Finally, GitHub for lesbians
687 posts
21 | I am beyond the power of words to describe. I have the grace of a monster truck and the subtlety of a second monster truck. Names may be used, but none will be the truth. The Babydog that can be named is not the absolute Babydog. If you name me anyway, I'll love you forever.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
stekken 6 days ago
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im about to start screaming
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stekken 9 days ago
help a trans girl pay rent so she and 4 partners can stay housed? 馃┑
sorry my other posts got a little overwhelming the main thing is rent. we need 500 usd at the very least. thats not even addressing our other bills.
anything helps 馃挌
k0-fi softsleepyselkie 馃┑
v3nmo selkieslime 馃┑
c@shapp $SelkieSlime 馃┑
$355/500 !!! 馃挌
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stekken 11 days ago
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Things worn down by people.
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stekken 11 days ago
there鈥檚 so much crazy shit u can do to an egg
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stekken 15 days ago
Girl wearing a collar and leash with a big orange vest that reads "Therapy Dog" cheerfully ordering two cheeseburgers for herself and the socially anxious girl holding the other end of the leash
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stekken 16 days ago
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stekken 17 days ago
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stekken 17 days ago
"I think it might be well to take good care of our departed friend's mount, since he evidently prized her so highly." He sent two men to the pasture with instructions to rope the mare and put her in the strongest stall of his own stable. But the men had not yet reached the pasture gate when the white mare jumped the fence and was gone into the night like a falling star. The two men stood where they were for a time, not heeding the Mayor's commands to come back; and neither ever said, even to the other, why he stared after the magician's mare so long. But now and then after that, they laughed with wonder in the middle of very serious events, and so came to be considered frivolous sorts.
I imagine this quote from The Last Unicorn is how having had sex with an elf would show
Some of you have never had sex with an elf and it shows
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stekken 18 days ago
I say shit like "If my memory serves me" knowing damn well it serves the dark lord
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stekken 18 days ago
someone kiss me dammit! fuck!
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stekken 18 days ago
gooodbyee 200 dollars helloo piece of pleastic
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stekken 18 days ago
today i ran barefoot down the middle of the highway into oncoming traffic to scoop this thing
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stekken 18 days ago
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stekken 18 days ago
would be fun if for once characters in a scifi story landed on a planet and it was like desert or whatever and theyre like ooh... a desert world.... and the people who live there are like what? no? this is just a desert. planets are very big. they have multiple biomes
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stekken 18 days ago
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stekken 18 days ago
for sale ogre club never swung
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stekken 18 days ago
Literally every single Neuroscience guy I listen to on audiobooks and podcasts: Multitasking is a lie. You are not more efficient. You're just rapidly switching between tasks and doing all of them slower but your brain is tricking itself into thinking it's more efficient because you get a little dopamine reward when you activate the 'change task' neurons. And you're burning up way more glucose in the process, leaving you more tired with less done. STOP MULTITASKING. JUST DO ONE THING. PLEASE IT'S ONLY WORSENING YOUR ATTENTION SPAN. WE'RE BEGGING YOU, PLEA--
My ADHD: Don't listen to them, babydoll. You are sooooooo efficient and attractive. Whoop. You got an email. Whoop you got a text. Whoop you got a blog ask. WOW look at all the tabs open on this window. Do you even remember what they're all for? Better look through them and close the ones you're not using because you're soooo sexy and efficient. Whoop, email again.
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