l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
"Oh! You're adopted? That's so cool!"
It is really just not on so many levels. So when you don't know what to say when I tell you I am adopted, just say, "I'm sorry for your loss."
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
I'll never know my true birthday
I'll never know if I was born in a hospital or not
I'll never know my biological family
I feel like I don't fit in anywhere or with anyone
I get awkward questions
People use the term "real parents"
I miss my birth family even though I never knew them
I don't feel like I'm Asian
It is hard to trust others and open up to them
Everyone knows I am adopted because I look different from my parents
Those who don't know I am adopted are surprised when they see what my parents look like
I have a feeling of needing to be perfect
I wonder what my life would have been like if I wasn't adopted
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
Check out Being Adopted Means (@Being_Adopted): https://twitter.com/Being_Adopted?s=09
Great stuff here! Tweet or post with this hashtag: #BeingAdoptedMeans
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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To my Biological Father,
Today is Father's Day. As adoptee, today is tough. I can't wish you a Happy Father's Day because I don't you. Even if I did, I don't know if I could. This day brings up feelings that I would prefer to stay buried deep inside. I can't even begin to describe how I feel. Hurt and angry, that you gave me up. Sad, because I don't know you.
I have so many questions. Do you even think of me? Do you regret your choice? Why? All I know is that I would rather know you than not know you.
Your Daughter
I am lucky enough to have a wonderful adoptive father. The circumstances that led me to meet him were not great at all, but I am so lucky to know him. I know some adoptees don't have good relationships with their adopted fathers. I hope no matter what situation you are in, you have some male role model in your life.
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
How can you miss someone you've never met?
I don't know. But all I know is that I can miss someone I've never met.
Infants are better. They don’t remember.
I got a message that made me upset. It basically says infants don’t remember anything. Adopted kids adopted as infants only see their adoptive parents as their parents. They don’t miss their birth family because they don’t know them. So why am I upset? Wow!!!!
I was adopted as an infant. I don’t know my birth family. I don’t remember anything but my adoptive family. However, I do miss my birth family. Yes my adoptive parents are the only parents I know. But why can’t I cry and be sad over my birth family? My birth mom gave me away. That’s sad right? I might not remember but I do wonder. I do miss my birth family. I do think about them. So please stop saying just because I was adopted as an infant I shouldn’t be sad or speak about my birth family.
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
How I Feel About Gotcha-Days
My sisters gotcha day, or as in our family it is called family day, was recently. It's hard to listen to my parents tell my sister that they are glad to have her in their family. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister with my heart and I would never not want her in my family. But what my parents did not acknowledge that day was the pain and loss of being abandoned my your parents. And that hurts, even if it wasn't my family day.
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
Just an interesting thread I found on Twitter
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
I hate how for me, a transracial adoptee, that it's obvious that I was adopted. I hate people knowing that very important information about me, when I haven't shared that information yet. I would like to be in control of who knows that I am adopted. I don't want some people knowing that I am adopted, but just by looking at my family and I they can tell.
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
Dear Adopted Kids:
You are awesome. Sometimes you don’t get the recognition you deserve or people make supid jokes about “shady” adopted kids or use adopted as an insult but you are still awesome and they don’t understand. You have the coolest backstory ever and you’re already emotionally stronger than most people! It may seem weird or annoying at times when people are all like “wait, you’re adopted???” and you’ve gotta explain but you pretty much have an opportunity to tell them about how cool your backstory is. Or if you don’t feel like it then you don’t have to tell! It’s your story and you can decide who hears it! Don’t let ignorant people tear you down for something that they don’t understand! Bottom line is you’re a warrior, the queen/king, and comepletely and utterly amazing! Have a lovely day now!
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l0vingl1fe1 · 5 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 6 years
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l0vingl1fe1 · 6 years
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