A Broken Soul
767 posts
Why bother trying
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Back again..... back to the dark hole I worked so hard to crawl out of
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Hello. I was just looking at your profile picture. Is that a tattoo on your shoulder, if so what is it of?
An would it be okay to talk to you in private? I tend to feel the same way you do at times.
Go ahead and message me.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
My life is on an endless loop of pain and misery.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
I don’t love myself , so why would any one love me.
My hands are cold , so why would anyone try to hold them.
And my heart is broken so why bother trying to fix it.
When there’s no hope left here for me.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
You know you're getting bad again when even sleep and music don't help and you feel sick all the time and you just want to disappear.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Hii just saw one of your post and just wanna tell you that if you need someone to vent to I'm here..i know you're strong and it's okay if you're not! Shit happens.. Just take life easy! Love you ❤️
Thank you. I actually appreciate this a lot. Truly, thank you.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Are you doing ok?
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
May I ask why you feel alone? Is there no one you trust or at least feel comfortable confiding in or venting to? Generally there are many things in the average persons life that would be considered blessings/positive things that do not wear or tear us down but sustain and support us in our day to day lives. Often it is said that we should not compare ourselves to others but with a little examination there may be much to be thankful and draw comfort from that would lessen if not eliminate the pain and suffering of difficult times/situations. When someone is suffering is often the time that makes others most receptive to the plight of that individual and the good in them leads them to do whatever they may to help (not enable but truly be of some benefit to that person) in some way. There are many I believe willing, able and ready to help if you allow yourself to be helped? Nothing is unbearable. It may not be pleasant and may be terribly painful on so many levels but there is no effort required to fail and failing is not in falling down but in not getting back up (Eleanor Roosevelt I believe). Praying and hoping you do not give up and see the value in you!
You can look at my latest post to see for yourself. I come from a toxic family. I have an abusive ex who I share a child with (yes, I know I am stupid), and my own friends just ghost me as they deal with their own trauma. I hardly have any money and I don't have much going for myself without help and I understand I'm already a burden to so many people because again I've been told this for years so at some point I just stop trying.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
How are you ? How do you cope with you feelings? I just work out and run
I don't cope. I just overly obsess over it, or I block it out until I begin obsessing again.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Showe the pussy
This is why i hardly come on here. All I want is for someone to listen to me. And yet, all you see is a pretty face.
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
How are you doing today?
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
I'd like to ask you to trust me to help you? I noticed one "ask" was "Are you single?" PEANUT. You don't want a boyfriend, you're depressed and unhappy. I'm sorry people are dicks. Even if you decide not to accept my help can you please send me a tiny message telling me no thanks. I'm really worried about you and your life. 🇦🇺💔💜😭😢
Thank you
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Talk to me. I need that as much as you do. Please let's talk about whatever ya want or need to ..
Message me
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
How are you feeling?
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
Are you ok?
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
r u there
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stacyl1112 · 2 years ago
I hate my life so much right now. I'm literally crying in front of my parents because my grandpa put his hands on me and I am asking them for help. They always promise they will, but even now, as I cry, they just keep walking past me doing everything to avoid me. Why was I born? Why do I have to endure this life. Why can't I just simply d!e.
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