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Writer and Poet @ WelcomeToTheGrit.comshe/her Queer/BiFighting for hope and healing through my writing.Active ally for LGBTQQIP2SAA folks, mental health consumers, the disabled community, and other minorities.white privileged
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stealthwarriormoon · 3 days ago
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stealthwarriormoon · 5 days ago
Glittering ocean, glittering sky, glittering moon. Find your shine, the jewels that are inside that just need a little illumination to shine like the stars. We are the stars, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant. Each and every sparkle matters. Find your inner sparkle! -EM
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stealthwarriormoon · 5 days ago
In the dark deep halls of my inner being, there are shadows, there is dust, there are subtle hues and dimmed light. There are staircases that lead to empty halls, halls that are filled with ancient dreams long since forgotten. But I like my haunted house, and I can visit these inner dimensions at any time. I can wander into the depths of my consciousness and honor my grief. We all have grief and deep sadness for the parts of ourselves that have been lost. But they are not lost, they are still there, in my inner haunted house. - Emily Moon
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Ludwig Rösch: Stephansdom, Pilgrim's Pulpit (1936)
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stealthwarriormoon · 5 days ago
We can find fairy tales inside of us. Dream big, dream soft. It is okay to be your gentle self. Perhaps it is in our dreams we can connect with our fine inner power. A power that culls the gentle essence of our dreams and manifests as pure magic. - Emily Moon
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'The Fairy of the Fountain' by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, (1888 - 1960)
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stealthwarriormoon · 9 days ago
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stealthwarriormoon · 9 days ago
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Maya Angelou by Jos Sances
American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist
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stealthwarriormoon · 9 days ago
Amazingly beautiful. The moon never ceases to amaze me.
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Red Moon Tree Dance
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stealthwarriormoon · 9 days ago
What an inspiration and story of strength and overcoming great odds. I’ve always believed our art should say something, change something, break through barriers. Our voices are voices for a reason. Don’t paint in pastels, paint in bright vivid colors… and say something that evokes positive change and lifts up the oppressed and beaten down.
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stealthwarriormoon · 10 days ago
In life it is really important to take care of ourselves first. For some of us more vanity and focus on self is good for us when we are prone to give of ourselves to excess. Know your limitations and set good boundaries with yourself and others. You first! - EM
“You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them… But still move on without them.”
— Mandy Hale
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stealthwarriormoon · 10 days ago
In order to heal, we must acknowledge and let go of our past. We cannot live peacefully and happily if we are lost in the past or pinning our focus on the future. In reality, neither the past or future exists. Healing trauma and resentments, gets us out of the past, and accepting today just for today and living in the moment keeps us from being lost in a future that does not exist. Be here now, love yourself, find serenity. You deserve it. - Emily Moon
“Our suffering is caused by holding on to how things might have been, should have been, could have been.”
— Stephen Levine
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stealthwarriormoon · 10 days ago
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'Winter Angel' by Kinuko Y. Craft
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stealthwarriormoon · 11 days ago
Living with mental illness is not easy, but if we take our meds, seek support, and know our own personal boundaries and limitations, we can live full and valuable lives. Know your worth, you deserve it!
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stealthwarriormoon · 13 days ago
There is so much beauty to behold on our planet. Trees and flowers can be reminders that beauty is important and transformative. If we can't make our way to be up close and personal with nature, we can revel in art and photography. Still, nothing quite compares to putting your feet on the moss, actually embracing or sitting beneath a tree, and bending down to smell the flowers. Be still, notice, take in the beauty. Then it will be easier to recognize the beauty within you. - Emily Moon
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by dutch_nature_photography
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stealthwarriormoon · 13 days ago
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Fall waters in Pennsylvania, US [1335x2000][OC] - Author: love0_0all on Reddit
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stealthwarriormoon · 13 days ago
Nature is healing. It is imperative that we find some green in order to heal, but living in an urban area can make this difficult. Spending time in parks or at a zoo or nature conservatory can become options for urban folks. Living in Seattle I had to break away to go camping on a regular basis to visit the rivers and mountains here in WA. Now I live on a beautiful rural island and am surrounded by beaches, trees and wildlife. This has added greatly to my recovery living with mental illness. Nature can become our community, as we can be witness to what lies inside of our hurt beings as we absorb and meld with the consciousness of the Earth. - Emily Moon
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stealthwarriormoon · 15 days ago
We are soft human beings in our nature. Nature to can be soft. We are also fierce warriors within, and nature too has her fierceness. But as the world thaws around us, and the birds start singing the songs of Spring, we can awaken further into natures softness and the inner softness of our own nature. Springtime offers an opportunity for inner growth and expansion. I hope you are able to find a soft place within in this coming season. - Emily Moon
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stealthwarriormoon · 16 days ago
In healing from addiction and mental illness, I have learned to practice solitude and being alone with my reality and suffering. I also have found community and companionship in recovery meetings. As I heal, I am able to just be and not feel ominous pressure to succeed or receive approval from others. I am learning to love and take care of myself, have good boundaries, be alone and content, be at peace with myself and not engage in using food, alcohol, relationships or sex as coping mechanisms. - Emily Moon
“Blessed are those who do not fear solitude, who are not afraid of their own company, who are not always desperately looking for something to do, something to amuse themselves with.”
— Paulo Coelho
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