationship: "*indecisive grunt*" He can't tell if he wants to cut her head off or pay her proper respects. So he'll just keep doing what his dad tells him to.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: He wishes he could reveal what an actual mom to him is like.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝Clickhole and Glade Plug-in for Eilithe
CICHOLTheir first impression: "How did Saeteth rope a friendly, bubbly guy like this into working for him? Blackmail?"Their current impression: "Wait, no. Oh gods, Cichol is in complete control all the time." Followed by, "I respect people smart enough to make moves like him." What they like the most about your muse: Cleverness. Ability to maintain control of a situation without becoming angry or peacocking.What they dislike the most about your muse: Extremely hard to read accurately.What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): FriendA general opinion of their relationship: *Internally*"If I could swipe him from Saeteth without offending him I would. Make a good spymaster...or something." And then... "Pretty sure he'd auction me off for a good brand of wine though." If applicable, something they wish to reveal: Nothing to reveal aloud but E respects Cichol, just doesn't trust him. At all. GLADETheir first impression: "This goon is going to leave a body in my alley, bet." Post the encounter at DD. "Imagine. Saeteth, a clusterfuck, raising a bigger--meatier clusterfuck." Their current impression: "I hope that he finds peace, part of me knows that he won't." What they like the most about your muse: Reminds her of her second eldest son. Driven, Angry-- but not without cause. StrongWhat they dislike the most about your muse: Angry to the point of being stupid sometimes.What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friend? Not-Mom? Treats him like a kid but I'm pretty sure he hates it? A general opinion of their relationship: "He's going to get himself killed or kill someone that doesn't deserve it. It's not my problem.." She says, right before making it her problem. If applicable, something they wish to reveal: She hates herself for dragging him North and having him deal with Chiah after everything he'd been through with his own journey.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝The First Second-Best Mailman; Mailson too bc why not
📝The First Second-Best Mailman
Their first impression: An odd bird, he didn't quite know what to make of Cichol. He enjoyed some of his antics and others annoyed him. All in all, he found the man interesting.
Their current impression: He does not understand Cichol in the slightest, even after knowing him for as long as he has. Cichol seems to keep everyone at arms length and sometimes he enjoys a prank while other times he seems annoyed. Sometimes he seems an like minded agent of chaos, others, he seems to strive for some sort of order. In the end, Shae isn't sure if the effort put in to know more would be rewarding or not.
What they like the most about your muse: The fun side, the chaotic side, the shit on Maildad side, the tease and pester side of the man.
What they dislike the most about your muse: How hard it is to get to know them. Just tell him your secrets dammit!
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Despite Shae feeling at arms length, he still thinks of Cichol as a friend.
A general opinion of their relationship: "I could probably count on that guy if it really mattered. Maybe. Uh... But I'm not gonna put any money on that."
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: His grand scheme to set Saeteth up with the ugliest person of all, Saeteth in Body Pillow form.
Their first impression: "This punk ass little bitch... Needs an attitude adjustment."
Their current impression: "This is kid a shitlord. He's got a little respect from me though, after that Void fuckin' heresy."
What they like the most about your muse: "His boots are nice."
What they dislike the most about your muse: *Motions at Glade's entire person.*
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Frienemies
A general opinion of their relationship: "I'm gonna smack the bitch out of his mouth one of these days..."
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: His bare ass cheeks as he moons the man from above. Is that the taint too? Oops.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝 - Reveria, Shae, anyone else you know and feel like!
Shae -
Their first impression: "Is he a..." alternatively: "Another one that looks rough around the edges orbiting around this Eilithe person. A goon, maybe?"
Their current impression: "No. No he's not." alternatively: "He's more together than I first thought--still a devil."
What they like the most about [Shae]: "Enviable energy. I am thankful he is on our side."
What they dislike the most about [Shae]: "That one time he didn't set up Saeteth with somebody ugly."
What [Shae] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friend
A general opinion of their relationship: Much like Aydri, he wishes to see more beyond the fun little chats and pranks.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: "I've this overwhelming urge to tug on your ponytail whenever it sways past me."
Rev -
Their first impression: "She paid us HOW much... To do WHAT." Basically a crazy rich person. And also a crazy, rich person.
Their current impression: "Nearly a stranger; a pity, that." Definitely believes there's more to her beyond the memes, but he hasn't had much conversation with her.
What they like the most about [Rev]: "That delightful body pillow."
What they dislike the most about [Rev]: "Not forewarning us before delivering said pillow."
What [Rev] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friendly acquaintance; customer
A general opinion of their relationship: Someone he has meant to seek the attention of more. If anything, just to get to know what she's about.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: "I really need to know where you purchased this."
Shae -
Their first impression: "Fuck this guy."
Their current impression: "Seriously, fuck this guy."
What they like the most about [Shae]: Pulled out of him like teeth: his initiative.
What they dislike the most about [Shae]: All the guns, portals, and other 'tricky bullshit'. Thinks he needs to fight like a 'real kaldorei'.
What [Shae] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): At worst: enemy; At best: begrudging ally
A general opinion of their relationship: >:(
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: His dual middle fingers.
Rev -
Their first impression: Kinda
Their current impression: has
What they like the most about [Rev]: big
What they dislike the most about [Rev]: chin.
What [Rev] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Still
A general opinion of their relationship: hot,
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: though.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
📝Corva for Cichol, Glade, or U. Surprise me.
Their first impression: "A rat man?! Am I really so dingy? Maybe it's my time spent in Dwarven..." A meeting of errors made into a fun little chat.
Their current impression: "Inquisitive for someone so few of words. Should watch what I say around her--the silence is most deceptive."
What they like the most about [Corva]: "Inoffensive and a good listener! Though that might not be by choice..."
What they dislike the most about [Corva]: Less dislike about her but her existence is just unknown. Something he seeks to learn.
What [Corva] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friendly acquaintance, leaning towards friend
A general opinion of their relationship: A budding friendship, hopefully.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: An update about that worgen that he left her with...
Their first impression: "This chick just... Came with me, huh? Either here to kill me or interested. Alright." Basically didn't know what to think of her but she wasn't bad on the eyes. Nor did he know what to think of that little disk she gave him.
Their current impression: "Mysterious. But friendly. Like spendin' time with her."
What they like the most about [Corva]: She's interested but doesn't pry too hard. Legitimately interested about you than wanting to know what it takes to fix you.
What they dislike the most about [Corva]: The speech barrier is something to overcome but not the worst of things. If anything, it stops her from asking too much.
What [Corva] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friend
A general opinion of their relationship: Extremely optimistic, looks forward to seeing her again--been a little while.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: "So when's date three or can I cash in already?"
Their first impression: "I think she is about to steal my dog."
Their current impression: "A well-needed banterist during that last slog of the festival. Though I am still not unconvinced she seeks to steal Borf."
What they like the most about [Corva]: As stated above, she is good to talk to. Knowing how to sign makes things all the easier.
What they dislike the most about [Corva]: He may never see her again. "Oh, the ties of the well-traveled!"
What [Corva] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Burgeoning friendship, should fate permit.
A general opinion of their relationship: "Would be a shame to see it end so quick! But, no worries. I'd probably forget!"
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: The story of "love at first stab".
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
💘 I'm back but I want to hear about Corva and Saeron with whoever of my menagerie
So what I'm hearing is that you want to hear every pairing. Casper gets left out because lol.
Saehol, Ciron 7/10
Cichol is a mysterious, majestic bird, Saeron'd like that about Cichol. He's also attractive, and that's basically a standard for Saeron. Be hot and interesting. However, Cichol takes a degree of effort to get to know. Saeron might get bored of chasing before they got off the ground. As friends? They'd probably get along and end up messing with Saeteth in their spare time.
Glaron, Saeriel -1000/10
Chads shouldn't fuck other chads. Assuming they were both into it, I think they'd easily fall into bed with one another-- have a long night of coitus in lieu of talking and NEVER ever talk again. But let's be honest, the next time Glade sees Saeron he's probably going to try to cut his whole ass leg off this time. Sewyn 5/10?
I genuinely don't know. Saeron might enjoy listening to Lewyn talk and find him interesting-- but I have no idea how Lewyn behaves sexually and that's a big decider for Saeron.
Uron 8/10Saeron likes big personalities-- so he'd likely be drawn in big U's grandiose. He also gets the whole 'let's not go into the city because I may or may not have done a thing. oops.' U also reads as a little nutty, and Saeron likes a partner who is a little crazy. Thanron 0/10
Anything multiplied by zero is zero.
Corhol? Cicva? 8/10
I think this one works best as a friendship, I'm not sure they'd have a good sex life. HOWEVER, they both like mischief and messing with people. Cichol has shown Corva a little bit of himself that's less...removed? That's not the best word. He also likes puzzles/riddles and that's her jam.
Glava. Corvriel 9/10The biggest trouble here is that Corva might view Gladeriel like..pubescent boy with a crush on the babysitter because of their age difference. But I don't see it ultimately being a problem.
Corva is gentle in appearances, but will 100% cut a bitch if they come at her. I see Gladeriel respecting a woman who can take care of herself and doesn't need/want him to be her savior Sex would probably be out of this world and Corva's pretty take it or leave it on commitment...so she wouldn't really care if he walked in and out of her life. Corwyn 6/10 She's got.. weird feelings about the void. It isn't that she hates Ren'dorei but I don't know that she'd trust Lewyn enough to be with him. Assuming they got beyond that? They might have trouble communicating but she'd be enthralled by listening to him talk. Uva/Coru 9/10? or like 2/10Corva would 100% get with U strictly for Borf. She loves animals and it'd be one of those relationships where he might wonder if she loved the dog more than him. As far as the actual elves, U is attractive to Corva. He has a bunch of shit in his hair and in pouches like her-- she respects this. They'd infinitely be stealing swapping baubles from one another. She also loves bards. She'd listen to him sing Darnassian Wonderwall all day and night. Also, another seemingly mischievous sort-- so Corva's about it.
Thanva enh/10
Assuming that Corva could get beyond the Void being a nut hair away from Thanfred at all times? Maybe? I think Thanfred wants a wife and Corva's not the one. They might end up with a short-lived romance. And well... Corva and Than's..BFF wouldn't get along well.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
Vel + Cichol, Vel + Thanfred
Velfred - 8/10 initially, -100000/10 by the end; good/10 friends
After being defended literally one time, he would probably lay his life on the line for Vel.
Okay maybe a little exaggeration but close enough.
Initially, Thanfred would be super pumped and enthusiastic. He's just a little despie for any sort of affection that if someone showed romantic interest, he'd go all in. Not so much that he needs romance but he wouldn't want to ruin a good thing by denying it. Also, Vel is attractive to him, quirky in a cool way, probably would be understanding of his predicament, and he'd just like spending time with her. Even if most of what she says just confuses him.
Not sure if Thanfred has anything to provide for her, but watching him squirm can be a little entertaining. I don't think he's the right level of eccentric for the excitement she looks for on the regular. However, the things that happen to him might suffice.
But, provided I don't have the wrong idea about Vel, there would just be one day he'd wake up and say.
Now I realize why we get along."
And immediately leave and never talk about it again. But still remain close friends.
Also, if the bedroom stuff that E brought up in her ask is anything to go by... Thanfred too nice for that. :(
Velhol - 8/10 if you ignore some key factors
Cichol doesn't exactly know what to think of Vel at this moment. Even after getting to know her, he may never. But that enigmatic draw would likely reign him in more. Just as his husband's did.
And, on the flip side, Cichol can certainly provide an entertaining time. The more he has someone to egg him along, the more likely he'd be to act a fool and make even more excitement. There would also be some point where they might be able to vibe with each other on a deeper level, and I think both have the patience to find it.
Where things would fall apart is all that comprises Vel. The fel. The death. The void. The nobility. The being-under-6-feet. The Other Thing. Things that on a fundamental level don't mesh with him.
But on that final note where Thanfred failed, at least he'd succeed. If for entirely motivations.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
💘 Cichol and Glad
There's something in Cichol that Glade is wary of and has been since they've met. Getting past that is a barrier he doesn't really want to bother with since he's easily convinced by his intuition. Not that being close is a necessity for a Gladelationship but they're too acquainted to be a fling and Glade is too put off to be friendly.
Say he managed past that point somehow with unlimited amount of time, Cichol is still his dad's friend. Even though ages can seem irrelevant after a point, that puts him in a different echelon, so to speak. Someone he would probably consider an uncle at the absolute best their relationship could be.
From Cichol's perspective, Glade's not overbearing with emotions which is a plus, he's physically attractive to him, and he's got the danger levels. But all a little too impulsive for even him. Also, while he's his own man, it is still Saeteth's kid in the end. If he sees himself on the social level of Saeteth, it just wouldn't be right--employment dubiousness aside. End up being more like parenting even though Glade's far out of childhood.
They'd probably get along when it comes to hunting. But Glade is a little too literal for Cichol's creativity. So bonding on a shared interest level is eh.
Also I've been trying to do this all while ignoring orientation issues (since a lot of answers would stop at 'no'). But. Let's be real. Cichol--even if he was a chick--would not have the tits Glade needs for a long, happy relationship.
3/10 it just couldn't be
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
💘Cichol and whoever(s) also 💘 Zephi and Glade (a twist)
💘 Cichol and Varmira
You covered them about how I would have, so can expand on that so this isn't all Zephi.
Likely a ship that sails for awhile but those occasional pauses of 'This is fine right? Yeah. This is- fine'. They would find lots of activities both enjoy and be able to create a lot of very good memories. I could also see a lot of trust and understanding that Varmira could rely on him for survival and just in general. Varmira would be fine with spending a majority of their time in one of two places: The sea or the wilds.
I think it would be one of those ships that could maybe last, maybe even be considered happy, but it'd take some work and would require them to actually open up past events that might be holding them down. And there might never be a fierce love in it. Varmira is definitely a slow-burn with any meaningful relationship of any type she has.
💘 Glade and Zephi
Hooooo-boy. A twist indeed, and hard for me to guess because they haven't interacted before. It wouldn't last because I think there are just irreconcilable differences at the core of their personalities. Glade has some personality traits she'd definitely find attractive, and physically yeah definitely. But long term? It wouldn't be a blow-up fight and I don't think there would be very hurt feelings. Just not sustainable.
Tldr; She's perfect for inflating the warrior's ego and the physical chemistry would be pretty high at least on her end. A short-lived couple that probably finds the other person hottest after an intense battle.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
💘Varmira and whichever muse you'd find more entertaining to write this ask about.
Varmira and U would have a very amicable tryst where neither of them ask anything personal of the other and swear to forget anything that is said and go on their way, their lives unchanged. In fact they may have already met before on U's strange journey. 10/10
Okay so Cichol and Varmira (Cimira. Like chimaera):
This one's kind of tough. I think overall they could survive as a couple. Both are hard workers and recognize each other's abilities. Cichol's never really done much with ships but he could easily learn, becoming a helpful spider monkey brachiating along the ropes and sails. Both would fare best in the wilds together, which is how Cichol would prefer to spend his life.
Varmira is good humored and I believe the gradual, natural pace of their bonding would be exactly Cichol's speed. However, yet to see a lack of creativity in regards to the arts and she might be a little too reserved. Still needs that spark every once in awhile.
Also the problem that both are quite closed about their past lives. So much that they would almost respect each others privacy too much and take forever to actually learn of one another.
I give it a 6/10. Thriving but maybe not entirely fulfilling? Might work for a fling but Cichol has rare interest in those.
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storefront-gargoyle · 3 years
💘 - Shae and Glade/Cichol/Khis
💘 - Reveria and.... Surprise me!
Shaederiel/Gladoril/Or just Shaede because that's what would be thrown - 1/10
I think the two had one positive interaction and that's when they were both prepared to off the same human girl, still with different motivations. Glade is king of bad first impressions but I think he could only grow to tolerate Shae at a platonic level, let alone romantic (ignoring orientation ofc).
Glade's best friend is a mage and has been using the arcane arts in secret even before Kaldorei society begrudgingly let them back in. However, he still considers him "one of the good ones" and finds most use of it flashy and annoying. Especially when it comes to portals since Specs snubbed people who used them wanton.
He'd take too much of Shae's trickery with aggravation or as a challenge. The best that would come from the relationship is the experience that comes from the constant physical fighting that would happen. And their compatible libidos but neither swing that way.
Shaehol/Cidoril - 6/10
(Going into this before reading your own take.)
An absolute hellion of a duo that everyone would suffer for. Combining creative efforts to mess with everyone about them and each other. Shae's impulsiveness can itch that need for excitement in Cichol, as well. For the most part, it would be an enviable couple with days full of laughter, adventure, and energy.
Though that is fine for a fun relationship, it's not built to last. When it comes to Cichol's depths, he'd likely not be able to take Shaedoril seriously enough to expose them. Or, equally, fear that his baggage would bring down the high or--worse--exposes his weaknesses. Which he would assume is what Shae was after all along.
Again, the use of magic and some of Shae's more extravagant moments are turn-offs for Cichol (not to mention when he can be too impulsive). He wants someone strong that he can consider a partner, sure, but he never wants to feel indebted.
Shaesunsara - ??/10
At best, he would be one of many throw-away sires to create her future brood when she decides she wants an army made from her own babies. "I want a one-eyed baby" she would say before dragging Shae off by his ponytail as soon as he gave a thumbs-up.
Rev is another one I need more time with to properly answer for buuut let me spin my wheel:
Reveria/Thanfred (Revfredreth) - 3/10
Like a fly to a web, Reveria would be easily able to chew Thanfred up and spit him out. Which. Spiders don't do but.
On the outside, he'd be very drawn to her inviting personality and sophisticated beauty. I can imagine her flirting would be intimidating but he'd still fall for it. For a fun little fling, it might even be fine for both of them.
Beyond that, Thanfred's simpleness would probably not entertain her for long and her goings-on would put him far in over his head. As supportive as he'd try to be, he could never probably grasp the depth of what she does or offer great input on any complicated decisions/emotional moments.
So, when it comes down to it, the best Rev could get out of this is just toying with him.
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