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“So, doc, you tell me. What’s the prognosis? Am I me or not?”
A rhetorical question, he felt, all things considered. He knew he was him. With welds on injuries he distinctly remembered Ratchet repairing. But here he was, with no clear answer to what had happened, why no one remembered him making out of the cave… and moreover whhy everyone apparently seemed to think he was dead.
“Because contrary to what everyone keeps saying, I know I’m me. And at this point, I’m tired of bein’ run around.”
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Ratchet sighed and rubbed at his optics.. he could understand where the mech -- Cliffjumper -- was coming from, but at the same time it didn’t seem to really register that something was terribly wrong. Or it did and the mech was clearly in denial about it all. Another sigh and he looked back at his equipment for a second, placing a servo on it.. not really wanting to face him.
“ You are you, Cliffjumper.. but, at the same time, you aren’t. It seems that you somehow... Primus, I don’t even.. ” he sighed and collected his thoughts before continuing, “ The Cliffjumper that everyone else is comparing to you... he is dead. We all saw it with our own optics.. Then you came into our lives and -- no one knows what to think.. ”
He turned his attention back to Cliff,
“ But, you are Cliffjumper -- a, Cliffjumper. What everyone else says doesn’t matter, especially if they’re trying to say that you aren’t. ”
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"I doubt you can sing any better than me." He grunted hopping onto the examine table, covered in energon. "Optimus fears there might be something wrong with me because I slipped in some energon."
“ Probably something wrong with youroptics then,considering you didn’t seethe neon blueright in front of you. ”
There’s a soft smirk on Ratchet’s lip-plates as he starts wiping the energon off of Wolffe’s face with a clean rag from nearby as well as starting to prod around on his frame to see if there were any places the younger mech could’ve actually hurt himself while falling.
“ You need to washright after I clear youfor any injuries,understood? ”
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Doctor, doctor give me the news. I got a bad case of loving you.
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“ Is this some kind ofhuman disease..or a song,considering how yousung it.
Or tried to, at least. ”
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{{ Okay, so, new blog to add to my ever growing list of blogs I have to manage and create a schedule for: @snowshxdow! He is an old OC and I was last on him two years ago, but he has returned to me!! I’ll be tending to him for the next few days, so feel free to go and say hi to the grump~ 
{ also, as always, plz read rules and about before interacting! He’s going through a revamp, so its possible that the rules will be changing a bit } }}
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No, he was totally not hiding from his dad to avoid his check up. Nope, not no way, not no how. He pressed his tiny form against the wall, audials pinning back against his helm.
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Ratchet could only sigh as he made a mental check-list of the equipment that he needed to preform the necessary check-up his son needed. He’d been caring for Wolffe for years now, since he had first adopted him back during the war -- and he still refused his routine check-ups to this day.
“ Wolffe – just how many timesdo I need to say this?It doesn’t hurt andits nothing to be afraid of.Or are you hiding something? ”
He was pretty sure that Wolffe was in top shape, considering he was not only his adoptive Sire, but his medical official as well.
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[This user believes platonic love is just as important as romantic love.]
for anon
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//*whispers* I'm laughing to hard to spell anything correctly, so I appolgize a head of time. But two things. I got this feeling that Will is gonna end up falling in love with all four of your TF muses and it kind of sounds like a game called "Who is the colonel gonna romance next?" and the other thing I was thinking that Ratchet was the one who helped bring Mech! Will/Wolffe into the world as a sparkling, Ratchet was the first one to hold him and Will kicked him in the face with his little ped.
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[ *whispers back* technically I have six TF muses, but Omg you are so right!! Though, I say to let Will fall as he wants~ considering how Bee and him are and also the possibility of early-in-the-relationship-marriage between Laurel and him! Just… I love Will’s relationships with all my muses!! And I accept this – Wolffe is Ratchet’s child of sorts, adopted, whatever you wanna call him. That boi is Ratchet’s charge. But he will never forget that ped to the face. ]
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//hihi pollinator, great work on the Ratchet blog looks great =w=\\
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[ Thank you so much!! He’s still a work in progress as I have some big plans for the future in terms of theme and icon wise… But, seriously, thank you. I love my grumpy medic and wanna give him the best ~ ]
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"You’re a real hero"
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This caught the medic off guard as he never considered himself a hero – just doing what he knew and doing it to the best of his ability. He never considered that his practices would make him a hero…
“ No, I am no hero.That would be Optimus,or one of the others. ”
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[ In Depth | @commanderultramango | accepting ]
♥ : Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise.
He is very hypocritical when it comes to self care and has an extreamly difficult time accepting help or any form of failure - no matter how small it may seem
One thing that he absolutely despises about his emotions is that he has an insanely difficult time accepting the help of others or accepting the fact that he is allowed to be wrong and make a mistake here and there. He feels it is pretty much entirely his duty to take care of everyone and even the slightest error to him, which might not be that big of a deal for others, could mean life or death.
He is also very sacrificial in terms of himself and what he needs to survive – thus kind of making him a hypocrite of sorts. He will get angry at others for not taking care of themselves properly and will do everything he can to make sure they’re at their peaks even if that means putting himself on the line health and energy-wise.
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☂, ✏ and ✉
[ In Depth | @soaringsxlo | accepting ]
☂ : Storms or clear skies?
In most cases, he prefers to work while there is a slight storm outside. The pattering of the rain gives him a sense of home as he is reminded of the rain back on Cybertron that he could hear within his medical offices before everything went to scrap.
Other than that, he really doesn’t care if its storming or not..
✏ : What are their creative outlets?
Back before the war, he would dabble in art - sketches of anatomy and other medical things.. and sometimes whatever happened to be on his processor at the time. Now, however, his outlets would be more geared to the scientific and helpful to the team as a whole.
As the team’s only medic and scientist, he feels it a waste of time for him to have any simple outlets that don’t have any benefits to them.
✉ : Do they tend to rely on words or actions more?
Actions for Ratchet speak as loud as, well, the loudest thing ever. Of all time. It is far easier to calculate and assume how one is going to act or is even speaking through their frame-language (body-language) than it is to just hear it in their voice, though he can easily do that too...
Actions, however, speak far louder than words.
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In Depth Headcanon Prompts;
☠ : Are there any recent/daily thoughts they have about death or dying? ☯ : Do they believe for every darkness there is a lightness? If not, why? ♥ : Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise. ☆ : Would they ever wish upon a falling star? If so, what would they wish? ☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day. ☂ : Storms or clear skies? εжз : What about nature do they find calming? What about nature do they find disagreeable? ☎ : List three or more people they would call out for during an emergency. ☛ : What is their typical response to being given orders? ☢ : Describe a thought or dream that would cause them to have a mental meltdown. ✄ : Are there any reasons why they would ever think of self-harm? If so, what are they? ❤ : Describe a physical action that shows complete trust. ❥ : Describe a verbal way they would express complete trust. ✗ : Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike. ⊗ : What is something that causes them to question themself? ☾ : On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing? ☤ : Is there anything about their health they are continuously on edge about? Something they disregard? ✓ : Name at least two people who can trust them with their life. ❣: Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them. ✖ : Describe a way to make them uneasy or apprehensive. ♆ : Are they prone to violent outbursts or thoughts? ✏ : What are their creative outlets? ✉ : Do they tend to rely on words or actions more? ♡ : Is there a certain scent that brings about nostalgia? If so, describe a memory this scent brings back. ۞: Are there any inner demons they can never seem to get rid of? What are they?
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never tell him your name remember: you’re human Gods don’t worship the mortals.
for @ibuzoo‘s june challenge; inspired by this post.
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💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy?
[ Love & Romance Headcanons | anonymous | accepting ]
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy?
For the most part, it is rather difficult for him to become jealous as he doesn’t feel any need to become jealous of anything or anyone and its simply a waste of energy to be so. If he was ever to get jealous, it would probably be something actually worth getting at least a little jealous over.. something like the enemy having better equipment or a better supply of energon to help their own.
But, other than that, no - Ratchet doesn’t get jealous easily [ unless its someone he really really likes, then its a big fat maybe ]
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☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆          Love and Romance
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened. 
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not? 
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts? 
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with? 
❤️ = Does your muse focus on one person, or do they like to go and date as many people as possible?
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy? 
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in? 
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both? 
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date? 
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates? 
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
💗 = Would your muse prefer a large, public proposal, or do they prefer a small, private one? 
💵 = Is money an important factor to consider when dating? Does your muse prefer rich partners? 
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring? 
💍 = Big or small wedding? 
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
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