8 posts
she/her || @togasbetch
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niko-bonsai · 3 years ago
the full story is gonna be posted on my main account @togasbetch today!!
hey i’m not dead i promise! i know i said a while ago that i had a wip coming and here it is! the whole story is pretty much finished but there’s still tiny things that need adjusted so have this :)) THIS IS JUST THE PREVIEW NOT THE WHOLE THING I PROMISE, i just couldn’t pick a good ending point but the rests of the fic should be posted on my main blog tonight :))
follow my main blog! @togasbetch :))
tw: nothing i think?
You and Bakugo sat with the rest of his friends in the familiar restaurant. Your boyfriend of a few months sat next to you, his annoyance extremely obvious as you glance at the bored look on his face.
Mina, Kirishima, Denki, and Sero had been bothering him to meet you ever since he confessed to them that he was seeing someone. It was a huge deal.
His friends asked you countless questions, mostly about how Bakugo acted in your relationship, and those questions usually earned a yell from him. You’d place a gentle hand on his arm or his shoulder to calm him down. He wasn’t sure what it was about you that had the power to calm him down instantly. Even the thought of you made all of his anger dissipate.
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
hey i’m not dead i promise! i know i said a while ago that i had a wip coming and here it is! the whole story is pretty much finished but there’s still tiny things that need adjusted so have this :)) THIS IS JUST THE PREVIEW NOT THE WHOLE THING I PROMISE, i just couldn’t pick a good ending point but the rests of the fic should be posted on my main blog tonight :))
follow my main blog! @togasbetch :))
tw: nothing i think?
You and Bakugo sat with the rest of his friends in the familiar restaurant. Your boyfriend of a few months sat next to you, his annoyance extremely obvious as you glance at the bored look on his face.
Mina, Kirishima, Denki, and Sero had been bothering him to meet you ever since he confessed to them that he was seeing someone. It was a huge deal.
His friends asked you countless questions, mostly about how Bakugo acted in your relationship, and those questions usually earned a yell from him. You’d place a gentle hand on his arm or his shoulder to calm him down. He wasn’t sure what it was about you that had the power to calm him down instantly. Even the thought of you made all of his anger dissipate.
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
ive got a bakugo x reader wip coming today from a request on my main blog from @sukisangel ITS COMIN BBY
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
ive got a bakugo x reader wip coming today from a request on my main blog from @sukisangel ITS COMIN BBY
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
this ones really rather lazy but it’s been in my notes for a while and that’s what this blog is for so. i was debating on adding more to this but i just didn’t? if you guys want another part with bakugo lmk :))
follow my main blog if you want @togasbetch !!
tw: language?
“Fuck this shit. I’m not playing with you anymore,” You snap, putting the controller on the floor in front of you and crossing your arms.
“What? Why?” The golden-haired boy asks, holding back a laugh, and you roll your eyes harshly.
“Because you’re obviously cheating,” You state flatly.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
You and Denki sat on the floor next to each other in front of the tv in his dorm. Kirishima and Mina sat somewhere else in the room while Bakugo was off sparring with someone but he had said he would come by later.
“You’re just a sore loser (Y/N),” Denki says with a chuckle and you roll your eyes again as you turn around no longer facing the tv screen that had mario kart on it. You pick the contoller back up and hold it in the air looking to your other friends
“Anyone wanna go against the cheater?” You ask sarcastically and the boy laughs next to you. To your surprise, Mina puts her hands out excitedly.
“Ooh me!” she calls and you chuckle before handing her the controller.
“Kick his ass,” You whisper, moving to sit on the bed next to Kirishima.
You and the redhead next to you made casual conversation as you wait for Mina and Denki to finish. You were pretty confident in her.
You confidence quickly fell away as you watch Mina slam the controller down on the floor.
“How are you so good Kaminari?!” She cries and you groan, throwing your head back.
You had kinda hoped that you just sucked and Denki wasn’t actually that good at the game.
He turns around to face you and Kirishima with a smirk.
“Well, well, (Y/N), it looks like I’m just too good at this.” He boasts and you grab a pillow off his bed a fling it at him.
“I hate you,” You grumble. Kiri and Mina laugh while Denki fakes a pout.
“Aw, why? I think I’m lovely,” He jokes, cocking his head and batting his eyelashes dramatically, resulting in the other two laughing harder.
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
hi! welcome to my sideblog! i post things here that i’m afraid to post on my main, lazy works, or wips!! i hope you enjoy!
my main is @togasbetch if you’re interested!! thank you!
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niko-bonsai · 4 years ago
hey hey :)
tw: mentions carving of the skin (nothing too detailed), ANGST ANGST ANGST IM SORRY
The rain fell loudly against the window of your dorm as your mind raced. Lightning from the storm lit up the dark room as you crumpled the note in your hand, tears falling from your eyes.
You lower your head, pressing the ruined paper to your forehead, scolding yourself in your mind.
How did you get yourself into this? How did you manage to love these people? Your whole life you had been told you were a villain because of your quirk. These people were supposed to be the same. You weren’t supposed to make friends! But they showed you compassion and love and accepted you in immediately when you “transferred” to UA. Even Bakugo has taken a liking to you.
You stood, throwing the paper to the ground and walking to your window, throwing it open. You let the cold bite of the wind and rain clear your head. These people didn’t matter. They weren’t your family. The League of Villans was your family. Where you belonged.
You couldn’t understand why when you first began to read the note your eyes filled with tears. This is what you were here for. You were supposed to turn on them.
You stare at the campus below you, eyes darting around in the dark. They would be here soon, and all you could think about was the looks on your friends- they aren’t your friends. The “heros” faces. How they would see their beloved (Y/N) standing next to Shigaraki, or Dabi, or Kurogiri, or even Toga.
It was unfortunate, really. You think back to the day you first showed the UA students your quirk. Being able to make any one person see their worst nightmare really did things to people. You weren’t allowed to participate in the Sports Festival. The only training you could participate in was physical, with there being no safe way to strengthen your quirk. There are too many terrible psychological affects. Kirishima thought it was manly, and Midoriya wanted to know everything, dedicating quite a few pages in his notebook to you and what you could do.
Your vision blurred with tears, and you hissed at yourself, finally accepting your fate. You loved these people already, like it or not. A sob escaped as the angry tears fell. You were angry with yourself. You were angry with them. How could you let this happen?!
As your chest tightens and you try to quiet your sobs, you begin to feel like your underwater. The thunder is muffled as you attempt to make your way to your bed. Your knees buckle and you fall to the ground, the crumpled note sitting in front of you. You can see parts of the code you had made out that confirmed their arrival time, only a few moments from now, and you start to feel numb.
The carved word ‘villain’ burns on your arm, almost like a fresh tattoo. It’s all in your mind, these emotions. You didn’t care for these people. You just got too into the acting.
Forcing your tears to a stop, you grab the note from the ground and rise to your feet, glaring at the door as you hear the quiet chatter of your former classmates in the common room. They were stupid. Stupid to fall for your act. You were the traitor all along. No one would dare suspect little innocent (Y/N).
For a moment- only a moment- you consider running to them. Telling them everything so they’d have a chance. But those feelings would pass once they look at you like you were the devil. You couldn’t tell them. You’d be in trouble with them, and the LoV. It was stupid to even think of it.
Your eyes scan the dorm they helped you decorate, little pieces of everyone here and there. Things people had left in your room from earlier on the day. Ashido’s sweater left tied around one of the notches on your wooden bed frame. One of Midoriya’s many pencils left behind on your desk. Your T.V. was still lit up with the game you had been playing with Kaminari hours ago. A movie Kirishima had let you borrow lay next to your game console. You hadn’t gotten to watch it yet.
Your eyes flash to the clock, noticing you had approximately a minute and thirty seconds.
Before you can think about it your legs take off, propelling you towards the door. Tears fill your eyes again as you run down the hall to where your classmates- your friends- laugh. You felt bad for ruining it.
One minute and 15 seconds.
You throw your door open, not bothering to close it behind you and push your legs faster, your tears fall.
One minute.
When they finally come into your view you yell out for them. Their heads turn, the concern for you evident on their faces. Bakugo and Midoriya stand, as well as a few others.
Forty-five seconds.
Their voices overlap each other’s, desperate to know what was wrong as you continue to run, hearing noise behind you. They had arrived early.
Time was up.
There was only one word you could think of.
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