stalwartprotector · 4 months
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Ammonites muticus. Art-studies from nature. 1872. Cephalopod fossil.
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
“Listen to me, your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest — thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devastated.”
— Beau Taplin, Temples
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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down by the river
instagram - twitter - website
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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Duty Sentences, Vol. 1
(Sentences from various sources for muses that have duty demanded of them. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Does duty always outweigh desire?"
"I was doing my duty. I was carrying out orders."
"Your instructions were clear."
"How do you uphold your duties without losing yourself?"
"Is there a limit to loyalty, or is it infinite?"
"Are the demands of one's duty louder than the heart's whisper?"
"My life is a constant battle between what I want and what I must do."
"Only in death does duty end."
"This is your last chance. Do the right thing. Do what needs to be done."
"Have you ever wished to be free of your responsibilities?"
"Everything I do, I do for my country."
"Even in the face of doubt, my loyalty never wavered."
"Tell me what you want me to do."
"Have you always felt the crushing weight of responsibility upon your shoulders?"
"Everything I do, all my work, I do for the good of the country."
"Have you ever questioned your loyalty?"
"Must you always sacrifice your happiness for your sense of duty?"
"Does the burden of responsibility ever ease?"
"Duty should be a choice, not an obligation."
"You disobeyed a direct order. What's going on?"
"Being faithful to duty often means being unfaithful to personal desires."
"None of us can do exactly as we please."
"Why does duty sometimes feel like a punishment?"
"Does fulfilling your duty bring satisfaction, or is it just something that you feel you have to do?"
"Duty often means choosing the difficult path. I've learnt to accept that."
"Does obligation ever give way to happiness?"
"There's a thin line between obligation and obsession."
"Can duty truly bring honour?"
"Your level of commitment seems to have diminished."
"You presume to dictate duty to me?"
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
👁️👁️ attempts to pickpocket // @stargroved
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Halsin knows this game quite well. After all, it's one of which the tiefling children—or 'thieflings' as someone had, affectionately he thinks, taken to calling them—are quite fond. Often enough has he been the choice participant in such games that he had taken to keeping trinkets and treats ever on hand [ or rather, in his pockets ], for just such a purpose.
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And so, despite feeling the footsteps, light as they are, upon the grass, he says nothing, and it is only once the other has reached into the pocket of his garb... that he stretches and yawns, doing his best to keep a smile from his weathered face.
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stalwartprotector · 4 months
I may possibly have Halsin muse again...
Like this post if you want inbox things?
Could be whatever pops into my head. Could be a meme or a song lyric. Who knows!
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stalwartprotector · 7 months
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stalwartprotector · 7 months
And immediately scrapping the idea because there's not a TON of posts on this blog, but more than what I want to have to contend with moving. Next plan. Halsin will remain here.
So, I've been thinking about it, and I think I'm going to do a blog swap. This blog is probably going to become @whotellsthestories--a BG3 multi for original, adapted, alternate, and canon muses--and I'm moving Halsin to be a sideblog. So much as I love him, he's been quiet for a bit now, hence why I haven't even touched this blog in a month or longer.
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stalwartprotector · 7 months
So, I've been thinking about it, and I think I'm going to do a blog swap. This blog is probably going to become @whotellsthestories--a BG3 multi for original, adapted, alternate, and canon muses--and I'm moving Halsin to be a sideblog. So much as I love him, he's been quiet for a bit now, hence why I haven't even touched this blog in a month or longer.
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stalwartprotector · 10 months
Baldur's Gate RP masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they're canon or an OC
your muse’s name
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, animal crossing verse, Scrunkly the Mighty
to be added in the list!
this is a masterlist only for the Baldur's Gate series! If you're interested in other DND blogs, please check this masterlist!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, write as many muses as you have; if you’d like, feel free to give your muse a “title” to describe them!
Characters in alphabetical order can be found HERE
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stalwartprotector · 10 months
Kept getting swept up into family time despite depleted social battery, so I did not get everything done that I wanted. I did, however, get the blog themes and carrds done for @morethandarkness and @thishouseofhope so if you would like anything from my drow babies, I would be THRILLED. As I would also be for any interactions with Raphael! This lot has completely taken over my brain so I may actually be Active there for a bit. 😂
Enver and Zevlor will likely be next for blog themes and carrds. Then Rolan and Asharak. Stay tuned!
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