starbase118 · 1 year
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Ensign Freck is currently serving as a Science Officer at Denali Station.
You could read more about him here: wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/inde…
StarBase 118(or, “SB118,” as it is called for short) is a “Play By E-Mail” Star Trek Role Playing Game. The game was started in June 1994 by Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf, and has been in continuous operation since then. The group consists of writers from around the world, of all ages, and has more than 100 members
Join the adventure here!
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starbase118 · 1 year
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The Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) Mark VII is a holographic program installed on various Starfleet starships, including the USS Kitty Hawk.
You could read more about it here: https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Emergency_Medical_Hologram_Mark_VII
StarBase 118(or, “SB118,” as it is called for short) is a “Play By E-Mail” Star Trek Role Playing Game. The game was started in June 1994 by Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf, and has been in continuous operation since then. The group consists of writers from around the world, of all ages, and has more than 100 members
Join the adventure here!
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starbase118 · 1 year
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starbase118 · 1 year
Picard season 3 is The Next Generation cast's proper final adventure | EW.com
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starbase118 · 1 year
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Buckle up because the moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! The annual competition that sets your creative engines ablaze is back and ready to take on all comers! This is your chance to unleash your imagination and show the community what you’re made of!
We’re talking about a celebration of artistic talent, where we honour and recognise creative artists. No matter if you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, this contest is for you!
So, grab your brushes and canvases, and get ready to unleash your inner artistic genius!
Learn more here: https://www.starbase118.net/2023/get-ready-for-the-starbase-118-graphic-contest-2023/
(Also HELLO! we are BACK!
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starbase118 · 2 years
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds opening titles
“Perhaps the greatest honor of my career to date was getting to utter these words: "Space, the final frontier…” I could not be more proud to be a part of the @StarTrekOnPPlus team and I could not be more grateful to the Trek community. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.“ - Anson Mount via Twitter, April 29 2022
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starbase118 · 2 years
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STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS (2022-) — “Children of the Comet” (1.02)
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starbase118 · 2 years
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Seven of Nine, tertiary adjunct of unimatrix zero one.
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starbase118 · 2 years
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Course, Captain? What’s the mission?
STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS — 1x01 ‘Strange New Worlds’
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starbase118 · 2 years
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starbase118 · 2 years
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starbase118 · 2 years
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Seven of Nine on the bridge during red alert.
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starbase118 · 2 years
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The Captain’s Oath is an oath for Starfleet captains which is taken upon assuming command of a starship that outlines the mission and objectives of the given ship in the United Federation of Planets and the core values that Starfleet stands for.
STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS Begins Streaming Thursday, May 5th on Paramount+
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starbase118 · 2 years
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You are a Starfleet captain. You believe in service, sacrifice, compassion and love.
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starbase118 · 2 years
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — The High Country
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When an experimental shuttlecraft fails, Captain Christopher Pike suspects a mechanical malfunction—only to discover the very principles on which Starfleet bases its technology have simply stopped functioning. He and his crewmates are forced to abandon ship in a dangerous maneuver that scatters their party across the strangest new world they’ve ever encountered.
First Officer Una finds herself fighting to survive an untamed wilderness where dangers lurk at every turn. Young cadet Nyota Uhura struggles in a volcanic wasteland where things are not as they seem. Science Officer Spock is missing altogether. And Pike gets the chance to fulfill a childhood dream: to live the life of a cowboy in a world where the tools of the 23rd century are of no use.
Yet even in the saddle, Pike is still very much a starship captain, with all the responsibilities that entails. Setting out to find his crewmates, he encounters a surprising face from his past—and discovers that one people’s utopia might be someone else’s purgatory. He must lead an exodus—or risk a calamity of galactic proportions that even Starship Enterprise is powerless to stop…"
Coming 8 November 2022.
Oh, hell yeah. Hit it.
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starbase118 · 2 years
Why do Trekkies react as if they're a cat that's been stepped on every time there's some minor continuity error?
It's a television show. Some of these changes may be due to ignorance of the enourmous 830+ episode and 13 movie canon, but most are informed changes made to better tell the story the new writers are trying to tell. It's been that way since Spock went from having "one of my anscestors" being human to being half-human. A throwaway line became a major plot point later on, and the situation was simplified to tell a story which included marriage between an alien and a human and established a 50/50 struggle within Spock.
They're making a new TOS show called Strange New Worlds? And they changed the designs to look modern?? And Pike is now comfortable with women on his bridge????
Obviously the world has changed a lot. 1960's attitudes and 1960's set design (adorable as the latter may be) don't fit anymore. If we've changed Pike so he's not a weird depressed sexist, why not ignore a few more bits of TOS too? Why not "re-cast" the Enterprise as we did the actors so she can look as amazing as 2022 can imagine? Spock never melded with a human before TOS... but imagine the story possibilities if we just ignore that one little line! Who wouldn't want that plot device to peer directly into the minds of the new SNW characters?
The 2009 Star Trek reboot didn't wipe TOS from the face of the Earth, and neither will Strange New Worlds. Yes, it's essentially another reboot and will adhere to classic continuity in broad strokes, but that's okay. Let them tell their stories and let them fall or stand tall on their own.
Same for the details of Jean-Luc Picard's youth. Same for Klingon bumpy heads.
And if you're upset that you're seeing queer characters in Trek, you are literally the 2022 equivalent of people upset in the 1960's that a white man kissed a black woman on TV and you need to get over it.
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starbase118 · 2 years
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Grab them quick! Lower Decks Geordi Bear! (US only unfortunately)
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