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stfu-budapest · 13 days ago
Julian De Vizio Fanfic
Chapter 1
School was so boring. I had all the boring subjects today. Maths, how do you do surds? English, Shakespeare is boring. Double P.E., I hate cricket. Ancient History, another dull lesson listening to Mr Henderson talk about… well I’m not sure what he’s talking about. He always mumbles. And last lesson was Geography. I actually don’t mind learning about the world, but when you have two annoying boys behind you while you have a headache can be torture.
I really wish I had a music lesson today. At least one. I would love to grab a guitar and jam with my best friend, Becka. The bell finally rings for the end of the day. I get up and walk out of the room and down to the school yard.
“Hey, Renae,” yells Becka from half way across the school yard. She runs up to me and puts her arm around my shoulder. “Have you heard?” she asks me.
“Heard what?” I asked her, confused.
“Well. Do you know how Georgie said she was friends with someone famous,” she says. I nodded. Georgie was a girl who moved from Adelaide to Sydney last year and ended up in my science class this year. She was nice, but everyone calls her freckle face. “Well,” she continues. “That famous person….. Wait for it. Is JULIAN DE VIZIO.”
She yelled it so loud in my ear that I swore I was going deaf. Ever since The Collective were on X Factor last year, Becka has a huge crush of one of the boys. She was in love with Julian De Vizio. It was quite funny though. Even though I watched X Factor, I never really liked or paid attention when The Collective came on TV. I was more hoping that Bella Ferarro would win. She had an amazing voice. “…………………………… coming to pick them up this afternoon,” she continued.
“Huh?” I said.
“Ree, were you even paying attention,” she asks. I shook my head. Even though it was Monday, I was so tired. I couldn’t be bothered to listen to her fan girl session this afternoon.
“Julian is picking Georgie and Daniel up. Apparently Daniel and Julian went to the same school back in Adelaide and they were really good friends. I’m jealous of Georgie. Her brother is friends with then man of my dreams,” Becka fantasies. Imagine. Julian and I. Together. Wouldn’t that be wonderful.”
“It would be a miracle,” Is ay under my breath. Obviously she didn’t hear me because she continued daydreaming without as much as a snare or death stare.
Just as Becka was about to get extremely excited, a bunch of girls started huddling around a space about 6 metres west of us. All the girls were screaming and crying. Then we saw Georgie run out of the huddle, looking like she had been wrestling with a hungry tiger, running towards us and stops right at our feet.
“Wow, girls sure can go psyco,” she says, looking us in the eyes as it looking for a response. Becka and I, not sure what to say, just nod. I believe Becka knew what was happening because she saided to walk towards the group, then started to jog, until she was in a run. As she approached the group, two figures ran out of the huddle of screaming teenage girls, one who grabbed Georgie and Georgie then grabbed me.
As we were running, the girls who originally were in the group were chasing after us. We run across the school yard and inside the school. We eventually lost all the crying girls and decided to go into the closet room in case any of the girls found us. Thank God the closet room was the music room. Aka My Heaven!!
“I’m so sorry for dragging you along, Renae,” she apologizes. “It was just a retaliation I had. I’m so so sorry.”
“It’s fine,” I tell her. As I turn to leave, I see it. I see HIM! I look at the beautiful blue eyes. The black gelled hair. The gorgeous muscular features.
“Hey I’m Julian,” he says.
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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🎶Every single night I lose it I can't even hear the music without you🎶
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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Appreciation post: kinda (very) happy to have my partner in crime back after 2 solid years. So much has changed, but so much has stayed the same. The quirky conversations, the tears and heartache of life, the too drunk and injured moments (yes you have now joined the club 😂). They say in life that those who are meant to be in your life will come back in one form or another and tbh im so glad you are one of them. Enjoy the 2 year take back aha #partnerincrime #tbt #CuteCrazyC's
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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Little c(ute)unt
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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🎶You think I'm bossy, because I am the boss 🎶
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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Happy New Year! So excited for the new year, new experiences. Can't wait for everything this year ecpected and not wiyh all the people closet to me 🎉🎉🎉
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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🌞 #summertimefun 🌞
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stfu-budapest · 7 years ago
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💚❤💙 (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory)
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My sisters, my rocks ❤
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