stagehand-ish · 5 years
Ya know what’s super sick?
How my A2 rarely shows up on time and I usually have to do his job every morning.
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
“Being an electrician is all about trust. You have to trust your wrench and your wrench has to trust you.”
— The Master Electrician to a New Stage Electrician
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
My first show as an A1 closed and I have some thoughts
Really I have one thought: I loved it so much 😭 it was a lot more fun than I anticipated and getting to work in a different area of theatre gave me a better understanding for how hard it can be.
I get to mix the next show at the same theater so I’m continuing to learn more and get better.
There is also talk of some major ME positions opening in a couple other theatres so who knows what’s coming for me in 2020 but right now I’m pretty happy 😌
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
50 Technical Theatre asks. Let’s give this a try, ask away!
1. What is your concentration?
2. Favourite Musical?
3. Favourite Drama?
4. Favourite Comedy?
5. Favourite Opera?
6. Least Favourite Musical?
7. Least Favourite Drama?
8. Least Favourite Comedy?
9. Least Favourite Opera?
10. Favourite show to watch?
11. Least Favourite show to watch?
12. Favourite show to work?
13. Least Favourite show to work?
14. Funniest theatre story?
15. Scariest theatre story?
16. What’s a theatre related inside joke you have?
17. Favourite theatre ghost you have worked with?
18. Least Favourite theatre ghost you have worked with?
19. Best audio experience?
20. Best lighting experience?
21. Best costume experience?
22. Best props experience?
23. Best set experience?
24. Best stage management experience?
25. Worst audio experience?
26. Worst lighting experience?
27. Worst costume experience?
28. Worst props experience?
29. Worst set experience?
30. Worst stage management experience?
31. Longest tech rehearsal?
32. Tell us a theatre story.
33. How did you get in to theatre?
34. How did you get in to technical theatre?
35. Have/would you ever act?
36. Have/would you ever direct?
37. Longest show you’ve ever worked?
38. Shortest show you’ve ever worked?
39. Favourite tool?
40. How much black clothing do you have?
41. How long have you been doing technical theatre?
42. Best/Worst Lower school experience?
43. Best/Worst High school experience?
44. Best/Worst University experience?
45. Best/Worst Community experience?
46. Best/Worst Professional experience?
47. Any advice?
48. Best Director/TD you have worked with?
49. How/When did you realize you lived theatre tech?
50. Tech week survival tips?
118 notes · View notes
stagehand-ish · 5 years
The people I work with at this new theatre are so supportive but why do I still feel like an absolute fucking failure when I mess up.
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
During focus:
Head carpenter: “I’m going to continue making a lot of noise, is that okay?”
Lighting Designer: “You haven’t stopped yet so..”
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
I start my new job this week and I have an interview for a cruise ship next week - things are lookin up kids!
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
If they didn't want me in there they would have locked it
Every theatre kid ever
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
Y’all!!!!! I got offered a position with a different theater in my city!!! It’s an A1 position so I don’t know shit but they said they’d train me so we’ll see! If anyone has any advice PLEASE let me know!
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
They scheduled me FOUR days at this theatre for the ENTIRE month of September. When I asked why all I got was a “it’s a slow month.” Uhm????????????? 
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
Things overheard in the theater:
“This is church. They wanna feel the lord and that bass.”
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
PSA: There is more than one correct way to do things sometimes
Don’t get too caught up in the “well I learned it THIS way.” Instead trying asking why the person did it their way, maybe they didn’t actually know how to do it and got lucky or maybe you’re about to learn an easier way to do something!
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
Me: why haven’t I been hired on a tour yet
Also me: doesn’t actually apply because I’m afraid of rejection
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
I know I seem to complain a lot here but I just have frustrations I need to let out when I’m working at this theater 😭 like how the sound guy didn’t want to believe me when I said we were using house lavs instead of the clients so he’s been rushing to set up his equipment all morning 😪
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
No one here that’s works year-round actually believes I am capable of talking to clients or being in a stage management position and it pisses me off. Like maybe if I didn’t have people question me or make dumb jokes, I’d be more confident. Thanks for comtinuing to build me up just to tear me back down ✌🏼
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
Summer theatre 2019 is over
I finished my (technically) 2nd summer season at this theater and I am very sad 😭 I work at this theater year-round but when summer stock happens it always makes it seem more alive and fun. I can’t wait for next season but since it is over I’ve decided to get back on the applying for tours train!
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stagehand-ish · 5 years
Gaze impatiently into the booth void, and the booth void stares back. With ice cream.
House just got handed back at the end of intermission.
Man in the back row of the balcony turns around to peer into the booth with an expression of "what's taking so long".
Looks at Audio, leaning back in his chair browsing his phone.
Looks at Stage Manager, making notes on times and Important Things in the script.
Looks at me, looking right back at him. I grin, saluting him with my half-eaten creamsicle.
He winces, realizing he's been caught staring, gives an awkward half wave, and turns back around.
Yes sir, that IS two way plexiglass. Enjoy Act II.
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