stoneswallow · 5 years
𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝟐𝟒.𝟏𝟐.𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗
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stoneswallow · 5 years
*puts my hand on your shoulder* listen. I DID mean to make you upset and i DO think your opinions are shit
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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❛   i think we live  in the most boring town on the planet,   ❜   a heavy sigh beckons narrow shoulders to shudder,   ( no, i know so, she thinks, we definitely do. )                                                                                                        ❛   everyone’s so fucking square.   ❜
          open .         ⇢         available for mutual followers .
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stoneswallow · 5 years
I simply do not vibe with my father
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stoneswallow · 5 years
   THAT DRAWS A FLASH OF AN UPWARD GLANCE FROM HIM,  before his eyes settle down on his food again. She’s staring spitefully out the window  —  or just staring out the window at the grey, rain-hooded street, and it only comes out spitefully because her face is always pink or yellow with a certain shade of petulant spite. He’s familiar with that feeling. He’s had longer to learn to conceal it  ;  and practices that education now, focusing instead on the smooth, cool feel of the knife in his hand as he spreads a small corner of marmalade evenly across his half-burnt toast. Patience is easy to fake. Easier than it seems when you’re a teenager. It’s mostly ignoring other people with enough warmth in the pace of it to make them think that you’re considering  —
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   ‘  Stupidity is relative. Sometimes people say stupid things because they’re scared, or hurt, or desperate. Because their senses and ability to process are compromised by their situation. Or because they’re ignorant  ;  because they have no other frame of reference for how to interact with the world, to mimic what others perceive as logical or understandable. Maybe because no one taught them, or because they view the world differently than others  …  in a way that doesn’t translate to any appropriate range of popular convention.  ’
   The coffee is terrible. When he stops to take a sip, Will winces.
   ‘  Sometimes people say stupid things in an attempt to convince you that they’re stupid.  ’
   He pauses and sets his knife down  ;  neatly, by the side of his already-arranged fork, at an angle from the right side of his plate towards its center. For the first time since they’ve sat down, he meets her gaze directly. They look  ;  plainly, boredly. Strangely communicative. He senses he has a window of ten, maybe fifteen more words before she tells him that he talks too fucking much.
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   ‘  Is there a reason you want me to think that you’re stupid?  ’
it’s weird, like somehow will knows her damn-near better than she knows herself .. kind of like she had known james,  (  and thinking of him stirs her guts with a metal spoon, scraping at her insides and leaving her  r a w  and  r e d . )   but maybe not that much -- he miscalculates :   ❛   y’know, for someone who  acts like they’re real quiet or whatever, you sure do fuckin’ talk a lot.  ❜  the words come out, and they’re bitter as the coffee on their tongues. her gaze becomes distracted from it’s empty place in the grey outside the window, now lingering upon him  :  caustic.  her face will hide nothing, the very same as the unyielding scorn painted on her features  --  why hide it?  she could be killed tomorrow, and everyone’d lie about it all the same  /  she was a gentle soul, she was the light in the lives of those she knew. 
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suddenly, she hoped that when she did die, she’d be able to come back to life for just a moment to turn over in her casket mid-service and groan.                                                                                                 i reckon will would want the same thing.  she watches how carefully he puts down his knife, before turning her eyes to her own plate. i used to really like food, she thinks, dismally, until a glance upward meets his gaze hard, as pale eyes is offered to her  (  almost like a sacrifice ... only it’s a sacrifice of a piece of toast and a cup of coffee ; boring, and without any stupid chanting. )  her arms remain, crossed tight across her chest  ;  and she’ll offer him a tug at the corners of her mouth as her chin tilts.    ❛   i dunno, why don’t you tell me? 'reckon you’re going to anyway, whether i tell ya’ or no’. - ❜    she reaches out to her cup of coffee and sips it, as still and quiet as stone. holding the mug still within one hand, a single brow arches just-so-slightly, 
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❛   - maybe i want you to think you’re stupid.  ❜
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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I feel like I’m going m a d.
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stoneswallow · 5 years
his stare is static, unmoving. always intense and focused when someone catches his attention, otherwise bored and languid. the fucking high school girls, or thereafter, here were always so high strung, so particular and entitled. billy relished in fucking or fucking with them – in increments.
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“what, am i making you uncomfortable?” his view is momentarily obscured by a puff of smoke, a hand propped onto the hood of his camaro. he leans against it, all nonchalant-like. he could’ve been staring off towards the fucking trees, for all she knew. “i don’t have a camera on me, so, i guess i’ll just enjoy the view, freckles – unless you want me to stop.” in addition; he couldn’t care less.
a plastic pick against guitar strings what are wound far too   t i g h t  , casting a hard SNAP! into the air, and wrenches the corners of her mouth hard into her cheeks. fury is a woman  /  her head quirks to the side upon her neck. fingers drumming idly on the canvas strap of her pack, she stops hard in her tracks :
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❛   uncomfortable?  nah, actually you’re just right pissing me off, so ‘ow about you take ‘at four-can-of-hairspray greasy fucking mullet, sit your ass back in daddy’s car and fuck off?  ❜   her voice cracks like a whip,  ❛   in academic speak, ‘at means stop.  ❜  i hope he chokes on that cigarette,
          @hargroeve​ .        ⇢         weirdo with a nice car .
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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❛   okay  boomer,   ❜   
          open .         ⇢         available for mutual followers .
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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🔥 * want a starter while i set up? hit the ♡
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stoneswallow · 5 years
❛ i need a reasonable paying job, something like $2,000 an hour. nothing too wild. ❜ ❛ idc (i do care) ❜ ❛ ‘are you taken?’ yes bitch, taken for granted ❜ ❛ half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half is, well, an asshole ❜ ❛ you’re yelling? at ME? the one person who has never done anything wrong ever?????? ❜ ❛ you will find your home, you will find your place. you will find your people. give it a little bit of time but it will happen. ❜ ❛ in order lead a happy life i’m gonna have to disappoint my parents a bit. ❜ ❛ any body else here not good at anything??? ❜ ❛ you can’t force people to appreciate you. ❜ ❛ *puts on baseball cap* i am the dad now… ❜ ❛ i fake smart.. like i’m honestly a dumbass idk shit but i know how to seem like i do.. i’m smart-passing.. ❜ ❛ every straight woman who ever called her platonic friend her ‘girlfriend’ owes me $50 ❜ ❛ i am a professional at misreading tones and overreacting to problems that most likely don’t exist ❜ ❛ honestly if i survive the next 3 years of my life, i will be impressed with myself ❜ ❛ you can’t cure sadnesses with a shower but honestly there is no purer place to suffer ❜ ❛ patiently waiting for a kind soul to come along and make everything a little softer, brighter. ❜ ❛ honestly i don’t even play an active role in my life, shit just happens and i’m like oh this is what we’re doing now? ok ❜ ❛ no offense but if i die and no one uses a ouija board to keep me updated on memes i will literally haunt you all ❜ ❛ imma start charging people for hurting my feelings $3 an hour ❜ ❛ i have finally reached the age of most young adult protagonists yet my life is still uneventful??? where is my cool story??? my cool talents??? @ universe i’m pissed ❜ ❛ hello, police? i accidentally stepped on my cats foot and need to be arrested ❜ ❛ *tries to watch 45 minute episode in 20 minutes ❜ ❛ please don’t just come in my life, take my heart and leave. please don’t do that. ❜ ❛ concept: me, 10 years from now, living in a pretty house with my love, sipping a hot cappuccino on a rainy autumn afternoon. our dog curls up next to me in the window bench while our cat snoozes on the bed. i’m financially stable and i’m never tired anymore. the bees are safe. ❜ ❛ i can’t believe what walkie talkies are called ❜ ❛ the gorilla could have died and been done with in like a week but none of you know how to be normal ❜ ❛ me: *is bitter but is also right* ❜ ❛ just saw a girl in high heels long boarding to class. godspeed, my queen. ❜ ❛ i’ve never belonged anywhere, i’m always just in between ❜ ❛ too young for unnecessary stress, i gotta live ❜ ❛ i may not be beautiful but at least i know a lot of useless information ❜ ❛ i’m like always sleepy. i feel like i should be used to this by now and stop complaining about being sleepy but i can’t. always, i’m sleepy. ❜ ❛ lmao no offense… but what’s the point of being mean to people for no reason ❜ ❛ drunk me is the me i really want to be. confident, hilarious, and most importantly, drunk ❜ ❛ “alcohol isn’t supposed to taste good” buddy watch me drink the fruitiest/sweetest shit i can find and enjoy it because i don’t hate myself enough to even begin to consider drinking like.. beer ❜ ❛ tfw you’re already fully aware of the unnecessary self destructive bullshit you’re doing but you can’t bring yourself to do anything to stop it ❜ ❛ hey sorry for not replying i didn’t want to ❜ ❛ honestly how am i gonna make it in the world???? i get a little teary eyed any time someone compliments my personality ❜ ❛ true bonding is when you and your friends are all angry about the same thing ❜ ❛ *touches your hand and looks seriously into your eyes* i am a piece of shit ❜ ❛ lets play ‘how rude can i be until you realize i don’t like you’ ❜ ❛ i love drunk me but i don’t trust her ❜ ❛ hate when i am wearing makeup and still look shitty like what else am i supposed to do? get enough sleep? eat right and exercise??? as if ❜ ❛ i’m not on a high horse. i’m not even on a horse. i’m face down in a ditch on the road of life ❜ ❛ i hate when people ask me what i would do in their situation because 9 times out of 10 i would literally never be in that situation in the first place ❜ ❛ i barely remember the last 6 months honestly like am i even alive ❜ ❛ you had me at ‘hello’ and lost me at ‘i think your friend is cute’ ❜ ❛ i’m pretty sure by now ‘tired’ is just a part of my personality description ❜ ❛ wow i really liked that song now i think i’ll listen to it another seventy times in a row ❜ ❛ ‘shit it’s 2 a.m.’ i say every day at 2 a.m. as if i’m surprised ❜ ❛ i’ve been stressed out since like the third day of second grade ❜ ❛ telling other girls they look pretty is like cracking a glow stick full of positivity and female friendship ❜ ❛ i want to be sun kissed and also people kissed ❜ ❛ about me: glowing, eating peaches, drinking wine in lingerie, not texting your desperate ass back  ❜ ❛ i highly recommend never having feelings ❜ ❛ due to unfortunate circumstances, i am awake ❜ ❛ i’m gonna solve mysteries so fucking good ❜ ❛ what did people even wear in 2008 ❜ ❛ i’ll just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  my way through life ❜ ❛ you know what sucks? everything bye ❜ ❛ me? overreacting? probably ❜ ❛ people asking me what kind of music i like is such a stressful experience ❜ ❛ honestly if i survive the next 3 years of my life i will be impressed with myself ❜ ❛ if you listen carefully you can hear me whisper ‘shut the fuck up’ at least once every five minutes ❜ ❛ any time you like a boy just know you played yourself. always keep that stored in your mind for later ❜ ❛ hopeless romantic with trust issues and a sex drive out the roof ❜ ❛ what i lack in personality i make up for in…….. nothing ❜ ❛ me? cancelled ❜ ❛ an app that tells you how raven something is ❜ ❛ be with someone who will take care of you. not materialistically but takes care of your soul, your well being, your heart, and everything that’s you ❜ ❛ i love the infinite multiverse theory because that means there’s a universe where i’ve pulled every single fire alarm i’ve ever seen ❜ ❛ name a more iconic duo than the lengths i’ll go to both get attention and to avoid it… i’ll wait ❜ ❛ i just want to be treated very gently and smell like vanilla and wear only matte dusty rose lipstick ❜ ❛ 2017 is going to be a very healing year because it’s going to force us to accept that 2007 was ten years ago not three and i think that’s the root of our collective issues ❜ ❛ i just wanna do cute things with you like crush the patriarchy, fight for gender equality, and help to destroy racism ❜ ❛ i may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented… i forgot where i was going with this ❜ ❛ how is 2016 already almost over?? like this bitch came in, fucked us up, then left like she gave us a gift ❜ ❛ supercalifragilisticextentialcrisis ❜ ❛ stop breaking your own motherfucking heart ❜ ❛ co-napping is a beautiful thing. knock out with me so i know it’s real ❜ ❛ *on the verge of tears* ok not that i care, but ❜ ❛ it’s not you…. it’s your zodiac sign ❜ ❛ i want to be loved so bad it’s pathetic and embarrassing ❜ ❛ my heart is filled with hate and swag ❜ ❛ ‘i don’t care’ i say, caringly, as i care deeply ❜ ❛ i highly recommend never having feelings ❜ ❛ we all ugly to somebody, don’t trip ❜ ❛ do i have a crush or am i just idolizing this person for being vaguely nice to me? ❜ ❛ my parents were arguing today and my mom said that justin timberlake wouldn’t treat her like this ❜ ❛ kissing is hella rad but no one is kissing me so that makes me hella sad ❜ ❛ everyone’s having their mid-life crisis at like 19 ❜ ❛ there are just people out there that are the embodiment of the sun like the things they say do light up the world and make you feel warm they are human sunshine ❜ ❛ dermatologists HATE me… everyone hates me. i’m so alone ❜ ❛ you know when you realize and you just… realize ❜ ❛ a girl can respect herself and still take booty pics wtf y’all talkin about ❜ ❛ i’m not badass i’m sadass i cry about everything ❜ ❛ inspired by animal crossing, i’ve started doing this thing where i mail my best friends a framed picture of myself and then never speak to them again ❜ ❛ i didn’t know double texting was such a big deal?? i have a lot to say ❜ ❛ can someone please just be proud of me like fuck i’m trying ❜ ❛ cosmo sex tip #367: when you’re in the mood, tell you partner ‘my spidey senses are tingling’ ❜
(  you can find the other popular text posts memes on my old blog: 1, 2 )
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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                   we’re dealing with a really broad spectrum these days.
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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teotfw meme (1/3) characters ♡ alyssa
It’s strange. A lot of the time you don’t register the important moments as they happen. You only see that they were important when you look back.
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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❛   heard about  your brother  --  it sucks he went missing.  ❜   it’s uncomfortable, the quiet. more often than not, it was more deafening than actual screaming  /  and strangling, too. she clears her throat against it, pale gaze fleeting. it was less confrontational than looking directly at someone, she had read that somewhere. ❛ .. i stabbed m’dad once, -  ❜   a beat,     ❛ - in the leg.  ❜
          @guiltfcl​ .         ⇢         loser .
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stoneswallow · 5 years
   𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒     𝐀𝐑𝐄      𝐌𝐄𝐓    𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋  𝐖𝐇𝐎    𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄    𝐓𝐎   𝐇𝐈𝐌    ,       but   his   gaze   is   fleeting    ,    drawing    away    at    first    glance     .    back    almost    turned    to    her    ,    painted    lips    dawn    a    semblance    of    a   smile     —   there    is    no    warmth    ,     if     she    saw     ,    one    would     think    it     was    a     sad     one     .     oh     ,    how    sad    his    existence    was     .
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        ❛    i   guess   you    could    say    it     is    ❜      he    admits    ,    half    heartedly    .     his    job   ,     huh    ?     (       is     that    what    we’re    calling    it    now    ?      )   for    lack    of    better   words   .    turning    attention    away     from     himself     ,     phantom    speaks     ,        ❛     you    shouldn’t    be    out    here    —    it    can    be     dangerous     ❜
it spoke,  and perhaps with the voice of the dead  ;  yet she’ll peer at the source nonetheless, eyes narrowing against the night what shadows him. he’s creeped her out, for true, and for a moment she wonders if maybe he’ll end up murder her.  ( why the fuck do i always have to find all of the weirdos? )  
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❛   y’think i can’t  take care of m’self jus’ ‘cause i’m a woman, then?  you don’t even know me,  ❜   her words chastise, bitter as acid rain  /  though she knows he’s right.  few could discern the sincerity of her fury,  fewer still could translate its naked indifference.❛  .. anyway if it’s so dangerous, th’fuck are you doing out here?  kinda late for a birthday party,  innit?  or are you some kind of raver?  ❜   a beat, she’s eyeing him :    ❛ .. nice boots.  ❜
          @drcvens·· .         ⇢         weirdo .
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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❛   its shit  being dead, isn’t it?   ❜   the words short and swift.  ‘the fuck was the point in being philosophical?  in times like this, it just made you sound like a dickhead.                                                                                                                  ❛   … you miss everything.   ❜
          open . ⇢ available for mutual followers .
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stoneswallow · 5 years
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                                                                                                personal blogs, please do not interact !!
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