captainloveshavers · 6 months
three chaotic idoits
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
Much to his regret.....Larry is iconic
"We were not married previously, much to my regret."
- Laurence Rickard and Ben Willbond on RHLSTP 03/07/2023
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
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the Captain apologising to Alison on behalf of the group VS the Captain apologising to Pat (idea by @ghosts-of-love​)
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
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YONDERLAND (2013-2016) | 3.02 (Elders '11)
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
Havers really put the “left” in lieutenant didn’t he?
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
I stand by this.
The Captain is autistic.
So reasons for this conclusion are:
He is not good with social ques for example he often takes sarcasm seriously or takes him a while to figure out that they are being sarcastic. He also doesn't really seem to get metaphor and takes thing seriously instead example he though pillow talk was actually talking to you pillow (i mean so did but still)
Stimming- his baton (i think its a baton) is basically just a stim toy example tapping, fiddling, swinging it about. Vocal stims clearing his throat, pom pom etc. Bouncy feet he bounces when he walks and sometimes when he is just standing.
Monotone voice- he has a very monotone voice its an autistic trait
Blunt-he is very blunt and alot of the time doesn't realise he is doing it.
Need for routine- he gets distressed if there is change to his routine an example is when Alison and mike has a party and it means he is unable to sleep. Fanny waking up screaming. An hour a week of the thing about tanks. Alison not being on time for his run etc.
Sensory issues- does not like loud noises and are easily startled by them like when some one yells.
Struggles to express his emotions and share feelings- good example of this is pat pointing out you never hear him laugh. Him unable to come to terms with being gay and that he is definitely in love with havers.
Change to routine and control- he likes to be in control of situations eg the whole leader situation. Organising the wedding. Alway on time or early for the group session unless he has planned something else so he has control. Doesn't have a different outfit it provides him with sameness.
Hyperfixations\special interests\info dumping- he is obsessed with everything war related in more than any other officer would be. He knows alot and want to learn more on the subjects.he info dumps on character about these interests. Which they seem to find irritating especially Julian.
He's gay. Neurodivergent people are more likely to be LGBTQIA+.
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
Larry why would you. Also Ben whyyyy
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
Larry why would you. Also Ben whyyyy
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
The bowtie
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
Hello! I’m probably going to be more active on here now as Twitter is … something.
Here is some art I did
Longing for someone far away…
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
“When I was struggling to come to terms with my own schooling and upbringing and the awfulness of it, I read this whole thing about Philby and his betrayal and it just really sat well with me. I just thought: yeah, of course. Of course he did that. Of course he wanted– Of course it was a big ‘fuck you’ to the establishment. Of course it was. He just sat there, for years, watching them squirm because he fucking hated them. And I think Cornwall, I think le Carré, he definitely hated them as well.”
— Ben Willbond, Comfort Blanket podcast on Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
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captainloveshavers · 11 months
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Peter Sandys Clarke appreciation post.
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captainloveshavers · 1 year
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some of the ghouls (and mike) as weird shirts i have saved on pinterest
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captainloveshavers · 1 year
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some humphreys for @ed-teach 🫡
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captainloveshavers · 1 year
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captainloveshavers · 1 year
Happy 50th birthday to Mr Ben Willbond. I grew up with him on the telly and it feels odd to think he's 50.
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captainloveshavers · 1 year
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Father-daughter bonding
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