stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 22nd
Do you think God is real?
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 27th again..
[i wrote a lot this day the text files are on carmen’s blog https://cbates.tumblr.com/ ]
Hunter is outside my house like right after I wrote that.. Damn he’s fucking impaitent. It’s 7AM rn. I guess we’re both skipping work today- Im fine with that. 
11AM- HI IM BACK AND A LOT OF SHIT HAPPENED. FUCK THIS FUCK THIS. Are the police in on this too? What the fuck happened to Carmen and what does Mary Baker have to do with this?
 -Bern W.
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 30th [archive]
I saw Gale but it was just their skin.I dont know what was inside but like it. It. I really dont want to talk about it. The Police found Billie in the dry cleaners and shot him. Thats what Hunter said. They covered it up, just like Gale’s mom setting the fire. My mom said Carmen Bates was found outside the highschool, mom says they’re letting visitors into his hospital room so me n hunter are gonna go before curfew ends. So this must mean Billie is lying. Trash Demon is running around skinning people? 
-Bernard Williams
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
july 31st.
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 27th
The building where the dry cleaners burned down is hiding something. Gale’s mom was trying to hide something. She’s missing too. I think the Dumpster Thing took her too. Jesus do we have some kind of fucking trash demon? Anyways me and Hunter are gonna go poke around tonight. -Bernard Williams
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 19th [archive]
Gale’s mom didn’t get hurt in the fire last night. Though when I went to the alley way to check, I saw her poking around in the dumpster. I don’t want to say anything but I think she started the fire. 
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 18th [archive]
Gale and I were supposed to go to the movies today.. I couldn't find them. I guess I should ask their mom but she's busy working at the dry cleaners. She doesn't like me very much, can't blame her. They aren't even answering their phone. I just hope they're okay.. Maybe I should check the alleyway tonight.
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 23rd [archive]
So Gale has been missing for like almost a week. I talked with Hunter today- Seems like the Police were watching his house last night. Curfew has been really rough on my mom. Most nights she’s staring at the TV listening to the press reports from the mayor and the chief of police. Shit is just not adding up. Gale wouldn’t just leave, and they’re starting to say it’s a runaway case. Please come home..  Hunter and I miss you 
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 30th 4PM [archive]
So just our luck. He doesn’t remember anything. Though we broke them out of the hospital and now we’re at their house. Carmen says the senior editor is really fucking crazy, especially since Mary disappeared. We told him our theories about the trash demon. He called us stupid. Carmen says he only remembers that he was walking home, then he woke up outside the highschool covered in blood. Also that the police offered him cash when he woke up after surgery and suggested “coming down for a chat”. Yeah. Uh to quote Carmen “ i’m not fucking getting filled with lead like the old man.”
Well thats that. I guess i’ll write more when curfew is over. 
- Bernard W.
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
The Garage
I have a bad feeling about the debate tonight. Hunter is staying at my place. The Police are still watching him. I kinda think they know we know. I’m gonna stay home, but my moms gonna go. There is something that’s making noise in the garage. Probably the cats but I’m gonna go check. - B.W
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 2nd [archive]
I saw something outside the dumpster. I ran away before it saw me but there was a really bad smell. 
I should tell Hunter about it. 
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
what’s this?
me recovering my old journal posts. im losing shit and stuff is going missing. i think its that psycho bitch running the paper. 
she only types in wingdings. 
also the bitch threatened my mom
carmen is keeping up on stuff but like i’ll make sure to put my opinions here.
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
How are 25 People missing and no one is saying anything about it, there are only 6,000 people in this fucking nightmare town. 25 PEOPLE
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stbernardwilliams · 2 years
July 10th [archive]
More people are missing and no one will say anything about it. I keep seeing that dumpster creature in my dreams. The newspaper is kinda weird as well.. they boarded up their windows and No one really enters or exits. I dont know Gale and I have tried to look inside but it's weird. People are starting to notice, everything is closing early and there are a couple things on facebook. Though, the mothers are blaming it on coyote sightings. Whatever. I hate that I just have to spend my summers here again. Hopefully Gale and I can sneak off and go Skinny dipping in the quarry. 
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