starker-endgame · 3 years
Love the movie, hate the ending (peter deserves better!!)
This is so true! Our poor boy. It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out in the long run!
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starker-endgame · 3 years
So, how about that No Way Home movie.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
Just wondering if you are fine writing penny parker x tony stark request
I am!! That’s totally fine!
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starker-endgame · 5 years
Bringing my best piece of work back.
This is a little thing I wrote based off of this post!
Notes: Peter is a botanist and Tony is a tattoo artist!
Word Count: 1.6k
Request prompts here!
Tony Stark was blown away when the bell above the door to his tattoo parlour rang and his eyes landed on the most breathtaking boy he has ever seen. He rushed up to his feet and stared at the boy with curious eyes. He didn’t look like the type to be in here– with his fluffy brown hair and overalls on. No, definitely not the type. But Tony would be glad to help him in any way he could.
“Interested in a tattoo? Piercing?” Tony said, causing the boy to look over at where Tony was standing. Wow, he has the most beautiful brown eyes, Tony thought to himself.
“No, I’m interested in this plant,” the boy said and pointed to the plant that was sitting in the windowsill. Tony watched as the boy moved smoothly over to the plant, reaching his hand out to stroke a leaf with nimble fingers. “This is an aluminum plant. Very beautiful. Although, it seems as if you’re under-watering it.” The boy said sadly, glancing over his shoulder at Tony. “You need to take better care of her.”
“Her?” Tony asked, very amused. The boy just nodded and began making his way back to the door.
“Thank you for letting me see your plant,” the boy said, as if Tony actually gave him permission. “I hope you decide to take better care of her. If not, I will gladly take her.” He said with a grin.
“Well, then, how about you give me your number? Just in case,” Tony said, a weak excuse to try and see this boy again. “I don’t want to let you down,” he said playfully.
The boy walked over, taking a pen and the notepad that was placed on Tony’s desk before scribbling down numbers. He handed it to Tony, in which he took gratefully. 
“Please, do text me if you need help with taking care of her.” And with that, the boy was already making his way out of the tattoo parlour, leaving Tony standing in pure amusement. He looked down at the note, and grinned when he saw the number written down along with a Peter Parker♥.
Tony gave it three days before he finally decided to text Peter.
“Hey, Peter. This is Tony Stark, from the tattoo parlour,” Tony texted and was immediately rewarded with a response. 
“Hey, Tony!! Decided you need my help after all?” And, yeah, Tony could use his help. Anything to get to see this boy again.
“How’d you know?” He sent, a goofy smile playing on his lips. And damn anyone who saw him like this.
They texted on for a while, and eventually Peter texted him an address to his… floral shop? Of course this boy would own a fucking floral shoppe. Tony was not surprised at all. The boy told him to bring his plant and that he would teach him how to take care of her. 
That’s how Tony Stark found himself holding a plant and walking the couple blocks to Peter Parker’s floral shoppe. He must’ve looked crazy to others that he passed– it’s not every day you see a man with sleeves of tattoos and nose piercings walking down the street holding a fucking potted plant. But Tony would do anything to see this boy again.
And now it was Tony’s turn to walk through the door and signal the bell above it, and he was instantly hit with the smell of flowers and… vanilla? Strange.
“Coming!” A familiar voice shouted, and then the sound of rustling leaves was heard throughout the small shop. And before Tony knew it, Peter Parker was standing in front on him; dressed in a cute little apron and glasses perched on his nose. 
“You made it!” Peter said happily, his voice noticeable going up an octave with excitement. “Ooh! And you brought your plant!” 
Tony chuckled a bit and allowed Peter to take the plant from his hands. They went over to Peter’s counter top, and that’s where it began. Peter slowly went through the process of teaching Tony how to care for this plant– when he should water it, when he should change the pot, how much sunlight it should be receiving, and so on. 
And Tony couldn’t help but notice the certificate hanging right behind the counter. It read that the certificate was for Peter Parker, and then the word botanist caught his attention. So this wasn’t a floral shoppe… this was Peter Parker’s fucking lab where he studied all of these plants.
And there were so many. So many different colours, different species. And Tony Stark didn’t know a single fucking one.
“Tony? Hello, Earth to Tony?” The boy said softly, waving a small hand in front of Tony’s face. Tony blinked slowly, and then turned his attention back to the boy in front of him.
“I’m sorry, just got… distracted by all of these plants.” He admitted sheepishly, and Peter just giggled with a ‘don’t worry about it, it happens a lot.’ 
“Let me show you a couple,” Peter offered and walked around the counter, taking Tony’s hand in his own and leading him towards the back. “These ones back here are my favourites, but please, don’t tell the others.” And the way he said it was so innocent; so sincere, that it made Tony’s knees weak. 
What the fuck was this boy doing to him? This was not the Tony Stark everyone knew him to be. But, hell, he let the boy lead him and show him all the plants he wanted to.
“This one is a strelitzia,” Peter said softly, pointing to a weird plant. “It’s my favourite, look how pretty!” Peter said excitedly. “It looks like little birds or on it, and that’s where it gets it’s nickname: bird-of-paradise.” He continued to talk about the plant, gesturing to it so that Tony could take it all in. However, Tony couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from the boy.
He seemed so happy talking about the plants he loved… He seemed so at home. And that made Tony’s heart flutter. 
Peter showed him a couple more plants before they made their way back to the front door. It was getting late out and it was already dark outside, and that’s when Tony decided he had overstayed his welcome here.
The two boys kept in contact for months. They no longer just talked about plants or about Tony’s job as a tattoo artist, but moved to more personal conversations about how their days went and general conversations. The pair even went on dates together to little coffee shops Peter found around New York City because “they have the cutest plants in there!” 
Tony was finishing up sketching a tattoo out for his next customer for the next day when the bell signalled again, and Tony’s eyes glanced up to see Peter standing there with a shy smile on his face.
“Hey, Pete. Everything okay?” Tony asked, worry hinting in his voice as Peter walked over to the desk. On any usual day when Peter comes to visit him at the parlour, he would immediately go to check on the plant– whom they now named Lilly– but when he came straight to Tony, the taller man knew something was up.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s okay. I just… I was thinking.” Peter said, and then a bigger smile broke out on his pink lips. Tony arched a curious eyebrow as he sat his pencil down and gave his full attention to the smaller lad.
“Go on.” 
“I want you to give me a tattoo.” Peter said with a soft giggle and Tony’s jaw about dropped.
“You’re serious?” He asked, standing up and walking over to Peter. The boy stared up at him and nodded his head, handing over a piece of paper with a tiny sketch on it.
“I’m serious.”
“Ouch, Tee!” Peter hissed out, wincing as the needles punctured his skin. Tony looked up at the boy with apologetic eyes, a sorry smile on his lips as he mumbles out a ‘sorry, lovely, I can’t help it.’
Peter bit his lip, holding onto the sides of the chair as Tony continued to do his job. And then, minutes later, the pain stopped and Tony took a paper towel; wiping off the extra ink that was on the boy’s skin. 
“It’s done.” Tony said, grinning up at the boy. “Want to see?” And Peter nodded his head quickly, letting Tony help him up out of the chair and leading him over to the body mirror. Peter turned his ankle to the mirror and gasped quietly, looking at the tattoo before looking at Tony with bright eyes that were filled with… admiration? Wonder? Love?
“Oh my goodness, Tee… It’s perfect!” Peter squealed. “I could kiss you right now!” 
And that made Tony’s eyes widen. Did he hear him right? He must have, because Peter was now covering his mouth and there was a light blush spreading over his freckled cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Tony! I didn’t–” 
“Then do it.” 
And Peter removed his hand from over his mouth, staring up at Tony for another moment before inching forward, standing up on his tiptoes to place his hands on Tony’s shoulders.
Tony’s breath hitched a bit because this is what he’s been waiting for. Ever since he first saw this beautiful boy walk into his shop. Tony’s hands went to cup Peter’s cheeks, pulling his face towards his own until they were only inches apart.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” Tony admitted before closing the distance between them in a gentle, yet passionate, kiss.
Opposites really do attract, they both thought as their lips moved in sync.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
Hey, all. I want to apologise to everyone for the loooong hiatus that I ended up going on. I was very mentally unstable and ended up staying in a hospital for a bit. But now, I’m feeling so much better mentally, physically, and emotionally!
That being said, I’m ready to start writing about my two favourite boys again! Please do send me in any starker prompts you may have! I’m usually pretty open to writing anything! Thank you for your support and I can’t wait to write for you guys again!
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starker-endgame · 5 years
I whole ass cried in the beginning of your trans!Peter fic,,,,,, it was so well written props for the research too that was amazing
Ahh, thank you! It means a lot to me that you liked it! I tried to research it as much as I could and make it as accurate as possible. Again, thank you! x
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starker-endgame · 5 years
oh YES please tag if you continue ❤️
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Psychiatrist! Tony Stark x Patient! Peter Parker
[ warning for gore, sexual abuse, noncon, and overall human cruelty ]
Tony has read the boy’s files, and it’s almost unbelievable how such a sweet face could commit such an atrocity. But he knows better than to judge faces — even the prettiest have ugly minds and it truly is a shame for Parker’s case. He could have had the perfect life with his transcripts, could have gotten himself a Harvard degree and an honest wife (something he almost had, Tony thinks cynically). If it weren’t for his stabbing-a-classmate-to-death fiasco at Midtown, Peter certainly would have it all. He goes through the list of symptoms; it’s everything he’s seen before but the lengthy abundance would worry any psychiatrist. He looks at his patient’s background — now it’s making sense, with all the tragedies Poor Parker has gone trough, it’s fair that his mind would descent to such levels. The death of his parental figures, the constant bullying, the sexual abuse — no wonder the boy just snapped.
He almost pities him, but the thought of seeing the boy break further is ravishing.
He hears a knock at his door and raises his head from the clipboard. “Come in,” he orders.
The security in scrubs bring in a cuffed Peter, whose skin is glistening with sweat and face red from struggling against the burly men. His nightgown is pulled down, showing off his pale shoulder and collarbones.
Tony’s eyes narrow at hand-shaped bruises around Peter’s neck. It suits him the way a beautiful woman wears a diamond necklace — it’s lovely.
“Hello, I am Mr. Stark, your new psychiatrist. But you can call me Tony.”
Peter looks at the hand offered to him. He doesn’t speak, nor take it.
‘That’s fine. I’ll make him to come me sooner or later,’ Tony thinks with a smile.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
so i got my first message today of someone telling me i’m one of their favourite authors... i’m so happy and it gives me more motivation to write!! ahh, it made my whole day so much better. ❤️
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starker-endgame · 5 years
AHEM, *asks in offered bbq shapes* - you also australian?
I AM YES 🙏🏽 SA proud!!
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starker-endgame · 5 years
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Starker Bingo Fill - “Stocking Kink”
[Warning: Feminization, NSFW. Bingo card below the cut. @starkerbingo]
It started with just panties. One white pair, soft and thin cotton that hugged Peter’s ass and accentuated his pretty, petite cock. After Tony reacted more than enthusiastically in the bedroom, he decided to get more of the “feminine” lingerie that made him feel.. gorgeous.
Now, he lays lazily on their bed, thin dress only barely covering the lace panties below. White stockings, topped with delicate frills and a pink bow come up to the middle of his slender thighs, sheer fabric smooth against the pale flesh underneath. His fingers, tipped with pink nails, tapped away at his phone, texting a certain “💕💕 Mr. Stark 💕💕.”
> When are you coming home?
- Soon, babydoll.
> Come faster.
Keep reading
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starker-endgame · 5 years
“peter has a thing for nicknames” prompt (so tumblr deleted my post idk why but here i am again.)
It was in the start of July when Peter realized something. He called Ned first thing, not bothering to hide it. Ned said he expected as much, so Peter moved to MJ, trying to maybe hope he wasn't as obvious as Ned said he was....and that was quickly reaffirmed, blunt and straight, and MJ hung up on him when he further tried to deny it. See, Peter didn't have a problem telling his two best friends he had a thing for him—he just didn't want to believe he had thing for so long.
Peter entered the lab slowly, nervous but tried the cool, professional approach. He tucked a lock of his chestnut curls behind his ear before setting in a placid expression. Tony wasn't here yet already working, which was odd, to say the least.
“Where is he?” He asked quietly.
“Tony will be arriving in less than ten seconds, Peter.” Friday spoke.
“Yeah, I’m here, kid.” Tony walked up behind him, strong hands easy on his waist. Peter jumped, a high sound flying out of his mouth and Tony pulled him closer, now looking at him weirdly. “Are you good? Did I really scare you?”
Peter shook his head, eyes wide. “I didn't think, you'd, uh, be coming from that way.”
“Oh.” Tony was moving from him, his Henley sweater half-on exposing a slightly wet set of abs. Peter stared, trying hard not to. “I was just doing some workouts at the new gym downstairs. Made a EMS thingamajig, even though I don't believe in the damn things but let's see. I am feeling kinda different, maybe you try it, kid, tell me how it feels for you.”
Peter watched as a lone drop of water clung on Tony’s abs. He licked his lips just as Tony brought the shirt down, absently, and begin configuring something on the holo screen. “Sweetheart, can you do something for me?” Tony asked.
Peter raised his brows. Sweetheart?
“I need you to grab me a couple of documents I left by the stairs.” Tony met his eyes with a smile and Peter blinked at him. You just called me, sweetheart.
“Uh, sure, Mr. Stark.”
When Peter came back, still reeling and beet-red, Tony didn't comment on it. “Thanks, baby. There's some lemonade I brought up here for us by the way. If you're thirsty.”
Peter tried not to go into cardiac-arrest? He felt his nipples get a little hard because it was cold in the lab, but also Tony came up close, reaching behind him for a glass and Peter felt him, smelled him, Jesus, Peter wanted to cling on him. He felt lightheaded.
“I’m—I’m good,” he breathed, avoiding Tony’s eyes, “I’ve been on a water only thing. Like you recommended, Mr. Stark.”
“Sweetheart.” Peter had no choice but look into his warm eyes. There he was, saying it again. Tony was chuckling softly, still holding out the drink. “I personally made it, so I’m kind of feeling offended here, okay? Newsflash: I don't do this sort of thing often, so here. I recommend drinking some of my homemade lemonade. How’s that?”
It took Peter a lot of self control to smile and not lean in, mewl into him like the bottom he was.“That's good. Thanks.” He gingerly accepted the drink and Tony nodded, ruffling his hair. Once again, Peter was reminded on how hard his nipples were and how the white crewneck didn't help.
“You're so cute, Pete.” Tony looked relieved. Pete nearly choked on the drink, expression frenzied. “And you’re a good kid. Got a date this summer?”
Peter set the glass down, wiping his lips with his wrist. The sting of the lemonade burned the back of his throat. “No, not really. Don't want one,” he cleared his throat and Tony wasn't even paying attention—he was on that holo screen again, adding plans to a new suit, “And nobody likes me, so. Yeah.”
Tony threw him a glare. “Watch that pretty mouth.”
Peter looked at him in shock. “Wha—um, I’m sorry, Mr. Stark?”
“You know you're cute, you got the hot nerd that works out thing all down—chicks dig that, right? Boys too.” Tony added as Peter parted his lips. “Why are you looking at me like I’m asking for the suit back?”
Was that really a question? What was going on with Mr. Stark today? Peter shook his head, somewhat desperate, “Because...I don't know. You're being like, really nice today? In a weird way, can I be honest? I don't know what to think of it.”
“Me? Being weird?” Tony grumbled. “I’m wounded. It's like you know me a bit too much.” Peter could only stare, trying to figure it out, but Tony was already walking to him. “I guess you could say I feel good today, kid. Sorry, am I being too...?” He gestured weirdly.
Peter squinted at him, hesitant. “You're not being too anything—“
“Don't lie.” Tony quipped. Peter ended up nodding hurriedly.
“Okay, yeah, no, you're being kinda weird. It's, um.” Peter bit his lip, peeking at Tony through his fringe, to which Tony then ran his hand through, slicking it all back. Wow. Peter dropped his eyes, suddenly shy. And overexposed.
“What? I couldn't see your face, sweetheart.”
“Nothing, um. Can we just,” Peter looked around the lab, trying to find anything to save him. He felt his cock begin to grow slightly at Tony’s proximity and undivided attention, and he might faint at this point. “Can we add the new thrusters I was telling you about, for your new suit?”
“I got a better idea, and before you judge me, I’ll just show it you and you tell me what you think then. Whatcha say, kid?” Tony threw him a saucy grin, dimples and crows feet and Peter couldn't help his weak smile.
“Okay, I mean. Anything's cool that you do, Mr. Stark.”
“Not true, but thanks, baby. Now, close your eyes.” Tony said it so calmly and Peter did it without processing. His stomach began somersaults in seconds.
“Mr. Stark?” He poked a nervous tongue through his pink lips. “Is it something audio sensory—“
Suddenly, Tony was kissing at his neck, plush lips wetting him and the scruff of his goatee brushing him. Peter’s eyes flew open, white hot fire flashing through his small body, reacting to Tony’s warm mouth on his skin. He felt his cock already begin to thrum and he squeezed his thighs together. “Mr. Stark—what, ah—“
“Shh, baby boy. Just tryna see something...” Body pulsing in anticipation as Tony continued sucking, Peter could only nod in response to that (“Baby boy,”) as his lips trembled and legs shook, and he couldn't—God, he had to—his breathing picked up fast and high, he was trying so hard not to moan, but it felt so good, and he didn't even know what was happening, why it was happening. Peter swallowed back the moan knotting his throat as Tony put a hand at the back of his waist, bringing his body closer.
“Okay—okay, wait, Mr. Stark?” Peter stammered, eyes wet. “I—I don’t—Why? What's—“
“I found out today that you like nicknames.” Tony moved away to smile cheekily and Peter searched his eyes, still breathing heavily. “Figured that would do the trick, and well, damnit, I gotta say I was right. Thank God.”
Peter looked on helplessly as he felt his precum begin to leak. The denim jeans he had on hid his hard-on too well. “I really don't know what just happened? Do...do you like me?”
“Do I like you?” Tony moved his face close to his, lowering his voice. “Kid, seriously?”
Peter could only nod, plump pink lip trembling. “‘Cause—I mean, well, I like you. A lot, like very, very much and, um—is this a dream?”
Tony looked at him endearingly. “No, sweetheart. I’m here, this is real.”
“For the record, I kinda already knew that you liked me. That's why I did what I did, and I'm about to continue what I'm going to do. At least, if you don't mind, baby.”
“I don't.” Peter immediately said. Tony smiled, swooping down and capturing his lips, and Peter stiffened, his small cock now rock hard pressing uncomfortably against his briefs. “Mmf!” He made a noise at the heavy pulse he felt pleasuring his body, and then Tony was sliding his tongue, forcibly parting his lips. Peter didn't know what to do but stand there, agonizing in pleasure and awkward, tentative tongue-fucking on his part.
“Honey,” Tony breathed against his lips, “We gotta get you better at this, okay?”
“Ok—okay.” Peter could only blink at him drunkenly. Honey. I’m honey now. “Room? Up—upstairs?”
Tony shut his eyes at that, groaning. “Then again, you just do well just existing. Seriously, I like you, kid.” With one quick swoop, Peter was in Tony’s arms as he headed them to his bedroom.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
why can i just imagine peter using slang like “yeet” and “tea” and “shook” and doing things like hitting the whoa at random times and tony just being very confused and disappointed because his boyfriend’s a millennial.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
Okay, I definitely need more.
“You want to try that again?”
Bucky shoots a glare at the bodyguard that’s standing next to Strange, back stiff as he wipes his now bloody nose.
Tony is practically fuming, calloused hands gripping the black leather of his desk chair tightly. Bucky knows he’s not going to go after Strange, they have too complicated of a relationship, but with one nod he can send Bucky and Steve after the two bodyguards opposite of him.
“Do I need to kill you myself, you fool?” Strange spits at the dark skinned man, handing him a crisp white handkerchief.
“Glad we’re on the same page.” Tony sneers, clicking his Golden House Chinese Restaurant branded pen.
The men sit in silence, the sound of their breathing heavy in the sleek office. The silence is cut short by the heavy wooden door creaking open slowly.
Bucky swallows thickly as he eyes the boy who’s standing in the doorway. He’s always had a problem keeping his eyes off of Stark’s boy, but who can blame him? Peter is probably the most gorgeous person on the planet, a literal angel on Earth.
Tony’s gaze immediately softens as he eyes the figure at the door. Peter looks tired, as it is 1 in the morning. His almond curls are wild and unruly, like he had lain in bed for the past couple hours. His strawberry pink lips are stretched in a small smile, his unblemished cheeks a same shade of pink. Bucky inhales as he takes in the boy’s lithe body which is covered in a light pink babydoll and tiny white sleep shorts. He has mismatched polka dot socks on and it’s truly endearing how innocent he looks, surrounded by dangerous men dressed in black.
“Daddy,” Peter sighs softly, clutching his MacBook closer to his chest. Tony grins, a smile full of warmth instead of violence.
It’s a bit off putting.
“Yeah baby?” He asks, attention fully on the younger now. Peter floats across the hardwood floor, setting his laptop down on Tony’s ebony desk. The mafia boss pulls Peter onto his lap, forgetting about the previous situation.
“Victoria’s Secret came out with a new bralette and panty collection, and they’re so so pretty,” Peter tells Tony, French manicured hands opening his laptop. Bucky clenches his jaw at the words.
“Look at that one, daddy! Don’t you love the lace?” Peter squeals, face lit by the unnatural light of the screen. Tony strokes his beard and nods.
“It’ll look stunning on you, princess.” He mutters, pressing a wet kiss to the princess’ neck. Tony fiddles for something in the pocket of his slacks. A black leather wallet emerges in his hand and he flips through it to pull out his debit card.
“Get as much as you want, baby. Just make sure you go to bed soon.” Tony coos, handing the plastic card to Peter.
The boy pulls Tony in for a filthy, lewd kiss. Most of the people in the room look to the ground.
“Thank you daddy! I’ll give you a private show when they come.” Peter purrs with a wink, slipping off Tony’s lap. His hips sway as he walks out the door, off to go on a shopping spree.
Bucky thinks he’s drooling.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
1/5Okay but after Beck gets his shit wrecked by Tony fucking Stark and gets literally none of the information he needs he goes back to the drawing board. However, he can’t think straight and he needs to see how the kid reacts. He shows up to the kid’s apartment (easily accessed his files when he was posing as him) having watching his aunt leave and knocks, looking all of the part of Tony Stark. “Mr. Stark?” He looks shocked but Beck can see the faint flush on his cheeks.
2/5 “Need to talk to you about something important kid,” he shoves his way inside and grabs Peter Parker by the face. He kissed him with all the passion he felt from Stark the day before and the boy. Just. Melts. His knees goes weak and for a moment Beck thinks he’s going to fall but he surges back with so much desperation he almost chokes on it. Perfect. Beck walks him back to the couch and gets him naked, the boy so full of youth is already hard and needy.
3/5His voice dips low with arousal, “Mr. Stark, I want you so bad.” It’s a dirty little confession and Beck grins wide with Tony’s lips. “Gonna wreck you Pete.” And when he’s got the (incredibly flexible) boy bent over, eating him out, he finds himself subconsciously using the same techniques Stark used on him when he thought he was Peter. Peter chokes out, “please Mr. Stark.” Beck pulled back just a bit, lazily tracing the boy’s hole with his tongue. “Please what baby boy?”
4/5Why the hell had he become so invested in these two? He was parroting the older man. “Please fuck me,” Peter swallowed hard, hands gripping the fabric of the couch so hard it was ripping. “With absolute pleasure,” he was aching for it. He always had been more of a top, though bottoming for Tony fucking Stark had been spectacular, he couldn’t want to get inside Peter Parker. And he was not disappointed. Peter was so tight, soft like velvet and warm.
5/5It took everything in Beck not to just fuck the absolute hell out of him. He saw stars when he came inside of the kid, Stark doesn’t wear condoms, while the boy professed his love just like Stark had. God the two were so obviously in love it was insane it took Beck to make this happen. He grinned to himself, pleased, he took both of their first times together. Regret courses through his chest, not for taking advantage of them, but the loss of the incredible sex with both Stark and his boy.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
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“i know he’s gone…i know he’ll never come back. but i still miss him, i miss him so much.  i try to forget about him– try not to remember…but it’s hard, you know? mr. stark was…he was everything to me.”
+ middle&bottom manips done by me (creditpls)
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starker-endgame · 5 years
It was about one week ago when Peter Parker’s best friend, Ned, had suggested that the pair of them go to an art museum. Peter had to think about it for a bit, not really wanting to go, but also not wanting to hurt his best friend’s feelings, either. So he said yes.
And now, here Peter is, sitting in the parking lot of one of New York’s top art museums with his dorky best friend in the driver’s seat next to him. Peter is still mentally upset, however, because he was supposed to be at one of his other best friend’s, MJ to be exact, parties. 
“Come on, Petey!” Ned says excitedly as he gets out of the car and waits in front of it for Peter. Peter can see him practically bouncing on his heels in pure impatience as he unbuckles and gets out of the car as well to join him.
Peter lets Ned lead him towards the entrance, taking in all of the beautiful scenery outside of the giant building. And honestly, it’s absolutely beautiful, Peter thinks. But then all the beautiful flowers and bushes are gone and replaced by even more beautiful pieces of art as they walk through the two front doors of the building. 
Peter’s jaw drops as he takes in the view around him. The beautiful paintings, the detailed sculptures. He really couldn’t believe how gorgeous everything was. He then heard Ned let out a chuckle and he looked over to him, glaring as he punches his shoulder playfully for making fun of him.
The sculptures then again catch Peter’s eyes. He nudges Ned’s shoulder and tells him he’s going to view them and doesn’t wait for a response before he’s making his way over to the realistic works of art.
He was standing in awe, admiring the breath-taking art, when his phone buzzed in his back pocket. He quickly pulled it out and swiped it open, rolling his eyes a bit as he sees it’s a Snapchat from MJ. 
He opens it, rolling his eyes again as he watches his drunk best friend dance for about ten seconds. He then taps the camera so that it’s on his face, standing so the lighting is making his milky pale skin glow a bit as he gives a smile. He takes the picture and grins. 
As he was looking for the right filter not even five seconds after taking it, someone taps him on his shoulder. He jumps a bit, quickly spinning on his heels to see who had touched him. His eyes met a chest when he turned, having to tilt his head up to bit to see the person’s actual face.
He backed up a bit, startled, and in front of him stood a man-- a tall, handsome man-- who was wearing something similar to a police man’s uniform, except that his badge said ‘GUARD’. Peter took in his facial features; beautiful whiskey eyes, faded scars on his cheeks and nose, trimmed facial hair. He was handsome. 
“Sir, please do not take pictures of the artwork,” the tall man says, his voice deep as he crosses his arms over his chest. The sight of the man’s muscles flexing as he did so was enough to make Peter’s knees weak.
Shaking those thoughts out of his head, Peter lets out some sort of a squeak, his face flushing as he holds his phone out to the other male.
“Oh, I- I wasn’t taking a picture of the art, sir! As you see, I was, um, just taking a selfie!” He rambled embarrassingly, cheeks heating up and tinting pink as he watches the man stare a the photo on the phone.
He continues to watch as the man’s lips curve into a smile as he admires the selfie before his eyes lock onto Peter’s own. 
“I know,” the guard says with a wink before he’s making his way pass Peter, leaving him there with very flushed cheeks and a giggling mess as he tries to think of how he’s going to explain this to Ned and MJ.
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starker-endgame · 5 years
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Oh do we love a sugar baby!!
Bitchy sugar baby!Peter au:
Peter Parker is a spoiled brat and his sugar daddy Tony knows it and he loves it. Peter has never heard the word no and he doesn't plan on it. If he wants it Tony will surely get it. Sure he gets annoying at times but Tony has never had someone better and he never will.
"And why can't i have the Bentley?'
"Cause i said so."
"I literally just sucked your dick and let you cum in my mouth after i just go them whitened and i get a 'cause i said so'?"
"Come on, don't be this way."
"What way? The right way?"
"How about you see it tuesday?"
"Now or no more office blowjobs."
"Okay, okay!"
"Thanks, daddy."
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