ssunstng · 2 months
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ssunstng · 2 months
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               open starter : for anyone . you walked in on sumi beside a dead body .
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                    for once , it wasn't sumi's fault . she had expected to meet with the now crimson mess on the floor on better terms . something felt off --------- SOMEONE had beat her to the punch . being no stranger to such a sight , she inched closer , the clicks of her heels against ruined hardwood echoing through the room . she felt no living presence around , but still she was weary ---- this could easily be a set up. just as curiosity was getting the best of her , the sound of the doors in which she passed through opening gave her pause . freezing where she stood she thought fast on how to react before falling to her knees in the bloodied mess ----- ruining one of her favourite tiny black dresses . time to play a victim . " oh thank GOD , " she heaved out her words , trying to amp up the drama . " i didn't see their face but they killed him ----- please help ! "
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ssunstng · 2 months
"i can fix him" i like him evil actually. i can help him (kill people)
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ssunstng · 2 months
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231125 ♥ Seulgi
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ssunstng · 2 months
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NATTY (Midas Touch) - 240407
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ssunstng · 2 months
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ssunstng · 2 months
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ssunstng · 2 months
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ssunstng · 2 months
[ stolen ] a quick, stealthy, and impromptu kiss snatched in secret - himeko to insu
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                    [ meme. ]---- for himeko.
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          somehow he convinced himeko on a night out for a shared drink . far too many times excuses had come up on both their ends , but now the two were on their third bar of the evening , expression's faded with a permanent tint of red dusted over their cheeks . most of their conversations revolved around their shared childhood's , bringing up former mutual friendships of those who have parted ways just like the pair had . reminiscing on simpler times when the two didn't have to answer to anyone but their own hearts , insu lost count of how many bottles they passed through . it was funny how they both worked for opposing companies ---- in the sense that both their bosses wished the other was six feet under . insu didn't know how himeko became entangled in sieran's web ; he assumed it was the result of their seemingly long friendship , but he tried his best not to let their connection sour his own with her's . they had their own problems that sprouted since youth , he would reserve his hatred for sieran for his bosses ears only .
          their conversations began to become undecipherable , especially on his end . one hand nursed at the glass of whiskey he was taking too long to finish && his gaze was fixated at nothing in particular . himeko was beside him , talking her little heart out about SOMETHING , but his mind was fighting for it's life to keep himself up . eventually his head found a home to rest against her shoulder . he could feel her freeze for an instant as his eyes fluttered closed , a quiet apology breathing out of him before he became silent .
          smelling her , being this close to her , fond memories began to swarm through his thoughts . lazily , he raised one hand to push his hair back ---- he knew he looked like a mess , but he didn't care . it was just himeko after all , && he didn't know if that was a good or bad thing . just like he didn't believe this evening with her was real , the feeling of her lips quickly catching his own took him by surprise . with a delayed reaction , he slowly blinked up at her , mouth agape as he fixated his gaze on the giggles that left her lips . this was getting dangerous . insu found himself straightening out in his seat the best he could before grasping onto her jaw , his lips finding their way back to hers .
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ssunstng · 2 months
[ trail ] a trail of kisses along the partner's jawline or collarbone - tae to jungkook
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                    [ meme. ]---- for kim taehyung.
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                    it had been three days && two whole nights without taehyung comfortably by his side . due to jungkook's stupidity && perversions , he found himself unable to pass through certain doors of their home . jungkook then sought refuge at his best friend's home , for they were apart of the reason taehyung was so upset . it was a silly bet between two idiots , but it was something jungkook had unadmittedly been curious about for some time now . there was a time in the past that his best friend had recorded moment's of intimacy between the pair && jungkook thought that maybe having them join in on the fun for one time && one time only would fulfill a deep need that taehyung had within . blinded by the potential excitement of it all ---- he lacked the thought of his partner's feelings towards doing that with someone they absolutely loathed ; && it came as a surprise to them when jungkook finally confessed about it all .
                    it took numerous attempts of apologies to get back with his arms wrapped around them . far too many gifts at their front door , many voicemails && text messages begging for a conversation . eventually taehyung let him back in && that's how he found himself bare in the luxury of their sheets , taehyung's bed head upon his chest . naturally , his fingers toyed with their loose locks , finger tips then delving to scratch at their scalp gently . this act seemed to have woken them up from their upcoming slumber , their soft lips searching for any kind of contact as they brushed over the defined curves of his collar bones . as gently as jungkook could , his fingers coiled in their hair to crane their head back to catch their gaze , now softly guiding their lips towards his own . with every movement he made sure they felt every apology he made over the past few days , his tongue && teeth toying with their already swollen lips . his mission was to make them FORGET about that stupid bet , && he found himself seemingly successful .
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ssunstng · 2 months
[ rain ] a romantic kiss in the rain - dae to aera
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                    [ meme. ]---- for jeong dae.
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                    it had become suffocating to feel the way that she did . the breaching of contracts had become all too much for her at the end of the day . there was no longer a light at the tunnel ---- rumors of dae spending a night with another SET of courtesan's had made it's way through whispering winds in the dorms . many unafraid to mention that aera wasn't one of the two to be there for the evening . at first , aera forced herself to NOT care , a diplomatic response leaving her lips every time she was asked ------- but ALONE , in her bedroom , she felt the chains around her heart tighten as her thoughts began to swirl . was there a reason she wasn't chosen by him ? had she done something wrong in their last moments together to earn being forgotten ? maybe it was dae's silent reminder to her that she was nothing more than a whore that he liked to toyed with . maybe lady sumi was right about these kaesari clan men .
                    with a cell phone ringing && many missed texts && calls from the person that made her FEEL in the first place , she decided she needed to get OUT . being alone with her thoughts in the small room was killing her && seeing his name consistently pop up on her phone was all too tempting . she could feel her self will crumbling , she wanted so badly to answer his call like she usually would , to ignore the whispers ------ but she was in pain .
                    tying her golden locks up in a messy bun , she quickly dressed herself in a pastel blue matching lounge set ----- she didn't intend on leaving the red shell grounds , so she didn't care what she looked like . the moment she breathed in the night air in the courtyard where courtesan's liked to relax in , there was a violent crackle in the sky . aera didn't care for what was to come , her body welcoming the downpour of rain that began suddenly . she stood there by the center statue of the courtyard , staring up swirling clouds before closing her eyes . here she could cry freely without anyone bothering her , no one would dare to come out in a storm like this.
                    hearing dae's voice now , she mentally confirmed to herself that she was done for . how was it that his voice was calling out her name here ? she was unwell ; she promised herself that she would end EVERYTHING the next time dae came to visit . the warmth of an embrace came unexpectedly , strong arms encasing her from behind . she let out a small sound of protest , her body squirming against the other before she realized who's hands were so tightly knitted around her . it was dae . he was muttering something against the crook of her neck before he cradled her jaw , forcing her head to turn ever so slightly so that he could poison her lips once more beneath the torrent of rain . aera was a fool to think she could rip away from his hold , instead she turned to face him more properly now , her arms finding home by coiling around his neck as she deepened the kiss . she wouldn't speak of her tears , not now.
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ssunstng · 3 months
[ teasing ] a light brushing of lips against a partner's skin without fully kissing - sieran to sumi
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                                                                      [ meme. ]---- for kae sieran.
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                    another night she found herself falling for the trickery of her said best friend. there were far too many times now she found herself in the space of the devil , someone so vial that chilled her to the core of her being. she wondered if he irked her so because of their similarities when it came to people the two simply did NOT care for. the two of them had a mutual understanding when it came business && getting things done without thinking of any other's needs -------- && maybe that's why she hated him so. constantly having to face herself in the mirror was irritating , they were the perfect person to get beneath her skin.
                    somehow the two were trapped within the confides of the taehyung && jungkook's kitchen. sieran made a promise for an apology meal over some silly bet that jungkook && he had apparently made concerning taehyung's sexual welfare ----- all men were pigs , it didn't matter how attractive they were wrapped in their packaging. sieran had the grand idea of making pasta by scratch && already there were clouds of flour obstructing her view every time his hands kneaded at the dough. sumi wasn't much of a cook herself , usually with the wave of her finger in the comfort of her home she would enchant a meal for herself quickly. as much as she wanted && intended to leave him stranded in the kitchen , she could hear taehyung && jungkook doing SOMETHING in the other room that she just couldn't bring herself to break up.
                    keeping to herself , she opted to simply supervise by their side , her forearms resting on the island where the other slaved away at the meal. her weight was mostly over the island , taking away valuable space from the other as she toyed with the tools around that they weren't using. she could tell she was irritating him to some degree , their gazes catching one another's every now && then. with a small sigh leaving her lips she now laid her torso && head to the cool marble of the island counter, arms stretching out before she folded them beneath her head to rest. sumi felt like a child but she didn't want to walk into the potential visual of her best friend pinned to the wall , so he would rest until the sounds subsided.
                    with eyes closed she nearly forgot that sieran was there. their silence was appreciated && she even felt comfortable enough to close her eyes , if she were to fall asleep in this odd position it wouldn't be much of a surprise.
                    suddenly though , a million nerves ignited at once when she felt something brush against the curve of her upper ear. lashes fluttered open in surprise with a body that snapped rigid , back arching ever so slightly as she perked up at the sight of sieran so close to her. above her , sieran's chest took over her entire view , one of his arms outstretched to reach beyond her && his gaze fixated on something passed her. with a strangely racing heart she froze , feeling swirls of heat pool at the apples of her cheeks. now she waited for the other to pull away to offer her some air , she could feel her throat begin to close. she didn't understand why her heart was racing && especially for HIM ------- but what did he do to her ? when he finally moved , she turned herself away , hand raising to clasp over her ear gently as she allowed her entire face boil with these sudden fluttering feelings.
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ssunstng · 3 months
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LOVELY RUNNER 선재 업고 튀어 (2024) dir. Boo Sung Chul, Yoon Jong Ho, Kim Tae Yeong
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ssunstng · 3 months
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KING THE LAND 킹더랜드 (2023) dir. Im Hyun Wook
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ssunstng · 3 months
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LOVE IN CONTRACT (2022) dir. Nam Sung Woo
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ssunstng · 3 months
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13/100 days of taekook | love is checking in with sleepy head scratches and back rubs
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ssunstng · 3 months
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